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Redemption Page 14

by Elizabeth Knox

  "This is not about the club, other than my part in it, or rather, my choice to be in it." Dmitri stood his ground as well, even advancing about six inches. My blood is fuckin' boiling.

  I get in his face, my fists clenched at my side, and from the way his eyes dart downward, I know he knows he’s in deep shit right now. "If you have any sense of self-preservation right now, I would fuckin' spill everything you know about what the fuck is going on, Dmitri, or so help me, I will ram this goddam fist of mine into your teeth."

  The door busts open, tearing my eyes away from what’s in front of me. I see Jenna, Reed, and Elena standing there, looking pissed. I know it’s time to back down, but I leave him with parting words. "This isn’t over."

  Chapter 19


  I run to the bathroom, leaving Maria alone to man the bar as a customer comes up. This is the third time I have puked my guts out in the last 24 hours, and it also comes to mind that I was throwing up the other day too. I am feeling like complete shit and can't seem to keep anything down that goes in my mouth.

  A knock comes at the door, and a holler for whoever it is to come in. Honestly, anyone coming to my rescue right about now would be great. I swear, if I have caught the fuckin' flu I am going to kill whoever gave it to me. It is Elena who is knocking at the door, and she comes in looking concerned. If anyone is going to help me figure this shit out, it is her.

  "Are you alright, Dais?" she asks, making a face at the smell I know is in there from my damn half-digested vomit.

  I shake my head at her. "I feel like fuckin' death, Elena. I can’t keep shit down at all. I don’t know how I am going to finish my shift. I think I might have the flu or somethin'," I tell her before turning back to the toilet bowl all over again. Elena looks away while I do it, and I wonder if she’s got one of those sensitive stomachs where if she sees someone else throw up, she’s gonna do it too. If so, the prospects are gonna have a helluva mess to clean up.

  "You're not finishing your shift," she tells me when I think my stomach is finally empty. I stand up and run the water, splashing it on my face and cleaning up the drips on the toilet from the acid spewed from my stomach. "I think we should go to the clinic in town and see what’s going on. I'll drive you if you want. I don’t want you having to pull over to puke," she offers.

  I nod, accepting her help. "You think Mar will be alright out there?" I ask. Elena nods.

  "It’s not really busy anyway, just a couple people. I'll text Michelle on the way out, though, just in case Maria has to get her help."

  I turn the water off and follow her out into the lot, climbing in her car. I pull out my phone and text Seamus. It takes a while to get to and from the clinic in town, and I don’t want him to worry.

  To: WWE

  Elena's taking me to the doc. I feel like shit. See ya later. Love ya.

  I roll down my window and lean against the door on the drive, letting myself rest and enjoy the fresh air streaming in. It’s the best I can do. I feel so damn green right now.

  Elena books it, getting us there in about an hour. I suppose she doesn’t have to worry all too much about getting pulled over since she's FBI and all. She would flash her badge and get us off scot-free. I know it makes some of the other members pissed, but I think it’s cool as shit she can save us like that.

  She takes me into the clinic and stands with me while I fill out all the dumb paperwork. I practically fall asleep and drool all over myself while waiting to be called back. Because it’s the closest clinic to a lot of these small towns just like Gainesville, it's a pretty busy place.

  Finally, Elena kicks at my leg and wakes me up since they call my name. I shuffle up to the nurse. "Would you like me to come?" Elena asks. I turn to her, and for some reason, I just feel like she should be with me. I don’t really know why.

  "Yes, please." Elena jumps up and comes with us, waiting outside the bathroom door as they have me pee in a cup; standard procedure, and then they weigh me and get my height. I feel like a little kid as they do all this.

  Eventually, I am sitting on a small bed in a room, waiting for the doc to come talk to me. My mouth and nose have already been swabbed and sent into whatever lab they have on sight to see what terrible illness is inside of me. I am determined to kick its ass, whatever the fuck it is.

  "So, I hear that you have been experiencing some unpleasant symptoms?" the doctor says as he comes in. He has glasses and looks to be around 40. He’s a little on the short side, making it look like his white coat is swallowing him whole. Though, I get the feeling with a woman’s touch he could be really good lookin'.

  "Unpleasant is an understatement," I scoff. "I can’t stay away from the toilet or keep any food down," I explain.

  "Well, this is typical of your condition. Did you know you were pregnant?" he asks, and my world stops, freezes in that moment of time. Did he just say what I think he did? No, he couldn’t have. I never wanted this again, couldn’t have guessed to be in this position again. Harley was it for me, and God or the Universe took her for a reason. I am not meant to be a momma. Why am I being given another child inside of me when it'll only be taken away?

  I shake my head, not being able to say anything as my mouth goes acidic and dry. I turn to Elena, not knowing what to do, and I just start crying. the flood gates are open, and I can’t stop it. She comes to me and rubs my back like my momma did occasionally when I was real little.

  "I would say with your symptoms, it still might be early enough to terminate. I can get an ultrasound to confirm, and then we could do that today, if you wish," the doctor offers in a softer voice. I appreciate his concern, but I know that’s not an option.

  "No, I don't want to get rid of it. Just tell me how far along I am," I say in between sobs. He nods and leaves the room, probably to get set up with the ultrasound machine.

  "Elena, help me. I just know I am going to lose it again. I can't lose another baby."

  Elena shushes and soothes. "I know that. I know." She's right there with me, holding my hand as the doctor rolls a medical wand over my jellied up stomach and shows us the heartbeat of the baby that actually looks like a baby.

  "I would say you are somewhere between 17 and 18 weeks along. I can't quite tell the gender yet, but we should be able to know very soon. Congratulations," the female tech says, cleaning up my stomach. What a loaded word that is. All I can think is that I am in the same time frame that I lost Harley, and I have to make it two or more to be certain this baby goes nowhere. Until then, it is my secret to bear.

  Chapter 20


  Dais has been acting a little strange lately. I don’t know what kind of flu or cold she had, but it has been like the apocalypse of illnesses. I have barely touched her this entire time. I am not sure if all of it is because of the illness, though. She has been curled up with me at night, cuddlin' but not much more.

  She seems distant, and I wonder if being around these poor Russian girls is starting to get to her and make her think of when she was taken. I would hate to keep her away from helping them, though, because I know she enjoys it. She’s been bonding with Galina and Ksenia a little bit, and she deserves to have those bonds. But if I need to get her out of this to protect her, I will. I can’t stand to watch her go through that again.

  Tonight, the bachelor and bachelorette parties are coming up. I am hoping the idea might just cheer her up. The girls seem to be better at it than I am, even though she has mentioned how my fucking her gets all the bad stuff out of her head. I can’t beat those girls of hers in some ways.

  I can't believe I am going to be watching Reed of all people getting married in less than 24 hours, but he had found the perfect woman for him. He and Elena were the best match I’d seen, and I hope others look at Dais and I that way some day.

  I glance at the clock and know that Dais is going to be getting off her shift at the bar early and closing it up so us men can have the place for our party. I have no idea exactly what is in store for
us tonight because Kyle has been the one planning it all, and I have been giving the guy his space to do so. I don’t know if our friendship is ever going to recover, but at least we are able to be civil.

  I wait at a booth in the bar, knowing that she knows I am there even if she us still dealing with the customer who is probably her last. I watch her as she serves the woman a couple of shots in that little tight skirt of hers and a black tank that accentuates her breasts. I try to tone my jealousy down since the current customer is a woman, and just enjoy the look of my girl at work. She is glowing, and I think that maybe she is feeling more like herself today. I hope she can have a good time at this party the girls are throwing but that they don’t get so wild we have to come and rescue them.

  I watch Daisy as she closes, ushering out the stragglers and locking the door before wiping down all the counters. I don’t know if I see the point in that, though, because I am certain we are going to make an even bigger mess that the girls would probably make us clean up.

  Dais slides into the booth next to me, bumping me with her hip, playfully. She sounds tired when she talks, though, despite the glow about her. I bet being so sick has worn her out.

  "You ready to party tonight?" she asks me with a grin on her face.

  I nod. "You're not gonna get jealous if they have a stripper come, are you?" I ask her, tickling her side.

  "Not if your hands stay off," she tells me, making me laugh.

  "I wouldn’t dream of touching anyone but you." I kiss her, and she kisses back with passion. "You be good now. Don't let those girls pressure you into anything crazy."

  It’s her turn to laugh. "I'll miss you tonight, you big ox," she says, slapping me and giving me one more kiss. Then, it is off on our separate ways.

  I slap my hand on the table as the boys come in. Enzo, Butch, Kyle, Reed, and even Dmitri, who I will behave with just this one night so it'll be the best damn party Reed has ever seen. "Let’s get this fuckin' thing started.”


  I fill up my mug again, clanking it together with Reed’s as it spills all around us. Then, I guzzle it back. I have entirely lost count of how much I have had to drink, and for a night like this, it’s prebaby best. The party has been going on for a couple of hours now, and I have only wondered a few times what the girls could be doing. We have played some idiotic games, including darts, billiards, and some dangerous things our women would never approve of.

  I have yet to see any entertainment in the form of women showing up, but maybe that’s yet to come, or Kyle felt Reed wouldn’t be into it since he is so into his own girl. I could also say Elena would be pissed and kill the guy if she found out about something like that. I know from her background that she could certainly do it too.

  That’s when I hear a woman’s voice coming over the speaker system we have. It doesn’t get used very often, but I want to say I know that voice. “Are you ready for tonight’s entertainment gentlemen?” the voice asks. The men all look at each other and start cheering and whooping. I guess we do get strippers. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  A woman comes out from the back, wearing fishnets and a tight little dress. I instantly recognize her, but I wonder how many others do. I know for a fact Kyle and Reed have both had more to drink than I have.

  All the men gather around as the events unfold, and I get this sour feeling in my stomach that this is a bad sign. Now both Jenna and Michelle are out on the floor, dancing provocatively to an 80’s rock song, and I can’t help but think who else must be with them. The girls are crashing this damn party.

  Chairs are set up from the bar and dragged up front and center by Michelle and Jenna. Four men are placed in the seats; Reed, Kyle, myself, and Enzo. I think it is a little cruel considering Enzo has a thing for Jenna, and she feels nothing for him, but maybe it’s just all in good fun tonight.

  Two more ladies show up, dressed sexy as hell. One of them is my little wildflower. As the music changes to another song, she comes up to me in my seat, beginning to give me the best lap dance of my life. I know for a fact the red head with Reed is Elena. Either he hasn’t quite understood yet, or he is alright as long as the show involves them fully clothed, and she is only there for him.

  But as the lap dances continue, the clothes begin to come off. I can see Reed go from smiling to turning red in the face as lace bras and panties appear in place of the clothes they were wearing.

  He picks Elena up off him and puts his hands in the air. This shit can’t be made up. It’s fuckin hilarious, and I motion for Dais to sit on my lap. I don't exactly want anyone seeing any more of her either. “What the fuck is this shit? Everyone better close their damn eyes and stop ogling my drunk and sexy wife in her panties!” he yells ferociously. He reminds me of a fuckin’ lion sometimes. “Party’s over. Get these girls home.”

  I watch and chuckle as he lifts Elena over his shoulder and carries her outta there hanging over his back while giggling. All the girls are giggling. I don't think they are even that drunk. I think they were just having fun messing with us men.

  “Nice trick, Babygirl, but why don't you say we take this back to the room?” She nods, and I take her hand and lead her to our room and our bed, savoring the body that is only for me.

  Chapter 21


  I am looking around, and I cannot imagine anything more perfect as this wedding comes together. Bridesmaids are in the dressing room; cheap champagne being served to everyone besides me, as we get all gussied up for the special moment when we will all walk the aisle so we can watch Reed and Elena say I do to each other. Elena is taking the day well, sitting still while she gets pampered by some of the other women in club, doing her hair and makeup before we all help her get her dress on.

  The dress is fuckin' gorgeous. Elena said she wanted to feel like a fairy princess surrounded by nature, and this is giving it to her by the boat loads. We are having this thing at the cabin in the mountains that Reed owns. The view is beautiful, and there are trees and chirping birds surrounding us in this cabin with a glass backside where you can feel like you are right in the middle of it all.

  The reception is set up right there in front of that glass part of the house, and the wedding itself is outside in the middle of the trees where we have hung strings of flowers and lights. There are benches for us to sit in. It’s perfect.

  Elena’s dress is covered in lace and hugs her curves, showing just enough cleavage to be sexy but not too damn sexy for a wedding, and the bottom fans out around her. The idea of a wedding is growing on me just watching her enjoy everything being just how she imagined.

  The woman serving us the cheap champagne comes around again, and Michelle takes another while I turn it down.

  "Dais, I haven’t seen you take a single sip of alcohol all day. What gives?" she asks, knocking back her glass like it’s beer instead. She did great with the dresses, though They fit perfectly, and I can’t tell they have been taken in at all.

  My hand instinctively goes to my belly, and I know I am just past 20 weeks now. I have set an appointment already to go find out the gender. There is not really any reason to hide it anymore. "Alright fine," I say, looking around at my girls. "I’m pregnant."

  "Shit, that’s why you've been so sick," Michelle says as her and Jenna come up too me for a big hug.

  "Congratulations," Kristie says, looking over to me with her own glass in her hand, raising it up as if in a toast. She's a real nice woman for a big shot FBI lady. I can see what Elena sees in her.

  Before I know it, it’s time for us all to come out, and I line up with the rest of the bridesmaids in front of Elena, who looks like she might start sweating bullets any minute. Her nerves are finally starting to show. "You look spectacular," I tell her with a wink before I hear the music start outside and they open the door so we can walk out. Down the aisle we go, and I can’t help but admire exactly how it all looks. The sun has just set, and the lights are twinkling on all the trees and even strung up above us, ivy
and white flowers weaved around them and the benches that look as if they have just grown up out of the ground.

  I catch a glance of Ollie as I take my place on the bride’s side of the altar where Dmitri, who has been ordained online, is waiting to marry the two love birds. Reed looks sharp and anxious, not able to stay still as everyone stands and turns to watch Elena in all her glory, saunter down the aisle. Damn these pregnant hormones, I am already fuckin' crying. At least I had the sense to put on waterproof mascara earlier.

  Elena does look like a princess, and Reed looks to her as her prince, offering his hand to pull her up across for him as she makes it to him. They look at each other and no one else as the ceremony begins.

  The two say their vows with so much emotion, I just keep up the waterworks, dabbing at my face with a tissue. I think even Jenna and Michelle are a little watery-eyed at this display of true love. They may not look like the couple you think of every day in some romance novel, but they are as real as it gets. It makes me think of what I have with Sea with each passing moment.

  We all clap and cheer as Reed dips her down and gives her a kiss for the ages and then pumps his fist in the air in victory. He got his wedding in 30 days, and Elena got her dark, bad boy prince.

  We all gather inside and follow behind them to the reception where there is a DJ and everything. Dancing is in order, even if I am not that great, or dressed for it. I am wearing FMs, the kind of heels that can break my ankle with one wrong move, but they look damn good, and I know it as I approach my good lookin' ox.

  I smile at him; my stuffy, brute man wearing a suit. I want to laugh at him, but then I want to be all over him. He looks more like a super-hot, muscular bouncer than a wedding attendee, but it works for me.

  A sweet song I love comes on, Ellie Goulding’s “Still Falling for You”, and I take his hand and pull him onto the dance floor.


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