Second Down (First and Ten Book 2)

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Second Down (First and Ten Book 2) Page 22

by Lea Hart


  Leaning up, he ran his hand down her face. “Why not?”

  “Because I spend my days being in charge and telling people what to do. I need you to do it to me, and I want to lie back and enjoy it. I’m tired of being in charge.”

  Laughing, he rolled on top of her. “So I can dominate you and tell you what to do and you will follow my directions without question?”

  “Of course, not. I just want you to lead the parade.”

  Rolling her on top of him, he made sure that she was completely open to him. “So if I say…did this?” Moving his hips, he entered her and smiled into her eyes. “And…moved slowly into you until there was no space between us?”

  Lying on top of him with her legs on either side of his hips, she sighed into his warm skin. “Yes, Chase. You do that and I’ll do this…” Rubbing herself against him from head to toe, she felt him rock into her heat. Slowly and gently, mindful of her recovery, he slid himself inside, and she let out the breath that she’d been holding. Sliding an arm around his torso, she buried her face in his neck and kissed him along his jaw. Feeling him surge against her, she held him in her wet clasp. “That’s what I need.”

  Slowly, he pulled out and pressed himself back in, watching her intently. They hadn’t attempted to be intimate since the accident, and this was the first time that he’d felt she was ready. Her body was giving signals that she was as much into this as he was, but he needed to make sure. “You’re soft and wet, so I’m going to keep going, because being inside of you is the best place in the world.”

  “That’s it, Chase. Keep going.” He was moving slowly like the waves of the sea. Clasping her waist, he slid in and out as deeply as he could go. A smile slowly formed on her face as pleasure rolled over her limbs. She had almost been broken, but what was occurring between them told her that she wasn’t. No matter what happened, they had this with each other. This incredible intimacy when their bodies were joined. He was going to heal her from the inside out.

  An electric charge ran down his spine, and he knew he was getting close to his release. Not yet, he had to make sure that she had more pleasure than him. Slowing everything down, he leisurely slid in and out. Feeling every inch of her, he knew she was getting close to release. He’d learned to read her and could feel her body soften against his as he rocked in and out. There was nothing between them, and there never had been, so the minute she tensed against him, he knew that she owned him. Mind, body, and soul. And as the thought moved through his brain, he detonated. A hot wire drawn from his brain to where his body met hers exploded as he blew everything he had into her. Clenching his teeth against a shout, he was seconds away from blacking out. He came in waves as he drove himself into her. Feeling her collapse as her arms wrapped around him, he knew that he was blessed in more ways than one.

  Because being with this woman was always going to bring him more happiness than he deserved.



  New Orleans

  Standing in the kitchen next to Essie, Chase hoped that he hadn’t forgotten anything. “How did I do? Did I miss anything important?”

  Looking at the list, she studied it carefully. “I think you have everything. I spoke with Tally this morning, and she says that everything is organized on her end.”

  “You think I made the right choice?”

  Patting his arm, she gave him a warm smile. “I think you made a good choice, and the good feelings I’m having are only getting stronger. Don’t you worry. If you don’t believe me, then go see Madam LeLe. She’ll tell you what she thinks.”

  “No, I don’t need a second opinion. I trust you.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed. “Thanks for all of your help. I hope to get the answer I’m eager for.”

  “Me, too, son. I think you love her and can make her happy, and that’s all I care about. It’s not going to be easy between you two, but I doubt either of you would be interested if it was.”

  “I think you’re right, Essie.”

  “Honey, I’m always right.”

  “You sound just like your nephew. He said the same thing to me a couple of weeks ago.”

  “Where do you think he learned it from?”

  “Learned what?” Ronnie asked as she entered the kitchen. Walking up to Chase, she wrapped her arm around his waist and looked up at him and noticed that his brows were furrowed, which meant he was up to something.

  “We were talking about Gerald and his superior knowledge in all subjects and unfailing perception,” Chase responded.

  “Oh, that. Everyone knows he got it from Essie.” Grabbing a cookie off the tray, she moved over to the coffee pot and filled her cup. “Are you sure we should run out to the horse farm today?”

  “Yes, honey. We have a picnic, and we’re going to enjoy the day and then come back tonight so we’re here in time for Easter services.”

  “You all go on and get on the road, because you don’t want to be in traffic,” Essie commanded.

  “Yes, ma’am,” Ronnie responded. She watched Chase lift a basket off the counter and smiled in his direction. He sure was determined about making the trip out there today. Maybe he really did fall in love with the place when he’d spent the week with her. Eating her cookie, she slugged some coffee and put her mug in the sink. “Let’s go, then. We’re burning daylight.”

  Giving Essie one last look, Chase grabbed the basket and then Ronnie’s hand. “I’m ready, honey.”

  As they walked out of the house, she wondered why his tone sounded so solemn. They were just going out for the day. It wasn’t like it was a big deal. “I think this will be fun.”

  “Me, too,” Chase replied. He mentally went over his list again and prayed everything went as planned.


  Stepping out of the car, Ronnie took a moment to breathe in the spring air. The wildflowers were starting to bloom, and she could smell their faint fragrance on the gentle breeze. Looking out over the pasture, she noticed a couple of the horses were grazing at the far end. “I think it’s just us today, because Tally and Bob are visiting family in the next parish.”

  Walking around to the back of the car, Chase grabbed the picnic basket and blanket that Essie had given him. “That’s nice that they have a day off.” He walked toward her and felt nerves move up his spine. This was an important day, and he was doing his best to remain cool so he didn’t give anything away. “Do you need to stop by the house or are you ready to go out to the pond and have our picnic?”

  “I’ll go in for a minute and then meet you out by the pool. We can walk down.”

  Giving her a loving smile, he watched her turn and walk into the house. Letting out a big breath when she disappeared inside, he mentally went over his plan in his head. It reminded him of being in the fourth quarter of a game with everything riding on the next play he called. Well, this was the play of his life, and he prayed that she caught what he was throwing her way. He set the stuff down and checked the picnic basket one last time to make sure everything was where it was supposed to be.

  “Are you seeing what Essie made us for lunch?” Ronnie called from the door.

  Startled, he let the top slap shut. “Yeah, I guess I’m kind of hungry. Are you ready to head over?”

  Closing the door behind her, she walked toward him. “Sure, let’s go see what’s happening at the pond. Do you want to go to the one near the house or the one near the barns?”

  “Let’s go to the one near the barns. That way, we can visit the horses afterwards.” He grabbed her hand and held tightly as they started to walk down the dirt road that led to the pond. “I’m glad we made time to do this today.”

  “Me, too. It was a good idea. Too bad my sisters couldn’t come out with us. I hoped you would have a chance to get to know them.”

  “I will tomorrow at your parents’ house. Is everyone going to be there for Easter lunch?”

  “Yes, everyone shows up at some point.” Wa
lking down the road, Ronnie glanced around and noticed all the signs of spring. The grass had gotten longer next to the bank of the pond and the wildflowers had bloomed out in the meadow. It was her favorite time of year, because it made her feel like she could start again. And this year, she needed it. As much as she needed to believe in a miracle, she wasn’t sure one was in her future. Walking next to Chase sure made her hope for one. “You are awfully quiet today.”

  “Really? I was just appreciating how beautiful it is out here and how lucky we are to be here together. Healthy and happy. It was a hell of a couple of months, Ronnie. I hope we got the crisis out of the way and we can start on building our lives together. You had your life threatened by a crazy lady, and then you were the victim of a random rogue car. It’s more than one person should have to face.”

  “Well, I had you, so that certainly helped. Also, I’ve been fortunate my whole life, so a couple bumps in the road are to be expected. I just hope that I didn’t lose the opportunity to have one of the things I want most in the world. But as you pointed out to me, there is more than one way to become a mama, so it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.”

  “I’m glad that you’ve finally listened to me.”

  “Sometimes, I just have to hear the message a couple thousand times for it to stick.”

  “I will keep telling you then.” He pulled her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “I love you.”

  Glancing up, surprised, she smiled brightly into his eyes. “I love you, too.”

  As they got closer to the pond, Chase’s nerves began ratcheting up. He couldn’t remember ever being this nervous. Not even in his first Super Bowl game. “I’m lucky to hear those words from you because I know how hard it is for you to trust me with your heart.”

  “If you would’ve asked me last month if I would rather face tigers or trust you with my heart, I would’ve said the tigers.”

  “Well, I’m glad you decided to give me a shot. I will always protect you and your heart even if some tigers show up.”

  Patting his hand, she giggled. “No tigers out here, but…what the heck is that next to the pond?”

  Looking up, Chase saw what Tally and Bob had done and silently sent them a prayer of thanks. “Let’s go see what it is.”

  She instantly knew that whatever was over there had to do with him and his strange behavior all morning. As they got closer, she saw a canopy made out of white fabric set up next to the pond with one of the old quilts in front it. There was something on the ground, but she couldn’t tell what it was. “What have you done?”

  “I might have asked Tally to help me set up a romantic spot to have a picnic with my girlfriend.”

  “Well, that was sweet, but it seems like a lot more than just a picnic spot.”

  Feigning innocence, he kept walking. “I don’t know about that.”

  As they crossed the meadow, the complete scene came into view. There was a path of roses and wild flowers that led up to the blanket, and next to it, there was a feed bucket filled with ice and a bottle of champagne. That must have been Bob’s touch, Ronnie thought. “Chase, what are you up to?”

  Setting the picnic basket down on the blanket, he turned and gathered her in his arms and dropped a quick kiss on her cheek. “I figured that since this is your favorite place in the world, then it would be a good place to ask you something.”

  “Oh my God, Chase…What are you saying?” Him getting down on one knee told her what he was about to do. Flapping her hand in front of her face, she started breathing fast. “Oh my goodness.”

  Looking up, he worried that she was going to start crying before he got anything out. “Honey, take a deep breath in and let it out. I don’t want you to pass out before I get my question out.” He saw her nod as her eyes got big and her hand covered her heart. “Maybe you should sit on the blanket.”

  “Uh huh.” Taking a small step, she collapsed on the quilt and took several deep breaths. Noticing Chase move next to her, she felt better as his arm encircled her. “I’m okay…I’m just a little light-headed.”

  “Let’s sit here for a bit and relax, because I need you conscious when I ask you…something.”

  “I’m fine now. You just go ahead before I hyperventilate. Wait….is my hair okay?”

  Looking her over, he smiled. “I have never seen a more beautiful woman in my life. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, sir.” Sitting up straight, she faced him like he was a tiger, because that’s what it felt like.

  “Honey, if you could look a little less scared and a little happier, I would appreciate it. Your face is telling me that you’re taking a much dreaded test and not facing the man you love.”

  “I do love you, Chase, and that’s why I’m scared. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and if this doesn’t work out between us, then I will probably live a lonely life with a broken heart, because I don’t think there will ever be anyone else but you.”

  “Okay…you’re kind of stealing my speech here, so I better just ask. By the way, does the romantic setting not tell you that something special is going on? Why would you say that it wouldn’t work out? We are going to be great together.”

  “I know you’re right. I just lost my mind for a second. But I’m fine now.” Pasting a bright smile on her face, she stared at him and waited.

  “Now, I forgot my speech.”

  “It’s okay. Just tell me what’s in your heart.”

  “Let me have your hands.” He watched her place them in his hand, and he covered them gently and stared into her green eyes and felt the same way he did when he walked into her house and saw her for the first time. It was a feeling of instant recognition and connection, as if she was the one that he’d been waiting for. “I love you, Ronnie, and I would like the chance to make you happy and take care of you. I was wondering if you would marry me and make a family together.” Seeing the tears falling down her face, he wondered if she was going to give him what he desired most in the world. “Be brave, Ronnie. Show me what you’re made of and take me on.”

  Wiping her face, she nodded her head in agreement. “I would love to take you on, Chase Bedford. I have a feeling there is no better man in the world than you. I love you, and I will do my best not to make you crazy.” Watching him dig around in the picnic basket, she held her breath. She hoped that he’d picked out something that would tell her that he knew her.

  Pulling out a red box, he opened it and held it up to her. “Ronnie DuMond, will you marry me?”

  Staring at the beautiful ruby ring surrounded by diamonds, she knew then and there that he was perfect. He’d chosen something that was completely her. “I would love to marry you, Chase Bedford. I’ll even add your name to mine.”

  Scooping her up in his lap, he brought his lips to her and kissed her gently and slowly. “I love you, and I promise to do my best.”

  Kissing him, she felt the last of the wires that held her heart break free. It was his now, and she had a feeling that he would take good care of it. Pulling back, she stared into his deep dark eyes and smiled. “I’m thinking since you won three Super Bowls that your best is pretty damn good.”

  “Honey, that happened a while ago. Now I’m a high school coach. But I promise to take you to the Dollar Store whenever you want.”

  “A girl can’t ask for more than that.”

  Falling back against the blanket, he held her tightly against him. “Thank you for making my dream come true.”

  Leaning up, she looked at him and held his face in her hands. “I figured it was the least I could do, since you showed me how to dream and then gave me the thing I didn’t even know I wanted.”

  “And what was that?”

  “Someone to go through life with, just like my mama and daddy.”

  “We’re going to make a great team. As long as you never find your gun, I think we’ll be okay.”

  Kissing him again, she let out a small laugh. “Oh, sweetie, I’m not going to shoot you. I’m just going to love you t
o death.”

  “I can’t ask any more than that.”

  “I guess that old traiteur was right when she told me that we were going to have a happy life together with a big family. I wasn’t sure, but now I am.” Watching a thunderous look come across his face, she felt herself rolled over.

  Encasing her in his arms, he studied her. “You could’ve told me that last month when we went out to her house. That would have saved me a lot of worrying.”

  “I wasn’t sure if she was right.” Running her hands along his arms, she pulled him down so she could kiss him. “I’m sure now. Now stop fussing and kiss me because I’m going to be your wife and you said you would make me happy.”

  Laying his mouth against hers, he kissed her with all the love in his heart. “Love you, Ronnie.”

  “Love you, too, Chase.”

  The end


  Every story has a playlist and here is the one for Second Down

  If you would like to see the storyboard for this book Second Down




  Books by Lea Hart:

  Coronado Series

  Latched is the first book in the Coronado Series

  It’s the story of Birdie and Mark and how they fall in love. Because they were the first characters to inhabit my brain, they will show up in some form or fashion for the rest of the series. I’ve received the comment that the end of Latched was abrupt…. but it was the only beginning. Mark and Birdie’s story keeps unraveling. Throughout the rest of the series, you’re going to meet their children and watch them as they make their way through life’s milestones.


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