I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla

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I Got Love For A Carolina Hustla Page 4

by Nikki Brown

  “You got two fucking seconds to put my phone back in my hand, or you gone see a side of me that you ain’t never seen.”

  My tone was even, I didn’t raise my voice because I didn’t have to. Charlotte was a messy bitch and stayed trying to tell Kelsi how to run her relationship when her bitch ass was working on husband number four, yes four.

  “I don’t know why she wastes her time on you.” She said slapping my phone in my hand that I had held out. I snatched it and pushed past her not giving what she was saying an extra thought. “Well are you going to provide some kind of explanation?” she was following me, and I was getting heated, but that’s what she wanted, and I wasn’t gonna give her the satisfaction.

  “You know my sister loves you why in the hell would you treat her like that?” said Charlotte's minion, Kara who was Kelsi’s older sister by two years and had already been divorced twice. “And you really ain’t about to explain where you’ve been. Kelsi, you need to grow a backbone, if that was me—”

  “If that was you what?” I stopped in my tracks and turned to her. “What?” I asked, and she said nothing. “Just like I thought, this my house I pay the fucking bills,” I said louder than I intended. Hate was such a strong word, but that didn’t even begin to explain what I felt for these two.

  They had been in the center of our relationship from the beginning. I should have run for the hills when I first met her, and her mama asked me how much I was worth. Now three years later I’m stuck with this shit.

  The fucked up part about the whole thing was that Kelsi never said anything, she just sits there with an attitude and let them fight her battles like she was a little ass girl. I looked at her, and she couldn’t even look at me.

  Glancing around the house, there was trash everywhere. Dishes lined the sink, and the trash was overflowing. The carpet looks like it could use a vacuuming and dust was everywhere, but I saw a brand new Birkin on the fucking couch.

  “Kelsi!” Charlotte yelled, and she smacked her lips and finally looked at me.

  “Where were you, Lucas?” I chuckled and turned to go towards the kitchen.

  “The house is a fucking mess, but I see you gotta new bag.” I looked from her to the bag, and she rolled her eyes.

  “She needed something because you stay stressing her out.” Kara butted in.

  “I ain’t talking to yo ass so shut the fuck up before I show you the fucking door.”

  “This is my sister’s house too, so I ain’t got to go nowhere.” She sassed, and again I chuckled.

  “Bitch your sister’s name ain’t on shit in here, if I want you to get the fuck out you will and she can go with you.”

  “Lucas don’t talk to them like that.” Kelsi stood up with her hands on her hips.

  “I do what the fuck I want to do, who the fuck gone stop me?” I crossed my arms across my chest and waited for her to answer, when she didn’t I went back to my original question. “Why the fuck my house look like this?”

  “Because it’s your house remember, this ain’t my shit.” her neck rolled like the hood rat I knew she was. “I’m not your wife, so you won’t be getting those privileges.”

  “I know that’s right.” Kara butted in. “Tell him, sister, make him respect you.”

  I nodded my head and went to my banking app and shut down the card that I gave her that linked to one of my overflow accounts. I then went and shut off her black card. If she couldn’t clean up my fucking house, cook and fuck me on the regular then she didn’t deserve my money.

  No, I normally don’t use money like that, but this shit is ridiculous. She didn’t start being like this until she started listening to these bats. Since she wanted to listen to them then they could fund her expensive habits.

  I walked up to her and got face to face, hoping she smelled Ocean’s body lotion on me. The way her face contorted let me know she did.

  “You listening to bitches that can’t keep a man if they were chained to them. You gone end up just like them.” I smirked and turned to walk away, but she grabbed my arm.

  I looked at her and then my arm and she released it and took a step back. I had never hit her, but I had to jack her up a few times for putting her hands on me, I didn’t play that shit.

  “Are you cheating on me?” she screeched. “I smell the perfume on you, is that where you’ve been?” water pooled in the bottom of her eyes and I almost felt sorry for her.

  “Listen, I—”

  “Nah don’t listen to him, if he cheated then he owes you for sticking it out with him. He needs to marry you if he thinks you’re gonna stick around while he cheats.” Charlotte’s dumb ass said. She didn’t make any sense, telling her daughter to marry someone who cheated on her.

  Parts of me felt sorry for Kelsi because she never really had a chance, but then again she accepted the lifestyle so that was on her. She was old enough to know that the shit wasn’t healthy, but she went along with it so that was on her.

  “Are you cheating on me?” she asked me again, and I looked her in the eyes, trying to find a way to tell her that I was, but I wasn’t sorry about it. “If you are either, you marry me, or I walk.”

  Tilting my head, I stared at her waiting for her to tell me that what she said was a joke. When she didn’t, I shook my head and took off up the stairs to get ready to go and see my sister.

  I had to talk some sense into Cherice. We had our difference when it came to that punk ass nigga Roger, but I’m over that shit, and the nigga was dead. She was shutting us out on all of this. She wouldn’t let us get her a lawyer she said she had a public defender and she refused to fire him.

  She wouldn’t even tell us why she killed him, we literally knew nothing. We knew what the news said, and all they were saying was it was a domestic dispute. I don’t know what the hell was going on or why. She was tight-lipped and I needed to find out why.

  The last time we talked to her, she wouldn’t sign the papers for us to get custody of Young, but I hoped she changed her mind, especially since she’s the one that called us to come to see her.

  Young should be with us, not with some strange muthafuckas she didn’t know. Just thinking about the shit had me stressed like a muthafucka and being here with these aggravating muthafuckas wasn’t helping.

  Thank goodness I was already showered, me and Ocean showered together right after I fucked her brains out for the last time before I had to leave her. I swear I didn’t want to leave her, but I knew what I needed to do and she had to go to work.

  After last night and then coming into this shit I think I’ll definitely be changing the scenery around this bitch. Thinking of Ocean made me remember that I had a message before I walked in here. I grabbed my phone and checked the message.

  Sony: Aye nigga yo ass up?

  Instead of texting him back, I called him. “What up nigga, where you at?”

  “Bout to hit the McDonald’s and be that way, you bout ready?”

  “Yeah, I’m about to go and pulled the Audi out of the garage and put the Yukon up. Kelsi in here tripping got her moms and hoe ass sister in my shit.” I growled. “I gotta get the fuck up out of here.”

  “Ah hell nah meet me at the fucking crib,” Sony said and hung up the phone.

  Laughing I opened the room door and walked down the stairs right as my phone rang again, hoping it was Ocean I was sadly disappointed when I saw it was my pops.

  “What up old man?”

  “Nigga I got yo old man.” He boosted, and the chuckled. “Y’all going to see Cherice?”

  All eyes were on me the minute I hit the bottom of the stairs. I didn’t bother to pay any attention to either of them. I went straight to the kitchen and opened the refrigerators.

  “Son of a—” I yelled but bit my tongue before I flipped the fuck out. “My bad pops, I just opened my fucking refrigerator and ain’t shit in there.”

  “You need to let that little girl go and get you a woman.” Pop’s preached.

  My dad was a man’s man, eve
r since my mom’s up and left him he shunned off all women. He didn’t trust them, and Sony was the same way. I don’t know how I escaped the madness, but I did, and I was grateful.

  Pops owned club NV and a little hole in the wall bar off of Sugar Creek. He used to be in the game heavy, and when he was ready to pass the torch, he handed it to Sony and me. We do our thing behind the scenes, and we all run successful businesses. I had my barbershops and salon, Sony went the easy route, and he had his carwashes.

  “It’s already in the works pops,” I said grabbing my keys out of the basket and heading to the door. “We headed to see Cherice, I’m hoping she sign this paper so I can bring him home.”

  “We didn’t talk about that!” Kelsi jumped up and yelled. I gave her a look and stopped in front of her.

  “Aight pops, let me go.”

  “I heard that bitch, let me talk to her,” Pops yelled loud enough for Kelsi to hear, she gasped, and I laughed.

  “You wild ol’ man, I’ll call you when we leave.” We said our goodbyes after he cussed Kelsi a little more. I hung up the phone and slipped it in my pocket. I dropped my head to give myself a minute to calm the hell down.

  “Lucas this is not fair, we didn’t agree on this.” She placed her hands on her hips.

  “That’s my fucking nephew, so I ain’t got to talk to you about shit!” I glared at her.

  “It’s not my responsibility to take care of someone else’s son! I don’t have any kids, by choice, so I ain’t taking care of anyone else’s. She should have thought more about her kid before she killed someone.” She yelled.

  I didn’t say anything, I balled my fist and took a few deep breaths. “When I get back here, you better be out of my fucking house.” was all I said and then I hit the door with all three of them calling out after me. I didn’t give a fuck about what they were talking about. I was going to see about my sister and my nephew.


  “Morning sleepy head.” my sister said the minute I walked into the kitchen from the guest room that I was in down the hall.

  She had one hell of a glow to her, and I was sure that it had something to do with the way Mr. Lucas had her crying to the gods last night. Shit almost had me jealous and wanting to see what the fuck he was working with, but I wasn’t that kind of chick, and I loved my sister almost more than I loved myself.

  “Ummhmmm I heard you in there hollering like a damn banshee.” I pushed past her and headed for the stove to see what she was cooking. “I thought I taught you better than that sis.” I turned to look at her with a smirk on my face, and she rolled her eyes playfully.

  “I’m the oldest River, I teach you.”

  “Ion need no voice lessons sis, I’m good on that.” I laughed because he had her hitting notes that I had never heard from her before and we were close as hell.

  “Whatever hoe!” she laughed. “He definitely knew what he was doing in the bedroom, I’ll give him that and I had a lot of fun, but I won’t be seeing him again.”

  I slammed the plate that I was pulling out of the cabinet down on the counter and spun around to look at her. Ocean was always the kind of person who wanted to do the right thing even if it meant hurting herself. She was so selfless, and it was both her strength and her weakness.

  Sometimes I wanted to shake her and tell her that it was okay for her to do something for her but I doubted it would make any difference. She was who she was, and she wasn’t changing for anybody. I was shocked as hell that she slept with him, however, I ain’t surprised that she is refusing to see him again.

  “Why?” was all I said.

  “Because he has a girlfriend and technically I’m still married, that’s why.” She said avoiding eye contact because she knew that I was about to lay into her. “River don’t start, I’m good I promise.”

  Finally looking up at me giving me a reassuring look, I decided to let the conversation go for now. My fear was that she was gonna leave that door open for her dumb ass husband to slither his way back into her life.

  I was overprotective when it came to Ocean, and I couldn’t help it, she had the biggest heart, and sometimes people took advantage of it, and she’s just so trusting of people that she never realizes until it’s too late.

  “I’m gonna fuck his brother.” I blurted out randomly.

  “What!? Where did that come from?” she said trying to stifle a laugh. “He sounds like he’s very superficial.” She said giving me a look that said leave the situation alone, but she knows better than anyone that I had a point to prove, and I wasn’t gone stop until I did.

  “That’s what his mouth said, but his eyes were telling me that he wanted to see what it would be like to have these thick ass thighs wrapped around his neck while I grind my pussy on his mustache.” I stuck my tongue out, and Ocean doubled over in laughter. “And his lips were begging to gain access to the fabulous world of River.”

  “So you seen all of this while you were cussing him out?”

  “Yep!” was all I said.

  “You need to chill with that, your aggressive behavior will run a man off,” she said and regretted it just as quickly as it left her lips. “Shit River I was joking, I didn’t mean that.”

  “Shut the hell up Ocean.” I waved her off, and she gave me a sympathetic look. She genuinely felt bad about what she had just said, but I know she didn’t mean any harm. “I’m gonna head to the house after I grab me something to eat cause you ain’t got shit in here I want.” I rolled my eyes.

  She looked from me to the plate that was beside me and gave me another sympathetic look. I did what I did best; I went to my defense mechanism, my mouth.


  “Girl get somewhere, shit, I’m still mad that you made that man feel like he was the shit. I told you, you got to choke em while you riding em.” I put my hands up like I was choking somebody and just that quick she was laughing her ass off.

  I hugged and kissed my sister and headed to my quarters for the night to collect my things so I could go home and get in my own bed. I didn’t work the weekends so it would be just me and my thoughts until I decided to call one of my friends over to chill with me.

  On the ride to the house, my mind was boggled by what Ocean had said. I was only in one relationship, one serious relationship I should say, he left me when he headed off to Medical School. Said that he didn’t see us in his future and that it was better that we cut our losses than to end up unhappy later.

  I felt that it was a bunch of bullshit especially when I saw him with his half-breed bitch on the pictures with their new baby. I was heated for a while, I thought something was wrong with me. I tried to think if there was something I could have done better or changed about myself to get him to love me more.

  I had gained a few pounds through our two-year relationship, but I still looked good as hell. He never complained about my appearance, but he hated how I talked. Hell someone with such an extensive medical background shouldn’t be so vulgar.

  He never missed a minute to tell me that I wasn’t classy. He would never take me to events that his parents were having in fear that I may act up, but I just knew that there was more to it.

  It wasn’t until they announced their engagement on social media did I find out that she was his high school sweetheart and they had been together since high school. I was a fucking side chick and didn’t even know it.

  I politely left him a nasty ass voicemail and her a message letting her know that her man wasn’t who she thought he was. I even graced her messages with a few pictures of us, I even included the sonogram of the baby he made me kill.

  He called me, but I never bothered to answer. I blocked him off all social media and changed my number. My guard has been up ever since the furthest I would let a man go is a second date. I would never make that mistake again, I didn’t need that, and I couldn’t handle it.

  Pulling into the McDonalds that was on the way to my house, I climbed out still wearing the same clothes I wore the night before. I
knew I looked a hot mess but that drive-through line was long as fuck, and I wasn’t about to sit in it. These muthafuckas were slow as fuck, and I knew I would have to cuss them the fuck out. I was tired as fuck because I didn’t get any sleep because of my sister’s loud ass.

  The inside wasn’t too much better, I looked around at all the patrons waiting to be served. I almost walked out but was jolted from that thought the minute he walked in looking like he wanted me to hop on top and show him a few things.

  “Should have known yo ass would be in here.” He chuckled then licked his lips involuntarily. I knew he didn’t mean to because his face tightened up when he realized what he was doing.

  “No, what you should have known was to not wear those grey sweatpants, when yo dick don’t meet the criteria.” I blurted out with a smirk on my face.

  I wished I could say that shit with a straight face, but he and I knew I was lying. His dick sat perfectly on the side of his leg and the curve it possessed positioned his large mushroom head against the fabric making it very visible. As if he was in on my lustrous thoughts he made it jump, and I laughed, turned my attention back to the menu so that I could order.

  “You always talking shit,” he said getting behind me, passing the dude that was behind me and purposely moving closer to get a chance to rub on me. “I should put something in your mouth to shut you up.”

  “Only thing going in my mouth is this fish Sandwich,” I said not bothering to turn around. He climbed up behind me closer than I would have liked him to. I could feel my temperature rising the more he pressed his body against mine. “Chubby ain’t your thing remember.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” he whispered so that only I could hear and his warm breath tickling my ear cause electricity to shoot up my cat and my shoulders to shiver.

  “Can I take your order?” I couldn’t speak, I just stared straight ahead.

  “You can’t hear shorty?” He said with his lips against my ear. “The lady talking to you.” He stuck his tongue out and inserted it into my ear, and I lost it. I came right then and there. Talking about embarrassed, I felt so exposed. “Talk that shit now.”


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