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Redemption Page 5

by Elizabeth Knox

  Before Kyle came back, I really felt like I was doin’ pretty good. Now, I feel every single emotion bubbling back up inside me. I feel the heartbreak, fear, anger, sadness, loss, I feel it all and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

  I can forgive him for what he did, and I did forgive him. That is, until he came back. It’s one thing, forgiving someone that you don’t see every day; it’s somethin’ else entirely when they’re right in front of your face. When your subject to seeing them on a day to day basis. I did a lot to bury down every emotion, to hide it deep within me so that I could move forward with my life – move forward with Ollie, but I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let Kyle be the reason I’m back in that emotional state.

  I drive my car back through the gates. I am surprised by the fact that there isn’t a prospect manning it, but the clubhouse is packed and I can tell that. By the looks of it, we’re having a pretty crazy party goin’ on right now. It’s funny, I thought I woulda been summoned sooner for my bartender techniques, but if Jen and Maria are here then they’re pretty set. Meech is pretty damn good too, but she just doesn’t compare to Jen, Mar, and I.

  As I park my car and slide out of the door, I notice that some of the men hanging around the front of the clubhouse have Vipers MC cuts on. They’re Elena’s members; not too long ago her father died – well, I should say met his timely end by Elena’s hand. He was a nasty, sick fuck, and from what I’ve learned about Elena and her time with him, he deserved everything that he got. In my opinion, he deserved a worse fate than what was given to him.

  After she murdered her father, she inherited his club. It’s not a big club, but it has a chapter out in Texas. Elena’s marrying Reed, so, obviously, both of the clubs are workin’ together. I’ve never heard of two MC Prez’s gettin’ married, though, so I have no idea how this shit’s gonna work. Time will tell.

  “Hey there, Daisy girl!” I look over to the left and see Slasher, one of the members from Texas, greeting me. The first time I met him, I wanted to laugh at his road name. I almost did until they told me how he got his name. I definitely won’t be pissin’ him off.

  “Hey, bud,” I comment back. “How’s the party goin’?”

  “Better now that you’re here, baby.” He gave me his signature wink. I don’t know how the hell he wasn’t taken by now. He’s damn hot too. What’s with all these guys being so damn hot?

  I take a few steps towards the doorway when callused arms wrap around my waist. I giggle at the contact, knowing very well who was touching me. “You just can’t keep your hands off me, can ya?”

  I don’t hear a word, instead, Sea’ makes this sudden growl at me. He knows very well that shit turns me on, what he doesn’t know is we’re heading back to the bedroom right this second. I’ve had a long day, nothing a good romp won’t fix.

  His arms entrap me, and suddenly, he turns me around, and his lips crush down onto mine. I know that second that this isn’t Sea, the lips are too thin, there’s no scruff rubbing against me. I glare up at Kyle who has his hands on me. In one swift movement, my hand is against his cheek, the heat of the slap radiating through my hand.

  “How dare you kiss me!” I snap out. “How fucking dare you!” I pull my hand back and slap him across the face again, he doesn’t do anything to stop me, instead, he lets it happen.

  “You have absolutely no fuckin’ right to be touchin’ me or kissin’ me like that,” I tell him. I know he’s been trying to weasel his way back to me, but it’s not gonna happen. He can’t go back and undo everything that he did to me.

  “I don’t have a right? Did you forget who you’re talking to, sweetheart? I’m your Ol’Man. I’ve got every single right to be touching you in any way that I want. You’re mine, and you’d best not forget that.” I dropped my purse from my shoulder, smacking him in the chest with it.

  “You have no fuckin’ right! Nothing!” I screamed at him, “I’m not your woman. I’m not your girlfriend. I’m not your damn fiancé. Or even your fuckin’ Ol’Lady, or your friend! Kyle, you’ve lost every single right to be calling me that. You don’t just leave your woman high and dry when she needs you. An Ol’Man doesn’t just abandon her when she needs him the most, when she’s going through literal hell and wants to die every day. He doesn’t just disappear, run off doing God knows what, and leaves her in a warehouse to be tortured and raped. You don’t just…do…that…,” I tell him, and my voice starts to crack as the emotion rolls through me.

  Kyle and I have never really discussed what happened to me, not since he’s been back, and I never wanted to talk to him about it. The past is the past; there’s no changing that shit now.

  I look up at him, staring into those eyes that once stole my heart “Did you even care? Was there a moment where you even thought about what I was going through? About the hell that I had to endure because of you, because you couldn’t stop fuckin’ gambling!” I scream, tears flooding down my face.

  “Baby, you okay?” I hear Slasher call over to me. I look in his direction and simply nod at him. I watch as he takes a step back closer to the clubhouse and chats with a few of the boys surrounding him.

  “You didn’t care. Your actions showed me that,” I whispered, tears continuing down my cheeks. I bet my makeup makes me look like a drowned raccoon by now.

  “Shut up for a damn second, would ya? I didn’t just fuckin’ leave, woman. I went after every mother fucker who hurt you. I hunted them all down, one by one. I made all of them pay with their lives for hurting you. I got you vengeance, baby, that’s what I was doin.” He says it like it helps; it doesn’t. I didn’t need him out looking for my vengeance.

  “I didn’t need vengeance. I needed you, and you weren’t there.” I run my fingers through my hair and stare at him. He reaches out his hand to try and console me, but I don’t need it, nor do I want it.

  I take two steps away from him. “Don’t. Just, don’t.”

  I don’t turn back as I walk straight into the clubhouse. I was right, it’s a full-fledged party up here. The entire place is packed, almost body to body. I look around for Sea, finding him on the couch with Reed and Elena. His eyes lock with mine as I find him. I watch as his eyes drift behind me, noticing the way his face is turning blood red. Sea doesn’t let that happen often, but I know it is only when he is furious.

  “What the fuck are you doing getting her upset again?!” Seamus roars at Kyle. Every person in the club stops what they are doing and looks at the three of us. It is one thing for our chapter to know about my shit with Kyle, but for strangers, hang arounds, and sluts to know? That is mortifying.

  “So, help me God, Kyle, I told you to leave Daisy alone!” Elena chimes in. I shut my eyes tightly and walk straight back, past the living area, past the kitchen, down the hallway, until I reach Sea’s bedroom.

  I strip out of my clothes, walking over to Sea’s dresser and grabbing one of his shirts, still hearing the lot of them yelling back and forth at each other. I slide under the covers on Sea’s side of the bed, inhaling the scent of his Old Spice – I love how it calms me, how it makes me feel like I am home.

  The door to his room flies open. I glance over and see Sea. He shuts the door and locks it behind him, walking up to me. “You’re on my side.”

  “How observant you are,” I retort back.

  “You doin’ that thing where you smell my pillow again?” He cocks an eyebrow and smirks at me.

  “No,” I lied, hugging the pillow closer to me. He chuckles as he shreds off his clothes until he is just in boxers and slides into the bed. “You don’t need the pillow, Babygirl, you’ve got the real deal.” I released the pillow at his words and found comfort in his arms.

  “You okay?” He muttered against my cheek, his scuffle scrapping softly against my skin.

  “Eh. Not really,” I confess, snuggling closer into his arms.

  “What do you need from me, Babygirl?”

  “You. Just, you.” He slides his hand under my jaw, tipping my face up to his rea
ch and plants a soft, passionate kiss. A kiss that would make the room go “Aww”, the type of kiss that would be in a Nicholas Sparks movie. That’s the thing, with Oliver, he knew exactly what I needed – when I needed dirty, rough fucking, or slow and passionate.

  “You know I’ve got you, Babygirl, right?” he whispers against my lips. I nod in understanding while tears slide from my eyes.

  “I’m always gonna be here for you, rain or shine. All of this could go to shit and I’d still have your back. I’m not just gonna disappear, I’m never going to abandon you like he did. I will never give you up.” He knew everything about me, all my deep dark secrets. He knew the good and the bad, and most importantly, he knew my fears.

  With him, I wasn’t afraid anymore.

  “I’m gonna cherish you the way you deserve, I’ll slay dragons and do all that knight in shining armor shit for you, Babygirl,” he mutters against my neck, as his lips travel down, pressing soft kisses against my skin.

  “I know.” And I do know. I trust Seamus with so much; there isn’t anything that I don’t trust him with. He literally knows every dark thing about my past. He’s seen me at my worst – shaking in fear, hysterically crying, and on that day where I tried to make it all end. Even when I couldn’t fight for myself, he picked up the slack and fought for me.

  His hands slide around my body, caressing me with soft strokes. He doesn’t waste a moment when his hands go to my legs, slowly sliding up until he pulls my legs apart. None of his movements are hard and fast. He is slow and sensual. He wants me to feel the anticipation of what is coming.

  Ollie trails kisses from my knee, up my inner thigh, until he is at my center. He inhales, using his hands to tug me closer to his mouth. I feel so good as soon as his mouth is on my pussy. He sticks his tongue out and circles my clit, playing with the little nub until I am writhing under him.

  “Ollie, please” I beg, grabbing the sheets on both sides of me. He says nothing, sliding two fingers inside me and finding my hot spot. He keeps rubbing and rubbing, the warmth spreads across my entire body. It is pure heaven, and I haven’t even come yet.

  He circles his tongue back out around my clit, until my legs are shaking, showing us, both my orgasm was coming soon.

  “Fuck me, Ollie,” I demand, holding onto the sheets so tightly. I am on the verge, and I want his cock inside me.

  “Oh, no, darlin’, this isn’t about me. This is all about you,” he answers back quickly before rolling my clit with his tongue again. Before I can argue, he has me coming around him; my orgasm is long, rolling through me like waves on a beach. Sea picks up the pace with his fingers, fucking me hard as my orgasm starts to end. He brings me right back to another one. I never knew how he did it, I told him before it was pure fuckin’ magic, and it was.

  He laps at my pussy like a kitten at milk. I am damn sure he is going to make me come again, and while I normally wouldn’t argue, I am exhausted.

  I grab what I can of his hair, which isn’t much, and pull up. He makes a face up at me, removing my hand swiftly from his hair. “I fuckin’ hate it when you do that. Don’t know how you love hair pullin’ so much.”

  “It’s hot,” I tell him with a flashy smile. He laughs and pulls me on top of him. I lay flat on his chest, and he brushes my hair back with his hand. “Go to sleep, babygirl/” and I do; I fall fast asleep against the man that I no doubt, love.

  Chapter 5


  “We’ve gotta get this shit fixed as soon as possible,” Reed grumbles at the group of us. We’re all in his office, listening to what’s going on with the next shipment of girls that are coming in. So far, we don’t know too much.

  “What’s the problem? We’ve got enough space for them. What do we have Jen, ‘bout 15 beds?” I look over to Jenna who nods, “that’s more than double what we usually get,” I tell Reed.

  “The problem is, we’re 5 beds short, at least. Sergei does business differently than Rafael did. He sends, at the minimum, twenty girls, and puts a few extra in, just in case some of the others don’t survive the trip.” That shit makes my stomach roll. I want to know exactly how these girls were coming to us, from the sounds of it – it doesn’t look good. Traffickers always have interesting ways of getting the girls across the border.

  Rafael is a weasel; he owns most of the police in Texas and has a few on border patrol on his payroll. Shit, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has a few FBI or DEA agents too. If he has anyone in the FBI, though, I’m sure he would’ve figured out about Elena a hell of a lot sooner.

  “Twenty girls? What the fuck!?” Enzo adds, staring right at Reed and then looking to Elena. “I get we’re trying to save these girls and all, but twenty of them? We’re gonna get caught, our shit is gonna blow up so fuckin quickly. At least with Rafael we were being discreet. No way in hell is twenty girls being discreet.”

  “How are we going to somehow build all this in time? We should’ve been working on this weeks ago,” I tell Reed, a hint of annoyance in my voice. I’m not annoyed, I’m fuckin’ pissed. We’re supposed to know shit like this. Dmitri, Reed, Enzo, and I are usually the guys who go to the pickups, and Jenna, Maria and Elena handle a lot with the girls after they come to the club and get ‘em all settled.

  “We’ll figure it out,” Jenna says. She looks around the room. “We’ll figure it the fuck out. We hafta, there isn’t another option. We’re not cancelling that shipment, those girls need us, and I’ll be damned if we don’t get them away from that fuckin’ leech of a man. Who knows what they’d have to go through if they didn’t come to us.”

  She shakes her head at the last bit. I can tell something about her working with them is getting to her. Jen’s always been quiet. Don’t get me wrong, she’s loud as fuck and is the life of the party, but I’d be lying if I said I know anything about her personal life. She doesn’t talk about her family, she doesn’t reminisce about the good ol’ days like the boys and I do. She gets up and leaves, makes an excuse about tending to the bar or shit like that. We’ve all got secrets, and Jen’s got a lot.

  Enzo doesn’t agree with her. “We don’t have the resources to be taking on all those women; there’s no way we can do it. We’re gonna have to let some of them go, we’re gonna – “

  “You’re gonna what, Enzo?!” Jenna yells. “You’re just gonna pick a few of them and tell the others ‘oh sorry, we don’t have any place for you’. No, we aren’t fucking doing that. You have no idea what they’ve had to go through, we’re not just going to abandon them like that.”

  “We could send some up to the Reapers in Billings, yeah?” Enzo looks up to Reed who just stares at him. The Reapers are another MC; they run Montana and are great allies to the club. Fist, their Prez, has known Reed since he was in diapers. I’ve met the man on a few occasions; he’s good people, and we need more of that.

  “We’re not involving the Reapers in our dealings,” Reed tells us all. “There will be a time and a place to involve Fist; today is not that day. He’s got his own shit going on up there with the Bears. I’ve already told him if he needs help handling any of it to let us know. Some of us may be takin’ a long ride onea these days.” The Bears are the only other prominent MC in Montana. They’ve been trying to go after Fist’s territory for years, and none of ‘em have been successful. Fist knows how to run his shit, and those fuckin’ Grizzlies don’t.

  “So that’s settled, we’ll take care of the chica’s when they come,” Maria says. I hand it to her, she’s come a long way since she’s come to the club. I hate it when we’re at any sort of risk, and buying those girls was a risk – a fuckin’ big one. The good thing to come out of that was the girls we saved, Kimberly, who we took back to her parents, Mar, who decided to stay here and Cecil who decided to stay in the club life but transferred down to where the Vipers are.

  “We don’t have enough beds, that’s a big issue. The work that’s being done at the bar won’t be finished, not completely anyway. We’re almost done but…I dunno, we
need another two or three weeks, and we don’t have that much time before the girls come,” Elena says. We put our thinking caps on, none of us saying anything.

  “Bunk up,” Dmitri says.

  “Bunk up?” Jenna asks.

  “Yeah, bunk up. Have the girls bunk with some of the guys in their rooms.”

  “No, that’s a horrible idea Dmitri,” Elena says. “We’re not trying to traumatize them more!”

  “Did I say for the new girls to be the ones bunking up?” he retorts back, crossing his arms over his chest. “What I’m suggesting is for Jenna to bunk with one of the guys, Daisy bunk with one of the guys, Michelle and Mar bunk with one of the guys. Then, we’ll have enough room to hold the new girls over until the cabins are complete at Bubba’s.” It wasn’t a bad idea. For every bed that the girls stay in, two of the girls from Russia can be sleeping, that makes up for eight girls to have some place to sleep.

  “Uh, I don’t like that idea, just so that’s out there,” Jenna mumbles.

  “Noted Jen, but it’s a good one. Figure out who’s sleeping where, it’s only temporary until they get their spaces built.”

  “Mar, you and Pain get along, yeah?” Elena says. I hold back a chuckle, knowing exactly where this is going.

  “Si, why?” Maria slants her eyes, staring at Elena, before she even says it, I’m laughing.

  “You’re gonna bunk with Pain!” Elena giggles like we’re making sleeping arrangements for the summer at band camp.

  “Dios Mio, he doesn’t smell like Enzo, so I can’t complain.”

  “What the fuck Mar?!” Enzo snaps, I keep laughing.

  “You do, you smell like you come from the club de campo, golf club, smell like the polo marc!”

  “You’re complaining because I use cologne? I could smell like cigarettes and beer.”

  “Better smell than that polo,” Maria chastises him, and all of us bust out laughing in the room.


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