Beyond Orion

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Beyond Orion Page 10

by Laura D. Bastian

  It had to just be business.

  Marcus watched me as I approached, surrounded by no less than seven men. I heard Delilah sigh behind me and turned to her. She blushed and ducked her head down, brushing at her skirt. Did she have the hots for him too? She had to be almost half again his age. I saw Marshal step around another man and hoped it was Marshal and not Marcus that Delilah was sighing about. Though she and Marshal had pretended to be married on Earth, they were only friends, as far as she claimed. Now I wasn’t so sure.

  I looked back at Marcus with a critical eye. There had to be a flaw about him in some way. I searched him closely, and finally found it. His eyebrows. One side was different than the other. I focused on it, hoping to distract myself from everything wonderful about him until he narrowed his eyes at me. He must have noticed me staring at that spot because he wiped his brow.

  “Is there something wrong?” he asked.

  His eyebrow was now as smooth as the other and I shook my head. “No, there is absolutely nothing wrong.” I mentally added with you, relieved I had complete control of my thoughts even with the Densinne.

  He offered me his arm, and the guards separated to allow him into the circle.

  His hand felt cold on my arm when he patted it as I tucked my hand into the crook of his elbow. I couldn’t remember them ever feeling cold before. Was he nervous? I glanced up at him as he swallowed. He turned to me and offered me a half smile.

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Marcus. You will impress everyone as the king of Rommader.”

  “I’m not worried.”

  I fought the smile that wanted to come at his lie. Our bond allowed me to feel a small amount of what he felt and I knew he was nowhere near as relaxed as he usually was.

  “I know we decided I should be the one to introduce the dignitaries, but I wondered if you would do the honor.”

  Marcus looked at me for a moment. I’d fought him so hard on that right; of course he would question my change of attitude now. But if what Delilah said was true, I needed to hand more of the power to Marcus and fight less with him.

  “Like you said, it would be natural for me to still be in mourning. After all, it has only been three weeks since my father’s passing. No one would think it odd that I remained silent.”

  Marcus stopped the procession and the guards stumbled to maintain their positions. Delilah stood with her eyes down, not looking at me at all, but I could see the smile that showed she was pleased with me. Ryad on the other hand gave me a scowl.

  “Amira, what are you doing?” Marcus asked, his hands clenched to the side, making me think he was upset.

  “I am asking you to introduce the dignitaries. You know their titles, you know as much about them now as I do. You may as well show them you are in control.”

  Marcus crossed his arms over his chest. I felt the inner tug on my consciousness as he attempted to speak to me telepathically. I don’t understand your reasoning. I do not have the same abilities you do when it comes to the ins and outs of politics. I know the law, sure, but you know the nuances of saying the right thing. I will embarrass not only myself, but the planet as well.

  Then why did you fight so hard against me in the first place to have this assignment? I’m only giving you what you asked for. I maintained eye contact, not blinking.

  But you give me no time to study for this. I will not do it right and I’m rather appalled by your timing. The usual twinkle in his eye was absent. How would I fix this?

  Marcus, I took his hand in mine, squeezing gently. I have recently realized what a complete fool I’ve been. I’ve tried to force my way back into this kingdom. It is mine in a way, but at the same time, you have more ownership than I do. If there is any way to save this people from falling into ruin, it will be by your leadership. I can guide you in some ways, but overall, you are the king. I am here to support you. And if you choose not to accept my offer, then I will introduce the dignitaries. But the more I think about our previous discussions, the more I realize you are the one to do it. I need you to be stronger than I am.

  I blinked back a tear. Wearing this gown of mourning is trying. I cannot do this on my own. I need your strength, and to step back from it all. I stopped my thoughts, not wanting to complain about how I had not had a moment to myself since my father’s death. I had not been able to let out all my tears and frustration. Even now I was ready to turn around and lock myself in my rooms. The enormity of what I was doing came crashing down on me all at once.

  Whether they saw something in my expression or felt the emotions hit me through the bond, both Marcus and Ryad reached for me before my knees gave way. Marcus gathered me in his embrace, and though I felt Ryad’s hand for a moment, it was soon gone and only Marcus remained in my awareness.

  “About face,” Ryad barked. Feet shuffled as the guards around us moved, then I heard only Marcus’s soothing hum as he held me. I let the tears come, not caring that it would ruin my carefully applied makeup. But when I realized it was probably marring Marcus’s uniform, I pulled myself back. Marcus wiped a tear from my eye then reached into his pocket for a handkerchief. I tried to take it from him, but he gently wiped the moisture from beneath my eyes, taking as much care as I would have to preserve whatever remained of my makeup.

  He handed it to me after a moment and I wiped my nose.

  Are you all right? Marcus asked.

  Probably not. I blew my nose and let out a laughing sob. I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself in front of my guards, my assistant, and my king. I don’t know if I’ll ever live this down.

  Marcus glanced at the guards. Do you think they’d ever remind you of this?

  No, they will remain silent. They will act as if it never happened. But no one will be able to take the knowledge from their minds that their queen is a baby.

  Marcus shook his head. You have every right to feel overwhelmed in your lot. As long as you maintain control in front of the world, you are allowed to cry a little in the privacy of your closest circle.

  After this episode, I doubt I’ll be fit to be seen by those at the banquet.

  Nonsense. Marcus smiled. He turned to the guards. “Do any of you in this company have the Talent of healing?”

  Three guards raised their hands, but kept their backs to us. Marcus tapped one on the shoulder. “Please see to Queen Amira. She is feeling slightly off this evening and could do with a dose of health. And while you’re at it, please see to her face.”

  I blinked at his words, and reached up to my face. I could feel my lips were puffy, and knew my nose would be red. Were my eyes bloodshot? I turned to Delilah and she smiled.

  “You look fine, dear, perhaps a little flushed from the emotion, though.”

  Marcus looked between Delilah and me. I think the extra flush is endearing, but didn’t think you’d want any telltale signs you’d been crying when we enter the hall.

  I nodded mutely and allowed the Healer guard to place his hands on mine as he searched me for any illness or unbalance. Once he had done his examination, he reached up to my face with both hands, and the flush left. I looked to Delilah again. “How do I look?”

  “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

  Ryad shook his head. “You look fine. We are going to be late.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. “I am the queen. It doesn’t matter if I am late to my own party.”

  Ryad didn’t say a word, but I felt the small bit of annoyance before he blocked his emotions from me. Or had he just squelched it and was no longer annoyed? Marcus took my hand back in his. If you want me to take charge tonight, I will. But I think we can come to a compromise.

  I looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

  You introduce some, I’ll introduce the others. If you go first, I can see the way it’s done, yet together we will show them we are one as a ruling body. As the evening progresses, you will guide me, but not force me to do it all. This is too new to me to do on my own. And I don’t want to take your place. You are the tr
ue queen. You have the mantle of authority. I only have the backing of the people. But if we do it together, then we are the perfect blend of rulers the people need.

  Another tear escaped my eye, but this one was different. I couldn’t believe how blessed I was to have him as my king. My father may not have known him personally, may not have known what kind of person he would be, but Marcus was a million times better than Shander ever was, and the people were better off under our combined leadership than anything I could do on my own.

  I needed him as the king. The people needed him more than I had realized. And once we took care of the issues of the visiting dignitaries, and decided what to do about mining for niamon, I would have a heart-to-heart talk with myself and find out if I wanted to remain his wife in name only, or if I could allow myself to accept everything that came with the marriage document my father signed.

  Delilah interrupted my thoughts as she returned with a small bag with a few makeup essentials and a servant girl close behind. I turned to her and allowed her to touch up my messed face. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Ryad and Marcus both watching. Ryad shrugged and turned to a guard to discuss something, but Marcus watched intently.

  When Delilah finished her ministrations, Marcus nodded approvingly. “There is nothing to indicate you aren’t feeling one hundred percent.”

  “Thank you.”

  We can do this together. Marcus tucked my hand in the crook of his arm once more. It felt much warmer now, and that in turn gave me comfort. Like he said, we could do it together.

  “Captian Ryad, you may lead the way,” I said.

  He nodded curtly and instructed his guards to move forward. The double doors leading to the grand hall no longer looked as intimidating. With Marcus at my side, and Ryad watching both our backs, I didn’t fear this banquet as much as I had before. In fact, I was ready for anything that came tonight.

  Chapter Fifteen

  One Dance

  Every person in the room turned as one to see us as we entered. Many looked intrigued, some looked concerned. Councilman Jonah Plurz looked annoyed as he stood beside the dignitary from Dempka. Lady Berkum played with the rings on her hand, making me wonder if she did it purposely to bring attention to her status. She had rings on every finger on the left hand, and two on the right. One of the highest ranking officials to ever visit Rommader, she had a huge scowl on her face. I didn’t know if her anger was directed at me, or at something Jonah had said to her. Either way, she didn’t seem pleased at all. And from the tightness of Jonah’s lips, I knew he wasn’t enjoying himself either. Maybe she didn’t like having the speaker assigned to her.

  It was petty of me to enjoy his discomfort, but I didn’t care. He caused me enough frustration I felt he deserved a bit in return. I turned my attention away from him and Lady Berkum to allow Marcus to lead me through the crowd to our seats at the head of the assembly. The touch of telepathy tickled my mind, and I allowed it to open enough to hear Marcus’s thoughts.

  What happens now?

  Introductions. I looked at the four chief representatives, knowing which ones I would take, and which ones to give to Marcus. The dignitary from Dempka was a woman, and didn’t like me, but the way she was eyeing Marcus made me sure she’d feel honored having him speak for her.

  I stared at her for a moment, wondering why I suddenly wanted to rip her eyes out. I looked at Marcus and my anger melted. He wasn’t aware of Lady Berkum’s interest at all. I would have to make sure it remained that way.

  You go first to show me how it’s done, Marcus said.

  I squeezed his arm and nodded. I will introduce Nexleen, then you will do Dempka, then I will do Kas, and you can finish with Oshan.

  Marcus replied, Good luck.

  You too.

  I stepped away from Marcus and stood at the front of the room. The few remaining whispers ceased as everyone turned their attention to me. I swallowed my fears, grateful the guard healed me of all my little nerves, taking away the fatigue that had plagued me all day.

  I stood straight and raised my hands in a gesture of welcome. “Thank you all for your attendance tonight. We are grateful for the support shown to us in this sad time for our nation. The passing of our beloved king will be felt by many for some time to come. He was a true champion for peace.” I paused, feeling the emotions rising in my heart. I knew some would condemn me for not having more control, but others would think me heartless if I didn’t shed a tear as I thought of my father. I hated the politics that influenced everything I did and determined to ignore it for now. I wiped a tear from my eye and turned my attention to the delegates from our neighboring planets.

  “We are honored to have with us some of our closest allies. King Marcus and I thank you for coming.” I held my hand out to Itury. “It is our privilege to introduce to you the diplomat from Nexleen. Sir Itury Obaji.” I went through the customary words of welcome and stroked the ego of the visitors from Nexleen. I could feel Marcus’s interest in my words through the oath bond and knew he was paying careful attention to what I said and did. It was a fine balance between flattery and truth, while still maintaining our own superiority. I couldn’t wait until the evening was over and I could be done with the frivolities.

  As I finished the introduction, there was a smattering of applause from the three other planets’ guests, but a boisterous response from the other visitors from Nexleen. My own people were courteous and applauded them perfectly. Not too welcoming, and not too standoffish.

  Marcus stepped forward and took my hand. “It is now our pleasure to introduce to you the illustrious Lady Berkum.” Lady Berkum practically glowed with pleasure as Marcus introduced her. His confidence was obvious as he went through the process of introducing Dempka’s dignitaries. I watched them closely for any sign they were bothered by Marcus’s words, and then chastised myself for worrying. He was perfect in his delivery.

  I introduced Kas, followed soon by Marcus speaking for Oshan. When the introductions were complete, Marcus invited everyone to enjoy themselves and mingle. We were left alone for a few minutes to sit on our thrones and portray the stability of our kingdom.

  Protocol dictated we were not allowed to speak to each other, but with the telepathy, it didn’t really apply to us. I reached for Marcus’s hand on the armrest of the throne. You were perfect. Thank you for stepping in and assisting me in the introductions. I think it went well.

  I was nervous. How do you maintain such calm?

  I wanted to whip my head around to look at him, but managed to keep my eyes facing the crowd who were no doubt watching us. You seemed completely at ease. As if you had been doing this all your life. I would never have guessed you were nervous. I hadn’t felt anything through the oath bond, and wondered if only certain things could pass through, or if I was imagining I felt anything from him.

  Marcus’s head turned a fraction to glance at me, but he must have seen how I stared straight ahead so he didn’t continue to turn. I had a very good example to follow. Together we make a pretty good team.

  That we do, I agreed. He took his hand out from under mine and I felt a momentary disappointment until he shifted his hand to clasp my own in his. A flutter awoke deep in my chest and I took a shaky breath. I was more nervous with him at this moment than I had been facing down the dignitaries. Oh, Marcus, what am I going to do about us? I wondered to myself, making sure it didn’t cross through the telepathy.


  The moments ticked by, measured by the beating of my heart. I could feel my pulse in my hand where Marcus held it. I was sure he was only maintaining the contact because we needed to put on a front for those in attendance. They needed to see we were united as rulers. And what better way than to act united as husband and wife? But I had never felt this confused before.

  I was still angry about the forced marriage and wouldn’t allow others to control my life. I wanted to be the one to write my own history. I didn’t want to follow along like a good daughter. And though I had tru
sted my father completely in many things through my life, I was angry at him for doing this to me after I had left Rommader to avoid a forced marriage.

  I was so deep in my own thoughts, the movement of Marcus’s hand didn’t register until I saw him standing before me. I blinked and looked around the room, recognizing for the first time the floor had opened to dancers and the musicians were prepared to begin.

  As the highest ranking officials here, it was our duty to start the dance. How had I forgotten that? The banquet was more than food. There was dancing and discussion and intrigue. The custom on Rommader was to dance before the meal so as to ensure a hearty appetite. With Marcus’s eyes on me now, I didn’t think I’d ever feel settled enough to eat.

  More emotions than I could decipher lay hidden in the depths of his eyes. I blinked rapidly to gather myself together then placed my hand in his offered one and allowed him to lead me to the dance floor. The moment our feet left the carpet and touched the hardwood, the musicians started with the traditional first dance.

  I moved woodenly, feeling every eye on us. Marcus raised one eyebrow as if to ask how I was doing, but I blocked the telepathy, not feeling up to having his thoughts intrude on the mess in my own mind. He smiled sadly and pulled me into his embrace as we began the dance. Once we started the steps, I ignored all those watching us and let myself feel Marcus’s strength and control. He led me through each step, easily reminding me of how to move, and I followed him without a thought. His upper arm was perfectly formed and my hands itched to caress the muscle and follow it up to his shoulder even through his suit coat.

  I clenched my hand on his arm, reprimanding myself for those stray thoughts. I looked anywhere but into his eyes. The shape of his jaw as it curved up to his ear. The sculptured earlobe and well-trimmed hair framed a delicious-looking soft area just above his collar. I longed to be able to lean in closer and smell the spicy hint of aftershave.


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