Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Captivate Their Lady [Wyoming Warriors 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 14

by Paige Cameron

  She’d showered, washed her hair, and brushed it to a high gloss before deciding whether to wear the dress. But she couldn’t resist. It was lovely.

  Just as the silky skirt had settled around her hips, someone knocked. She opened the door a crack.

  “Are you ready?” Cad asked.


  “Can I come in or must I wait here?”

  Rae opened her door and waved him in. “I only have to finish with my hair and put on my shoes.”

  “Garth was right. That dress fits all your lush curves just right.”

  Cad grinned, and Rae felt her face flush. Trying to ignore him, she went to the mirror and started to plait her hair.

  “Leave it down.” Cad stood behind her. He took the brush in his hand and swept long strokes through her shiny, black hair.

  “I should look more dignified.” She tried to take the brush back.

  Cad held his hand away from her and glanced across the dresser top. Seeing a hair clasp, he picked it up and put it in his pocket. Taking her brush, he parted a section of her hair on each side and pulled it back. Then he used the gold fastener to secure it.

  “There, you look very dignified.”

  “Do you and Garth always have to have your way?”

  He ran his finger down the middle of her forehead. “You will get wrinkles from frowning so much. And no, you don’t have to obey us. We’re not commanding you.” He motioned to her hair. “I call this a compromise.”

  “You sounded commanding to me. So if I insist on plaiting my hair, you’ll back off?”


  To spite him, she undid her hair and quickly redid it in a plait. She’d never admit it to him, but she liked his way best. Still, a woman had to express her independence or they’d take over.

  Cad stood back and viewed her from her head to her feet. “Almost perfect.” He reached in his pocket, and she saw a flash of gold. “Close your eyes.”

  His fingers placed a cool chain around her neck. Then his fingers were at her earlobes. He turned toward the mirror. But before telling her to look, his hand curved around her wrist, and she felt the coolness of a chain again.

  “Open your eyes.”

  “Oh my, they’re gorgeous.” Her fingers brushed across the brilliant diamonds and amethyst in the necklace, bracelet, and earrings. A perfect accompaniment to her dress.

  “Your outfit is from Garth. The jewelry I made soon after first meeting you and seeing your purplish-blue eyes.”

  “They’re so valuable. I can’t accept such an expensive gift. I haven’t accepted your proposal.”

  “Whatever happens, they were made for you with love.”

  A lump formed in Rae’s throat, and she blinked tears from her eyes. Cad kissed her softly on her lips.

  “Let’s go to dinner, my darling. You will wow them.”

  Unable to speak, Rae nodded and took his arm.

  * * * *

  Dinner was held in a large dining room in Garth’s home. The room was aboveground, and the moon and stars looked close enough to touch. Fine china and silverware glistened in the light of the crystal chandelier. Red wallpaper had a swirling thread of gold woven through as a design. A hint of roses floated in the air, and music soared to the high ceiling.

  Garth immediately came to her side. “You wore my dress and Cad’s jewelry. Magnificent, my hunger for you is roaring through my body,” he whispered.

  He had dressed in a dark-blue suit that made his bright-blue eyes more noticeable. The room was full of handsome men and lovely women. Garth walked on one side of her and Cad on the other.

  “We’ll introduce you all to our other guests.” Garth walked her and the others to the first group on the left.

  All the people were gracious and of course curious about her and the men with her. After all the introductions, Garth led the way to the table. An older woman had just arrived and went to sit on Garth’s left. He took Rae directly to her.

  “Rae, this is my mother, Aileen Sherwyn. Mother, this is Rae Stanton. I’ve talked to you about her.”

  “Ah, yes, and you are as lovely as he described. We will visit privately later in my apartment.”

  “Thank you. I’d like that,” Rae said. She sat to Garth’s right, and Cad was at her other side. Lann sat at the other end of the long table. Rae looked around Garth at his mother. She had lovely black hair and startling blue eyes like Garth, but he must have inherited his light-blond hair from his father. Mrs. Sherwyn smiled, and Rae realized she’d been staring. Quickly she turned her attention to her soup.

  Conversation flowed easily among the guests, and the food was excellent. Rae, who seldom drank wine, didn’t notice the times her glass was refilled until she felt a bit tipsy.

  She covered her glass with her hand when the waiter started to refill it again. “No more for me. May I have water?”

  “Certainly, Madam.” The waiter returned with a tall, cold goblet of water.

  “Afraid we’ll have our way with you if you’re inebriated?” Garth asked.

  “I don’t like losing my control.”

  “I’ve noticed. We must work on that lack of trust, my love.”

  “Tonight, I’ll eat enough to balance the alcohol. It’ll take a long time to get my trust.”

  “Maybe. We’ll see. I’m an incurable optimist.” Garth winked at her and turned to his mother, who had said something to him.

  Cad put his hand on her leg under the table. Rae almost jumped, and her heart raced. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, we want you fully yourself, awake, alert, and willing, when we make love to you. We’d never try to get our way by deceptive tricks.”

  “Maybe you. I’m not sure about him.” She nodded to Garth.

  “He likes to tease the people he loves. That is evidence he truly loves you. For him to tease is an example of his trust.”

  “You always stand up for him with me.”

  “Just until you understand him better, then he’s on his own.”

  After dinner, Garth escorted Rae and his mother to his mother’s apartment. It was attached to Garth’s home.

  “Welcome, Rae,” his mother said. She pushed Garth toward the door. “I’m sure you and the men have plenty to talk about. Rae will be safe with me.”

  Garth nodded and left. Rae turned to his mother.

  “They’re having a meeting without me?”

  “I believe they are. Your brother, Mitch, agreed you were not needed this time. And I have been so looking forward to meeting the woman my son has fallen in love with. Sit. We will have tea.”

  An attractive young girl brought the silver tea tray and placed it on the table by Garth’s mother.

  “This is one of my granddaughters, Mia. I am blessed with family who watch over my every need.” She patted Mia’s arm. “Go to bed, little one. I’m fine for the night.” Mia kissed her grandmother’s cheek, smiled at Rae, and left.

  Rae watched as Mrs. Sherwyn poured the tea. Her hands were delicate and graceful.

  “Do you take sugar and cream?”

  “Two sugar, no cream. I’m afraid I may not have room for even one cup. Dinner was delicious and filling.” She took the cup handed to her. “Thank you, Mrs. Sherwyn.”

  “Please, call me Mother Aileen.”

  “I can’t. Your son has given you the wrong impression. I have not accepted his and Cad’s proposal. Nor am I sure that I will.”

  “He has told me correctly. He said you were strong, independent, an intelligent, challenging woman. I expected the one he would choose for his wife would have those qualities. Anything less and he’d be bored. You must continue to be your own woman even after the marriage. Cad is different. He will be the balance between you two. May I hold your hands?”


  “Truthfully, I’m a witch. My family married into the tribe many centuries ago. Our skills have been passed down through the ages. By touching you, I can see into your heart, if you are good or bad for my son and Cad. That is
all I will search for.”

  Rae was taken back. “I don’t believe in witches.”

  Mrs. Sherwyn’s laughter was a light, tingling sound. Pleasant to the ears. Her eyes sparkled.

  “You are such a delight and a mixture of contradictions. You live in a world of people including yourself who have many special skills. How can you not believe in magic and witches? I assure you I am a good witch. The bad ones were weeded out long ago. And if you don’t believe then how can my taking hold of your hands do any harm?”

  Hesitantly, Rae placed her palms against Mrs. Sherwyn’s. First, she felt warmth, and then a slight tingle.

  Mrs. Sherwyn closed her eyes and hummed a melody Rae had never heard. They sat in that position for several minutes.

  “My son saved your life. He did not tell me.”

  “Yes, he did, but I don’t know how.”

  Mrs. Sherwyn smiled. “With one of those witches’ cures you don’t believe in. One used discriminately. Without a doubt, he loves you and has committed himself to your welfare.

  “You love him and Cad, but fear and distrust are keeping you from acknowledging your desire. Do not wait too long to take what you want or you may lose it. Love does not wait forever. You already know that. My son must have an heir. Cad wants a family. They are thirty-two. Your time is now. Grab it.”

  She let go of Rae’s hands. Her face had paled, and she looked tired. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, my dear. As I get older my gifts take more of my strength. Will you ring the bell by my bed? Someone will come to help me put on my nightgown.”

  “May I help you? There is no need to call another. I’m quite capable.”

  “You are indeed. I’d be pleased to have your assistance.”

  After Rae had helped her change and get into to bed, she started to turn off the bedside light.

  Mrs. Sherwyn touched her arm. “Go to the left down the hall and then right. You will find your room. It’s the second on the left. And be careful. There is a person you’d never suspect that is dangerous to you and your tribes. I cannot see through the fog enough to tell whether the figure is a man or woman.”

  Rae bent and kissed her soft cheek. “Thank you for the warning. May I ask a question before I go?”


  “Where is Garth’s father or fathers?”

  “Even a witch cannot save everyone. Not even when it is the men who were the love of her life. One was a magnificent horse trainer. But there is always danger in that profession. One day he got thrown, and stomped before they could get the wild horse away from him. Garth was only ten.

  “Garth’s father, the one he got his fair coloring from, was on an overseas mission. They’d gone to rescue a woman who’d been kidnapped. She was helping a nearby village by bringing in supplies. Our men were asked to find her.” Mrs. Sherwyn closed her eyes briefly.

  “I’m sorry I’ve caused you pain. I shouldn’t have asked.”

  Garth’s mother patted her hand. “No, you didn’t. The pain is always there. A dull ache in my chest. I like to speak of them. It reminds me of our happiness, but also of the loss. Happiness and sadness are often separated by a thin curtain. But as I was saying, they went on the assignment and Garth’s father was hit by a poison-tipped arrow. He died three years ago. When Garth heard you’d been poisoned, I’m sure he was determined to use all the powers he had to save you. He couldn’t get to his father in time.”

  “I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you, Mother Aileen, for telling me.”

  “Ah, I love you already.” She patted Rae’s arm as the light went out.

  Rae found her room easily. As she undressed she thought about Garth’s mother. Her heart ached for the beautiful, kind woman who’d lost both her husbands. Their tribes had also lost a few men over the years during assignments or in accidents around the ranch. They were not invincible.

  When she was undressed and had finished brushing her hair, Rae sat in the middle of the floor and meditated. She hoped she might see the person Garth’s mother mentioned.

  There was something or someone in the distance, but she couldn’t see what or who. All she knew was that the figure was shrouded in darkness and was an evil entity.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Rae undressed and got into the large feather bed. She twisted and turned before finally sinking into the darkness.

  She was flying through the air over the ranch. A partial moon shed little light, and clouds covered the stars. Two riders rode along the boundary lines. All appeared normal, but then she saw the shadow up ahead. The bird spread its enormous wings, rising into the dark night. Rae tried to scream a warning. The cowboys spotted their attacker too late. One got off a shot and winged the bird, but not before the beak tore at their chest and body.

  Rae awoke screaming. Garth and Cad ran into her room.

  “I’m all right. Please get Mitch, though, I have to tell him something.”

  “I’m here.” Mitch walked inside her bedroom. “I imagine that scream woke everyone within a two-mile radius.” He gave her a smile and sat on the bed to pull her into his arms.

  “Call Daren, Mitch. The ranch is or will be under attack at the boundary lines. I’m not sure exactly where, but two men went down. The birds are back.”

  Mitch stared into her eyes. “You don’t think it was just a nightmare?”


  “Can I use my cell phone in here?” Mitch asked.

  “In my office. I’ll show you.” Garth led Mitch out.

  Cad sat beside her and pulled her close. “You’re shivering. I’m going to close the door and get in bed to warm you.” He shut the door and took off his jeans, the only piece of clothing he wore.

  When he got under the covers with her, he grabbed the edge of her gown, lifted her, and swept the soft material over her head. Then he pulled her into his arms and wrapped his legs around hers.

  “Body heat is much more effective naked-skin-to-naked-skin.”

  Rae couldn’t resist letting her body melt against his. His heat soaked into her cold skin, creating the feeling of hugging a heater.

  “You’re so nice and warm.” She laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  “Sleep, sweetheart. Nothing will get you with me wrapped around you for protection.”

  * * * *

  Garth peeked inside the door. “She’s asleep?”

  “For now. Come in and tell me what’s going on.”

  “Daren has called an emergency alert and most of their men are riding the fences. Mitch is waiting to hear if they find the two cowboys alive or dead. I put us on alert, too. Whoever this is might have decided to attack while the tribes were separated. Smart move not to wait until we’re together.”

  Garth slipped out of his jeans and got into the bed on the other side. “I think this is the time to initiate her into being loved by two men. We might not have another opportunity for quite a while.” He brushed her hair to the side and kissed her neck right behind her ear.

  She stirred. Cad kissed her eyelids and cupped her full breasts in his hands. Rae opened her eyes and smiled at him. She raised her mouth and licked his lips.

  Garth rubbed his teeth across her earlobe as his hands cupped her ass. Startled, Rae jerked her head around toward him.

  “What are you two doing?”

  Garth heard the outrage in her voice. “I’d think it was self-evident, my love. We’re making love to you.”

  “But you’re both in bed with me.”

  “Of course,” Cad said. “We want you to see how exciting it can be with both of us kissing you and touching your body.”

  “Relax, darlin’. Let us show you.” Garth watched Cad bend forward to kiss Rae’s gorgeous breasts. Garth took a deep breath and her scent filled his head as his lips trailed down her back. He kissed the two indentations on either side of her spine and rubbed his hands across her sweet, silky bottom.

  * * * *

  Shivers of delight shook her body.
Her mind said no, but her body had melted into a pool of desire. Moisture seeped out at the juncture of her thighs.

  Cad moved downward. His lips trailed around her navel and abdomen. Desire tightened into a coil of need deep inside her.

  Garth kissed her backside all the way to the sensitive spot behind her knees. Then he turned her on her back, spread her legs, and licked the moisture from her pink folds.

  Cad had gone back to her mouth. He ravished the inside and then sucked on her full bottom lip.

  She moaned and twisted with hunger as the two kissed, licked, and tasted her. Pleasure pulsed through her whole body as her desire built into a roaring fire.

  Rae motioned to Cad to move closer. She took his large cock into her mouth. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock and licked around the crown, then sucked.

  Garth spread her legs wider and flicked his tongue into her pussy opening. Her body rose toward him in response. He put two fingers into her pussy and touched the sweet spot. She shook, and an onslaught of rapture flooded every cell.

  Her head moved quicker up and down Cad’s cock. She gently cupped his balls in her hands. He stiffened and groaned as his orgasm hit him. His salty essence tasted good.

  Garth had grabbed his jeans, pulled out a condom, and quickly sheathed his hard cock. He surged into her. Another orgasm slammed into her. Her body shook, and she thought her heart might pound right out of her chest.

  Cad covered her mouth to silence her scream. Garth continued to pound into her as her pussy pulsed. She clenched tight around his cock.

  Heat and desire rebuilt and rushed through her body. She didn’t believe she could have another orgasm, but the wave started at her feet. An ache spread up her body. She met his every move, trying to reach that spot. Her body rose, and she grabbed his buttocks to hold him tight against her.

  The tide hit them both at once. Rae heard Garth’s yell of release at the same time she exploded with pleasure.

  They all three lay breathing hard. Her heart raced, and her body pulsed all over. Gradually, her body cooled and her heartbeat returned to normal.


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