Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 5

by Paige Cameron

  “I was undecided. No problem. But I really need to get back to town.”

  “We’ll go right now.” She got in the SUV and glanced at Rae. “Are you interested in the last house we saw before this one?”

  “I’ll think about it and let you know.” Rae settled into the backseat. She wasn’t about to buy a retreat so close to this disturbing man.

  As soon as they parked, Rae jumped out. She waved good-bye and practically ran to Jewel’s SUV. She’d stretched her good behavior to the limit. Squealing the tires, she headed down the road that went out of town toward Jewel’s home.

  She opened the windows to let in the fresh air. She’d been gone for hours. Jewel was probably worried.

  When Rae came to the turnoff road, she checked her rearview mirror to be certain she wasn’t followed. No cars or trucks in sight. She turned but didn’t relax until she’d gone around several curves and was almost at the cabin.

  Rae relaxed her shoulders. She’d like to believe she could handle Mr. Sherwyn if he became a nuisance. She’d taken big men down before, but there was something different about him. And she feared her powers might not be strong enough to stop him.

  Jewel rushed out the door as soon as the SUV stopped. “I’ve been so worried. I was afraid you’d gotten into trouble.”

  “Nothing I couldn’t handle. I’m sorry. I ran into a man at the realty office where I was checking on property.

  “He made me uncomfortable. I didn’t want to use my phone around him. He’s telepathic and keeps his thoughts behind walls I couldn’t break. I attempted to put walls around my thoughts, but he still appeared to know them.”

  “Come on in. Have a glass of wine and relax. You’ve been gone most of the day. I’m preparing salmon, sweet potatoes, and salad. I hope you’re hungry,” Jewel said. She snapped on the lights in the kitchen when they walked in.

  “I’m very hungry. At lunch I was too unsettled to eat much. But I need a shower and to change my clothes. I’ll hurry.”

  “When you come back, I want to hear all about your adventures.”

  Rae threw her clothes into the laundry basket and stepped into the shower. She hadn’t planned to wash her hair, but she stood under the warm water and washed it and all her body. His scent clung to her clothes and to her. It had to be her imagination. Whatever, she didn’t want anything around to remind her of him and the riot of emotions he stirred within her.

  Jewel was putting plates and silverware on the table when Rae entered the kitchen. Rae’s hair was still wet. She’d dressed in sweats to keep warm.

  “Jewel, sit down and let me tell you about my day.”

  “I’m almost finished. Put the salad and the sweet potatoes on the table. I’ll be right there.”

  When they were seated, Jewel looked at her expectantly. “I’ll start at the first when he came into the realty office where I was inquiring about local property.”

  She told Jewel her story from the start, describing the uncomfortable feelings of distrust Garth had touched off in her. She didn’t include how easy it was for him to arouse her sexual feelings or how much her body had wanted to give in to them. She was embarrassed at her lack of control, and because her powers had not been strong enough to allay her reactions to him.

  “Your day sounded interesting and peculiar. Do you think you should contact your brothers? They may want to know about this person.”

  “I’ll talk to them when I get home. I want to enjoy my vacation and not have them rushing here to protect me. I can take care of myself. When I leave, maybe you should go back with me.”

  “This is my home. I don’t want to leave. I have a gun.”

  “This place is isolated, and we don’t know who we’re dealing with. We have no idea if he’s a friend or foe.”

  “You’re saying I have no choice?” Jewel frowned. “I’m not convinced I’ll need to go with you when you leave. I’m in the middle of one of my paintings.”

  “You sensed an entity around here even before I arrived. I’d prefer to take you with me. But we’ll see what happens.”

  Rae started to eat and added, “But if it doesn’t seem safe I’m going to insist you join me. Otherwise, I’ll have to stay with you. I couldn’t leave you alone. I have a big house, and I’d welcome the company.”

  “It has been too long since I’ve visited my family. Mom and Dad would welcome a visit. All right, I give in. But you’ll have to help me pack my art stuff.” She grinned at Rae. “You’re going to regret that offer.”

  After eating, Rae excused herself and went to her room. She had Cad’s number in her cell phone. She wouldn’t put it past him to have sent someone to keep an eye on her. The commandos in her tribe always had an eye out for their woman. Since Cad had verbalized his desire to marry her, she expected he’d feel protective toward her without any encouragement. Last night must have raised his expectations. She punched in his number.


  “Rae, are you having a good vacation?”

  “Not exactly. Did you send someone to watch me?”

  “Why do ask?”

  “Answering a question with a question is not an answer. Don’t play with me.”

  “My cousin, Garth, the one I mentioned, wanted to see you, and he will watch over you and your friend.”

  “Garth is the cousin you want me to marry?” Her tone rose to a screech.

  “Well, him and me. Is there a problem?”

  “Yes. Call him off. I don’t need protection and especially not his. I don’t trust him, or like him.”

  “You don’t know him.”

  “And I don’t want to.”

  “Ah, your body reacted to him and you put those damnable walls of yours back up.”

  She heard the teasing note in his voice which irritated her even more. “I want to be left alone. You knew that and have invaded my privacy. I’m not going to marry you or Garth and definitely not both. Understand?”

  “We’ll discuss this later in person.”

  “No, we won’t.” She snapped the phone shut. Her breathing had quickened, and her anger had her head feeling like a balloon about to burst. “Damn the man and his determination.”

  Chapter Six

  Raoul waited for him at their cabin. “Why aren’t you watching the women?” Garth asked.

  “I was until the other one came home and they went inside. Cad contacted me. I suggested he wait to talk with you until you returned.”

  “I’ll call him.” Garth’s leopard stirred. He wanted out. Garth’s desire pushed him to run through the woods and find his woman. It was a painful process to calm his inner beast when he was this aroused. Sweat formed on Garth’s brow as he fought for control. Gradually his cat settled. He went into his bedroom and called Cad.

  “What the hell is going on?” Cad asked before saying hello.

  “Not a damn thing. What are you talking about?”

  “Rae called me. She’s upset and angry. What did you do? I had to admit who you were and that you were there to protect her. That didn’t go over very well. She doesn’t like you or trust you.”

  “Tough. I can change her mind. I wanted to get close and see if she was the one, as you said.”


  “Yeah. You were right on. The reaction was quick and strong. I intend to get closer. Her body’s very receptive. We just have to work on changing her mind. We won’t back off now.”

  “Remember we don’t want to antagonize Mitch or his brother. We have to meet with them soon. She’s their only sister. If we upset her too much, he’ll refuse to see us.”

  “Then we move up our agenda. We’ll meet at headquarters after she returns home. Our council needs to decide about the next step to integrating our tribe back with the other two.”

  “Call me when Rae leaves. Then I’ll go to headquarters to meet you.”

  “By the way, Raoul has found his mate, too.”

  “Her friend?”


  “This isn�
�t a bad thing. The sooner we intermarry, the more we’ll be accepted.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” Garth closed his phone.

  “Raoul,” Garth called out. As he expected, his brother, being anxious to know what was going on, was right outside the door.

  “What’s up?”

  “Pack, so we can leave at a moment’s notice.”

  “I sort of expected this was going to happen. My stuff is partially packed and the cabin is cleaned and neat.”


  “I had to do something. My imagination was running wild.”

  * * * *

  Rae was surprised she’d slept well. Maybe shouting at Cad had helped get rid of her stress. This morning she started out to walk toward the woods. Her gun was in the holster fastened around her waist. She stopped when she heard a vehicle on Jewel’s private road coming toward the cabin.

  “It’s him,” Rae mumbled to herself when the truck and driver came into view.

  He’s very unusual, and daring to show up here. Cad must have called him.

  Garth parked the truck, swung out his door, slammed it, and faced Rae. He stood with his legs apart, his arms folded, and stared at her. Energy flowed between the two of them.

  “You called Cad.”

  “I did. I hope you got the message.”

  He grinned. “You don’t like me. I want to change your mind. Perhaps you’d come with me to view the house again. The one I bought.” He looked pointedly at the gun holstered to her side. “You can bring that with you for protection.”

  “I want my solitude,” Rae said.

  A whimsical smile flashed across his face, and an ache settled in her lower abdomen.

  “Have a good time.” He pivoted and strode to his truck, got in, and drove off.

  Rae stared down the empty drive. When he first got out of the truck, she’d felt his strength and heard his thoughts.

  “You are mine. I will find you and claim you.”

  She created static between them to block him from her mind. But she feared he had the ability to break through her defenses anytime he wanted. Her world was totally upside down.

  “Well, I won’t see him again.” Rae voiced her words out loud, hoping to make them real. But he’d be back. He had an agenda, and it wouldn’t be easy to change his mind. I can’t stay here long. I need to get home. Changes are coming. I sense them.

  She decided to continue her walk. The air was clean and cool. Birds chirped and flew around the trees. At the small lake she sat and visualized a strong golden web around her for protection as she opened her mind and began to meditate. A warmth and calmness flowed through her veins.

  An hour later, she gradually brought herself out of the meditation. She stretched, and her body moved easily. The anguish and frustration of the last few days had gone. With a clear mind and a quick step she returned in time to help Jewel with lunch.

  “You look better,” Jewel said as she placed two glasses of iced tea on the table.

  “I feel wonderful, very refreshed.” Rae brought the sandwiches she’d made and joined Jewel. “I’ve been thinking. As much as I hate to, we should go to the ranch tomorrow.”

  “All right.”

  “You aren’t going to give me an argument?”

  “No. I saw the silver wolf this morning. He was standing at the edge of the woods looking right at me. It wasn’t an illusion. I’m not comfortable, and I’m missing my folks.”

  “After we eat, I’ll call Mitch to have the jet come for us tomorrow morning.”

  “I’ll be ready. I’m going to bring two of my paintings with me. I’m on commission. I need to finish them.”

  “It will be fun to have you staying at my house.”

  Rae remained calm the rest of the day. She’d made the right decision. She didn’t want to deal with Garth again. But her body still ached when she thought of him. No sense in taking a chance on her weakening like she did with Cad. Garth was not the same man as his cousin. He was intense and, she suspected, dangerous in certain situations.

  They packed and readied the cabin since it would be empty for a while. Rae excused herself after their late dinner. She’d called Mitch earlier, and the jet would be at the airport at ten in the morning. Jewel had retired early, too.

  Through the slit in her bedroom curtains, the full moon cast a silver light over her white bedspread. Since she’d stayed relaxed all day, it didn’t take her long to fall into a deep sleep.

  Rae stirred as a spark of desire kindled in her lower abdomen. A breath of cool air rushed around her, and she sensed a man standing at her bedside. His scent had her nipples tightening and her pussy weeping for attention. She moved restlessly on the bed.

  “I’m here, my love.” A strong hand touched the side of her face, and slid down her neck to her shoulder and then covered her breast.

  Her heart thumped in anticipation. She wanted him to touch her. She reached out to him, but he’d stepped back into the shadows.

  When he reappeared at her side, the silvery moonlight shone across his tall naked figure, along his wide shoulders and chest, down his lean torso to his large, wide cock pointing at her. He had long legs and stood like a warrior ready to take what was his.

  Her body trembled with hunger to feel him outside and inside her. “I want you.”

  “Show me.” He moved closer to the side of her bed.

  Her hand touched the inside his thigh. She couldn’t resist looking at his magnificent body and alarmingly large cock.

  “I won’t hurt you. Scoot over in bed.”

  She did as he said, and he lay beside her. His fingers traced the edge of her hairline, to her eyebrows, down her slender nose, and across her full lips.

  “I have to taste you.” He brushed his lips over hers. When she opened her mouth, his tongue swept inside. She held on to him tight and moaned as his tongue seduced her.

  Rae hadn’t noticed his hands moving until one closed around her breast. His fingers lightly pinched the tip, and her pussy ached. The scent of her desire permeated the air around them.

  Spontaneously, her arms rose and her fingers slid along his wide shoulders. She traced across the soft hair on his chest, down his flat abs until her hand circled his warm, satin-smooth cock. He pulsed against her palm.

  He raised his head and removed her hand. “Not yet, my love. This won’t last long if we start there. I intend for this to take hours.”

  Although his features had been in the shadows, now she recognized Garth’s aristocratic face, aquiline nose, and husky voice. She was so lost in her desire for him it never occurred to her to say stop. She wanted him too much to turn away.

  To suit his words, he kissed her neck and shoulder at the curve. He’d straddled her body, and while he kissed her, his hands were busy caressing her breasts. A jolt of electricity shot up her spine when he covered one breast with his warm mouth and sucked. Then his tongue licked around her nipples and nipped at the pebbled tips.

  His dick pulsed against her soft abdomen. Feeling the hard ridge of his erection increased her need for him to be inside her hungry pussy. She moaned and tried to urge him to move faster. His sexy chuckle irritated her.

  Without warning, she flipped him on his back. This time she was in control. He smiled and put his hands behind his head. Her teeth bit along the edge of his hard jaw and then nipped at his earlobe. He held himself still under her onslaught. She kissed his mouth, sucked on his lower lip, and tangled her tongue with his.

  Growing more daring, she licked across and around his nipples, kissed his tight abs, and moved down his lean abdomen to the juncture of his thighs. His cock appeared even more rigid. She wrapped her fingers around his long, thick cock.

  She tasted the pearl drop on the top of his dick. His salty taste encouraged her to explore more. Her mouth covered the top, and she took his cock into her mouth. His faint groan egged her on. Her tongue wrapped around, licking and caressing him. She moved her head up and down his length. Gently she moved her hand
around his sac.

  “Damn, woman.” Garth stopped her and moved to cover her body with his. He positioned his dick at her opening and slid a short distance into her pussy. Rae caught her breath.

  “Shall I stop?”

  “Hell no. It feels too good.”

  He plunged forward. Her tight pussy clenched around him. Rae gasped and her body shook when he’d completely filled her.

  An unknown urgency gripped her. Her hips rose to greedily meet his every thrust. The inner walls of her pussy rippled with pleasure. It was sinfully wonderful. His finger slid between them and put pressure on her nub.

  “Ah, yes, yes.” Rolls of ecstasy flowed from her clit up her body, drowning her in raptures of delight. He pushed hard once more.

  “You are mine.” His words echoed in her head.

  Rae awoke shaking. She looked in all the corners of the room. No one was there. A light sheen of perspiration covered her body, and her heart pounded in her chest.

  Faint moonlight still shone through the parting in the curtain. Her door was shut. On trembling legs, she walked to the window and looked out. Nothing, no one.

  But it had to be real. Her body felt his impression lying against her. Her pussy was wet and periodically clenched as though searching for him.

  She ran her hand through her hair. Had he somehow come to her in her mind, or was it an incredibly lifelike dream? Her body throbbed and hungered to feel his touch again. Going into the shower, she turned on the warm water and stepped in. She made suds with her soap and washed her body clean of the dream or whatever it was.

  When she had finished, her clock said five a.m. She pulled the sheets off and remade the bed. She’d swear his scent clung to them. But it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

  But if it was she had a problem. She’d put up her protective screen. Neither anyone nor anything had ever gotten through before.

  * * * *

  Mitch, Daren, and Sara greeted them when the jet landed. Her brothers hugged her tight. Mitch held her at arm’s length and peered into her eyes.

  “You look better, are you?”

  “Yes. Jewel and I have to get unpacked and settled. May I meet with you later? Jewel will want to contact her folks and go see them.”


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