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BABY BLUES_Satan Seed MC Page 65

by Naomi West

  I won’t be president forever.

  And when I go, I want an heir to my throne.

  I could wait and let fate dictate who that heir will be.

  But I’ve never been one to leave things to chance.

  I’ve made up my mind.

  This is what’s going to happen:

  I’m going to have Lena.

  And Lena’s going to have my baby.

  No matter what denials come from those pretty pink lips.

  No matter how much she moans or protests.

  I’m going to show her she needs my body just as much as I need hers.

  But I can’t forget that she’s just a tool. A means to an end.

  I refuse to let myself get tangled up in the process.

  This is strictly a business transaction.

  And I intend to transact with Lena again, and again, and again…

  DIESEL DADDY: Skull Riders MC


  He was gasoline; I was a lit match.

  We never should have been within a country mile of each other.

  But I just couldn’t turn down the scoop of a lifetime, and look what it got me:

  The bad boy’s hand on my throat… and his baby in my womb.

  When I saw Diesel walk into that bar, I thought he’d be my ticket to the top.

  A bad boy biker with a rap sheet thicker than the dictionary?

  Sounded like the perfect juicy news lead.

  But what I found out was that Diesel had something else thick he wanted to share with me…

  And he knew it’d make me juicy, too.

  I should know better.

  But I just can’t say no.

  Not when he pulls me into his arms.

  Not when he bends me over his bed.

  And not when he whispers in my ear exactly what he wants to give me:

  His baby in my belly.

  THE DEVIL’S BABY: The Smoking Vipers MC


  She thinks I’m the devil, but that won’t stop me.

  When her father sees what I’ve done with his girl, he’ll beg for my mercy.

  But I won’t rest until she’s wearing my ring…

  And bearing my baby.

  I’m gonna end this war once and for all…

  By hurting Snake Lafayette in the most permanent way possible.

  His daughter already thought her life was hell…

  But then she met me.

  And I’ve got big plans for this little princess.

  She’s gonna bend where I tell her.

  Beg when I command her.

  And once I drag her to the altar, she’ll be mine forever.

  Whether she likes it or not.

  PAY FOR HER: The Warhawks MC


  The thug who stole my home wants me as his slave.

  The biker who bought my body wants me for something worse.

  I had no choice but to become his possession.

  I just never thought I’d like it so much.

  I used to be a good girl, once upon a time.

  I had a grandmother who loved me.

  A home to shelter me.

  But then these men came into my life and took it all away.

  Before I know it, I’m stripped bare under the spotlights while faceless men bid for my body.

  The night grows longer.

  The price goes higher.

  But one man won’t be outdone.

  I’ve never met him before.

  But by the time the nightmare is over, I have a feeling I’m going to know him very, very well.

  My new owner, Tank, is a monster.

  A killer.

  A thief.

  He terrifies me.

  And from now on, I belong to him.



  I knew it from the moment she hit me with her car:

  This girl would be the one to bear my child.

  The problem is, she doesn’t know that yet herself.

  Time to take her in my arms and show her how things are gonna be.

  Millie is a good girl.

  An innocent girl.

  But not for long.

  She hit me with her car and now she’s going to pay the price.

  I don’t want money – not that she has the necessary funds, anyways.

  No, Little Miss Millie has something I want far, far more.

  A body to bear my baby.

  She can try to resist me all she wants.

  But when I come to collect what I’m owed, there will be nothing in the world that can stop me.

  I won’t rest until I have my little angel.

  PISTOL’S BABY: The Brethren MC


  I promised I’d put a baby in her belly.

  And Pistol Adams doesn’t break his promises.

  Lisa doesn’t recognize my face, but when I tie her to my bed, she’ll remember…

  I’ve owned her since the day we met.

  It was a silly promise struck between silly kids.

  If she wasn’t a mother by the time I came back,

  I’d make damn sure that I did the job.

  Years went by.

  A lot of stuff happened – to both of us.

  But I’m back home now, and I’ve got business to settle.

  Lisa doesn’t even remember me.

  In her defense, I’ve got scars I didn’t have back then.


  Blood on my hands.

  But I’m a man now, not a little boy anymore.

  And I’ve got a promise to fulfill.

  I don’t give a damn if she has a man, or a career, or anything else like that.

  Only one thing matters now:

  Holding her down until I fill her with my child.

  I won’t take no for an answer.



  The biker had me once. I guess that wasn’t enough.

  Because he comes crashing back into my life…

  And this time, he won’t be satisfied with one kiss, one touch, one night.

  He won’t rest until I’m pregnant with his baby.

  I let him own me like no man had before him.

  I should’ve known he’d leave me in the dirt.

  Afterwards, I tried to forget about Bryce...

  Until he showed up in my emergency room.

  With his gun aimed at my head, he told me exactly what he wanted me to do.

  I didn’t have a choice but to comply.

  So I knelt.

  I bent.

  I submitted.

  But one taste of me wasn’t enough.

  He wanted more, and more, and more.

  There’s only so much a girl can give.

  Or so I thought.

  But when he told me what he really wanted, my heart stopped.

  That’s how I ended up a thousand miles from home…



  And knocked up by the biker.

  CRAVE: Santora Mafia

  One night with her was not enough. I crave more.

  If I like what I see, I take it.

  Being a mob boss has its privileges.

  I had no right to her, but I took her anyways.

  And it’s about to cost me everything.

  She didn’t deserve what I did to her.

  But when did that ever stop me?

  She was too tempting, too innocent for me to ignore.

  I needed a taste.

  So I took one.

  A whole night of tasting.

  Of touching.

  Of satisfying every. Single. Craving.

  If I could do it over again, maybe I would have left her alone.

  She wa
s delicious, yes…

  But it was wrong to leave her to her abusive husband, her depressing life.

  I had it all – money, power, adventure.

  She had black eyes and sleepless nights.

  But as everything crumbles around me, I find myself thinking of her again.

  There’s war.


  Death and betrayal.

  But all I want is another taste of Sofia.

  And when I find out her son is my heir, the deal is sealed:

  I’m coming back to get what’s mine.

  TRADED: A Dark Mafia Romance

  I traded my freedom for a chance at survival. Now, I belong to a monster.

  You can’t outrun your fate.

  I would know – I tried.

  I fled death and destruction…

  …only to end up in the bed of a killer.


  Alina was like all the other girls.

  Hopeful. Expectant. Naive.

  I've seen this picture a hundred times before.

  And it never ends well.

  The fighters usually survive for a few years.

  Not her though.

  Alina's not cut out for this life.

  But try swaying my father when there's money to be made.

  I'm still stuck figuring, Why her?

  Maybe it was her eyes calling to something deep inside me.

  Or maybe I just hate sharing.

  Don't get me wrong. I'm no saint.

  But I won't be responsible for another body splayed in some alleyway.

  Not this time.

  Not Alina.


  I should have listened to my gnawing insides.

  It all seemed too easy. Planned.

  I was right.

  When my parents were killed I was left with nothing.

  Coming to America was my last hope. A ticket to a new life.

  But I should've taken my own advice:

  Don't. Trust. Anyone.

  It's hard not to wonder how many other girls there have been.

  If any of them survived.

  Not that it matters considering I'm bound to one man now.

  And don't let the charming smile fool you.

  Iwan Nowak is a monster.

  On the bright side, Michal has taken a liking to me.

  But I can't decide what's a worse fate:

  Working for Iwan…

  Or being claimed by his son.

  BAD BOY’S TOUCH: A Dark Bad Boy Hitman Romance (Moretti Family Mafia)


  I’m a survivor.

  So when life brings me to my knees with a gun against my head,

  I do what has to be done to stay alive.

  It’s left me at the mercy of a sexy, dangerous hitman.

  He’ll let me live… if I do everything exactly as he says.

  Scraping dollar bills off the floor to the cheers of leering men.

  My parents would've been proud . . . if I'd known them.

  My life hasn’t been fair or easy.

  But it’s not a fair or easy kind of world.

  No one gets a free ride.

  Sometimes, though, it seems like mine has been worse than most.

  Like when I end up at the wrong party with a gun pointed right at me.

  Still, despite my struggles, I’m not ready to give up just yet.

  The voice inside my head is screaming, I don't want to die! I don't want to die!

  Not yet.

  Not today.

  Why he didn't pull the trigger, I'll never know.

  But now I'm at his mercy…

  And he's coming to take what belongs to him.

  BAD BOY’S KISS: A Dark Bad Boy Mafia Romance

  Sinning never felt this good.

  The boss’s daughter should be strictly off limits.

  But I’ve never been the kind of guy who respects the rules.

  I see – I want – I take.

  And my sights just landed on her.


  I’ve got enough going on without adding a fiery, savage girl to the mix.

  But as they say, the heart wants what it wants.

  Or rather…my c**k does.

  And I’m not gonna rest until I have her on her knees.

  My first taste of Lauren is exquisite,

  Like that first beer after a bloody brawl or a long, dusty ride.

  The second and third are just as good.

  But there’s a voice in the back of my head telling me that this is all too easy.

  And when she says she wants to help me take down her corrupt father,

  I start to wonder…

  Is she using me?

  I’ve been a playboy my whole life.

  But am I the one getting played?


  I’ve been on the run so long that I don’t know any other way to live.

  But then HE found me.

  The only one worse than my father.


  He’s as bad as they come…

  And as sexy as anything else in this messed world.

  With tattoos, muscles, hair that I’m dying to run my fingers through…

  He’s the whole package, alright.

  Plus, he’s got the whole package, if you know what I mean.

  But he wants to bring me home.

  The last place I want to go.

  At least, that’s what I used to think.

  But maybe this is a blessing in disguise.

  Maybe I can use Asa to get the revenge I’ve been craving for years.

  And if I get to undress his chiseled body in the meantime, so much the better.

  The bad boy’s kiss is a drug…and I’m ready to get high.

  CONTROL: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Blackened Souls MC)


  New girl in town means fresh meat for the taking.

  One and done is my usual motto… but this one is different.

  Taking her once won’t be enough.

  I need her screaming my name, obeying my commands… and carrying my baby.

  She looked like a fish out of water when she wandered into my town.

  Said she was new around here…

  But all I heard was “Take me, please.”

  Your wish is my command, princess.

  I’m the man who will ruin her for all others.

  Cocky as hell? Yeah.

  Hotter than that? Damn straight.

  And I’m more than ready to take this angel for a ride.

  But there’s more to this girl than meets the eye.

  Turns out she was the bait in a trap I never saw coming.

  I’m a lone wolf, not a breeding stallion.

  But her father has other ideas.

  And with a gun against my head, what other choice do I have?

  Sleeping with Katrin is just the beginning of things.

  Before I know it, there’s a wedding on the horizon.

  And my baby growing inside her belly.

  I guess this is what happens when you lose control.

  OWNED: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Blood Warriors MC)


  I need a son to fulfill my father’s last wishes.

  The pretty bartender is perfect for the job: hot, lonely, and desperate.

  Now, I own all of her – from her lips to her womb.

  And she’s going to have my baby.

  It sure as hell wasn’t how I saw my life going.

  I’m a biker, after all, not some loser dad with a white picket fence and 2.3 annoying children.

  I drink, I fight, I screw.

  I definitely don’t babysit.

  But even for a rebel like myself, some things simply must be done.

  My father begged me on his deathbed to give him a grandchild.

  Plus, he made it a requirement of my inheritance.

sp; Fine. As you wish, Pops.

  One baby, coming up.

  But the women in my life are hardly fit for conversation, much less reproducing.

  I need someone a little different.

  That’s where Star came in.

  She’s as tough as they come, but more importantly, she’s desperate for some money.

  I can give her that.

  In exchange, I want all of her.

  I want to see that sexy little grin.

  To touch that tight little body.

  And to give her a night that she will never forget – at least, not for nine months afterwards.

  I’ll do whatever I want with this vixen.

  After all, I own her now.


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