Beyond Orion

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by Laura D. Bastian

  Beyond Orion

  by Laura D. Bastian

  Published by Astraea Press

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2015 LAURA D. BASTIAN

  ISBN 978-1-62135-393-5

  Cover Art Designed by AM DESIGNS STUDIOS

  To Karen and Charles.

  Thanks for being my foundation.

  Chapter One


  The inara flowers beneath my servant Delilah’s newly opened windows infused the air with memories of my mother and the garden we used to tend together. Their distinct fragrance reminded me of the lilacs and petunias in Holly’s front yard on Earth. A feeling of homesickness rushed over me and I had to shake it off. This was my home. This was where I belonged. I had returned to Rommader from my escape to Earth only hours ago. Being forced to wait to see my father was torture, and I took another slow breath hoping the scent of the flowers would calm me.

  I turned away from the open window and moved toward the back patio of the small house Delilah’s family had owned for generations. It had been taken care of in her absence. Her staff was trustworthy and wouldn’t reveal our arrival. I hated the necessity of hiding in my own world.

  Delilah sat quietly in the corner searching through a computer for the latest news of my father. What she had learned of the king’s health wasn’t hopeful.

  I checked the clock on the wall. Marshal, my other servant who’d traveled to Earth with me, had been gone for less than an hour, but the time had dragged. I should be at my father’s side this moment, but until we knew the situation in the palace, I had to remain in hiding. I clasped the spent Traveling medallion still hanging around my neck and knew it was empty. It felt different. Traveling again with this medallion was impossible to me now, and we didn’t have the materials to make more. The truth of it hit me hard, and I blinked back the tears. I would never see my cousin Jai again.

  He’d been my constant companion as my bodyguard for more than three years, and we’d been close since he’d come to live with us as a child. It felt odd to be without him. I hoped Holly would take care of him. I knew it would be hard for him to never return home. And he would probably beat himself up needlessly worrying about me, but there was no way I could have forced him to return to Rommader. I doubted his mind could have survived the breaking of the soul bond. I still couldn’t believe Jai had actually bonded with a human, but Holly was perfect for him.

  I sent a prayer heavenward. “Please watch over them. Keep them safe. Don’t let Shander find them.” I closed my eyes and hated myself for leaving. If my ex-fiancé did anything to Holly or Jai because of me, I would track him down and kill him myself. Though he knew more about fighting hand-to-hand than I did. I wasn’t as weak as I had been the first time Shander had struck me. I wouldn’t be so defenseless next time.

  The door opened and I spun around and faced Marshal. “What news?”

  “Your father is not in the cells. I could find no one who had seen him down there. Perhaps your vision was wrong, Amira.”

  I didn’t want to argue with Marshal on what I had seen and waved him on to continue.

  “Everyone I spoke to said he’s been in his rooms, quarantined in order to keep his health from failing more.”

  “He is alive?”

  “Yes.” Marshal glanced at Delilah. “Though he is doing very poorly. The Healers don’t have much hope for a recovery.”

  I felt my knees weaken, but I locked them and stood tall. “Take me to him.”

  “It wouldn’t be advisable to go right now. I will arrange for your transportation there in the morning.”

  “You will take me there now. I will not waste any time. If he will not recover, I will not wait.”

  Marshal bowed his head and fastened his cloak again. Delilah pulled a similar cloak from a closet near the doorway. The clothing looked foreign, but I had worn similar items before. I wondered how long it would take me to adjust to the more formal attire of dresses and cloaks instead of jeans, tees, and jackets. Delilah held it open for me and I donned it quickly and stepped out the front door.

  I felt like a criminal as I walked hidden through the dark streets. Rommader had two moons, yet both were absent from the sky, wrapping me in secrecy. Marshal and Delilah both had weapons, and if I’d been smart, I would have insisted on one of her guns as well, but I wanted to reach my father as soon as possible. At least I wasn’t surrounded by armed guards like I had been before. We approached the side of the palace near where the servants entered. The granite stone looked dark and imposing, sending shivers down my spine. This was my home, my rightful property. So why did I feel like a fraud?

  The back entrance to the palace was guarded, but not as heavily as the front. Marshal stepped forward and spoke in whispers to the man there. His head jerked up and I felt his gaze as it rested on me. I pulled the hood of my cloak back a little and stepped forward, placing my palm on the small table. He lifted his inklight and shined it on my hand, revealing the identifying code imprinted in invisible ink on my skin. I looked at the once familiar patterns of the mark of Oreon House that swirled around my unique permanent ID and felt the weight of my title fall on my shoulders.

  “Princess.” The guard bowed his head and placed his hand over his heart.

  I placed my hand on his. “Please do not reveal my return yet. I must see my father.”

  He nodded his agreement and entered the code to open the iron gate. We slipped through quietly, then the guard pressed his palm against a panel near a solid wood door. As it opened, he bowed again. “Welcome home, Your Majesty.”

  I squeezed his hand in gratitude and moved forward, forcing myself not to run. Discretion was key and someone running through the hallways in the night would bring too much attention to my arrival.

  We didn't see any other guards and a feeling of foreboding flooded my heart. The palace seemed too quiet. Almost as if it were dying.

  The thought spurred me on and I rushed through the hallways toward my father’s wing of the palace. Two guards stood watch and stiffened as I approached the doors to the king’s private rooms. I slowed down and pulled my hood back slightly again. I could see it was Cory and Lance. They had been Father’s guards for as long as I remembered. As I stepped closer, I saw the moment they recognized me.

  Each guard bowed his head slightly and placed his hand over his heart.

  “May I enter?” Asking felt so foreign to me, but I knew I had to follow protocol.

  Lance stepped forward and looked into my eyes. “Is it really you?”

  I nodded.

  Cory pulled an inklight from his pocket and shined the light on my hand. My identity sure, they bowed deeper. Cory entered the king’s chambers and I waited for permission to follow. He returned quickly and ushered me inside to my father.

  The room was dark and the nearness of death was obvious. My once robust and healthy father now lay almost hidden among the blankets and pillows supporting him on his bed. His hair was now thin and gray, no longer the near black I had inherited from him. Healers stood on each side of the bed with a third and fourth close by. The surprised looks from the Healers were forgotten the moment I saw my father’s face. His brown eyes flashed awareness and I knew he recognized an
d was happy to see me.

  I had dreaded the thought he would be angry with me for coming without his request, but the joy in his eyes allayed all my fears.

  “Amira,” he whispered. “I had hoped to see you one last time.”

  Tears filled my eyes and I felt as if I had lost him already. A Healer moved to his side and placed her hands on his shoulder. Father took a deep breath and then lifted his hand to me. I sat down on the side of the bed and placed my hands in his.


  “Don’t cry for me, Me’ala. All will be well in time.”

  More tears escaped my eyes at his term of endearment for me. He hadn’t called me that since Mother died. I longed to climb onto the bed and curl up next to him as I had done as a child. I wished he could stroke my hair and tell me stories and calm my fears, but I felt as if our roles had been reversed. He needed me to show strength. He needed to know he had nothing to worry about now that I was back.

  “There is so much.” He took a deep breath as if struggling to get enough oxygen to speak, and then he changed to speaking to my mind. So much I wish I could teach you before I go. So much you still need to learn. He closed his eyes, exhausted, and I knew there were only minutes left. His soul felt close to the surface. It was more spiritual than I had ever felt in my life, as if he only needed to decide to move on and his life here would end.

  I will honor your name and your memory, Father. I squeezed his hand gently.

  Shander? His face held fear and it broke my heart to see it.

  Jai will take care of him.

  Jai is not here? He looked around as if hoping to see him. My heart hurt for the missed opportunity for each man to say his good-byes.

  I shook my head but didn’t elaborate. Father closed his eyes and tried to smile. Then he will stop Shander. There should be no conflict for you to succeed me.

  I bowed my head and tried to hold back the tears. I didn’t want to have the crown this way. Father was supposed to do it officially years from now when I had been fully trained and knew more of how to rule a nation. He pulled gently at his hand and I released it. He attempted to lift it to my head, but he only made it a few inches off the bed. A sob tore from my throat and I slid off the bed, then knelt next to it and lifted his hand. He smiled at me as I raised his hand to my head.

  The frailness of his skin and the lack of muscle tone in his arm made me worry I would hurt him. His hand rested gently on my head and he spoke the words that would change my life completely.

  “I, King Chark Chan’Moyer … Oreon, bestow upon you … Amira Chan’Leeter Oreon…the rights … duties … privileges …”

  I let the words wash over me and felt the weight of responsibility settle on my soul. It was more than just him saying I was queen. It was as if it was written in my cells. I was now bound to my planet. I would receive strength and endurance and power from Rommader through the mantle of authority. I hadn’t expected it this soon, but the moment I felt the shift in my heart I knew it was how it should be. I wished I could have more time with him as my guide, mentor, and father.

  His hand slipped from my head and I cradled it in my own hand. He looked at the Healers and then at Marshal and Delilah, who had remained near the door. “I call upon you to be my witnesses…The mantle has passed. Amira is your queen…See that it is so.”

  He didn’t speak again and I didn’t waste our last moments filling it with meaningless words. I allowed my soul to commune with his and felt his love wash over me. I watched his face, hoping he would open his eyes again, but knew it was almost over. His breath became shallower. His hand relaxed in mine and for a moment I felt as if I was joined by my late mother as my soul was embraced one last time before my father slipped away to the heavens.

  A sudden shiver ran up my spine and warmth settled at the base of my skull. I felt a tug on my consciousness as if something new was added to my soul. Was that something to do with the mantle of authority?

  The Healers moved quickly and all four rested their hands on his head, or arms. I knew they would find nothing they could do. He was gone.

  The bustle of the next few hours was lost around me as I stared into space. I didn’t know the state of the kingdom. Father should have told me what to expect, but there was no time. What had Shander done while Father was ill? I didn’t know who I could trust and missed Jai more than I thought possible. He had always been a voice of reason and understanding to me.

  Delilah and Marshal stood guard over me as if they really were my parents, and not just my servants who had acted as guardians while I was on Earth. They didn’t allow anyone to speak to me for a time. I was grateful for the reprieve. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was surrounded on all sides by everyone who wanted to stake their claim in the kingdom.

  Who was still in the Grand Council? Had Shander filled it with people who supported him, or were any still loyal to my father?

  I racked my brain trying to think of who I could summon to me and request information. I needed to have the details before me; and soon. I knew the council would demand an audience tomorrow. And the people must be told. We had a grace period of twelve hours before the royal bell would chime thirty-one times, indicating the latest ruler was dead. I was now Rommader’s thirty-second monarch. I hoped I would be as good as those who had come before me.


  Less than seven hours after my ordination by my father’s hand, I stood dressed in the ceremonial robes and faced the door to the Grand Council room. I wished I could have been in there as they assembled so they could see how things stood, but protocol dictated the council met before the ruling monarch arrived. The royal bell had not chimed yet, but a message would have been sent to the council members about my father’s passing.

  “It will be fine,” Delilah said. “You are the queen.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I wished I was still on Earth, just a normal girl, hanging out with Holly and Jai. Or even Ryad, wherever he was.

  I wished Jai would have let him Travel at the same time as Delilah, Marshal, and I. Jai still didn’t trust him, even after his oath to me. He’d held Ryad back till after we left as one last attempt to be my bodyguard. I couldn’t blame him since Ryad had been sent by Shander. But I was sure of Ryad’s loyalty now.

  Marshal had tried to reach Ryad, but had not heard back. We were too far away to try to communicate telepathically, and if I called for him that way, anyone would be able to hear us. It would take some getting used to again to keep my thoughts more private. I had eased up a lot on Earth, even with Holly able to hear our thoughts.

  I smiled at the memory of her shock when she first heard our telepathy. She had handled things well. I tried to think of how she would act in this situation. Holly would have been nervous, sure, but she wouldn’t have let it show. I lifted my head, straightened my back, and opened the door.

  The council men and women rose to their feet when I entered the room, reminding me how tall everyone on Rommader was. So much different from Earth with their different races and nationalities. A few murmurs and whispers reached my ears. The hint of a buzz of telepathic communication tickled my mind, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

  I tried to block thoughts of Holly from my mind and instead focused on the men and women in front of me. The ease or difficulty of my reign depended on those in this room. There were twenty chairs, spaced evenly at two long tables facing each other. Ten men on one side, ten women on the other. I met the eyes of each person, acknowledging them with a nod as I walked past them on my way to the dais. No words were spoken, but each one nodded at me in return as a sign of respect. Nothing binding, but at least they recognized my authority to be there.

  Kris Wrater, my father’s original councilman, and Jamina Coost, the oldest councilwoman, sitting at the heads of their respective tables, were the only ones I recognized. The rest were new and relatively young looking. I wished I could speak to Daddy one more time. To ask him about how the kingdom had been faring and
how things would be, but I was on my own now. If I showed them my strength and ability then they would accept me as the queen. The question was, how much authority would they let me have?

  The man sitting in the speaker’s seat nearest the throne was a shrewd looking man. Older than Shander by a few years, but still young enough to be attractive. He eyed me with the same look Shander used to give me, and I immediately changed my opinion. No matter his physical attraction, there would be no way I’d be interested in him.

  No man would come close to me again. No man would hurt me or use me as a way to gain power.

  The speaker stood the moment I reached the throne. I remained standing to show my authority, yet my respect to them. Until they acknowledged me as the queen, I would not sit in the throne. I glanced at Delilah, who nodded her support.

  “Princess Amira,” the speaker began. “I am Jonah Plurz.” He bowed low and then motioned to the council members. “On behalf of my fellow servants, I welcome you home.” The corner of his upper lip rose. “I do hope you had a pleasant vacation.” The stress on his last word felt harsh in my ears.

  “I believe you know better, Mr. Plurz.” I raised one eyebrow and he took a slow breath before glancing at the others. He turned back to me.

  “Are you here to stay?”

  “I am.”

  A woman halfway down the table stood and faced me. “How do we know that, Your Highness?”

  “My father has ordained me to be your queen. I am here for the rest of my life.”

  The councilmen and women turned to each other as if surprised at my announcement. Had they not been told?

  “He could not have ordained you to be the queen. It is impossible to have two rulers at a time.”

  “He did right before he died. There were six witnesses.” I stood straight, staring them down.

  “Impossible,” one woman said. “The mantle should have passed already.”

  “We were there when he ordained Sir Tarros,” a gray-haired man next to him said.


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