Blood Trial: Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers Book 1)

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Blood Trial: Supernatural Battle (Vampire Towers Book 1) Page 36

by Kelly St Clare

  Vissimo, I tried to say. The resulting gurgle didn’t bother me. I tried again. Then attempted to sing it. Abandoning that, I turned to writing the word on the bare skin beneath my white skirt.

  I tried the individual letters, backward, and then as an acrostic poem.

  “Fangs,” I stated, much to my surprise.

  Vampires have fangs. Nope. Fangs to drink blood. Nothing. The locks on my mind weren’t budging an inch.

  “Blood.” Huh. So I could say some words in isolation. In the context of Vissimo, not so much. Interesting.

  My door burst open, slamming against the wall.

  “That didn’t take long,” I said.

  The fury on Kyros’s face melted away as he took in my seated position on the bed. He entered the room and his body coiled as he ambled toward me.

  His jaw clenched. “You were testing the constraints to bring me here.”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Don’t have your number.”

  “Because your phone is archaic and always dead.”


  My face must have changed because Kyros bore down on me.

  “What is it?” he asked, green eyes scanning me.

  I tore my eyes from his face. “Nothing. We should get started on that second blood exchange.”

  Kyros stilled, and I kept my eyes trained on his Freens.

  “Miss Tetley, what has happened?”

  Hardening my resolve, I tipped my head back to meet his gaze. I silently told him about visiting Rhys, about how he’d appeared… what his skin felt like. I described the visit past the estate, about Fred and my grandmother. I moved on to my trip down to the Indebted—about the awful news I heard there. Then about how afraid I was all the time—for myself and for the few people I had left to me. Staring at Kyros, I told him what it was to lose my parents and how deathly, deathly afraid I was that I may lose someone else.

  I cleared my throat. “It’s the right choice. You were right. We should swap blood without delay if you have the safety measures in place.”

  He said nothing.

  Stiff from sitting so long, I stood, sidestepping him. “Do you need to make a call or anything?”

  Kyros’s eyes tracked me.

  “Where would you like to do it?” I pressed, a bite entering my voice.

  He crossed the room, and I realised how hard I was breathing. With one finger under my chin, he forced me to meet his piercing gaze.

  I closed my eyes, his gentle hold preventing me from turning my face away.

  “Someone has hurt you, my beauty,” he said softly. “Tell me who it was.”

  No. I couldn’t do softness right now. I wanted hard anger. I wanted a fight. “No one,” I hissed. “You’re wasting time. If we do it now, the thrall will be over this time in three days.”

  He pulled me to the bed again as I babbled, forcing me to sit.

  Sitting next to me, he was silent for a time before asking, “Why?”

  Irritation bloomed. “What are you waiting for? You wanted this.”

  “I do want this.” Kyros rested his elbows on his knees. “But something has happened that I’m not aware of.”

  “Welcome to the club,” I snapped. He blinked and I burst to my feet, whirling away. “That was rude. I’m just tense about this. I don’t know if I’m making the right choice. There’s no way to know for sure?”

  He wasn’t going to agree to this if he felt suspicious.

  “No. But you’re lying to me. Should I call Laurel or will you tell me?”

  There was a lot Laurel could say. I didn’t think she’d mention our drive past the estates or the cryptic conversation we had about the exchange, but I’d rather not put her in an awkward position.

  “Rhys died tonight,” I said flatly. “That’s not why I’m doing this.”

  It was.

  A shadow flittered across his face. “Come here, Basilia.”

  “Don’t call me that,” I screamed.

  I was shoved against the wall in an instant, Kyros’s blazing eyes trained on me. I was past worrying about irking his alpha. I shoved at him as hard as I could.

  It felt good.

  I did it again and again, desperate cries leaving my lips with each one.

  When the anger faded from his eyes and his fangs receded, I spun to face the wall rather than see his pity.

  My arms wrapped around my body, I ignored my harsh breaths. “That’s not why I’m doing this. It is why I’m upset. Rhys’s death is neither here nor there for what we need to do. I’m not going to keep justifying my decision to you. If you’ve changed your mind, this conversation is at an end.”

  His hands appeared on the wall either side of me, his body hovering close to my back. “Whatever’s on your mind, you feel unable to confide in me. All I ask is that when—if—you can confide in me, you do.”

  Confide in him. Was he fucking kidding me? Hell would freeze over before that happened.

  “Sure,” I said, hanging onto the detached calm I felt in the wake of my outburst.

  “… Then come.” He pushed off the wall and took my hand, tugging me to the door.

  His focus didn’t err from me, but I kept my eyes downcast, unsure if he’d change his mind.

  Kyros walked at my pace, and we rode up to Level 65. He entered his long-ass password on the panel, and I moved up the stairs to the lair ahead of him. I’d cottoned on that Kyros walking behind was an alpha thing. Placing my back to him put me at a disadvantage, I assumed.

  Because otherwise, I’d have him beat.

  Mere hours had passed since I was last in his lair.

  I felt so different.

  I beelined for the circle sofa, shuffling to the back. Hugging my knees to my chest, I piled the few cushions around me in a wall. Kyros raised his phone to his ear, striding past to the kitchen.

  I stared at the blank TV screen until he returned. The vampire prince sat on the couch and I shifted my gaze to him.

  His hands curled to fists. “I’m trying to remain calm, Miss Tetley. You aren’t yourself and it’s tearing at my control. How can I make you feel better?”

  He couldn’t.

  Scratch that. “Do the blood exchange.”

  “You didn’t meet with anyone today,” he asked, eyes heavy on me. “Anyone outside of this clan.”

  I’d expected that to be his first suspicion downstairs. “No. I told you why I’m upset. Can you please drop it?”

  His hand remained clenched, and I got the sense he wanted to destroy the entire room.

  “My blood will break any compulsion on you, regardless,” he murmured. “Unless it has been placed by King Michael or my father.”

  Why would his father compel me?

  I stared at his white knuckles for a moment longer and just gave up the fight.

  Kicking the cushions away, I crawled to the sofa edge and onto his lap. There, I curled into a ball, placed my head against the firm expanse of his chest.

  His arms slowly came around me.

  Cradling me, Kyros moved us deeper on the sofa. He stretched out his legs, clutching me against his body. I bunched the front of his shirt in both hands, stealing what comfort I could from being in his arms. He wasn’t the person I needed, but he satisfied something within me.

  Only the bed lamps illuminated his lair and we sat in silence in the soft light and quiet. I fully relaxed against him and listened to the purr rumbling in his chest. My eyelids grew heavy at the sound.

  He dragged his thumb up and down my upper arm in languid lines, and I released my legs from the tight ball I’d formed, curling them behind me atop of Kyros’s legs. My hand inched up to his shoulder, and I turned my face into his chest, inhaling deeply.

  The purr came again, deeper this time.

  Kyros pressed a kiss to my temple, and while part of me longed for the simple gesture, the rest of me shrivelled inside.

  The door to his lair was flung open.

  A shriek lodged in my throat and I wrenched upright. Kyros held me t
o him until I registered the row of his brothers.

  “Ooo, romantic,” Gerome said, waggling his eyebrows at our position.

  I exhaled and tried to slide off Kyros’s lap, tugging down my skirt at the same time. He clamped me in place.

  I returned my gaze to the row of brothers. Rory was there, looking uncharacteristically subdued. The one with the shaved head was Lionel, who was in charge of the agriculture industry. Which left Neelan who, while not the tallest of the brothers, was certainly the most muscular. Unlike the others, his skin more olive than golden. The shape of his eyes showed the almond curve I expected from Clan Fyrlia.

  His mother or father took a dip on the wild side at some point.

  “She agreed then,” Neelan said, stalking into the room as if he didn’t quite know how to be in Kyros’s lair.

  “She did,” I said with a bite.

  He cast a veiled look at me and returned his attention to Kyros over my head. Hmm, had I just discovered my least favourite sibling?

  “Plan?” Lionel walked to the sofa, and the others followed his lead, creating a circle around us.

  I glanced up at Kyros despite myself.

  “I’ll put up a fight,” he told them, green eyes on me. “I want her.”

  Rory snorted. “At least you’re finally admitting it.”

  Kyros didn’t acknowledge him, and Rory’s face fell.

  “Why are you playing the game?” I asked, touching Kyros’s arm.

  A wrinkle appeared between his brows as he glanced up at his brothers and back to me.

  “Exactly.” I tilted my head to Rory, brows arched.

  Amusement flickered in the depths of his gaze. Not removing his focus from my face, Kyros extended his hand to his brother.

  Rory cast me a look as he took it.

  They shook hands.

  Fuck me. I was sorting out Vissimo quarrels now.

  One mess down. Time to fix another.

  I removed my blue cardigan. The white two-piece outfit wasn’t ideal for the occasion. The crop top was sleeveless with a collar that fastened tight around my neck. The tulip skirt was tight at the waist and extended to mid-thigh.

  Lionel smirked at me. “You’re keen.”

  I didn’t have the energy to form a witty quip. His smile faded when I didn’t answer.

  “What happened to her?” he demanded.

  The vampire beneath me stiffened.

  “None of your business,” I forced myself to reply before Kyros could. “I have a request.”

  The brothers turned to watch me.

  “How many Indebted would it take to hold you down?” I asked Kyros.

  His gaze was riveted on my neck. He was almost salivating. No matter what he said, part of this obsession with me was about blood. If he tasted like a strawberry mojito, I may look at him the same way.

  His hands wrapped around my waist, large thumbs extending beneath the bottom the crop top to rest on the skin between the two sections of my outfit. I narrowed my eyes but didn’t make an issue of it.

  “Eight of the strongest females,” he eventually said.

  I shivered as his thumb stroked small circles on my stomach. “I want ten female Indebted outside my room for the next three days.”

  Gerome laughed. “She really, really doesn’t want to sleep with you, brother. Must have spoken to your other partners.”

  “It’s because I stole her heart at seventeen,” Rory interjected.

  “What?” Kyros said, hands clamping around my waist.

  I glared at Rory. “I just got your ass forgiven.” Knowing the bastard would put his own spin on things, I fessed up. “I met Rory at an opening when I was younger. I was taken with him and he ditched me on the dance floor. The end.”

  Rory grinned. “She wanted me.”

  “I did until I discovered how badly you’re aging,” I shot back, going for the kill.

  The vampire reeled back like I’d slapped him.

  Lionel saved the day. “I don’t understand though. She likes your touch. Her heartbeat changes. Her scent changes.”

  Ugh, wish I didn’t know that.

  A growl filled the air, and I placed a hand on Kyros’s chest.

  “She’s comfortable with you,” Neelan added.

  I blinked at that.

  No, I wasn’t. I—

  … Was on his lap, in his lair. We’d been snuggling.

  Yeah, okay. I was more comfortable with the vampire. Whatever.

  “Can you bite the right place with this?” I gestured at the collar.

  Kyros shifted his furious gaze from Rory to my neck. “Yes, but blood will get on it.”

  Did I like the dress?

  I liked the dress.

  Stretching up, I ignored the way Kyros’s gaze dropped to my exposed belly as I flicked open the collar button and struggled with the zipper.

  He reached around my back and tugged the zipper down. Inwardly sighing at the presence of his siblings yet again, I drew the crop top overhead, exposing a cute, strappy bralette underneath. The nude garment matched my underwear because I’d had time to prepare for the worst-case scenario this time. And also because Angelica hadn’t provided me any underwear that normal women wore.

  Kyros inhaled sharply.

  I hoped he was enjoying the fucking show.

  Folding my top, I rested it over the armrest.

  “I’ve seen her boobs twice now,” Gerome announced.

  Rory smirked. “I’m on three.”

  I straddled Kyros while they were still quibbling over Basi boob sightings—because straddling their brother was sure to start another round of banter. Loud mouths.

  The vampire underneath me vibrated at their comments. His fists curled again, and I reached for one at a time, directing them to my waist. Kyros spread his fingers wide, and I jolted as his thumbs brushed the underside of my breast.

  “Stop talking,” Kyros ordered suddenly.

  All four of them obeyed.

  I murmured, “You should use that trick all the time.”

  He shot me a smile, then studied the men surrounding us.

  “I have sworn to Miss Tetley that she’ll be safe during the thrall.”

  The four brothers listened now, not a grin in sight.

  “Do you understand what I’m saying? There will be no games this time. No fuck-ups. Nothing to make her uncomfortable or embarrassed or afraid,” Kyros said, looking at each of them in turn. “That is an order.”

  One by one, they bowed their heads.

  Kyros turned my face to his, and I flushed, painfully aware of what happened last time we did this. I didn’t want to give his brothers more fuel to tease me.

  Darting forward, he pressed his lips to mine, leaving me stunned.

  “Ignore them,” he whispered. “I do.”

  My chest was pressed against his. I tipped my head to the left, staying in position as Kyros brushed my long hair away, collecting it in a handful on the other side.

  I closed my eyes to block out his family.

  His kiss at the base of my throat took me by surprise. I gasped and pressed my lips together when Gerome snickered.

  Kyros trailed his nose from the tip of my shoulder and up several times, like a human savouring wine in a glass.

  His fangs slid into me with a sharp pinch.

  I screwed my face up as he drew his first gulp. The pain dissipated, only to be replaced by a familiar pressure in my head. A whine slipped between my teeth as the pressure mounted. Just like the first time.

  Except now I was lucid enough to resist.

  The pain in my head rocketed as I shoved at the pressure. Kyros growled and tightened his hold in my hair, grinding into me below.

  A whole different sensation ripped through me, and my instinct to resist whatever he was doing in my head slipped.

  The tightness in my skull eased.

  He took two more long drinks from my neck before retracting his fangs. I winced, my fingers digging into his shoulders as he lapped at
the wound. I became aware his hands rocked me back and forward along his erection. I lifted up on my knees, severing the contact, and ignoring the quiet laughter from his brothers.

  Kyros purred, green eyes taking on the dreamy quality. In a blur, he reversed our positions, so he straddled me. Flat on my back, he forced me down with his wrist across my mouth.

  Hot thick liquid trickled down my throat.

  I coughed, but he didn’t relent, and I was forced to swallow again. My watering eyes sought his as I swallowed again and again.

  Last time, he only made me drink a little.

  A burning extended from deep in my stomach. Reaching up, I clamped his wrist to my mouth, drawing hard as I watched him.

  He jerked, groaning, and his free hand went to my breast, rolling my nipple through the bralette. I moaned, relishing the snarl erupting from his mouth as he heard my pleasure.

  I stretched my fingertips to the bulge straining in his suit pants.

  The fire within me had mounted steadily, but when Kyros pulled his wrist away, heat shattered everything else.


  So much.


  A whimper escaped my lips. My body arched upward with the force. Kyros’s mouth was clamped around my nipple through the lace of my bralette. My legs were hooked around his hips. His arm circled my back.

  Hands reached for him, yanking us apart, but I was up and leaping for him in an instant.

  Arms clamped around my waist, and a savage roar ripped from Kyros as he swung at the men holding him.

  I panted, kicking at my captor.

  “For fuck’s sake,” the muscular man holding me puffed. “We should let them get it out of their system.”

  “You heard him,” the sandy blond answered. “He gave us an order.”

  “Neelan, you dick,” another with a shaved head shouted. “Get her out of here.”

  I bit down on the forearm holding me to no avail.

  “I’m going. I’m going. I’ll call the Indebted females on the way and come back.”

  “Hurry,” the fourth vampire urged, tackling Kyros to the ground as he set one of the others crashing into a wall.

  “Kyros,” I called breathlessly.

  His head snapped up, and my mouth fell ajar at his pure beauty.

  The meadow-green eyes were lost in a blur of movement as I was tossed over a shoulder and sped away.


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