Cranberry Sage Miracle

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Cranberry Sage Miracle Page 15

by Leena Clover

  “She dropped some hints about taking over the business,” Gino told them. “If Edward had openly declared he was handing over everything to her, she might have spared him.”

  “But he kept talking about that big announcement,” Cassie murmured.

  “Edward had no doubts about who would succeed him,” Gino continued. “He and his wife raised Alison since she was a baby. She was the undisputed heir. Knowing him as I did, I think Pearson’s words might have made an impact too. It really was ironic, raising the child of a union he had forbidden.”

  “What about Finn?” Anna asked. “Where does he come in?”

  “Finn was never interested in the business. He’s just a lonely man who missed his wife. Edward was like a father figure to him. But Alison never believed that.”

  “Did she use the poop bags to frame Finn?” Anna’s mouth hung open.

  “Alison planned everything carefully. She used the plastic bags from Finn’s storage shed, knowing forensics would find a match. She was confident the announcement was a new will. She wanted to get Edward out of the way before that.”

  “And Pearson?” Cassie asked. “He was her biological father, wasn’t he?”

  “He was the butler, the hired help. She didn’t want to be associated with him.”

  “That’s cruel.” Meg looked stricken.

  Cassie put an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.

  “Did she overhear something again?” Sofia wanted to know. “Was this Pearson going to publicly claim her as his daughter?”

  “That’s what she was afraid of,” Gino nodded. “She thought Sharon might contest the will once she learned that Alison was Pearson’s daughter.”

  “But Sharon would never have done that!” Anna sighed. “So Alison had no idea who her mother was? Didn’t she ever wonder?”

  “She never got past the shock of being the butler’s daughter.” Gino massaged his temples. “I’ve known her since she was a babe, Anna. Held her in my arms, given her piggyback rides. How could she turn out like this?”

  “Did anyone tell her about Sharon?” Anna closed her eyes, feeling sorry for the woman.

  “They told her, Anna.” Gino said softly. “That’s when she broke down and confessed.”

  “What about Steven and Suzie?” Anna wanted to know. “They got a series of shocks. I wonder how they are coping with all this.”

  “They are going back to Africa,” Gino told her. “There’s nothing to hold them here.”

  “And the Gardiner fortune?” Anna asked. “Who’s going to take care of it now?”

  “Alison is still the heir. Turns out Steven and Suzie adopted her legally when she was born. Whether you think of her as their daughter or Sharon’s daughter, she inherits everything. My guess is Sharon will start taking an interest in the business.”

  “She needs a fresh purpose,” Anna agreed. “I think she will manage everything admirably. She’s a Gardiner, after all.”

  “Does this mean you are done with your sleuthing, Anna?” Sofia demanded imperiously.

  “Yes Mama.”

  “Good,” Sofia grunted. “Christmas is almost upon us. There’s work to be done, girl.”


  It was Christmas Eve. Anna had mixed feelings as she walked to Bayside Books. The bookstore and café were closed for a week. Anna thought it was the perfect place for a clandestine meeting with Craig Rose.

  Her heart fluttered a bit as she thought of what she was going to learn. Part of her was sure that Craig Rose would have nothing. He had just been stringing her along. The other part dreaded the secrets he would reveal.

  Anna squared her shoulders and enjoyed the bracing weather. The sun had come out to bathe Dolphin Bay in a pale, watery light. The freezing air stung her cheeks, making her feel alive. It was as close to a white Christmas as they would get in Dolphin Bay.

  Anna tried to focus on the good things that had happened in the past few days. Cassie’s friend Bobby had arrived. He had charmed Sofia in five minutes. Bobby had promised he would spare them any talk of diet or exercise until after the holidays. He regaled them with scandalous stories of his rich and famous clients, sending everyone into peals of laughter. Meal times and evenings had become a joyous affair.

  The Firecrackers had gone to San Francisco for their last shopping trip of the season. Anna had picked up the custom earrings she had ordered for Meg, Cassie and herself. Her husband John had gifted her a diamond bracelet when Cassie was born. She had taken the stones from that bracelet and combined them with each of their birthstones in a new setting. She hoped the girls would like having a memento to remember John.

  Gino had taken her out for a special date as promised. They drove to an exclusive seafood restaurant a few miles south of town. It was a romantic night and Anna had been surprised by how much she enjoyed herself.

  The sun disappeared behind a cluster of black clouds. Anna stood on the sidewalk under the magnolia tree, fishing in her purse for her keys. She had come early on purpose. She needed time to prepare herself.

  The bells behind the door jangled just as the coffee started brewing. Craig Rose came in, wearing his favorite red cardigan. The smug sneer Anna was used to seeing on his face was gone. Instead, he appeared inscrutable.

  Craig declined her offer of coffee. Anna cupped her hands around her mug, trying to find some comfort in the warmth seeping through. Was she finally going to learn what had happened to her beloved husband?

  “I owe you an apology.” Craig cleared his throat. “A big one.” He stared at her with eyes laden with remorse. “What can I say? I haven’t been myself since I lost my son. The grief must have addled my brain.”

  Anna saw a man who was suffering. She decided to forget how harshly he had treated her.

  “I lost someone dear too.”

  “Finn O’Malley was kind to me. I latched on to him like a lifeline. The thought of losing him was unbearable.”

  Anna wished Craig Rose would hurry. Did he even know anything about John?

  Craig Rose must have sensed her impatience. He stopped midsentence and sighed.

  “I have bothered you enough already, Mrs. Butler. Anna. Let’s talk about why we are here.”

  He leaned forward and began speaking in a hushed tone.

  “I think your husband was murdered, Mrs. Butler. He didn’t die naturally.”

  “I already knew that!” Anna blurted. “Aren’t you going to tell me about his affair?”

  “What affair?” Craig Rose was looking bewildered.

  “There has been some talk,” Anna explained. “John was seeing another woman before he died. I thought you were going to tell me about her.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Craig sounded sincere. “But I barely knew your husband. Why would I know anything about his extramarital activities?”

  “Then what do you know?” Anna cried.

  Anna feared her hopes were about to be dashed again.

  “I overheard something,” Craig began. “It didn’t mean much to me at the time. I didn’t connect the dots until all those rumors about you killing your husband started flying around town.”

  Anna gulped.

  “Don’t worry,” Craig assured her. “We don’t run in the same circles, but I knew you by reputation. In my opinion, you have an impeccable character. So I never believed what they were saying about you.”

  “What did you overhear?” Anna prompted, afraid Craig would launch into another monologue.

  “You know I own a wine shop in town? It’s right behind Paradise Market.”

  Anna nodded.

  “This was over two years ago so my memory isn’t very clear. A couple of young men came into the store. I think they were planning a party. They bought several bottles of every kind of liquor and ordered two kegs of beer. That’s why I remember them.”

  Anna forced herself to breathe normally.

  “I was wiping down shelves in the adjoining aisle,” Craig continued. “Their voices carried through
easily. They were talking about some missing papers. And John was mentioned a couple of times.”

  “What kind of papers?”

  “That wasn’t very clear. But these papers were important to them. One of the guys sounded angry. Their conversation heated up. I was afraid they might come to blows.”

  “What happened then?” Anna asked impatiently.

  “I went around and asked if they needed any help. They seemed shocked to see me. I think they had forgotten they were in a public place.”

  Anna wasn’t interested in Craig’s theories. He sensed her irritation.

  “They clammed up!” He gave a big shrug. “Paid me in cash and left without a word.”

  “Are you sure they mentioned my John?” Anna asked urgently. “Could they have been talking about one of their friends? John’s quite a common name.”

  “They talked about ‘old John’ once or twice and ‘professor’. And I clearly heard them say ‘Professor Butler’.”

  “Why didn’t you tell the police about this?” Anna wanted to know.

  “I had my own troubles. My son died around that time. I didn’t connect the dots until those rumors about you surfaced. Even then, I thought it was too farfetched.”

  “You still think so, don’t you?” Anna felt foolish.

  Had Craig Rose concocted the whole story just so he could have something to tell her?

  “It doesn’t matter what I think, Mrs. Butler. Look, I have given this a lot of thought. I am sure those kids came into my store a week before your husband died. What can I say? Maybe this will open up a new line of investigation for you.”

  “I think it’s worth pursuing.” Anna felt her eyes prick with tears. “I’m grateful.”

  “I am the one in your debt,” Craig Rose said emotionally. “My boy Finn is free of any blame, all thanks to you.”

  “There’s a lot to be grateful for this Christmas,” Anna smiled through her tears.

  Craig Rose had donated a truckload of gifts for the underprivileged kids.

  “We are going to the children’s home later this afternoon. I’m sure your generous gifts will bring smiles to a lot of tiny faces.”

  “It’s the least I can do.” Craig Rose had a faraway look in his eyes. “My boy will never come home to open his presents.”

  Anna didn’t know how to console him.

  “You know where to find me, Craig. You will always be welcome at Anna’s Café.”

  Craig stood up and said goodbye. Anna was surprised when he turned around at the door and hugged her impulsively.

  Anna locked the store and headed to her favorite bench on the Coastal Walk. She wasn’t ready to go home yet.

  The fog hanging over the bay matched her thoughts. Anna tried to process the information Craig had given her. She surmised the young men in the wine shop had been John’s students. What had they wanted from him? Why were the papers they mentioned important?

  Anna shivered as a sudden gust of wind swept over her. How desperate had those young men really been, she wondered.


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  Author Leena Clover

  [email protected]

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  There’s nothing like a holiday themed book to drive home the importance of family. Many thanks to mine who provide an invaluable support system every day of the year. I don’t know how I would function without them.

  I am grateful for all the reviewers and the beta readers who diligently read each book and provide their valuable feedback. Thanks to all my readers who give my books a chance and patiently and eagerly wait for the next one, spurring me on to write more.

  Save big with the first Pelican Cove Box Set

  Books by Leena Clover

  Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Series

  Strawberries and Strangers – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1

  Cupcakes and Celebrities – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 2

  Berries and Birthdays – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 3

  Sprinkles and Skeletons – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 4

  Waffles and Weekends – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 5

  Muffins and Mobsters – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 6

  Parfaits and Paramours – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery Book 7

  Truffles and Troubadours – Pelican Cove Cozy Mystery 8

  Sundaes and Sinners

  Croissants and Cruises

  Pancakes and Parrots

  Dolphin Bay Cozy Mystery Series

  Raspberry Chocolate Murder

  Orange Thyme Death

  Apple Caramel Mayhem

  Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Series

  Gone with the Wings – Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 1

  A Pocket Full of Pie - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 2

  For a Few Dumplings More - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 3

  Back to the Fajitas - Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 4

  Christmas with the Franks – Meera Patel Cozy Mystery Book 5




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