Campione 14

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Campione 14 Page 8

by The Eighth Godslayer

  "Not you as well, Ena-san, this is unacceptable!"

  "No no, because Ena is about the same, so it feels like kinship."

  "On the other hand, Seishuuin Ena, you were inexplicably quiet when Sir Salvatore approached just now. It felt as though you were avoiding him..."

  Liliana wondered incredulously. In fact, Yuri had also felt the same.

  The normally fearless premier Hime-Miko had acted as if she were avoiding Salvatore Doni's gaze, as if she were trying to hide behind Yuri.

  "Ah... Actually, Ena is not very good at dealing with that kind of 'enlightened' person."


  "Speaking of which, King Salvatore has disappeared again."

  This description did not resemble something the carefree child of nature would say. It was completely shocking to hear her using the word "enlightened."

  Ignoring Yuri and Liliana's surprise, Ena surveyed the party venue and reported.

  "He probably left already."

  "Although what he is planning is unclear, we cannot leave him be... Let us go on a brief search. Come with me, Seishuuin Ena."

  Liliana spoke thoughtfully. Taking over as the leader in times like these, this was a role reserved for none other but her as Kusanagi Godou's adjutant.

  "Even if I carelessly release the [Witch's Eye], Sir Salvatore would probably dispel it. Let us first find his location then tail him."

  "Sounds very fun. Of course, Ena will come along."

  The witchcraft of projecting sight through the air did not work against Salvatore Doni apparently.

  However, Liliana and Ena were both highly agile with keen sight. Given these two, they should be able to investigate through tracking and tailing.

  "Take care, you two!"

  Naturally, given her lack of athleticism, Yuri could only see them off.

  After Liliana and Ena left the venue, Yuri waited alone for her friends to return. She was surrounded by lively people engaged in the party but there was not a single person she knew.

  Taking a break from the party and leaving the great hall, Yuri came to the corridor.

  As soon as she sat down on a sofa against the wall and exhaled—

  "Sir Andrea's report has arrived. A divine beast seems to be approaching."

  "A knight sent out to scout ended up discovered by the divine beast instead, which is now attacking. The other scouts are currently fleeing back as fast as they can. Get ready to rescue them and counterattack!"

  A number of knights were running along the old castle hotel's corridor, yelling reports at the people around them.

  Yuri jumped in surprise. In any case, this place was going to turn into a battlefield soon. This was the report Salvatore Doni had received over the phone!

  Furthermore, was the crisis situation of the divine beast's arrival going to be the impetus that sparks things off?

  A clear image suddenly surfaced in Yuri's mind. Naturally, this was an oracle brought by spirit vision.

  However, what it showed was—

  "How could this be!? Where did you go, Godou-san!?"

  Stunned, Yuri could not help but scream.

  Part 3

  In the lobby of the old castle hotel, Seishuuin Ena put on a white jacket.

  Liliana also put on her usual blue and black cape. Since there was no time to waste, they limited their winter gear to that and exited the hotel.

  Outside, the view was dominated by a world of silver—

  Stepping on this thickly piled up snow, one would instantly sink deep into it.

  However, Ena was the child of nature capable of running around in the deep mountains during harsh winters. Furthermore, she had also mastered the art of Monkey Flight which conferred extraordinary agility in martial arts.

  Using this spell allowed her to walk over snow with great ease, leaving only a trail of light footprints.

  "You're not one to fear snow, are you, Liliana-san?"

  "I am neither used to nor challenged by snow. Never mind me, just hurry."

  Born and raised in Milan, Liliana was not a heaven-favored child of nature like Ena.

  On the other hand, she was a witch whose lightness of body allowed her to reach the domain of flight. As expected, she only left behind a faint trail of footprints over the snow as she ran quickly to follow Ena.

  "Sir Salvatore doesn't seem to be in the hotel..."

  "He really did go outside, right?"

  Ena and Liliana looked out into the distance together.

  The hotel was built on a hill at a slightly higher elevation. It offered an expansive, panoramic view of the surroundings.

  If one had to mention man-made structures, there seemed to be a little town ten-odd kilometers ahead. The sparse vegetation in the surroundings consisted mainly of scattered cypress trees. Visibility was excellent from the vantage point of the hotel.

  The pure white plain of snow extended all the way to the horizon.

  The current time was well into the afternoon, although dusk was still quite some time away. There was a sunny winter sky without a cloud visible for miles. Under this clear and bright sky, Ena used the [Eagle Eyes] spell to enhance her vision.

  Although Ena's eyesight was already excellent, using this wizardry allowed her to literally see on the level of [Eagle Eyes].

  Using a bird of prey's eyesight, capable of seeking prey from several kilometers away, Ena carefully searched the snowy plain with its lack of obstructions—Finally, a figure was found.

  "It'd be great if that's really King Salvatore..."

  "Rare is the busybody who likes venturing out in this land of snow. I believe the chances are more than hopeful."

  Nodding to each other, Ena and Liliana began to run towards the figure's direction.

  Due to the excellent visibility, it should be quite easy for the target to discover them as well. For the sake of caution, Liliana invoked the witchcraft of [Concealment] to hide their figures.

  This was a spell for concealing a person like camouflage.

  "Come to think of it, you called Sir Salvatore an 'enlightened' person just now?"

  While racing over the snow as if flying, Liliana asked.

  "I believe that description does not match Sir Salvatore's personality."

  "It's like this. That king looks as though he completely lacks desires and worldly thoughts. Like a baby, his mind feels empty."

  "An empty mind. Is that what you meant by enlightened?"

  "That's right. Enlightenment is attaining the level where one is released from all doubt and anxiety. The state where great wisdom is masqueraded as great foolishness. An empty mind without thoughts, as serene and clear as a polished mirror or still water. Getting rid of all thoughts from the mind, to be able to live leisurely in any situation. 'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.'"

  "I feel like I sort of get it but not completely..."

  Chatting as they sprinted across the snow, the pair suddenly stopped talking. Voices could be heard, carried by the wind. The two girls halted simultaneously and listened.

  'What on earth are you thinking, Sir!?' 'What's-your-face, hurry back to the venue! Report to Sir Andrea—Oof.' 'Guh.' 'Mhah.'

  'Sorry, guys. I've sent you all to sleep painlessly. Forgive me, yo."

  Then there were no more voices. All Liliana and Ena could hear was the sound of the wind.

  "...What's your take on this, Liliana-san?"

  "...Sir Salvatore eliminated the surveillance team using physical force."

  Reaching the same conclusion, the two girls nodded at each other.

  Instead of running, the two girls walked towards the direction of the voices. They did so quietly and cautiously, as if holding their breath. After a brief walk, they were met with the scene amidst some cypress trees.

  Three men lay face down on the snow while Salvatore Doni was standing around casually.

  He was wearing a black coat with leather boots. Slung on his shoulder was the cylindrical case.r />
  "Well then, I think it's almost time it arrived. What's gonna happen?"

  Muttering to himself, Doni turned his gaze towards the girls' direction.

  Ena immediately ducked and lay on the snow. Slender enough, Liliana hid behind a cypress tree.

  However, this was worrying for nothing. Rather than looking at the two girls, Doni was gazing towards the old castle hotel. Then he smiled with joy. Following his gaze, Ena was surprised by the sight.

  A "dinosaur" had appeared before the hotel, roughly seven meters in body length.

  Its body seemed slender and agile. Massive, hooked claw, tough hind legs. Just as Godou and Erica had described, it was a black, carnivorous dinosaur.

  Recent research had given rise to theories that this type of dinosaur was actually covered in feathers.

  However, the divine beast before them was only covered in sturdy skin. Pitch-black like a raven, it stood in stark contrast against the background of pure white snow.

  "Goody goody. While Rivera and the others have their hands full, one task is done."

  Doni smiled with satisfaction and began running over the snow with movements as agile as a fox.

  Towards the old castle—Not. He was going in the completely opposite direction.

  "To think he ignored the divine beast's arrival. Where is Sir Salvatore going actually?"

  "Let's pursue him. After all, His Majesty and Erica-san can handle things there."

  "Indeed. Furthermore, Erica's uncle and Saint Raffaello are there too."

  Ena quickly suggested and Liliana immediately nodded in agreement.

  "That black thing appeared again!?"

  "Yes. Pursuing the knights who were out scouting, it's currently approaching this place!"

  Godou and Erica exited the old castle hotel together.

  Just when they were listening to Saint Raffaello's exposition on Madame Aisha's authority that allowed travel to 'somewhere in another world,' Paolo's cellphone suddenly rang.

  It was Andrea's report of the "approaching divine beast."

  Also present, Saint Raffaello and Paolo Blandelli exchanged whispers with solemn expressions.

  "Well, what did the idiot's chaperone say?"

  "He can't contact the personnel in charge of monitoring Sir Salvatore. Since he is going to track down Sir Salvatore, he is passing all command over to me."

  "Tsk. One after another, troublesome things arrive!"

  Just as the quartet arrived at the hotel garden, they heard a strange roar.


  Looking in the direction of the sound, Godou saw the black dinosaur he had not seen for nine months—Another face off against the agile seven-meter-long divine beast.

  Its hind legs and hooked claws were massive as ever, bearing the appearance of Deinonychus.

  This Deinonychus seemed to be more keen and nimble than its appearance suggested.

  Climbing over the wall surrounding the old castle, it looked down at the hotel's confines.

  Apparently, it had not yet noticed Kusanagi Godou's arrival and did not show any intent to flee. Godou was puzzled. Thanks to the vast amount of combat experience he had accumulated over the past nine months, he was able to notice a certain detail.

  "That should be the divine beast... But it seems a bit small."

  "Perhaps its true form is still hidden. Maybe it can suddenly enlarge in size."

  Speaking of accumulating experience, the same went for Erica. The two nodded at each other.

  Apart from Godou's group, there were also seven or eight Great Knights gathered in the garden.

  They were the elite troops gathered by Doni's summons. Nevertheless, their eyes, gazing at the divine beast, were filled with fear and nervous tension.

  Godou recalled what Erica's colleague had said.

  Even for magi of Great Knight class, a battle against a divine beast was still a life-risking endeavor. Furthermore, their preparations in the current situation were far too insufficient. Godou immediately commanded.

  "Tell them to stand down. I'll be that thing's opponent!"

  "No. Before we elucidate Sir Salvatore's intentions, it would be best to avoid using Verethragna's incarnations. I'm present here, and so is my uncle and Saint Raffaello!"

  The instant Erica answered, the lower hem of her cape began to flutter.

  Next to her, the two Paladino also put on their battle attire as Italian knights—They summoned the capes known as the bandiera.

  Saint Raffaello's cape was violet. On the other hand, Paolo Blandelli's cape in the rossonero colors of red and black, naturally.

  The hems of their capes reached down much lower than Erica and Liliana's.

  Then the violet knight summoned a one-meter-long claymore. The red Paladino conjured an oval shield on his left hand while a barbed lance appeared in his right.

  "Although I have no intention of stealing the spotlight, standing back doing nothing hurts my pride!"

  "Then let us take on the opening scene. Godou, since you're the main protagonist, wait until the climactic scene before entering the stage!"

  Saint Raffaello glared fearlessly at the Deinonychus.

  Delivering elaborate words, Paolo fully displayed his befitting qualities as Erica's uncle.

  Meanwhile, the dinosaur-shaped divine beast opened its jaws wide and roared again.


  Completely unfazed, the two Paladino leapt lightly and landed on the castle wall. They intended to intercept the 'Deinonychus there.

  "So, Godou, I'm off too!"

  Erica also summoned the slender longsword, Cuore di Leone. Following her uncle, she jumped onto the castle wall.

  Godou watched the knights' battle for now—

  While he was staring at the trio's figures, someone suddenly tugged his arm. Looking back, Godou found the Hime-Miko standing right before him in a black dress. Mariya Yuri.

  "Godou-san. I have something urgent to tell you...!"

  While bearing quite a hesitant expression, Yuri made her appeal to him.

  Part 4

  The Deinonychus opened its jaws and spewed out multiple beams of lightning.

  Standing on the castle wall, Saint Raffaello was in the direct line of fire. Normally, one would expect her to be blown away by the impact, dying instantly with burns covering a high proportion of her total body surface area.

  Nevertheless, Saint Raffaello was protected by the violet light enveloped around her.

  "Gaaaaah! O Saint John, I beseech you to grant me your protection!"

  The female Paladino gritted her teeth and chanted spell words with all her might.

  The violet light proceeded to brighten. Under this protection, Saint Raffaello managed to withstand the lightning attack without receiving any harm.

  The violet light was the force field produced by Saint Raffaello invoking the secret ritual of [Smiting].

  Erica and Liliana were also capable of using it—No, at their current level, they could only use the sacred privilege of extermination for short durations.

  Next, the Deinonychus suddenly stopped spewing lightning.

  Without warning, its deadly jaws aimed a bite at the female Paladino. However, the instant Saint Raffaello was about to be devoured—

  The Deinonychus was struck in the face by a beam of red light.

  Armed with his shield and lance, Paolo Blandelli had charged valiantly.

  The sacred exterminator was flying at full speed, enveloped in red light. Protecting himself with the shield in his left hand, he charged straight at the Deinonychus' face —

  This sudden attack sent the Deinonychus flying as if it had been struck by a giant's right straight punch.

  Moreover, that was not the end of Paolo's attack. Aiming at the pitch-black head of the blown away Deinonychus—at its temples—he flew again to perform another charge.

  This time, a red cross-shaped spell crest appeared on his lance tip as though poison had been applied onto it.r />
  "O red cross... Turn into a wedge and pierce the enemy!"

  Charging at the Deinonychus' head, Paolo made a thrust with his lance, accompanied by the chanting of spell words.

  The instant the sharp tip of the lance and the red pentagram pierced its skin, the Deinonychus screamed.


  In that instant, sparks shot out from the Deinonychus' eyes, striking Paolo mid-charge. The beast was apparently using divine powers.


  Struck down onto the ground, Paolo promptly stood right back up.

  The sacred exterminator's light remained a vivid crimson hue. His standing posture was a powerful sight. As a human, he also exuded a hero's mettle at the same time.

  Saint Raffaello ran over to the valiant Paolo's side. The violet knight readied her claymore in a stance.

  Reportedly, these two were top class masters in all of Europe, not just Italy.

  Watching how the two fought, Godou noticed. Indeed, the stability they displayed in their usage of [Smiting] was different from that of Erica and Liliana.

  Godou felt that with regard to instantaneous power output, there was an extremely wide gap in difference.

  However, Paolo and Saint Raffaello's powerful presence and composure coupled with unshakable stability were things that Godou's knight companions did not possess. Although the current situation looked dire, in actual fact it was not.

  Furthermore, Erica was on standby as the third combatant, ready to enter the fray any moment.

  "Judging from the situation, I guess things are okay even if I don't join in..."

  "Yes. For some reason, I feel that there will not be a problem even if you left this situation for those two to handle. Putting that aside, Godou-san, I really must hurry and inform you—"

  "Oh sorry, Mariya. Please go on and tell me."

  The old castle hotel was built using a medieval fortress as a base.

  Although Godou had brought Yuri to a corner of the hotel garden to speak, he could not help but cast his attention towards the knights' battle with the divine beast.

  "Very well. Before you and I part ways, Godou-san, I have things I must inform you no matter what."

  Godou went "Eh?" and was rendered speechless by Yuri's words.

  Parting ways with Yuri? There was no such plan at the moment. The only possibility Godou could think of was if Yuri was having health problems.


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