Beyond Orion

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Beyond Orion Page 5

by Laura D. Bastian

  As it was, most people who used Densinne could hear or be heard by others who used it. It took practice and a significant amount of skill to be able to pick up on conversations some distance away. I had once been good at it. I tried to block out all other distractions to listen to what was said.

  A fine powder was brushed onto my skin, bringing a refreshing coolness to my flushed face. I wished I could have some of the strange vegetable from Earth. Cucumbers had felt so relaxing under the eyes. Our domma fruit might be a good one to try. I mentally shook myself. I couldn’t be distracted by this if I wanted to focus. I tried again and heard the buzz of telepathic communication clear up enough that I could make out thoughts more clearly.

  Her father made sure she would be taken care of.

  It’s a good thing. But still, why did she show up now and not earlier? If she had come sooner, this whole thing wouldn’t be an issue.

  Didn’t you hear? She’s been on the run. Hiding from Shander.

  Shander is gone?

  I haven’t seen him in weeks. Before that, he used to come for his weekly broadcast.

  I heard she had him executed.

  How could she have done that? She’s been hiding on a different planet.

  She could have easily gotten an assassin to take him out.

  You think she’d do that?

  I wanted to open my eyes and search the room for who was speaking about me, but knew I would lose the connection if I tried.

  Who knows what a rogue princess would do?

  I heard she’s been made queen. I wonder what King Marcus thinks.

  The thoughts faded away as if they moved and Marie spoke. “Please open your eyes.”

  I complied and she added some mascara then a few more dabs of something she blended with her fingers. I looked in the mirror behind her and felt pleased at the transformation. I grudgingly turned to Marcus to see him talking with the broadcaster, Daniel.

  The strange sensation I felt when Ryad was near crossed over me, and I looked back in the mirror to see him on my other side.

  “Is there anything you need me to do, Your Majesty?” Ryad asked.

  I shook my head. “Thank you, but no.”

  Ryad stepped to the side then turned as Marcus approached. I spun my seat around and watched him as he got closer. He walked with confidence and poise. It wasn’t hard to find him attractive but Shander had also been everything any woman would want in appearance. No man could be trusted with my heart.

  He stopped short and looked at me as if for the first time. I realized I had been staring at him and stood up quickly. I didn’t want him looking down on me. It was easier to exert my authority if I was on equal footing with him.

  “Marie.” Marcus smiled. “You have done an excellent job. She looks much better.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at Marcus. You…

  Remember, I will do the speaking. You won’t be asked any questions. You need to show strength of character and make the people remember what they like about you, Marcus said, completely cutting me off.

  I took a slow breath and nodded. I would not let him get to me. If he got under my skin, then I’d never be able to show I was the right one to lead Rommader. As you said earlier, there is an expectation of the people to hear from the king they elected. I will be by your side. I do ask that you still allow me a few words at the end if it feels right.

  Marcus frowned for a moment then nodded. Of course. He turned away, dismissing me easily, and frustration flared inside my chest. My time on Earth must have really messed up my ability to act as a ruler should.

  Marie stepped in front of me and looked up into my face. “Would you like me to have someone help with your hair?”

  I turned to the mirror and noticed my once bouncy curls were limp and lifeless. Why hadn’t Marcus said anything about it? I closed my eyes and took another deep breath. His behavior confused me more than I wanted to admit.

  “Yes, please, Marie.”

  Marie nodded and hollered, “Linus, come quick.”

  I sat back down in the chair and pulled a brush I found on the desk through my hair. A short man bustled over and took the brush from my hand.

  “I’ll do that, if you don’t mind.” He tossed the brush back onto the desk and pulled a step stool out from behind a table filled with various styling items. It was rare for a Rommaderian to be that small, but he seemed confident enough I doubted it bothered him much.

  I tried to hide a smile as he climbed up behind me. He touched my hair as if testing it for something and bit his bottom lip. “I think I’ll be able to do something with this.” He leaned over my shoulder and looked at me from his perch above. “Don’t touch anything. I’ll be right back.”

  I watched as he put on an apron and stuffed the pockets full of items from the styling table. He climbed back up behind me and started pulling and pushing and tugging and twisting my hair until my eyes watered. I watched in fascination as he took my mess and made it a miracle.

  “You are a master. Where have you been all my life?” I asked when he finished.

  The man finally smiled at me, showing a mouth full of crooked teeth. “Right here.”

  He bowed and moved away slowly, watching me as he backed up until he bumped into Ryad standing near. Linus ducked away and scurried off to a corner of the room and stared at me.

  I sat up straight as a technician approached. He attached a microphone to me and motioned for me to follow him. The hostess glided over to me. “Princess Amira, it is good to see you.”

  “Queen Amira,” Marcus corrected. I blinked in surprise at the correction. It was spoken with kindness, but with no room for argument.

  “Of course. Forgive me.” She bowed.

  “Not a problem,” I said. “Thank you for taking time this morning to accommodate us.”

  “My pleasure. I’m Lelanna. Are there any instructions for me?” She looked at Marcus first, then back to me.

  “There will be no interview yet. We are taking the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the people. Let them see Queen Amira has returned and that we will rule together.”

  Lelanna nodded and motioned for us to take our seats. Marcus helped me sit down first then sat next to me and took my hand in his. Someone adjusted my dress and then tucked down a collar that had shifted on Marcus’s jacket.

  Marcus spoke to me in thought. There is no need to be nervous. This is just a formality. If we let the people see we are going to be good rulers, we’ll be able to move on with our lives and do what is important for the planet.

  I nodded. It didn’t seem fair, but nothing in these last days had. I would be a pretty thing to look at until they could see me for who I was instead of what others had said about me. It angered me that I couldn’t bring up Shander or explain where I had been or why I was gone.

  Ryad and Marcus had both talked long and hard about how it would only remind the people of me running away. Of me not being willing to stick out the hard times. I hated knowing the people might think that of me, but I realized it was true. I had enjoyed my time away from all of this political maneuvering. I liked having been able to act like a teenager for a while. Those carefree days on Earth were some of the best I had spent in my life since before my father had taken ill. I blinked back the tears that threatened and swallowed hard, trying to force the lump in my throat to go away.

  Marcus must have noticed my emotions change because he squeezed my hand and started taking slow breaths close to my ear as if to encourage me to calm down. I squeezed back and smiled at him. I would gain control over my emotions for now. Then when this appearance was over, I would lock myself in my room and fall to pieces in private.

  Chapter Seven


  The cameras trained on our faces, and technicians counted down to the moment we were on air. My stomach was in knots even worse than before, but I felt levelheaded enough to endure the next few minutes. My only role was to look competent. I was sure I could manage at least

  I forced down the annoyance that I wouldn’t be able to address the nation myself, but I had promised Marcus and Ryad that I would trust their judgment. The light near the camera changed from red to green and the technician motioned to Lelanna to begin.

  Lelanna’s smile widened. “Welcome to our viewing audience. We are pleased to bring you this special broadcast to introduce to you our new rulers.”

  The camera turned to us and Marcus smiled. I tried to smile, but felt a growing fear. Marcus’s hand on mine tightened and I turned to him. The look of confidence on his face gave me a feeling of peace and I smiled back.

  Marcus looked at Lelanna. “Thank you.” He turned back to the camera and I visualized him making eye contact with every person viewing the broadcast.

  “It is with sad hearts we officially announce the death of King Chark. Despite the best efforts of our nation’s finest healers, his illness overcame him. You will be comforted to know that he was pleased and overjoyed to see his beloved daughter Amira one last time.” Marcus turned to me and smiled. I wiped away a tear, and a look of compassion filled his eyes.

  “As I met with King Chark in the days preceding his death, he spoke often of how much confidence he had in myself as well as in his daughter. ‘Amira was raised for this role. She will be an asset to this kingdom,’ he said to me.” Marcus looked into the camera again. “I believe that with my whole heart. I have been able to discuss many things with this fine woman sitting next to me and I can assure you she will be the ruler her father knew her to be capable of. Her name and abilities will go down in Rommaderian history as some of the finest this world has known.”

  My mind played over his words, searching for anything to indicate he was genuine in his praise. I felt like such a failure right now, I didn’t dare hope he truly thought that of me and wasn’t merely trying to convince the viewing public. The way he spoke didn’t indicate he had ulterior motives. Yet I’d been fooled by a smooth-talking man before.

  Marcus sat up taller and focused straight ahead. “Her father ordained her and passed on the mantle on his deathbed. You as a people have ordained me through the new law ratified by this nation. Both are valid. We were also married in a private ceremony not long ago.” He looked at me and took my hand in his once more, then brought it to his lips. I tried to smile at him, tried to make it look like I liked him or that our union would be a perfect one. I knew I fell far short.

  “We will be holding a series of balls and celebrations soon to allow those of you who wish to see us in person to attend.” Marcus turned again to the camera, and I hoped all eyes were on him so I could compose myself.

  “Thank you for your support of us. Your lives will move on mostly unchanged, but as had been established earlier, you as a people will have more say and more involvement in the government. Your Grand Council was wise when they placed upon you such power. I am looking forward to where our great world will go in this new age and time.”

  Marcus turned to me. I heard the thought he sent to me quiet enough that no one else could have heard. Do you wish to say anything?

  Not at this time. I hated that I was too afraid to speak. Where had my poise and confidence disappeared to?

  The camera turned back to Lelanna. “We look forward to learning more of you and how things will evolve over the years to come. Thank you for addressing us today, Your Majesties.”

  I nodded and smiled prettily. Marcus thanked her in return and the camera’s light flicked off.

  As soon as the technicians started moving around, I stood up, took the microphone off me and handed it to a startled man. I turned to Marcus, nodded to him, then walked to the door followed soon by Ryad.

  I knew I should have stayed there. Interacted a little, made small talk. Got the people on my side, but I felt like a phony. I wasn’t anywhere close to the type of ruler my father had hoped I would be. I was only there to fill a space. Marcus was obviously much more prepared to take care of things. Maybe I should step down. Let him run the nation.

  I wouldn’t be completely useless. I knew the histories of our people. I knew the diplomatic issues we had with neighboring planets. I knew how to solve some of the issues the judges and council members brought before the rulers, but I didn’t know how to work with the common man. And if things were going to change like Marcus indicated the people wanted them to, then what good would I be?

  I would advise Marcus on matters he needed to know. But he would be the people’s king. I would be the girl who had once thought she would rule.

  Ryad took my arm and I realized he’d been speaking to me for some time. I lowered my eyes, not wanting him to see how lost I was in my own skin. “I’m sorry, Ryad.” I took a slow breath. “I’m just so tired. I will retire to my rooms for a while when I get home.”

  He looked me over more closely. “When was the last time you slept?”

  I shrugged. “I dozed for a little in my father’s chambers, just after they took his body away.” My voice cracked on the last words and I let the tears fall. I’d held them in for too long. I had wanted to show the world how strong I could be, show the Grand Council I was capable of taking charge right from the moment I returned, but I knew I had been fooling myself. The only thing I wanted to do now was cry into my pillow until I had nothing left in me.

  Ryad placed my arm in his. “Open the door!” he yelled, approaching the waiting hoverlift. In seconds we were inside, his weight settled next to me. The last I heard before giving in to exhaustion was, “Take us to the palace.”


  I felt myself being lifted from the car and immediately regained consciousness. “I can walk.”

  “Your Highness, it will be simple enough to take you there.”

  I pushed against Ryad. “Set me down. It is more than improper for you to carry me. I am capable of moving myself.” Even while I protested, I longed to snuggle into his strong arms and let him comfort me.

  Ryad complied and I took a step, nearly stumbling until I got my footing secured. I held up my hand and Ryad was wise enough to step back and let me move on my own. He followed me, and I could see he would be as attentive and alert as Jai ever was. I missed the easy companionship I had shared with Jai. As my cousin, we were able to be more relaxed and freer in each other’s presence. Every moment with Ryad was a study in propriety. He could never be allowed to touch me, even in the most innocent of ways.

  Too many people would be watching me for any misstep. I was married. It didn’t matter how, or why, but the people would expect me to show love and undying devotion to Marcus. That was what upset me the most. I hardly knew the man and he was my husband.

  Though it had been this way in ages past, arranged marriages were rare in this current day. And though I knew it was important to make sure Shander had no chance of slipping in and trying to take over the government, it still rankled that I was forced to play this part.

  I wanted to have my own say. If I had met Marcus on my own, it was totally possible I could fall for him, but being forced into something of this magnitude was too much.

  I felt a connection with Ryad being my sworn guard. Though it was nothing like what Holly or Jai had described their soul bonding to be, I could tell where Ryad was in relation to me. And I could feel a general sense of his emotional state. He was alert, and that helped me to feel slightly more energized than I would be on my own.

  I couldn’t wait to fall on my bed. I didn’t even care if I ate or not. How could Ryad or Marcus have the energy they had? I’d kept Marcus up all night as we discussed the options, and yet he seemed perfectly fine.

  I needed more time to mourn my father’s death. I should have been given days of being undisturbed and allowed to gather myself before being thrust in this turmoil. As it was, I’d hardly had time to cry for him. I blinked back the tears that threatened again, telling myself I could hold it together until I was in the privacy of my own room.

  As we reached my rooms I could see two new guards stationed there.
I turned to Ryad. “Who are they?”

  “The council assigned them to you. They will guard you well.”

  I examined the two. Being taller than both of them, it was easy enough to look into their eyes. I couldn’t see any indication they had made an oath to anyone. Should I have them do it now? I turned back to Ryad. He watched me and nodded.

  “What are your names?” I asked, returning my attention to the guards.

  “Paris,” the shorter one answered.

  “Letni,” the other one said.

  “I will have your oath before I trust you with anything.”

  Each man blinked in surprise. They looked between themselves and then at Ryad. He didn’t say a word, just watched the men to see what they would do. The shorter of the two bent his head and placed his hand on his heart in the royal salute.

  “Though I would serve honorably without the binding power of the oath, I vow to serve you to my dying breath. I will not fail you, or betray you in any way.”

  I sealed him to me like I had the others and wobbled as more energy left me. “Thank you, Paris.” I smiled weakly at him. I turned to Letni. He blinked again and I saw him swallow visibly. He looked nervous and I felt bad for him. I knew I was asking a lot. It wouldn’t be easy to be bound by an oath to a royal.

  Letni cleared his throat and tried to speak. “I will serve you as well, my lady.”

  I reached my hand up to take his and began to reach for the back of his neck when from the lower edge of my vision I saw movement. I felt the sting of a blade as it entered my side.

  Everything happened so fast I didn’t have time to fall before Letni pulled the blade from me, and stabbed Paris in the neck as he tried to help me. I felt pain in my own neck as if I had been stabbed as well. Letni left the blade inside Paris and pulled a gun on Ryad as I collapsed.


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