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by Leopardi, Giacomo

  Languor: 144, 290, 650, 1140, 1649, 4063; BEAUTY: 257, 1257; LITERATURE: 803, 986, 2980–81; PLEASURE: 1580–81, 1628, 2566–67

  Lanzi, Luigi (1731–1810). Archaeologist and art historian, later curator of antiquities at the Uffizi: 1138–39, 2329, 2624

  Laocoon (Group of). Sculpture of the first century BCE representing Apollo’s revenge against Laocoon, brother of Anchises, and his sons: 76

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749–1827). French astronomer, mathematician, and physicist: 4304

  Lapland, the Laplanders (Lapps): see Nations, peoples

  Largeness: see Greatness

  La Roquette, Alexandre Dezos de (1784–1868). French soldier and geographer: 4331

  Lascaris, Constantine (1434–1501). Greek scholar who taught in Italy and wrote the first printed Greek grammar: 1016

  Lascaris, Janos. Greek scholar (1445–1534): 3336, 3741

  Latin language (see also Latin literature): 1135–36, 1242, 1494–96, 2026–27, 2057–60, 2065–67, 2103, 2172–73, 2173–76, 2214, 2288–89, 2634–35, 2649–52, 2876–78, 3251–53, 3401–402, 3586–87, 3749, 4214, 4443–44, 4459, 4473–74; ALPHABET, ORTHOGRAPHY, PHONOLOGY: 1136, 1155–60, 1168–69, 1180, 1270–71, 1276–83, 1363, 1968–69, 2283–84, 2376–77, 2459–60, 2466–68, 2621, 2654–55, 2740, 2889–90, 3024–25, 3056, 3081–82, 3251–53, 3344, 3684–86, 3744–45, 3754–56, 3818–21, 3988–89, 4090–91, 4290, 4374, 4465, 4497, 4520; DIALECTS, MULTILINGUALISM, VULGAR LATIN: 42, 322, 499, 1010, 1012–13, 1020–21, 1031–37, 1039–43, 1155–56, 1475–76, 1679–80, 1779–80, 1818–19, 1970–73, 1993, 2023–25, 2148–49, 2224–25, 2236–38, 2264–66, 2281–83, 2283–84, 2297–99, 2305, 2320–22, 2346–48, 2355–57, 2369–74, 2465–66, 2587, 2624, 2676–77, 2687, 2700–701, 3032–34, 3344, 3372–74, 3620–21, 3684, 3749, 3771–72, 3904–905, 4001–4002, 4036, 4521; FORMATION, DEVELOPMENT, DECLINE: 740–57, 789–90, 855–63, 929, 953–55, 979, 999, 1038–39, 1040, 1049–50, 1056, 1067–70, 1093, 1098, 1128–29, 1132–38, 1157, 1295–1301, 1518–19, 1956–57, 2036–37, 2057–60, 2103–104, 2114, 2120–22, 2167–69, 2351–54, 2697–98, 2722–23, 2723–24, 3192, 3259–62, 3625–29, 3637–38, 3831, 4117, 4425; FREEDOM (LACK OF): 1049, 1098, 2007–2008, 2014–16, 2057–60, 2103–104, 2173–76, 2180; GREEK: 44, 312, 740–757, 988–91, 1029, 1137–38, 1229, 1518–19, 1949–50, 1956–57, 2091, 2136–45, 2165–66, 2173–76, 2239–41, 2308, 2329–30, 2384–85, 2402, 2446–47, 2451–52, 2475, 2572–73, 2578, 2592–93, 2655, 2771–79, 2784–86, 3192–96, 3286–88, 3541–42, 3586–87, 3620–21, 3831, 3940–41, 3946–47. 4050–51; SPREAD: 239–40, 933–34, 992–96, 1029, 1945–46, 2624, 2643–44, 2695, 2735–36, 3261–62, 3336–38, 3366–72

  Latin Literature (see also Latin Language): 43, 148, 232, 312, 455–56, 522, 746–60, 850–51, 855–63, 988–96, 996, 1024, 1025, 1037–38, 1049–50, 1052–53, 1056–57, 1069, 1093, 1417–18, 1518–19, 2057–59, 2065–67, 2103–105, 2112–14, 2120–22, 2165–66, 2167–71, 2239–41, 2408–10, 2513–15, 2578, 2693, 2731–35, 3124–48, 3192–96, 3366–72, 3475–76, 4243, 4351–52, 4354, 4460, 4461; HISTORY: 1010, 1023, 1068–69, 2876–78, 2882–83, 3300–301, 3625–29; ORATORY AND RHETORIC: 850–51, 2478, 3413, 3469–71, 3472, 3751, 4354; POETRY: 54, 145, 308–309, 727, 984, 1158, 3011, 3344, 3461–62, 3561, 4214, 4450–58, 4460, 4461, 4474; prosody: 1151–53, 1207–10, 1878–79, 4026–29

  Latinisms: 952, 995, 1071–72, 1162, 1324, 1916, 2504, 2535, 2539, 2719, 3264, 3405–409, 3586, 3738–41, 3866–68, 3961, 3964, 3969–70, 4294

  Latins: see Rome, Romans

  Latinus Pacatus Drepanius (fl. late fourth century CE). Gallo-Latin panegyrist and probably professor of rhetoric at Bordeaux: 991

  Latium: 54, 62, 232, 2037, 2330, 2352–53, 3140, 3194, 3196, 3252, 3372, 3461, 3621, 3940, 4351, 4432, 4446, 4448

  Laughter (see also Theater: COMEDY): 107, 188, 668–69, 1774, 2809, 3000, 3311, 3360–61, 3526, 3990, 4035, 4138, 4173, 4391, 4422–23; COMEDY, THE COMIC: 7, 10–11, 41–43, 63, 1084, 1393–94, 3000, 3492, 4167; RIDICULE, THE RIDICULOUS: 10, 41, 101–102, 250, 770, 781, 1084, 1393–94, 1933, 1965, 3841–42, 4167, 4262–63, 4517

  Lavater, Johann Kaspar (1741–1801). Swiss writer, thinker, and theologian: 1579

  Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent (1743–1794). French chemist: 4216

  Law: 118–19, 229, 3348–50, 3449, 4439; LAW OF NATIONS: 880–81, 897–98, 910–11, 1709, 2252–55, 2625–27, 4286, 4423–24; NATURAL LAW: 118–19, 209–10, 249–50, 342–43, 356–57, 388, 399–400, 452, 661, 723, 1458–59, 1624, 1641, 1709, 1710–11, 2660–61, 2672–73, 3420, 3808–809, 4189–90

  Lawmakers: 160–61, 194, 2254–55, 2263–64, 3349–50

  Laziness: see Indolence

  Leaders: see Prince, the

  Leap/Gradation: BIOLOGY: 4468; HISTORY, POLITICS, AND SOCIETY: 114, 3799; METAPHYSICS: 292–93, 631, 1636, 3860; POETRY, STYLE: 82, 2051; PSYCHOLOGY: 103, 1729, 1976

  Learning: 1254–55, 1364–65, 1786–87, 2028

  Lechery, lust: 1315–16, 1379–81, 1634–35, 1841, 1881–82

  Leçons françaises de Littérature et de Morale. Anthology edited by Noël and Delaplace, first published in 1801 and frequently reprinted, familiar to Leopardi: 4265, 4282

  Leena (story about her): 4226

  Le Fèvre, Tanneguy (Faber Tanaquillus) (1615–1672). French Hellenist: 1153, 3628

  Lefkada (Leap of). Cliffs associated with the goddess Aphrodite, legendary site of the suicide of Sappho, also a place of execution: 82, 2673

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646–1716). German mathematician and philosopher: 391–92, 946, 1347–48, 1352, 1360, 1635–36, 1658, 1857, 4174

  Leipziger Literaturzeitung: 950, 4375

  Leisure, idleness: 474–76, 1075–76, 3315, 4235–36, 4259–60, 4306–307; READING, STUDYING: 346, 4273, 4520

  Lemnos. A Greek island: 4158

  Lenfant, Jacques (1661–1728). French protestant historian: 4290

  Leo I (the Great), St. (c. 400–461 CE). Elected Pope in 440, combated Manicheanism and Pelasgianism: 2698

  Leo X (1475–1521). Giovanni de’ Medici, son of Lorenzo the Magnificent, elected Pope in 1513: 392, 2810, 3888

  Leo XII (1760–1829). Annibale Sermattei della Genga, elected Pope in 1823: 3568

  Leonidas (d. 480 BCE). King of Sparta, killed at the battle of Thermopylae: 44, 2422

  Leopardi, Carlo (1799–1878). Giacomo’s brother: 245, 4417, 4512

  Leopardi, Giacomo (1798–1837). Author of the Zibaldone: AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL AND SELF-REFERENTIAL ENTRIES: 50–51, 60, 73, 82, 106, 143–44, 193, 1347–48, 1401–402, 1741–42, 1787, 1914, 2759, 3203, 3474, 3519–20, 4149, 4183–84, 4190, 4224, 4248, 4255, 4273–74, 4275–76, 4281–82, 4293, 4302, 4421, 4423; Memories of the author’s own life: 36, 45, 59–60, 64, 65, 66, 70–71, 73, 76, 82, 84, 85, 106, 137–40, 143–44, 151–52, 193, 194, 209, 245, 273–74, 280, 291–92, 299, 319, 355–56, 460–61, 482–83, 505–506, 515–16, 645–46, 703, 1104, 1254–55, 1312, 1347–48, 1365, 1401, 1590, 1741–42, 1751–52, 1802, 2118, 2185–86, 2405–408, 2472, 2596–97, 2759, 3411, 3518–20, 4195, 4201–202, 4225, 4226–27, 4229–30, 4239, 4259, 4286–87, 4296–97, 4301, 4330–31, 4417–18, 4420, 4421–22, 4518; HIS INDEX OF THE ZIBALDONE: 4295; POEMS (FRAGMENTS, SKETCHES BY HIM): 1, 3, 5, 21, 23, 36, 47, 50–51, 62, 63–64, 69, 80, 85, 106, 228, 256, 280, 4165; PROJECTS AND PLANNED WORKS: “Discourse on the current state of literature”: 4469; “Humanity of the ancients”: 4441, 4481, 4517, 4524; “Letter to a young man of the 20th century”: 4280; “Life of Lorenzo Sarno”: 295; “Manual of practical philosophy”: 4239, 4249, 4259, 4266, 4274, 4502, 4518; “Memories of my life”: 4286, 4301, 4417, 4420, 4421, 4518; “Moral etiquette”: 438, 4469, 4472, 4481, 4482, 4512; “Social Machiavellianism”: 4440, 4469, 4501, 4502; “Treatise on human feelings”: 4482; “Treatise on Vulgar Latin”: 4521; WORKS AND DRAFTS: Annotazioni alle dieci Canzoni: 2468, 3938; Annotazioni all’Eusebio del Mai: 3588, 4011; Bruto minore: 3938; Cantico del gallo silvestre: 4130; Crestomazia [della prosa]: 4372; Dialogo della Natura e di u
n’Anima: 4079–82; Dialogo della Natura e di un Islandese: 4099–101, 4130; Dialogo di un Fisico e di un Metafisico: 4092, 4130–31; Discorso di un italiano intorno alla poesia romantica: 53, 78, 100, 382, 1414, 1469, 1688, 2043; Discorso sopra lo stato presente dei costumi degl’Italiani: 2618, 4491; Frammento apocrifo di Stratone da Lampsaco: 4248; Indice del mio Zibaldone di Pensieri: 4295; L’infinito: 1430; Inno a Nettuno: 4190; Noterelle latine al “Simposio” di Senofonte: 4145; notes on Plato’s Phaedo: 4011; Osservazioni sui Taumasiografi greci: 557, 4150; Saggio sopra gli errori popolari degli antichi: 531, 1054, 2301, 2704; Telesilla: 1400. (See also System (Leopardi’s) and Pleasure, delight: LEOPARDI’S THEORY OF PLEASURE)

  Leopardi, Luigi (1804–1828). Giacomo’s brother: 65

  Leopardi, Monaldo (1776–1847). Giacomo’s father: 1573, 4229–30, 4241

  Leopardi, Pier Francesco (Pietrino) (1813–1851). One of Giacomo’s younger brothers: 45, 65, 212, 4508

  Lepanto (Battle of). Victory of the Christian fleet of the Holy League against the Ottoman navy (1571): 3177

  Le Paulmier de Grentemesnil, Jacques (also known as Palmerius) (1587–1670). French humanist: 4030, 4101

  Lepers: 2463–64, 3342–43

  Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius (c. 89/88–13/12 BCE). Roman politician, ally of Mark Antony: 523

  Lequien, Michel (1661–1733). Editor of the works of Damascenus (Venice, 1748): 4463

  Lesbos. Greek island: 4158

  Lethargy: see Torpor

  Letronne, Jean-Antoine (1787–1848). French archaeologist: 4342–43, 4364–65, 4411–12

  Lettera a Mons. Giovanni Archinto sopra un’opera inedita di un antico teologo: 981

  Lettere di principi: 4243

  Leunclavius: see Löwenklau, Johann

  Levasseur, Thérèse (d. 1801). Rousseau’s common-law wife: 3920

  Lexicon graeco-latinum novum: see Scapula

  Lexicon totius Latinitatis: see Forcellini

  Libanius (314–393 CE). Greek rhetor from Antioch, a sophist in the entourage of Julian the Apostate: 313, 1094, 2697, 2829

  Liberalism: 136, 217, 460, 1100–1101

  Libertine(s): 751, 2227

  Liberty, freedom: 985–86, 2656–57, 3347–49; ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: 67–68, 114, 115–16, 457, 459–60, 463, 606–607, 888–89, 910–11, 911–25, 1100–101, 2487–88, 4298–99; eloquence: 162–63; illusions, reason, civilization: 21–23, 105–106, 114–15, 523–25; LITERATURE: 392–93; NATURE, REASON, CIVILIZATION: 21–23, 314–15, 439–43, 585–90, 591–92, 925–26; society, governments: 543–79, 579–81, 1100–101, 2487–88, 2668–69, 4041–42, 4192, 4298–99

  Liebel, Ignatius. Editor of the works of Archilochus (1818): 4154–56, 4158, 4159

  Life: 56, 66, 102, 193, 668, 925, 1387, 1687–88, 2638–39, 2661, 3854–55, 3937–38, 4127–32, 4277–79; ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: 79, 131–32, 484–85, 2943–44, 3029–31, 3099, 4410; intensity of life: 625–29, 1330–32, 3292–93, 4062–64; DEFINITION OF LIFE: 4162–63; KINDS OF LIFE: domestic: 298, 1777, 2928, 3677–80, 3865, 4032; rural, rustic: 298, 1777–78; METAPHORS OF LIFE: 663–66, 1476, 4042, 4068, 4104, 4162–63, 4226–27, 4421; SELF-LOVE, PLEASURE, HAPPINESS: 87, 180, 273, 636–37, 646–48, 829–30, 960, 1382, 1863–65, 2528–29, 2549–55, 2752–55, 3028, 3550–52, 3622, 3835–36, 3842–43, 3846–48, 3876–78, 3895, 3921–27, 3936–37, 3937–38, 4041–42, 4043, 4074–75, 4075–76, 4087, 4099–101, 4104, 4137, 4162–63, 4169, 4174, 4175–77, 4191–92, 4259–60, 4283–84, 4438–39, 4472, 4477, 4518; illusions, imagination: 51, 139, 351–52, 636–37, 1863–65, 3761, 3891, 4259–60, 4260, 4418, 4525; love of life: 70–71, 1476, 2433–34, 2643, 3813–15, 4060–61, 4127–32, 4242–43; tendency toward life: 1990, 1999, 2017–18, 2049–50, 2415, 2548–49, 2759, 3191–92, 4021–22; vitality, intensity of life/longevity: 352, 427–28, 620–29, 1330–32, 2548, 2736–38, 3291–98, 3381–82, 3509–14, 3905–906, 4062–64, 4092, 4185–88; THE YOUNG AND THE OLD: 277–80, 294–99, 599, 2638–39, 2643, 2736–38, 2752–55, 2987–89, 3029–31, 3265–69, 4116

  Light: 261, 1744–46, 1935–36, 1982–83, 2381, 3206, 3387

  Lightning conductors: 4198, 4199–4200

  Lindemann, Friedrich (1792–1854). German philologist: 4374

  Linguet, Simon-Nicholas Henri (1736–1794). French publicist and advocate: 912

  Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) (1707–1778). Swedish naturalist: 1701

  Linus. Player of the lyre, and the teacher of Orpheus and Hercules: 1029

  Lions: see Animals

  Lipsius, Justus (Lips Joost) (1547–1606). Flemish neo-Stoic humanist, author of De Constantia: 478, 486, 1253, 1353

  Listlessness: see Apathy

  Literary Yearbooks (Jahrbücher der Literatur). Published in Vienna: 4336

  Literature (see also Poetry, poets; Narrative art; Theater): 1, 144–47, 189–91, 259–61, 801–804, 1787–88, 2676, 4285, 4329, 4367, 4372, 4388, 4368–70, 4430, 4469–70; AFFECTATION: 6–7, 17, 20, 50, 53, 64, 189–90, 203–204, 225, 232, 236–37, 319–20, 705, 756, 1024, 1098–99, 1417, 2682; ancients/moderns: 86, 100, 3473; in poetry: 29, 164; ART OF WRITING: 2475–78, 2611–13, 3047–51, 3673–75, 4268–71; FAME, GLORY, IMMORTALITY: 1531–33, 1708–709, 3439–40, 4257, 4301, 4329, 4347–50, 4354; FINE ARTS/SCIENCES: 1226–29, 1252–53, 1356–61, 1361, 1708–709, 4504; GENRES: 2–3, 39–40, 801–804, 810–12, 1056–59, 1227, 1672–73, 3289–91, 4234–36, 4356–59, 4367, 4475–77; IMITATION: 2, 3, 5, 6–7, 8–9, 3463–65, 4372–73; LANGUAGE: 242, 995–96, 1037–38, 1056–59, 1062, 1093–94, 1202–204, 1226–29, 1245–46, 1250, 1253, 1304–305, 1356–61, 2014–16, 2103, 2124–26, 2458–59, 2529–32, 2639–42, 2648, 2836–41, 2906–907, 3318–21, 3332, 3336–38, 3338–40, 3576, 4066–67, 4117, 4349–50; MODERN TIMES: 5, 1174–75, 1470–72, 2364, 2914–16, 3321, 3439–40, 3471–77, 4354, 4475–77, 4504; POETRY/PROSE: 1227, 1789–90, 3009–17, 4234–36, 4343–50, 4354, 4356–59, 4372–73; RELATIVITY OF JUDGMENT, TASTE: 154–55, 193, 1207–12, 1434–35, 1671–73, 1754–55, 1758–59, 1789–90, 1806–12, 2529–32, 2639–40

  Literatures and forms of writing: CHINESE: 942–43, 944–45, 1019, 1059, 1179, 2620; DANISH: 4311–12; DUTCH: 3560; ENGLISH: 21, 804, 986–87, 1045–46, 1133, 1410, 1519, 1778, 1856, 1956, 2098, 2106–107, 2845, 3066, 3318–21, 3368, 3400, 3401, 3816, 4234, 4269, 4322, 4349, 4383, 4387; poetry: 986–87, 1210, 1211, 1410, 1777–78, 2642; FRENCH: see French Literature; GERMAN, GERMAN DIALECTS: 1352, 1894–95, 1948–51, 2079–80, 2093, 2177–78, 2211, 2289–91, 2593–94, 2616–18, 3320–21, 3400–401, 3816, 4452, 4460; poetry: 1777–78, 1856, 1962–64, 2051, 4452, 4460; prosody: 1211, 1965–67; translations: 957, 1948–51, 1988, 2089–90, 2134–36, 2845–61, 2913–14, 4191; GREEK: see Greek Literature; ITALIAN: see Italian Literature; LATIN: see Latin Literature; MONGOL: 4407, 4412; PROVENÇAL: 2505–506, 2870–72; RUSSIAN: 1519, 2589, 3401, 3560; SANSKRIT: 2747; SCANDINAVIAN: 1519, 2589, 3401, 4407; SERBIAN: 4337–39, 4361, 4372, 4399, 4452; SPANISH: 242, 991, 1034–35, 1051, 1084, 1879, 1894, 1902, 1996, 2608–609, 2783, 2987, 3066, 3070, 3324, 3372–74, 3396, 3397, 3399, 3400, 3401, 3471, 3560, 3576, 3581, 3582, 3583, 3728–30, 3751, 3772, 3816, 3817, 3829–30, 3855–63, 4436, 4475, 4506; SWEDISH: 1519, 2589, 3401, 3560

  Littleness: see Smallness

  Lives of the Fathers: see Vite de’ Santi Padri

  Livius Andronicus, Lucius (c. 284–c. 204 BCE). Greek poet from Taranto writing in Latin: 756, 988

  Livorno: see Cities

  Livy (Titus Livius) (59 BCE–17 CE). Roman historian: 463, 477, 526, 756, 850, 1020, 1147, 1353, 1492, 2265, 2452, 2476, 2651, 3002, 3372–73, 3770, 4028, 4455, 4457, 4503

  Locke, John (1632–1704). English empiricist philosopher, author of the Essay on Human Understanding: 807, 946, 1028, 1053–55, 1075, 1235, 1339, 1352, 1360, 1676, 1857, 2616, 2707–708, 3255


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