Second Down (First and Ten Book 2)

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Second Down (First and Ten Book 2) Page 1

by Lea Hart



  Book Two


  Copyright 2016 Lea Hart

  All Rights Reserved

  This e-Book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-Book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and events are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be interpreted as real. Any similarity to real events, locales or people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and not intended by the author.


  For all of the sassy girls out there, that rarely behave.


  I want to thank Julie Cupp at Formatting Fairies for her magic.

  Also, Jacy Mackin for her help in making this book finally work.

  Table of Contents






























  Coral Gables, Florida


  Chase drove up to the substantial black gates and pushed the button on the intercom. He waited several seconds and then heard a deep voice answer. “DuMond Residence.”

  Glancing at the small box, he wondered how Ronnie had managed to buy a home in the Coco Plum neighborhood of Coral Gables. He knew she was talented, but this put a whole new spin on things. Hearing a voice from the box, he announced himself. “Chase Bedford to see Ronnie DuMond.”

  “Welcome, sir. Please pull through the gates and park under the portico. Ms. DuMond is expecting you.”

  Looking over the hood of the car, he watched the gates slide silently open. Driving slowly toward the house, he couldn’t help but laugh as a large pale pink mansion came into view. The home sat against the fading orange light of the Miami sky, and he couldn’t figure out how the woman who’d been giving him a hard time for the last several months came to live in a house like this…with a butler. He had resisted researching her on Google and had no idea how old she was or what she looked like, and now he regretted it. What he did know was that she was the only woman who’d kept him intrigued in a very long time. The phone conversations they shared had shown him she was smart, fearless, and had a voice that dripped sweet sexy honey over every word she said. The fact that some of her words were anything but sweet made him want to find out more about her. He rolled the car under the portico and turned off the engine. Staring out the window at the large home, he noticed the front door had been recently restored. It was painted shiny black and had a massive lion head as the door knocker. Either this woman had a great sense of humor or she was full of herself. He sure hoped it was the former, because otherwise, he flew down from Jacksonville for nothing. Best to go find out. It had taken him three months, dozens of phone calls, and a promise to leave her alone after they had dinner to get her to agree to meet. He’d never worked this hard to get a date in his life, and he sure hoped it was going to be worth it.

  Ronnie peered over the railing and smiled at Gerald. “Was that him? Has the mighty Chase Bedford made good on his threats and shown up for dinner?” She watched Gerald’s handsome face scrunch up in disapproval as she tried the last of his patience. He always had a plan for her, and she rarely cooperated, and this was turning out to be no exception. At least it made their lives interesting, if not peaceful. Sauntering toward the first step, she stopped and flashed a dazzling smile. “I didn’t think he would actually show. Maybe he has more guts than I gave him credit for.”

  Gerald crossed his arms over his chest and gave her a warning look that more often than not worked. “I want you to behave this evening, Ronnie. Don’t you give him a hard time. I expect to see the manners your mama taught you—on full display.” He had high expectations for the man and hoped his instincts were correct. Ronnie needed a man who could stand up to her pointy Manolo Blahnik’s and sass, whether she knew it or not.

  “Fine. I will be as charming as I was during my deb ball. I’ll make you and Mama proud and spread my charm like it’s peanut butter on warm toast.” Ronnie winked as she made her way down.

  “See that you do, missy,” Gerald grumbled in response. Looking up, he watched her descend the stairs and smiled in approval at her dress. No matter what sass came out of her mouth, she had clearly made an effort with her appearance. Perhaps she was more interested in Mr. Chase Bedford than she was letting on. He heard her phone ring and wagged his finger. “No business. You are supposed to turn that thing off.”

  Glancing down, she read the caller id. “I have to take this. It’s Wes, and I have to make sure he’s considering homes within his budget. Give the man a drink, and I’ll be out in five minutes.” She strode down the hall, slipped into her office, and closed the door quietly.

  Shaking his head, Gerald moved to the door as the musical doorbell began to sing. She’d better be out in five minutes. Otherwise, he was going to pull her out—whether she wanted it or not. She could lie to herself, but her behavior was telling him that meeting this man was a big deal. She never backed down from a person or a situation, and the fact that she was hiding behind work showed him that she was scared. Having never seen it before, he couldn’t be sure.

  Opening the door, he smiled at the man standing in front of him. “Welcome. Please come in.” He stepped aside and silently congratulated himself; Mr. Chase Bedford was better looking in person and his instincts were spot on as usual. “I’m Gerald, by the way. Follow me and I will get you settled in the living room.” Ronnie had refused to read any of the research he’d done and she was going to be pleasantly surprised. He was gratified to see his meddling might actually work out, this time. “Ms. DuMond will be out momentarily. She had to take a phone call, and I expect her to be done any minute.” Walking toward the living room, he asked over his shoulder, “What may I offer you to drink?” Moving to the bar against the back wall, he observed Chase study the room, and realized the man knew nothing about Ronnie and where she came from. That was good…at least he wasn’t here because of what she was worth. Always a welcome development. “May I suggest a bourbon? We have several excellent options.”

  Chase walked over to the mirrored glass bar and smiled at the man who was apparently Ronnie’s butler or major domo. She was becoming more of a puzzle as each moment passed, and one he wanted to solve. “I’d love a scotch, if you have it. I’ve never acquired much of a taste for bourbon.”

  “Of course. I have Glenlivet or Glenmorangie.” He pulled out a glass and placed one large ice cube in the bottom.

  “I’ll have the Glenmorangie. Thank you.” He watched Gerald po
ur a generous amount of liquid over the large square ice cube and smiled in appreciation. Not only did they stock excellent scotch, but they knew how to serve it here at Château DuMond. Gerald passed the cut crystal glass to him with a starched napkin underneath it. “Thank you.”

  “Make yourself comfortable. I will check on Ronnie and drag her away from the phone if necessary.” He walked out of the room and down the hall with purpose. Her nerves must really be on edge, because she was stretching the boundaries of politeness with each passing second. He was about to walk into her office when the door opened. Standing in the doorway, she gave him an inquiring look. “I’m telling you nothing. If you decide to invite him for dinner, just turn the pot on low for twenty minutes.”

  “That’s it? You’re not going to tell me if he’s handsome?”

  Laughing, he leaned over and kissed her head. “You are going to thank me for encouraging this date, because I’m right as usual.”

  Smoothing down her hair, she squared her shoulders and turned in the direction of the man who wouldn’t take no for an answer. “I hope I’ll be thanking you and not cursing you,” she sniffed. His laughter trailed behind as she walked toward the living room. Taking several deep breaths, she tried to calm her nerves. She had no idea why a man with a deep voice, a warm laugh, and a sharp sense of humor made her nervous. Pasting a bright hostess smile on her face, she called out his name. “Chase, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.”

  Standing in the archway of the room, she stared at six feet three inches of broad-shouldered, dark-haired perfection. Thank Gerald indeed. Covering her nerves with Southern charm, she moved toward him. “I see you have a drink, so we’re off to a good start.” Stepping closer, she put out her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” A grin spread across his rugged features as he placed her hand in his and lifted it slowly to his mouth. Gently kissing her knuckles, he stared into her eyes with a mischievous glint in his. Hello, magnetic pull. Welcome to the party, she thought. Every nerve in her body came to attention when his lips met her skin. Well, well…Mr. Bedford, I may have to see about you.

  “The pleasure is mine, Ronnie.” He kept her small hand encased in his and watched her pupils dilate as her pulse pounded against her neck. He could feel his body mirroring her response as his heart beat a staccato against his rib cage. Never before had he kissed a woman’s hand when meeting, but Ronnie DuMond was a woman who definitely needed hers kissed. Watching her enormous tilted green eyes blink, the spell was broken. Slowly releasing her hand, he studied her as she sauntered toward the bar. The view from the back was as good as the front. She was the most appealing woman he’d ever seen. She had more curves than a racetrack and legs that went on for days. A wave of caramel colored hair fell down her back and moved as she walked. How in the hell had no man laid claim to her? There had to be a story there, and he intended to find out. He remembered hearing something about Brian and a broken heart, but he’d never gotten the details.

  “I’m going to make myself a martini.” Slipping behind the bar, she noticed Gerald had left everything out for her, and it took her only a moment to fix her drink. As she jiggled the martini shaker, she studied the handsome man who stood before her. He was solidly built and had dark brown hair with deep sexy eyes to match. He was examining her in much the same way her daddy considered race horses. Slowly and carefully. Pulling a glass out of the small fridge, she poured her drink and added two olives. She lifted her drink in his direction. “Cheers.”

  Taking a step closer, he tipped his glass against hers. “Cheers. Thank you for finally agreeing to have a meal together.”

  Waving her hand in dismissal, she smiled in his direction. “Gerald told me I had to. He said any man who was as persistent as you was someone I should get to know.” Taking a healthy sip of her drink, she closed her eyes briefly and prayed for strength, because the man in front of her was certainly going to require it. He wasn’t a boy, and her usual tricks were probably not going to work. Typically she was in control with the men in her life, but he didn’t seem like someone who would allow it. He was an alpha male wrapped up in good manners and civility. But she understood what she saw, and like any smart woman, she was going to make sure he was worth the trouble.

  “I will have to thank Gerald for working on my behalf.”

  Ronnie walked around the bar and slipped her hand through his arm. “You may want to hold that until the end of our date; it’s hard to know how things are going to turn out.” His loud laugh filled the room, and she decided it was a good sign he was willing to laugh at her jokes. She couldn’t abide a man without a sense of humor. “Let’s go on the patio and enjoy our drinks.” She led him toward the French doors and noticed a nice breeze blowing through the palm trees. The universe was working on her behalf by providing such a lovely evening. “How is it that you have a Saturday off in the middle of the season?”

  Her soft curves brushed against him as she led him out to the patio, and her scent rose off her warm skin and filled his senses. Magnolias. That’s what she smelled like; at least it’s what he imagined. Sweet, dark, and dangerous. Clearing his throat, he managed to answer her. “We have a Thursday game next week. So it’s my night off, and I wanted to spend it with you.”

  “That’s a pretty good line. Are you sure you’re a northerner?” She slipped her arm out of his and sat in a loveseat facing the pool. As she was putting her drink on the small table beside her, she felt him wedge his body next to hers on the couch. So that’s how it’s going to be, Mr. Bedford? Scooting away as far as she could, she smiled and waited for his response. She didn’t mind his big body next to hers, but she preferred to wait until dessert before it happened.

  “I was born and raised in a small town right outside of Boston. I’m a Yankee and proud of it.”

  “Said no man…ever.” She laughed at his expression and patted his leg. “I’m just giving you a hard time.” Taking a sip of her drink, she watched the lights from the patio reflected off his almost black hair and thought it made him appear like a dark prince. He was all hard angles, muscles, and mischief. Interesting.

  He covered her hand in his and smiled into her bright jade eyes. “North and South, a better union was never made.” Her smile slipped slightly, as he noticed the pulse beat against her throat and wondered how it was going to be between them. Ronnie DuMond wasn’t as immune to him as she was trying to make him believe, and her verbal foreplay might just be a cover for the attraction she was feeling. At least that’s what he hoped. “Where in Louisiana are you from?”

  “I’m from New Orleans. Most of my family still lives in the state. My mother sent Gerald over last year to make sure I behave, because she’s afraid I’m going to forget how to be a proper southern woman. Which is ironic, considering she was born and raised in Quincy.”

  “Quincy, Florida? The town with all of the Coke millionaires?”

  “One and the same. And…yes, we only drink Coke in our family.”

  He let out a low whistle and studied the woman who was becoming more intriguing by the second. “How in the world did you convince your family to let you go to school in California?”

  “My goodness, you have a good memory. I think I told you that during one of our first conversations, and that was months ago.”

  “I remember everything you’ve told me, as well as the many insults you’ve hurled in my direction.” Her head tilted back as she let out a loud snort. There was nothing ladylike about the way she expressed her amusement, and he couldn’t have been more charmed. She wasn’t trying to seduce him or appeal to him, yet somehow that’s exactly what she was doing.

  “I only hurled insults at you after you yelled at me at the top of your lungs and questioned my intelligence and business sense.” She took another sip and studied him over the rim of her glass. “Come to think of it, it’s a miracle we are sitting here right now.”

  “I’ve apologized a hundred times. Are you ever going to forgive me?”

  “Maybe. To answer y
our question about California, I pitched a fit and didn’t stop until Mama agreed to let me go. I was going to Stanford whether my parents approved or not. I had a full academic scholarship, so there was nothing that was going to stop me. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.” Finishing her drink, she smiled. “Are you getting hungry?”

  “Yes, are you ready to go to dinner? I have reservations at the Palme d’Or over at the Biltmore.” He checked his watch, “We have about forty minutes before we’re supposed to be there.”

  Looking down at his big hand covering hers, she decided to invite him to stay at home for dinner. He seemed like someone who would behave, and she felt like getting to know the man whose skin felt so warm against hers on her own turf. “I’ve had a long week, and I was wondering if I could interest you in some jambalaya? Gerald made a big pot of it yesterday, which means it’s just about perfect.” Wondering if her invitation was too much, she waited for him to respond.

  “If you’re tired, then let me take you out.”

  “So…that’s a no to eating at home?”

  “No. I would love to eat here. Hell, I really don’t care where we eat. I just want to get to know you.” Holding her gaze, he wondered if it was too soon to have a crush. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt this excited about getting to know someone.

  Slipping her hand out of his, she stood up. “Then follow me into the kitchen and prepare to be amazed. Gerald is one of the finest southern cooks in Louisiana.” She walked into the house and slipped her sandals off as her feet touched the cool stone floors. “I wear high heels most days, and I’m happy to take these off. Please excuse my lack of formality.”

  Chase noticed her nails were the color of ripe cherries. Once she had slipped both sandals off her small feet, he realized how much shorter she was than him. Somehow over the last several months, he’d gotten the impression of her being bigger than life. She had a razor sharp mind and a wit to go with it. But seeing her at home barefoot in a pretty dress made him realize she wasn’t as fierce as she came across over the phone. “Feel free to take anything else off that will make you feel more comfortable.”


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