Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set

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Wolf Pack Chronicles Box Set Page 39

by Amelia Wilson

  Before she could transform into her human form to release the lever, a net sprang up around her pulling her high into the trees. She thrashed about trying to get out of the ropes that snared her, but the pain in her leg was too sharp for her to concentrate on much else.

  She let out a low howl pushing it from her chest to her throat and out of her mouth. Her cry echoed through the trees. Alice closed her mouth realizing that her howl wouldn't just be heard by Bash, but by every other wolf in the area.

  "Idiot," Alice scolded. "You may have just brought the whole town down on you."

  Through her pain, Alice tried to focus. She pushed the sharp burning sensation to the back of her mind and then, slowly she let her human-self shed her wolf's coat until she was fully human once more. She glanced down at her leg and grimaced at the sight of the metal piercing her flesh. Blood gushed from the wound and she pried open the metal trap releasing her leg.

  The bear trap dropped to the forest floor and clanged against the rocks below her. Alice turned her attention to the knot above her head. Searing pain rolled through her in waves. She reached up to the knot trying to free herself, but with each movement a new pain ripped through her body.

  "How the hell did you get up there?" Bash was staring up at her. His eyes were full of concern and pain.

  "Don't ask," Alice gasped through the pain. "Please, just get me down."

  "I should have told you about the traps," Bash apologized walking over to the large tree that had the rope wrapped around it. He pulled out his pocket knife and started cutting the rope. One strand at a time, the rope became looser.

  "You knew about these things?" Alice huffed watching Bash work on the rope.

  "They’ve put them all around the border of the town."

  "What? Why? When?" Alice clenched her eyes as more pain jolted through her leg.

  "They put them up around town after Danielle was caught. I guess they expected you would come in your wolf form. Looks like they were right."

  In the distance, Alice heard the low rumble of a truck engine and tires cutting through the dirt trails.


  "I know, I hear them too."

  "Hurry please," Alice begged listening to the sound grow closer.

  "Just a few more." Before Bash could finish his sentence, Alice dropped through the air. She curled her body into a ball expecting to hit the ground hard, but when she opened her eyes, Bash's arms were snug around her.

  "We don't have much time, we need to go," he said whisking her to the jeep. The headlights from the truck split the darkness that was casting long shadows around them. Bash didn't wait for Alice to buckle herself in before he jumped into the jeep and started the engine.

  "They can't find you here, or they will kill you."

  "I know."

  "Why did you run?" Bash snapped as he slammed on the gas causing the jeep to race through the trees. "Why didn't you wait for me?"

  "I had to find her."

  "Don't you realize what you’ve done? Your little stunt just gave them the incentive to look for you. Now that they know you are still here, they will come after you."

  Bash wove through the trees with his headlights still dark, refusing to give the other vehicle any further clues as to their whereabouts. Alice clung to the side handle trying not to scream as her body rocked back and forth over the rocks and fallen branches.

  The little homestead came into view and Bash slammed on the brakes. The jeep slid to a stop and he jumped out. The lights from the other truck grew brighter as he pulled Alice from the passenger side and helped her into the house.

  "Don't move," Bash ordered and he dropped Alice onto the bed. Her ankle dripped with blood and she nodded. Her chances of escaping were slim to none with her damaged leg and she knew her only hope was to trust Bash. Before Alice could say anything, Bash disappeared through the open door.

  Alice sucked in a deep breath and held it in as her ears perked up. The rumble of the truck filled her ears and drowned the frantic beating of her heart that pounded in her head. She curled into a ball waiting for her ankle to heal. Outside Bash stood on the porch with his eyes locked on the drive.

  "Hello, Ranger Bash," Derek's voice was mocking, causing the hair on Bash's neck to stand up. Bash held his position and crossed his arms waiting for Derek to make a move.

  "What can I do for you?" Bash asked keeping his attention on Derek. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a young girl in the passenger's seat of the truck.

  "You can stop with the pretense. I know Alice is in there," Derek said taking a step closer before stopping. Derek sucked in a deep breath allowing the burning fragrance of Basil to consume him. He stumbled back from the stench.

  "Who?" Bash scrunched his eyebrows holding his ground.

  "Alice. The wolf you rescued from the trap outside of town. Hand her over. Now."

  "I'm sorry, but I really don't know who you are talking about. I didn't rescue a girl, I rescued a wolf."

  "Give her to me," Derek ordered. Bash laughed feeling the weight of the command roll off him like rain water. He shook his head and remained in front of the door.

  "Sorry, mate, but I won't allow you to take the wolf. It was badly injured and needs a vet. I've already called Joe to come and take a look at it."

  Derek whipped his head around as the light of headlights filled the dark forest road.

  "I will find her," Derek hissed turning his attention back to the girl in the truck.

  "Well, then go find her. Right now though, I have more pressing matters at hand." A small car pulled up beside Derek's truck. A round, heavy man opened the door and stepped out.

  "Hey Joe. The wolf is inside," Bash said keeping his eyes locked on Derek. Derek glared at Bash before returning to his truck.

  Joe rushed into the house leaving Bash on the porch. "Hope you find, what's her name again?" Bash called out as Derek threw the truck into reverse.

  "Mark my words, Ranger, I will find her. And if it happens that she was here, you will pay."

  "I doubt that."

  "Bash!" Joe called from inside as Derek peeled out of his driveway. Bash exhaled and relaxed as the truck sped off back towards the main road. He turned and walked into the house. Joe sat on the couch with a smile on his face.

  "You sure do like to ruffle up feathers don't ya boy?"

  "Thanks for coming."

  "So how about that wolf?"

  Alice stepped carefully out of the bedroom with the sheets pulled around her body. Her jaw dropped as she stared at the man on the couch. Joe's eyes widened and his mouth popped open.

  "Allie?" Joe whimpered. Alice's eyes flickered from the round man to Bash and back to the fat man on the couch. She shook her head as she moved in closer.


  "My God girl!" Joe jumped to his feet and raced over to her. In an instant, his arms were around her, lifting her up off her feet. "It's been too long. Where have you been?"

  "Far away from here." Alice's voice was weak from Joe's bear hug, and he quickly released.

  "Why on God's green earth did you come back?"

  "The girl that was with Derek," Bash answered.

  "You mean Danielle?" Joe glanced over to Bash. Both Bash and Alice nodded.

  "Word around town is he is planning on turning that girl."

  "When?" Alice jumped to her feet.

  "Well," Joe dropped his eyes to the floor before bringing his eyes back up to Alice's face. "The transformation has already started. He bit her. Now all that's left is to wait for the new moon tomorrow night."

  Alice felt her body drop to the floor. Every bit of happiness was sucked out of her as she stared at Joe.

  "I'm sorry, Darling."

  "No. I won't let her be tied to Derek."

  "Derek's the alpha now, kid. Ever since you bailed on us, he does what he wants."

  "Wait," Bash raised his hands up and shook his head. "How do you know each other? And how do you know so much about what is going on?"

nbsp; Joe walked over to Alice and picked her up off the floor. He carried her to the couch and set her down gently. Sympathy filled his eyes as he stared at her. Alice nodded.

  "Joe is my uncle. He was my father's brother," Alice answered dropping her head.

  "I’m the one who helped her escape," Joe finished with regret filling his eyes.

  "What?" Bash stepped back as if rocked by an unseen hand.

  "It's a long story," Joe said with a weak smile. "But now, we need to take care of Allie."

  "Alice," Bash corrected glancing at the wound on her ankle.

  "I was born Allison. My family called me Allie. But after I left, I changed it to Alice," she confessed, reaching down to her ankle. The healing process had already started and her wounds were closing up around the teeth marks left by the metal contraption.

  "Look, I can see that there is a lot to explain," Joe said leaning back into the soft cushions. " Bash deserves to know what he's gettin' himself into, don't you think?"

  Alice nodded and nibbled on her lower lip. She sucked in a deep breath and forced herself to look at Bash.

  "You might want to sit down for this," Alice whispered. Bash moved to the rocking chair and scooted beside Alice. He reached for her and set his hands on her legs.

  "You can tell me anything."

  Chapter 11

  Alice glanced at Bash and then at Joe. Joe nodded with a small smile curling his lips. The look in his eyes gave Alice the strength she needed to continue.

  “I was the first of my family's pack to be born on this land. My family came from the northern parts of Canada. But when we arrived, we assumed we were the only pack here. It didn't take long before we came across another. The red wolves that were thought to be gone, were still here. After many long scrimmages, the alpha of the red wolves came to my father and offered a treaty.”

  “The alpha of the red wolves had a son, and they wanted him to marry me. My father refused saying how he couldn't stand the thought of the gray wolf to be mixed with that of the red. The red wolf didn't like that and so he waged a war against our kind.” Alice dropped her head letting her tears stream down her face. She sucked in a deep breath trying to hold her composure to finish the tale.

  Joe reached out for her and touched her knee. Alice glanced at him and nodded.

  "My father was killed by the other alpha and my mother..." Alice's voice dropped.

  “Was killed as well," Joe finished. "I knew the only way to save Allie was to take her far away where they wouldn't find her. So I brought her to Seattle. Little did we know that the son of the alpha still wanted her for his own. Many years passed and we thought we were safe, but Derek found us. I left Allie alone to throw him off her trail.”

  “The only way for me to keep her safe was to come here and never speak to her again. So, I joined Derek's pack and convinced him that Allie was dead. Over the years, Derek's father died and I believed the feud had died with him. I was going to go and find Allie but when I heard about the girl in the forest with evidence of our kind, I had to stay. I didn't know it was Allie's friend until I overheard Derek speaking with his pack about his plans for the girl.”

  Apparently, Derek didn't believe Allie was dead. When he caught her smell on Danielle, all his suspicions were confirmed.”

  "We can't leave Danielle with Derek. You know he will do terrible things to her, once she is turned, to punish me for leaving." Alice whimpered. Joe nodded slowly keeping his eyes on the red marks on Alice's leg.

  "And you can't just run into town and expect Derek to give her up. He will kill you." Bash leaned forward, his eyes filled with fear.

  "I can't just sit here and let her go through with it, without knowing that Derek is evil. She doesn't know what she is getting herself into," Alice countered. Her heart broke as images of what Derek could do to Danielle filled her mind.

  “Look, I’ll go into town and try to get an idea of where Danielle is at,” Joe offered. “Maybe even try to convince her not to do anything stupid just yet. You two need to stay here. I will come back before dusk and we will go from there.”

  Bash and Alice nodded as Joe rose to his feet. "Darling, walk me out will you?"

  Alice shifted her weight and rose from the couch. Bash followed her moves ensuring she was capable of walking on her own. Alice smiled and patted Bash on the shoulder.

  "I'm fine," she ensured him as she followed Joe out the door.

  Joe paused and waited for Alice. Once she was out the door, he turned to her.

  "I won't begin to ask why you came back for a human, but I get it. I do."

  "Joe, don't." Alice said shaking her head and curling the sheets closer to her body.

  "You know that boy in there would go through hell for you." Alice twisted her head to glance at the screen door.


  "Don't play coy. He is in love with you and you know it. But I don't think it's fair for you to bring him into your troubles. The pack doesn't bother him and he can live in safety out here alone. But with you around," Joe stopped and gritted his teeth.

  "I know. But..."

  "Do ya love him?" Joe stared at her and waited.

  "I don't know. He is kind."

  "Not all wolves are like Derek, you know that. Even Bash ain’t full wolf, he loves you more than he will ever tell you. I can see it in his eyes. He will go to the ends of the earth for you. But you can't be leading him on Allie, it isn't fair."

  "Then, what would you have me do? Leave him? Stay with him? What?"

  Joe shook his head, "I'd have you make up your mind about him. Ever since you came into his life, he's changed. And so have you. When I left you back in the city do you remember what I told you?"

  "Stick to your own kind," Alice said in hushed tones.

  "He's every bit of your kind. He's strong, hard-workin' and loyal. Everything your father was. I don't doubt your father would have approved of him, if he was still around. But if you ain't willing to open yourself up to him, then you need to let him go. Derek won't hesitate to kill him. After all, he's a loner just like you and no use to the pack. Now that he knows Bash is involved with you, Derek won't hesitate to strike at him in any way possible."

  Alice dropped her head letting more tears flow down her cheeks. Her heart shattered thinking of losing Bash. With her world turned upside down she nodded.

  "Now stay put, for once in your life, and let me figure out what's going on in town. I'll be back later."

  Joe leaned in and pecked Alice on the forehead. She lifted her head up and watched her uncle climb back into his tiny little car. She remained on the porch until the headlights had faded from her view.

  The sound of the screen door opening startled Alice. She whipped her head around and stared at Bash.

  "Everything okay?" he asked

  Alice shook her head back and forth letting all the pain of her heart out in torrents of tears. Bash was at her side in an instant. He wrapped his arms around her tiny body and rocked her in his arms.

  "It will be okay," he whispered. He stroked his hand through her hair to calm her. As his lips pressed against her forehead, she understood what Joe was saying. She knew she couldn't let Bash get any deeper into her problems.

  "I have to go," Alice said quickly pushing Bash away from her.

  "Joe said to stay here."

  "I can't stay here. I can't put you in anymore danger. I already have Danielle to worry about and I can't lose you too."

  Alice turned and stormed into the house. She dropped the sheet from around her and walked into the bedroom. Her eyes darted about the small room until they found her shirt. She moved quickly, trying to get the shirt over her head. But as she slipped her head through the opening, Bash was beside her once again.

  "I can't lose you either. Haven't you figured it out by now? I’m in love with you."

  "Stop, you don't know what you're saying."

  "I do know what I am saying." He reached out and cupped his hand around her face. Alice squeezed her eyes s
hut refusing to look at him. She knew that if she did, she would lose her resolve and wouldn't be able to walk out the door.

  "I get it Alice. You are scared. It seems like the world is coming down around you. But, I’m not going to leave you. I won't let you do this alone."

  "Derek will kill you."

  "No. He won't, I won't let him."

  "Bash, please," Alice whimpered and opened her eyes to look at him. Before she could say another word, he pressed his lips to hers. His tongue parted her closed lips and slipped into her mouth.

  Alice didn't stop him. Her fingers dug into back of his hair and she pulled him to her. Everything faded from her, all of her pain and her sorrow was stripped from her as Bash embraced her. She found herself at peace as she hadn't felt in years. Her body molded to Bash's as he dropped his hand down to her leg and curled it around his waist.

  "I love you Alice," Bash whispered through his kiss. Alice pulled back as the pieces of her broken heart mended together. Deep within Bash's eyes were the strength she needed and the love she craved.

  Alice dropped her hands to his pants and unbuckled the belt from his waistline. She leaned closer to him, fumbling with his fly until it dropped.

  "Please," Alice said. "Save me."

  Bash didn't need any further incentive. He grabbed Alice and hoisted her up into the air. With his arms around her he moved to the bed. The moment his knees knocked into the soft mattress he lowered her down. Refusing to let her go for even a second, he dropped down with her.

  He quickly removed his pants, letting them fall to the floor next to the bed. His hands roamed over her bare body. Alice closed her eyes envisioning Bash's touch as the glue she needed to be whole once more. Every brush of his fingertips over her skin healed her in ways she never expected. Bash parted her legs and slipped between them.

  "I will never hurt you," he said shifting his hips. Alice's eyes drifted to his hands as his fingers curled around the shaft of his cock. She smiled, letting her hand drift between their bodies to help him.

  "I know," she said brushing the tip of her finger over the crown of his head before running over his knuckles. Bash slipped his hand out and rested on his arms as Alice rubbed the tip of his cock over her pussy lips. The moisture between her legs lathered over his flesh.


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