Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 9

by Paige Cameron

  Daren looked at Garth. “How can you tell he isn’t out completely?”

  “His breathing quickened then quieted immediately. The lids over his eyes flutter every few seconds. You can’t see it, but I can. Have the guns ready to shoot when we get out.” Garth opened his door. “Let me lead.” He stepped out and held the rifle ready.

  A huge black bird attacked from the right. Daren swung his rifle around and shot. Garth didn’t glance to the right. He knew the one on the left had been waiting for that diversion. Jack also fired to the right.

  On the left, the huge black monster roared and sprang up full-winged and headed directly for Garth. He let him get within touching distance and fired the rifle three times at close range.

  Garth saw the instant of recognition. The man inside had taken a fatal blow. The bird staggered back, tried to fly away, but Daren shot again and he fell dead on the ground. They had hoped to wound the other one, but it managed to escape in the confusion caused by the second attack.

  Jack shook his head. “I’ve never seen a bird fly that fast. I shot at him and didn’t get close. The split second we looked around was all he needed to get a good head start.”

  Rae had run outside with a shotgun. “Are you all right?” she asked the men. Her hands ran across her brother’s chest and arms. Then she looked at Jack.

  “We’re not hurt. But I want to look at your injury.”

  She had glanced at Garth, but had not said a word. Frustration and jealousy swirled in Garth’s blood. He pushed down the feelings. This wasn’t the time or place to confront her, but he would. He followed the three inside the small cabin.

  “I shot at the thing with Sahale’s shotgun. I think I might have caught him. He staggered in flight then regained his momentum.” Rae handed Daren the gun and sank onto the couch. “I’m woozy.”

  Jack peeled the bandages off her arm. “You did a good first-aid job. This does need stitches. You may also need a transfusion. We’ll check on your blood when we get home.

  “But I want to stitch that opening, and give you a stiff dose of antibiotics to stave off any infection before we head back. I’ll carry you to the bedroom. These two can wait out here.” Jack bent to pick her up. Garth pushed him aside.

  “I’m carrying her.” He stared into Jack’s eyes.

  “Ah, she’s your woman.”

  Garth nodded yes.

  “I am not,” Rae insisted.

  “Ellen had the same reaction to me at first. Good luck on changing her mind.” He moved where Garth could get to Rae.

  Rae yelled over Garth’s shoulder as he easily lifted her and started to the hallway. “You two are traitors. You’re supposed to protect me.”

  “Hush, little one,” Garth whispered in her ear. “You know and they know I speak the truth. And I saw the flicker of desire in your eyes.” He spoke to her telepathically.

  She frowned at him and started to speak, but she moved her arm and the pain shot through her making her bite her lip.

  “It’ll be all right.” He laid her on the bed. “I’ll stay here and hold your hand.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  Jack followed them in and opened the satchel he’d brought with him. “It’s not a bad idea. Daren’s watching the windows to see if any more of those things show up. I don’t have a problem with Garth staying with you.”

  “You men always stick together.”

  “We have to. You ladies are fierce when you decide on something.” Jack gave her a teasing smile. He spread out a sterile sheet on the bed beside her and put the items he needed on it. Then he studied her arm.

  “Your skin is getting red. I suspect there was some poison or nasty stuff on the beak. Did you wash it as soon as you came in?”

  “I did, and I put antibiotic ointment on it. Sahale had some in his medicine cabinet.”

  “Good girl. I’m going to powder the area with an antibiotic. It’s something new our guys came up with recently and targeted especially for us.” He took a can out, opened it, and spilled a thick coating of a light-brown-colored powder directly on the wound and all around it. “I’ve used it twice for serious infections and it worked extremely well.”

  Jack straightened and walked to the window and back. “After studying the wound I’ve decided I’d rather not put in stitches. This powder will also help stop any more bleeding. I can pull the skin close and wrap it to stay that way. The problem is you’ll have a bigger scar. If I stitched the sides together you’d hardly notice the spot.”

  Garth studied her arm. “You don’t want to close up the poison or whatever in her system.”

  “Right. Air would still get to the edges. I believe the air and powder will stop whatever we’re dealing with. I could be wrong.”

  * * * *

  Garth took Rae’s hand. Even in her weakened position she felt the zip of electricity between them.

  “Let him do what’s best. Cad and I don’t care if you have a scar on your arm. We want you alive and well.” He leaned forward and brushed his mouth across her lips. “But it’s your decision.”

  She’d expected him to take over and not ask her opinion. His electric-blue eyes were a subdued pale blue as he waited for her answer.

  “I trust you, Jack. You’re a good doctor. Do what you think is best.”

  Jack pulled on his gloves and gave a set to Garth. “I’ll need some help holding the wound in position while I do the dressing.”

  Garth put the gloves on, and Jack began to work. After Jack finished, he and Garth helped her up.

  “Do you feel dizzy?” Jack asked.

  “Sort of weak.”

  “I can take care of that.” Garth picked her up in his arms.

  “See anything, Daren?” Jack carried his bag and picked up one of the rifles.

  “Not a thing. But we’d better head back before we do. Garth, you look outside first.”

  Garth moved to each window, checking the surrounding area thoroughly. “Nothing.”

  Daren gave a “follow me” signal and ran out first with his rifle ready to fire. Garth came next carrying Rae, and Jack brought up the end with his gun ready to use if necessary. They made it to the helicopter with no problem and soon were back landing near headquarters.

  “Rae’s going to the hospital. I contacted the ER and an ambulance is waiting.” Jack pointed to where the ranch’s ambulance had parked beside Daren’s truck.

  “But I don’t need the hospital,” Rae said.

  “Doctor’s orders, no arguments.” Jack spoke firmly. “We don’t know what got in that wound. You’ll be monitored until I believe you’re out of danger.”

  Garth still held her in his arms. “I’d come with you, but I’m sure your brothers are going to want to talk with Cad and me. We all need to talk.”

  “I didn’t ask you to go to the hospital. I don’t know you very well, and I certainly haven’t agreed to marry you.”

  A smile lit his handsome face. “She’s going to be fine. She’s back to arguing with me. I was getting worried back there, sweetheart. You were giving in much too easily.”

  Rae went to speak, but Garth put his hand across her mouth. “Now don’t say anything you don’t mean.”

  “Jack put a no visitors sign on my door and that applies to you.” She glared at Garth. “And your friend, Cad, is included.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mitch, Daren, Cad, and Garth took the elevator to the underground headquarters. Cad glanced around as they walked down one long hall and then another.

  “You’ve got a good setup here,” Cad said as they went into a large conference room.

  “We’ve been fortunate that no one, outside of our people, suspects what is under the main ranch house. A lot of good work is done here. Have a seat.” Mitch motioned to Cad and Garth.

  Once seated, Mitch glared at the two. “Tell me what the hell is going on. And don’t say you aren’t aware.”

  “We’d hoped to give you time to trust us so you’d be more apt to belie
ve our story,” Cad said. “First, you never said whether your scientists reported any strange occurrences about six months ago.”

  Mitch looked at Daren and then back at Cad. “Such as an unidentified object coming close to earth?”

  “Yes. We have telescopes superior to anything out in the public. We barely noted the motion of the air. The craft had good shields to hide behind.”

  “You believe it was a spaceship?” Daren asked, and sat straighter in his chair.

  “We know it was,” Garth said. “I and some of our men went to the area where our machines indicated it might have landed. They’d hidden it well, but the shields didn’t work as well on earth. We were able to break them.”

  “No one was left behind to protect the ship?” Mitch asked.

  “The vehicle wasn’t very large. My guess only about two dozen or so men were onboard.” Garth leaned forward. “There were also a number of cages. Now I realize what they must have held. I went on that trip and supervised bringing the vital parts back to our ranch in New Mexico.”

  “Vital parts?” Daren asked.

  “The radio and other electronics. We wanted to see what they had developed since our ancestors left our home planet.”

  “Why do you think they’re from our planet?” Mitch questioned.

  “One of our elders knows the ancient language. He contacted them and pretended to be one of the men sent here. He told them only four had survived, and the people on this planet were well equipped for war.”

  “What was their response?” Daren asked.

  “They said to try and finish the mission and to keep in touch.”

  “What did you do with the rest of the spacecraft?” Mitch stared hard and long at Cad and Garth.

  “We blew it up. They can’t leave here and hopefully it will discourage further visitors.”

  “Why didn’t you contact us before now?” Mitch asked.

  Cad spoke up. “When I spoke to you the first time, you weren’t particularly excited about us meeting. We’d hoped to manage this on our own, but we can’t take a chance on failing. Too much is at stake. We need all our resources and yours.

  “From the old papers we have read, the ancients wrote of an impending war on our planet. There were five tribes. The other two wanted control. Rumor was they were experimenting on birds and other animals to help them in their battles. Our ancestors and yours decided to leave before it all came to a head,” Garth said. “They were searching for a less populated planet that would sustain our lives. Earth was only one consideration, but when they crashed they had to stay.”

  “That information came from the papers and scrolls your people stole when they left?” Daren asked.

  “There were hard feelings between your two tribes and ours at that time. Our council and the Priestess decided we were entitled to have part of our historical records to pass on down through the centuries.” Cad shrugged. “It was not our decision. We will gladly share what we have, if you will let us read what your Priestess has kept secure all this time.” Cad turned when someone knocked on the door.

  Sara stuck her head inside. “I have coffee and pie. None of you finished your meal. Hopefully this will be welcome.”

  “You’re welcome, darlin’.” Daren motioned for her to come inside. “You gentlemen don’t mind if our wife joins us, do you?”

  “No, and thank you for the refreshments,” Cad said. Garth and he stood while Sara placed the tray on the table.

  “I did include myself. I was hoping you’d let me hear a little of what is happening. Did my husbands tell you I am from the third tribe on my father’s side? I never knew until I met Mitch and Daren.”

  “How interesting,” Garth remarked. “No, they didn’t mention it.”

  Once they’d settled back down with their coffee and cake, Mitch went back to what Cad had said. “We will share when you give us your scrolls to read. From what you say, your main base is in New Mexico. We’d like to visit. We’ll come with the two men you’ve met, Sahale and Jack. We need to read what you’ve told us and soon. I doubt you’d have been this open with us so quickly if not for the attack on Rae.”

  “You’re correct. We need to prepare for the unexpected. We suspect at least one of the men has infiltrated our group,” Garth said. “We have a suspect. When you visit I’ll be sure he is at one of our gatherings. I’d like to see if you can pick him out. If you do we can be fairly certain we’re right.”

  “You can bring him here. We have a machine that can tap into his memories. We can find out their plans if he knows them.”

  “Really?” Cad stared at Mitch. “We don’t have such an invention, but we have others. With the three tribes rejoined we’ll be able to share our knowledge.”

  “In the future, when we are sure we can trust you,” Mitch added.

  Garth leaned across the table. He frowned and stared directly at Mitch. “That goes both ways.”

  “Of course,” Mitch agreed.

  “Once we marry Rae, she will be the bridge to bring us together.” Cad pulled on Garth’s arm for him to sit back.

  “Our sister won’t be a pawn in your plans. You won’t marry her until we’re sure you sincerely love her, and only if she agrees.” Daren spoke harshly.

  Cad glanced around the group. “We’re all tired and edgy. Let’s call it a night and meet in the morning.”

  “Fine.” Mitch stood and went to the door. “I’ll escort you out.” As Garth walked by Mitch, Mitch added, “Maybe tomorrow you’ll tell us what else you’re hiding.”

  Garth tensed. Cad pushed him on by Mitch, and then they waited for Mitch to lead them out. Sara and Daren followed.

  * * * *

  Mitch closed the door after Cad and Garth had left. He hugged Sara and kissed her soft lips. “I’d hoped you’d join us sooner.”

  “Our son had a nightmare. The bad men were after him. I came as soon as I could get him quieted.”

  “Let’s go sit in the study,” Daren said.

  “There is a nip in the air. A fire in the fireplace would be nice and romantic.” Sara winked at her two men.

  “I’m all for that.” Daren swung her into his arms and carried her down the hall.

  “Me, too,” Mitch said. “But first I want to hear Sara’s second impressions of Cad and Garth.”

  Daren placed her in her favorite chair and began to start the fire. Mitch sat across from her.

  “I’m not as good as Elle.”

  “You’ve learned a lot. You do well. They’ll be on their guard more when they meet her.”

  “Whereas they think I’m just a simple wife and mother.”

  “Honey, you’ve never been simple,” Mitch teased. “Tell us your impressions quick. Then we can get to the fun.”

  “As I said before, I like Cad. He’s reserved, calm, a clear thinker. Garth is deeper. He hides himself behind layers of protection. He’s much more on guard, but then he is one of their leaders. I believe he’s committed and serious about his responsibilities. But with him I’d be on guard until he tells you what he is hiding. He doesn’t trust you or Daren enough yet to expose himself. He is sincere about wanting to join with us to strengthen the whole.”

  She gazed across at Mitch. Her sweet smile made him want to kneel in front of her and smother her with kisses. The bond between the three of them had strengthened with every year of their marriage. When they’d kidnapped her by mistake, it was the luckiest day in his and Daren’s life.

  “But there are significant agreements you need to make, as I’m sure you are aware, before the three tribes are totally reunited,” Sara added.

  Mitch smiled. “You are a wise woman. I’m glad you decided to marry Daren and me.”

  “Hear, hear, I agree.” Daren rose from in front of the fireplace. “As you requested, Madam. A fire.”

  “Daren, I think we can agree to join them in the coming fight with whatever or whoever is the enemy for all of us. But we’ll leave the question of reuniting permanently for later,” Mitc
h said.

  “Sounds like a good plan. Can we please play now?” Daren’s eyes twinkled at Sara.

  Mitch grabbed Sara into his arms. “That rug is nice and soft, and the fire will keep you warm.”

  “Remember to lock the door,” she told Daren. “We have little ones who might wander in.”

  “Got it, darlin’,” Daren said as he pushed in the lock.

  * * * *

  Cad and Garth strolled toward their cabin. Garth flipped his cell open. “I got Jack’s number before he went to the hospital with Rae. I’m going to ask if we can visit her.” Garth punched in the numbers.

  “Jack, this is Garth. How’s Rae?”

  “She has a fever and the wound doesn’t look good. I’m starting her on intravenous antibiotics.”

  “Can we see her?”

  “She’s delirious, but if you are truly her soul mates, you might be able to calm her down without me having to give her more medicine. Where are you?”

  “Almost to the cabin where we’re staying.”

  “I’ll pick you up in a few minutes.”

  Garth closed his phone. “They put something bad on the beaks. Rae’s sick. We’ll see her, and then decide if we need to call and talk with our doctor. In the study of shape-shifters I’m sure he’s more advanced than Jack.”

  “You think the birds were shape-shifters and not avifauna with manipulated genes?”

  “In the past that’s probably how they started, but they’ve come a long way since our ancestors left the planet. I saw the man’s eyes inside the bird. He realized when he took the fatal wound.”

  “When are you going to tell them about you and the others?”

  “Not yet,” Garth whispered. “Here comes Jack’s truck.”

  Jack leaned across and opened the door. “Get in. We need to get back. Her temperature spiked higher.”

  Cad swung into the backseat. Garth sat in front. Jack drove fast on the narrow paved road. In the distance they saw the lights of the hospital.

  “You have a modern facility.”

  “The old one was too small. It was torn down about ten years ago, and we built this one. We have anything they’d have in a larger metropolitan facility.”


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