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by Leopardi, Giacomo

  Nations, peoples. ABYSSINIA, ABYSSINIANS: 1271; ADIABENIANS (inhabitants of a Jewish kingdom in Mesopotamia): 1000; AEOLIANS (inhabitants of ancient Thessaly): 1127, 1276, 1277, 2197, 2773, 2777, 2779, 3727–3728, 3755, 3820, 3940, 4035, 4319; AETOLIA, AETOLIANS (inhabitants of an area of central Greece): 4225; AFRICA, AFRICANS: 423, 920, 991, 1849, 1850, 2332, 2624, 3177, 3577, 3578, 3893, 4073, 4189, 4256, 4265, 4343, 4362; ALBANIA, ALBANIANS: 4337; ALGERIANS: 3128; AMAZONS: 2261; AMERICA, AMERICANS (see also Languages: AMERICAN): 554, 878, 1198, 1459, 1778, 2208, 2389, 2559, 2604, 3253, 3420, 3513, 3790, 3797, 3798, 3801, 3833, 3893, 3932, 3957–58, 3962, 4045, 4102, 4121, 4185, 4256, 4265, 4280; ANGLO-SAXONS: 1271, 3368, 3370; ARABS (see also Languages: ARABIC): 330, 933, 994, 1000, 1229, 1271, 1398–99, 1592, 1849, 1859, 3580–81, 4353, 4475; ARCADIA (region of ancient Greece), ARCADIANS: 1270, 2660–61, 2675, 4159; ASIA, ASIANS: 265, 423, 502, 886, 920, 926–27, 933, 991, 1000, 1850, 2105, 2331, 2332, 2333, 2405, 2622, 2795, 3174, 3176, 3368, 4017, 4029, 4048,4109, 4172, 4236, 4256, 4265, 4342–43, 4346, 4380, 4399, 4433, 4435; ASSYRIA, ASSYRIANS: 866, 882, 886, 1271; ATHENIANS: see Athens; BABYLONIANS: 1000 (see also Cities); BULGARIA, BULGARIANS: 4337; CALEDONIANS (the name the Romans gave to the peoples of Scotland): 205; CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIANS: 2712, 2748, 3179–80, 3304, 3660, 3801; CARTHAGE, CARTHAGINIANS: 22, 241, 502–503, 567, 1169, 2334, 2678, 4434, 4458; CASTILE: 2122; CATALONIA, THE CATALANS: 3729; CELTS (see also Languages: CELTIC): 484–85, 554, 1592, 3641–42; CHALDEES, CHALDEANS: 935; CHINA, THE CHINESE (see also Languages: CHINESE): 8–9, 19, 269, 336, 764, 920, 927, 942–44, 950, 976, 1059, 1179, 1229, 1404–405, 1570, 1592, 1849, 1881, 1921, 2620–21, 2748, 2750, 3211, 3213–15, 3666–67, 3670–71; CUBA (Spanish colony): 4280; DACIA (region of central and eastern Europe, in present-day Romania): 979–80, 4400; DENMARK, THE DANES: 1298, 3148, 3149, 3401, 4193–94, 4261, 4311–12, 4339; DORIANS (one of the four major tribes of ancient Greek civilization): 2773, 2779, 4048; EGYPT, EGYPTIANS: 265, 336, 340, 638, 927, 928, 929, 935, 944, 991, 1166, 1271, 1849, 2105, 2331–2332, 2590, 2624, 3438, 3462, 3525, 3640, 3812, 3890, 4133, 4342, 4393, 4437; ENGLAND, THE ENGLISH: see England, the English; ESKIMOS: 4024; ETHIOPIA, ETHIOPIANS: 49, 929, 1195, 1271, 1409, 2559, 3088; ETRURIA, ETRUSCANS: 979, 1138–39, 1270, 2329–30, 2624, 4152, 4425; FINLAND: 4407; FRANCE, THE FRENCH: see France, the French; FRANKS: 1592, 1879, 1945, 2875, 3369, 3370, 3582–84; GAUL, THE GAULS (incl. CISALPINE GAUL, TRANSALPINE GAUL): 55, 131, 486, 495, 501, 933, 980, 991, 994, 1012, 1014. 1015, 1016, 1024, 1029, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1045, 1601, 1633, 1945, 2624, 2649, 2695, 2698, 3366, 3367, 3369, 3582–84, 3641–42, 4114, 4346, 4450, 4470; GERMANY, GERMANS: see Germany, Germans; GOTHS (see also Languages: GOTHIC): 929, 1034, 1270–71, 1592, 1879, 2875, 3175, 3369–70, 3579, 3582, 4523; HOLLAND, THE DUTCH: 972, 2623, 4261; HOTTENTOTS: 1593, 1957, 2259; INCAS: 3797, 3833–34, 3957–58; HUNGARIANS: 4137; GETAE (ancient people settled beside the Danube): 4431; INDIA: see India, Indians; IRELAND, THE IRISH: 974; IONIA, THE IONIANS: 304, 3965, 4323, 4396, 4409; IROQUOIS: 134; ITALY: see Italy, the Italians; JEWS (see also Hebrew language): 13, 30, 51, 132, 881–82, 886, 920, 999–1001,1061, 1096, 1211, 1229–30, 1271, 1289–90, 1398, 1399, 1441–44, 1470, 1637–42, 1710–11, 1848–49, 2252–53, 2263–64, 2464, 2627, 3342, 3770, 4152, 4290, 4352, 4353, 4482, 4483; KALMUKS (Mongolian people from southern Siberia): 4341–42, 4407, 4412; KHIRGIS, the (nomadic nation from northern central Asia): 4399–4400; LACEDAEMON, LACEDAEMONIANS: see Sparta, the Spartans; LAPLAND, THE LAPLANDERS (LAPPS): 49, 134, 1195, 1197, 2559, 3201, 3646, 3848; LOMBARDS: 1592, 1879, 2875, 3369, 3579, 3582, 3967; MACEDONIA, MACEDONIANS: 883, 884, 904, 1029, 3176, 4078, 4433; MARIANDYNIANS (ancient people from Asia): 4435; MEDES (nomadic people of the Iranian plateau established in the 9th century BCE): 2333; MEXICO, MEXICANS: 2253, 2387–88, 2401, 2421, 2480, 2604, 2620, 2748, 3183, 3639, 3643, 3666–67, 3670, 3797, 3824, 3825, 3957–58; MONGOLS: 4341–42; NORMANS: 1011, 1034, 3370; OENOTRIANS (an ancient Italic people): 4433; OPICI (or OSCI) (Italic tribe based in southern Italy): 4434, 4442; OSTROGOTHS: 3579; PAPHLAGONIA, PAPHLAGONIANS (ancient coastal region in the north of Asia Minor): 1794, 3745, 4435; PARTHIANS: 1000; PATAGONIA, PATAGONIANS: 1197, 2559; PELASGIANS (term applied to populations in Greece preceding the arrival of the Hellenes): 1270, 4433, 4447, 4449; PERSIA, PERSIANS: 62–63, 114–15, 164, 255, 265, 423, 567, 866, 869, 882, 883, 884, 904, 920, 927, 954, 975, 1077, 1101, 1271, 1390, 1592, 2332–33, 2480, 2680, 3129, 3176, 4017, 4256, 4413; PEUCETIANS (an early Italic people) 4442, 4443; PHOENICIA, PHOENICIANS: 1136, 1139, 1168–70, 1264, 1276, 3463; POLAND, THE POLES: 241, 1034, 1298, 2099, 2623, 3210; PORTUGAL, THE PORTUGUESE: 1299, 3146, 3210, 3560, 4261; PRUSSIA, PRUSSIANS: 1053, 2623, 3633, 3816–17, 3835, 3884, 3949, 4281; ROME: see Rome, Romans, Latins; RUSSIA, THE RUSSIANS: 241, 981, 1043–44, 1271, 1298, 1812, 1895, 2099, 2166, 2333, 2358, 2623, 3196, 3400, 3401, 3557, 3560, 3646, 3673, 3816, 4261; RUTULI (people of Latium): 2760; SABINES (an Italic people living northeast of Rome from before its existence): 4465; SAMARIA, THE SAMARITANS: 935, 1136, 1168, 1170, 1276, 1444, 2621; SAMNIUM, SAMNITES (early Italic people): 4432–33, 4454; SAMOYEDS (people from Lapland): 3652; SARMATIANS (a nomadic people of ancient Iranian origin): 4172, 4173; SAXONS: 3368–70; SCANDINAVIANS: 4406; SCOTLAND, THE SCOTS: 204–205, 932, 991, 994–95, 1014, 1218, 1400, 1409, 2883, 3372; SCYTHIANS (ancient Iranian people of nomadic pastoralists who dominated the Pontic-Caspian steppe, known in antiquity as Scythia): 884, 2799, 3511, 3676, 3677, 3962, 3967; SENONIANS (a tribe in Gaul): 494–95, 501; SERBIA, THE SERBS: 4337–39, 4361, 4372, 4399, 4452; SLAVS: 933, 2847, 3196, 3967; SPAIN, THE SPANISH: see Spain, the Spanish; SPARTA, THE SPARTANS: 44, 68, 210, 915, 917, 935, 1170, 2425, 2628–29, 2674–75, 2681, 3893, 4183, 4206, 4217, 4409; SWEDEN, THE SWEDISH: 1298, 1812, 1895, 2623, 3196, 3210, 3400, 3560, 3673, 3816, 4261; SWITZERLAND, THE SWISS: 240, 720, 722, 1298, 1362, 3348, 3349, 4193, 4206, 4340; SYBARITES (inhabitants of Sybaris, a wealthy city in Magna Graecia): 423, 1077; SYRIA, THE SYRIANS: 916, 1000, 1231, 1271; TAHITI, TAHITIANS: 1957; TARTARS: 1215, 1592, 3174; TEUTONS: 509, 2847; THRACE, THE THRACIANS: 491, 1029, 4155, 4208, 4225; TIBET, THE TIBETANS: 1913; 4341; TRAUSI (a people of Thrace): 2796; TROY, THE TROJANS: 95–96, 511, 869, 884, 1106, 1140, 1394, 2243–44, 3111–12, 3120, 3121, 3126, 3136, 3143–45, 3158, 3591, 3770–72, 4049, 4270, 4282, 4312–16, 4330, 4447–49; TUNISIANS: 3128; TURKEY, THE TURKS: 8, 71, 156, 172, 994, 1592, 2696, 3127, 3132, 3173–77, 3211, 3212, 3253, 3368, 3580, 3581, 3848, 4017, 4044, 4073, 4410, 4424; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: 721–22, 4045; VANDALS: 2875, 3369, 3579; VENETI: 2649, 2650, 2652, 3744–45; VOLSCI (tribe of central Italy who spoke an Italic dialect related to Oscan and Umbrian): 4434, 4445, 4465

  Natural history: 4214–16

  Naturalists: 71, 4205

  Natural law: see Law and Nature: THE NATURAL SYSTEM

  Natural system, the: see Nature

  Naturalness (see also Naiveté and Simplicity and Spontaneity): 328–29, 650–51, 2545–46; ANCIENTS AND MODERNS: 1018–19; ARTS AND LITERATURE: 119, 189–90, 237, 1312–13, 1411–20, 1915–16, 2038, 4326; affectation: 50, 86–87, 92–94, 189–90, 190–91, 203–204, 237, 2498; ancients and moderns: 57, 86–87, 100; drama: 2313–15, 2326–27, 3451; grace: 199–202, 343–45; nature, art, study: 19–21, 46, 1330–31, 3047–50, 4326, 4328; CARELESSNESS: 461–62, 658–59; LANGUAGE: 48, 343–45, 704–705, 863–64, 3401–403

  Nature: ART AND LITERATURE: 15–17, 19, 20, 40, 46, 79–80, 147, 189, 199, 322, 461, 693, 1028, 1175, 1252–53, 1312–13, 1356, 1471–72, 1832, 2568–72, 3047–48, 3364–65, 3613–16, 4235–36, 4372; BEAUTY, GRACE: 269, 270, 1329–30, 1404–11, 1672, 1698–99, 1921, 2636–38, 3427–28; CIVILIZATION, PERFECTION AND PERFECTIBILITY: 220, 371–73, 470–71, 830–38, 871, 936–38, 939–40, 1018–19, 1078, 1170–74, 1459, 1558–62, 1570–72, 1597–1602, 1611–13, 1775–76, 1959, 2256, 2392–95, 3643–72, 3799–3801, 3973–75, 4197–98, 4265–66, 4279–80, 4461–62; languages: 936–38, 1022–23, 1040, 1045, 1053–54, 1966; politics, society: 112, 114–15, 132–33, 191, 252, 524, 543–79, 579–90, 872–73, 92
5–26, 2684–85, 3430–31, 3773–78, 3784–85, 3788–89, 3803, 3804–806, 3928–30, 4491; reason/imagination, illusions: 14–15, 21–23, 37, 51, 106–107, 125, 132–33, 167–69, 213–17, 252, 269, 270, 270–71, 293–94, 331–33, 333, 341–42, 356, 375, 393–420, 420–23, 433–35, 542–43, 583–86, 660, 1028, 1377, 1651–52, 1816–18, 1858–60, 2114–17, 2204, 2390, 2684–85, 3518–20, 4160–61; religion: 37, 331–33, 353–56; 393–420, 433–35; HAPPINESS, PLEASURE: 40, 44, 56, 69, 102, 139–40, 141, 167–70, 175, 177–79, 179–81, 193, 255, 324, 326–28, 331–33, 364–66, 366, 385–88, 537, 599, 649, 814–16, 1079–81, 1082, 1436–37, 1677–78, 2114–17, 2219–20, 2241–42, 2414, 2492, 2494–95, 2600–602, 2684–85, 2900–903, 3440–41, 3814, 4041–42, 4069–70, 4127–32, 4168–69, 4169, 4517; HUMAN NATURE (see also Dispositions and Instinct): 1458–59, 2431–33, 2558–63, 2645, 3301–12, 4243–45, 4474; THE NATURAL STATE, STATE OF NATURE: animals: 159, 588, 679, 3377; humans: 52, 56, 536, 1458, 1979, 2018, 2043, 2206, 2274–75, 2390, 2403, 2438, 2902, 3180, 3308, 3793, 4180; society: 315, 328, 375, 399–400, 404–407, 413, 417, 421–22, 446–49, 573, 1536, 1910–11, 1924, 3779, 3808, 4135–36, 4185; THE NATURAL SYSTEM: 49, 147, 159, 255, 393–94, 540–42, 601, 1087–99, 1458–59, 1658, 1788–89, 1907–11, 1957–61, 2028–31, 3374–82, 3936–37, 3938, 3973–75, 4069–70, 4127–32, 4133–34, 4137, 4141–43, 4196, 4248, 4257–59, 4280, 4413, 4519–20; contradictions: 364–66, 1597–1602, 3783–84, 4087, 4099–101, 4127–30, 4188–89, 4204–205, 4206; knowledge and science of nature: 304–305, 1178, 1833–40, 2710–11, 3237–45, 4189–90, 4238–39; morality: 118–19, 209–10, 249–50, 356–57, 363–64, 4168–69; natural law: 118–19, 209–10, 249–50, 342–43, 356–57, 388, 399–400, 452, 661, 723, 1458–59, 1624, 1641, 1709, 1710–11, 2660–61, 2672–73, 3420, 3808–809, 4189–90; order/disorder, good/ill: 4423, 4428, 4461–62, 4467–69, 4510, 4510–11; life/death, preservation/destruction: 296, 1530–31, 3791–94, 3813–15, 4062–64, 4130, 4169, 4231–32, 4242–43, 4421, 4485–86

  Navigation: 3643–65, 4198–99

  Nazianzus: see Gregory

  Nearchus (fourth century BCE). Greek navigator and one of Alexander’s lieutenants: 4294

  Necessity: 61, 160, 503–507, 1341–42, 1613–15, 1616, 1645, 2674

  Need: 172, 175, 248, 402, 830–32, 1382, 1559, 1678, 2256, 2337–38, 2389, 2685–86, 3778, 4075–76, 4180

  Negligence: see Diligence

  Negroes: see Blacks

  Nehemiah. Biblical character, royal cupbearer to Artaxerxes I: 1444

  Neighbors, relatives: 891–93, 899–901, 1547–48, 1710–12, 2397, 4226–27, 4482, 4501

  Nelvil, Lord Oswald. A character in Staël’s Corinne: 212, 508, 4259

  Nemesianus (Marcus Aurelius Olympius Nemesianus) (third century CE). North African Latin poet: 991, 1016

  Nencia da Barberino (c. 1470). Poem in ottava rima composed in the circle of Lorenzo de’ Medici, sometimes attributed to him: 8, 57

  Neocles. Father of Themistocles, the Athenian statesman: 4153

  Neologism: 12, 50, 641–43, 1049–50, 1237–38, 1485, 1490, 1496–97, 2390, 2400, 2664, 2721, 2722–23, 3410, 3764

  Neptune. Ancient Italic god of water, later identified with the Greek god Poseidon: 13, 4315, 4409

  Neri, Antonio (1576–1614). Florentine writer and scholar: 2603

  Nero, Tiberius Claudius (37–68 CE). Roman emperor from 54 CE: 2245, 4179, 4440

  Nerva, Marcus Cocceius (c. 30–98 CE). Roman emperor from 96 CE: 752, 992

  New Holland: 1215

  Newness: see Novelty

  New Testament: see Bible

  Newton, Sir Isaac (1642–1727). Philosopher and mathematician: 946, 1352, 1528, 1857, 2132–33, 2616, 2709, 4056–57, 4109, 4302–303

  New York: see Cities

  Nibelungenlied: 2113, 4452, 4456, 4460

  Nicander (second century BCE). Greek writer from Colophon: 4371

  Nicias (fourth century BCE). Greek painter: 4161–62

  Nicias (third century BCE). Greek physician from Miletus, cited in Stobaeus: 4225

  Nicocles (fourth century BCE). King of Salamis, Cyprus, to whom Isocrates addressed an oration: 614

  Nicolas of Cusa (also known as Cusanus) (1401–1464). German humanist, scientist, theologian and philosopher, author of De docta ignorantia: 1858

  Nicolini da Sabio, Giannantonio de’ (active first half sixteenth century). Publisher in Venice: 2461

  Niebuhr, Barthold Georg (1776–1831). German statesman and historian, friend of Leopardi: WORKS: Conspectus orthographiae Codicis Vaticani: 2656, 3762, 3895, 4438; History of Rome (English translation consulted by L.): 4330, 4364–65, 4424–25, 4428–29, 4431, 4433–34, 4442–49, 4450–59, 4458–59, 4461, 4465, 4475, 4476, 4481, 4486, 4519

  Niebuhr, Carsten (1733–1815). German mathematician, cartographer, and explorer, father of Barthold Georg Niebuhr: 4364–65

  Night: NIGHT SONGS: 50–51, 4399–4400; POETIC SITUATIONS OR SKETCHES: 1, 36, 50–51, 106, 1928–30; POETIC WORD: 1798; 2629; THE WORD “NIGHT”: 2106

  Nilus, St. (tenth century CE): 4463

  Nineteenth century, the: 1077–78, 1986, 4207–208, 4439, 4440, 4504

  Ninnius Crassus (first century CE). Latin translator of the Iliad: 988

  Niobe. Wife of Amphion, King of Thebes, punished for her hubris with the loss of all her children, an emblem of grief in Greek mythology: 76, 77, 86, 504–505

  Nisus. Trojan warrior and companion of Aeneas in Virgil’s Aeneid: 17, 456, 1841, 3144

  Nobility: 4241, 4262, 4419, 4423–24

  Nodier, Charles-Emmanuel (1780–1844). French novelist and short-story writer: 4416

  Noël, François-Joseph Michel (1756–1841). see Leçons françaises de Littérature et de Morale

  Nonbeing (see also Existence): 292–93, 4100, 4130, 4174

  Nonchalance: 50, 225, 2682, 2839, 3050–51, 3490, 3629, 4241

  Nonius Marcellus (fl. between third and fifth centuries BCE). Latin grammarian and lexicographer: 2341, 4451

  Normans: see Nations, peoples

  North, northerners/South, southerners: 74–75, 88, 204–5, 931–32, 1026–27, 1043–44, 1045–46, 1351–52, 1668, 3676–82, 3924, 4144; CIVILIZATION: 2333, 4256; CLIMATE, NATURE: 74–75, 2989–91, 3247–53, 3347–49, 4031–33, 4062–64; IMAGINATION, LIFE, ACTION: 176–77, 274–76, 620–25, 1830–31, 1848–60; LITERATURE AND LANGUAGE: 177, 261–62, 986–87, 1409, 1846–47, 1847–48, 2172–73, 2854–56, 2989–91, 3247–53, 3400–401

  North, John. Author of a Latin translation of the Disputationes antiscepticae: 2799

  Nothingness (see also Discouragement; Disillusion; Vanity): 72, 85, 102–104, 106–107, 136, 140–41, 179–81, 213–17, 259–61, 484–85, 527, 1341–42, 1461–64, 1613–15, 1616, 2941–43, 3891, 4099–101, 4174, 4177–78, 4181–82, 4233, 4525; HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR: 714–17, 1176–79, 1653–54, 1776–77, 2274–75, 2391, 2478, 2657, 3906, 3950–51, 4026

  Notizie letterarie di Cesena: 984, 994

  Notre-Dame de Paris: 4416

  Nott, George Frederick (1767–1841). English author and cleric, later spent time in Italy and published in Italian as well as English: 4322

  Nouns: 742, 806–807, 1070, 1075, 1128–29, 1204–205, 1275, 1965, 2078–79, 2277–79, 2384–85, 3541–42

  Novel (the), novelists: 64–65, 221, 373, 512, 1540–41, 1692–93, 1903, 4357, 4475

  Novelty, newness: 13, 41, 172–74, 206, 779–83, 1294–95, 1493, 1496–97, 1628–29, 1655, 1866, 2386–87, 2507, 3388–89, 4232

  Nubia. Desert region of northeast Africa, the site of an ancient culture occupying land now within Egypt and Sudan: 4364–65, 4411–12

  Numa, Pompilius (753–673 BCE). Second king of Rome, ruled from 717 BCE: 4395, 4455, 4457, 4458

  Numantia: see Cities

  Numbers: see Mathematics

  Numidia. Name given by the Romans to North Africa: 2695, 4265

  Numidians: 502

  Nuns: see Monks

  Nuovo Ricoglitore, Il: 1803, 4231, 42

  Nymphs: 1256, 2302–304, 3496, 4272


  Obelisk (in Piazza del Popolo, Rome): 3439

  Objects: 1744–45, 2942–43, 3269–70, 4418, 4426

  Objective: see Aim

  Obscurity: 129, 263, 1372–77, 1798, 2285, 4238–39

  Observation: 1243, 1309–11, 1583, 1767–68, 1930–32, 2711–12, 4214–16

  Obstinacy: 1391–92, 1970, 2305–306

  Occupation (see also Distraction): 86, 194, 248, 500–501, 3410–11, 3921–22, 4259–60, FEAR AND PAIN: 1677–78, 3538–39; THEORY OF PLEASURE, BOREDOM: 165–77, 345–47, 646–50, 2157–59, 3846–48, 3876–78, 4043, 4075–76, 4185–88, 4266–67, 4273–74, 4306–307, 4502; TIME: 1075–76, 3510, 4254–55, 4281–82

  Occupations, professions: 20, 193, 211, 496, 612–13, 870–71, 912–14, 1724–25, 1753–54, 1787–88, 1798–99, 2162–64, 2367–68, 2454, 3090–91, 4269–70

  Oceania: 4265

  Ocellus Lucanus (?fifth century BCE). Greek philosophical writer: 4480

  Odes: 245

  Odors: see Smells

  Odysseus: see Ulysses

  Odyssey, The: see Homer

  Oedipus. Mythical king of Thebes who killed his father and married his mother: 2806

  Oenotrians: see Nations, peoples

  Offense: see Insult

  Old age: 277–78, 633–36, 1473, 1546, 1548–51, 1860, 2033, 3410, 3846, 3938, 3943, 3944, 4231–32, 4284; ANCIENT AND MODERN TIMES: 131, 3520–25, 4441, 4517–18; HOPE, LOVE OF LIFE AND FEAR OF DEATH: 102, 294–99, 599, 1555–56, 2638–39, 2643, 2987–89, 3031, 3265–69, 4116; SELF-LOVE: 1724–25, 3267–69, 3294, 3480–81


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