Campione 14

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Campione 14 Page 11

by The Eighth Godslayer

  Standing before the cart as if blocking their way, she asked in Italian.

  She probably chose her most familiar language because she had no idea what the other side spoke. However, they did not seem to understand Erica's words.

  This was apparent from their ignoring Erica, choosing to stare at Godou beside her instead.



  Pointing their fingers at Godou, they were yelling something incomprehensible.

  An unknown language. However, the linguistic nuance resembled German somewhat.

  "Erica, do you know what they're saying?"

  "I'm not too sure myself..."

  Erica was fully fluent in English, German and French and even languages like Spanish, Greek etc did not pose a challenge to her.

  For her to be stumped in translation, this place must be truly unusual.

  As Godou nodded, Erica continued.

  "However, they are extremely afraid of you. It feels like they are saying, 'You've finally arrived, black-haired devil!' 'Please spare my life!'"

  Godou was shocked by this excessively unexpected explanation.

  In addition, the men were glaring at Ena and shouting something. The meaning was still unknown. However, one could easily imagine from the way they cried out in fear with their twitching faces.

  The straightforward child of nature felt displeased as a result and frowned heavily.

  "Completely no idea what they're saying, but Ena feels very hurt."

  Ena's displeased voice seemed to provoke the two men on the cart. They jumped off the driver's perch and began to unload the cargo from the cart onto the ground.

  Carpentry tools, gray jars, pickaxes, heavy-looking sacks and dozens of coins.

  Godou stared at the coins that were the last to be taken out.

  They were all crooked in shape. Due to primitive metallurgy, they could not create perfect circles. Although the coins were mostly copper, there were a few gold coins mixed among them.


  Then the pair ran as fast as they could, fleeing in the direction from where they had come.

  They had abandoned their horses, cart and cargo. Godou spoke in wide-eyed shock:

  "Say, those people were saying just now..."

  "'Here's all our profit, spare us!' Something like that."

  "Hey. In that case, Ena can translate it just as well."

  Everything was so unexpected. The trio was dumbfounded at the same time.

  Feeling baffled, Godou crouched down and tried to open one of the sacks. This size would be the same as Japanese standard sacks for packaging 5kg of rice. The sack was filled with a large amount of white powder.

  "Seems to be wheat flour... What should we do with this?"

  "Yeah. Given the circumstances, it's best that we just keep it for ourselves."

  "Hey hey."

  "No Godou, we are currently in an emergency. There is no reason not to make the most of useful supplies."

  Despite his objections to Erica's statement, Godou did not voice them.

  Indeed, considering the current situation, giving up on these supplies would be quite a shame. Hence, he decided to turn a blind eye and loaded the cargo back onto the cart.

  Then the three of them mounted the cart and continued along the road.

  They traveled opposite to the direction the men had fled. Erica sat on the driver's perch to control the horses. Along the way, she examined the various cargo, nodding her head frequently.

  What particularly caught her attention were the patterns on the pottery jars as well as the words and faces carved on the gold coins.

  In this manner, they traveled roughly three hours along the road.

  Finally, the cart reached a small village. Brick houses were scattered everywhere in isolation.

  Naturally, there were also people: young men resembling shepherds, guiding flocks of sheep; old men leading donkeys leisurely along the road; people carrying farming tools and passing through herds of cattle.

  Houses, people's attire, their possessions, farming tools, everything was quite simple without exception.

  Furthermore, Erica suddenly went to investigate a shrine. The building was constructed by the side of the main road. There were also quite a few thick pillars made of white marble. It seemed like a miniature version of the Parthenon.

  Then Erica announced:

  "So, Ena-san, I shall now disclose my speculations. This is most likely ancient Europe. The time period is roughly between the fourth and fifth centuries. The location is a province in the Roman Empire, probably Gaul."


  Usually the one shocking others with her bold behavior, this time it was Seishuuin Ena's turn to be surprised instead. Ena stared blankly in dumbfounded amazement.

  "In any case, Madame Aisha's corridors connect the Netherworld to past ages. We have been exiled to the world of the past."


  Had Saint Raffaello not explained to him earlier, surely Godou would have reacted in the same manner.

  Godou recalled the female Paladino's words with deep feeling. 'More than anyone else, Aisha-neesan is the most troublesome Campione.' Now he agreed from the bottom of his heart.

  "Then what are we going to do from now on...?"

  As Godou muttered, he also realized that a group of what appeared to be villagers were approaching them.

  In the center of the group was an old man dressed in a stately toga. Wasn't this how people dressed back in the Roman Empire? Beside the old man were several well-built young men.

  On further thought, Godou and his companions' manner of dress really stood out in this environment.

  It was only natural that they caught people's attention. There were also some people who began stirring trouble like the two Caucasians from earlier.

  The situation was getting more and more tumultuous—However, Godou realized something. The gazes of the people were clearly filled with fear and reverence.

  While staring at Godou, they whispered to one another in subdued tones.

  But among the many things they said, Godou could pick out repeated instances of the words "Uldin"[5] and "Tyr."[6]

  Part 2

  Four days had passed since the sudden journey through time.

  However, language barriers and lack of supporting personnel were only problems in the beginning. Currently, Godou, Erica and Ena were living quite comfortably.

  "This is the Falernus-produced wine that we obtained by a stroke of good fortune a few days earlier. We have brought it here specifically to urge Your Highness, Uldin, to savor and enjoy."

  The old man in the toga was speaking with reverence.

  He was the owner of the plantation that Godou and company had visited four days ago. Named Furius, he was even some kind of noble of Roman descent.[7]

  Reportedly, he used to be a "senator" in a nearby city.

  Perhaps due to these past experiences, his behavior remained quite dignified despite his humble posture.

  "I'm sorry, although I've said this many times already, I'm not that man."

  Godou spoke with embarrassment.

  Behind Old Man Furius, a servant girl was carrying a one-armed jar.

  It contained what was apparently "the gift offered to His Highness Uldin."

  "My name is Kusanagi Godou. I'm the one who should be thanking you for your kind hospitality. Please, you don't really have to be so generous."

  "I see... So that was what you were talking about earlier."

  Hearing Godou's explanation, the old man nodded profoundly.

  "My utmost apologies. I was mistaken because your appearance resembles the rumored [Tyr's Sword], His Highness Uldin, coupled with the fact that you are accompanied by beautiful maidens, one blonde and one black-haired."

  Old Man Furius glanced behind Godou. Standing on watch were Erica and Ena.

  Blonde and black-haired, a combo comprise
d of two beautiful young ladies. Indeed that was true.

  Was this the reason why people were mistaken? Godou felt intrigued.

  "Still, I would like to offer these gifts to you as a token of apology. Linde, please make preparations."

  "Very well, master."

  Obeying Old Man Furius' orders, the servant girl retreated inside.

  As a side note, everyone was currently at the mansion that was Furius' residence, which was also serving as temporary accommodations for Godou's group. The old man's family originally lived in the mansion with him but had now gone off to live elsewhere.

  In short, he had "offered" his own home for Godou's group to stay.

  "Your Highness Kusanagi. Even though you are not His Highness Uldin, [Tyr's Sword] who rules over dragons, this does not change the fact that you are his kin. Please enjoy yourself without reservation."

  "So the castle by the river is where that Uldin guy lives?"

  "Yes, indeed. It is the castle captured by you—or rather, the dragon rider of the terrible Huns, His Highness Uldin."

  The old man seemed to be speaking as though he were accommodating Godou's denials of being Uldin simply for convenience.

  "Speaking of His Highness Uldin, he is not only valiant but also resourceful and broad-minded. In preparation for the new battles ahead, he must have made certain considerations."

  The man named Uldin was apparently the unlawful invader who had attacked this place unchecked. Furthermore, he was the master of those pterosaurs.

  Four days earlier, Old Man Furius had said:

  'We will try to make your stay here as comfortable as possible. Also, please feel free to engage in any activities of your liking—'

  Subsequently, Godou and the two girls were offered food and the house and they started staying at this plantation.

  Even during today's "greeting," the old man continued to speak to Godou in reverence and retreated without staying for too long.

  However, he made the following request upon his departure:

  "If possible... I implore you, as well as your kin, His Highness Uldin, to show special mercy on the city of Raurica and the Holy Maiden."

  He offered utmost reverence in this and other ways.

  "Various things have been cleared up over the past four days."

  Erica suddenly spoke up after the old man left.

  She had carried out investigations in the plantation and the surrounding areas. She had also visited the old noble Furius and chatted for long periods of time to gather information without distractions. Furthermore, regarding the local language, Erica had said something like 'I believe this is one of the dialects that developed into prototypical High German used in southern Germany...'

  Campiones and high level magi were able to learn unknown languages exceptionally quickly.

  Thanks to this blessing, Godou and his group finally managed to have dialogue with the villagers. However, the Japanese Hime-Miko apparently had not devoted her efforts to hone this linguistic ability. She explained that was because she seldom engaged in activities outside the country.

  Nevertheless, it was an emergency this time.

  As the premier Hime-MIko, Ena also learned the ancient language with undivided attention.

  "Our current location really turns out to be the Roman province of Gaul, on its eastern outskirts. The great river we sighted on the first day was surely the Rhine."

  "Speaking of the Rhine, I haven't even visited it in the modern world..."

  Godou felt a little complicated, torn whether this visit counted as a gain or a loss. Then Erica continued:

  "Although I didn't notice in the beginning, this place is actually within the territory of modern Switzerland. Near the city of Basel. If one were to follow the Rhine downstream, Strasbourg is also quite close."

  "Isn't that on the French and German border?"

  Hearing these place names, Ena asked.

  "Gaul is ancient France, right? Then we're really on its very edge."

  "Yeah. We are currently on the shore of the Rhine that separates Gaul from Germania. During this part of history, the Rhine also serves a boundary for Roman civilization."

  "In other words, the lands beyond the river are undeveloped?"

  Godou tried to draw out his knowledge of world history.

  "I recall that the Germanic tribes lived in Germania. Goths or whatever they're called, right?"

  "That would have been the case in a slightly earlier time period. But now, the situation is already changing. If one were to dwell upon these matters, we have really arrived in quite a troublesome age."

  "How so?"

  "Based on the gold coin I saw on our first day here, I surmised we had arrived in the Roman Empire after it splintered into eastern and western halves."

  Narrowing down the time period simply from seeing the design of a coin to tell when it was used.

  Godou was thoroughly impressed with Erica's abundant knowledge. However, the Diavolo Rosso made a worried expression despite her feats.

  "After hearing about current affairs, I know that the current emperor is named Flavius.[8] Fearing the Goths who had invaded the Italian peninsula, he is currently confined in his capital, Ravenna."

  Erica's expression remained displeased as she murmured indifferently.

  "Concluding from all this, I believe we are currently at the beginning of the fifth century—Between 400 and 410 CE. This officially marks the beginning of the Western Roman Empire's collapse."

  "Is that where the problem lies?"

  "The current situation will exacerbate rapidly very soon. The empire already has no power to save itself. The Germanic kingdoms will become the new rulers of the empire's territory. As a side note, Gaul will be invaded by savage equestrian tribes a few decades later. They will cross the Rhine."

  Erica detailed what was going to happen in the future.

  "In this time period, the other side of the Rhine—Germania—is under the equestrian Huns' sphere of influence. They are the greatest threat to the Roman Empire and the Gauls. Germanic tribes were driven across the Rhine to settle inside Roman territory, thereby sowing the seeds of many conflicts."

  "The Huns... I remember reading about them in a World History textbook."

  The mysterious man, Uldin, mentioned earlier was also a member of the Huns.

  Prompted by the mentioning of this tribe, Godou recalled certain things.

  "There was this king guy called Attila who brought great tumult to Europe, right?"

  "Yes. He is the great king who united the Hunnic tribes that had been lacking in solidarity and battled the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Renowned as a king of kings. His rise occurs roughly thirty years from now?"

  "So a warring states era is going to begin soon."

  "I guess we'd better get back to our original time as quickly as possible..."

  After listening to Erica's explanation of the world situation, Ena and Godou remarked with deep feeling.

  "But Your Majesty, how are we going to get back?"

  "I guess once we find Aisha-san and ask her to open a 'corridor' to connect to the modern age, it'll be fine. But finding her might not be that easy."

  "The chances of success are quite low if you search aimlessly."

  Godou sighed and Erica remarked with a shrug.

  He recalled what Saint Raffaello had told them before their journey through time.

  'That Nee-san's "corridors" are really a whole lot of trouble... It creates openings similar to caves, connecting to "another world that does not exist in the current one." The Astral Plane and past ages included.'

  Saint Raffaello was frowning severely when she said this.

  'Once Aisha-neesan goes on a journey, the corridor will temporarily disappear. But it apparently reappears in the same place... several times a year. Passing through it will take you to the same world where Aisha-neesan had gone.'

  'So, supposing someone was unfortunate enough to enter it...'

  'Then th
ey'll fly over to the other side, obviously.'

  'If dinosaur-like divine beasts really are traveling through that "corridor"...'

  'Oh, then that means things can also come from the other side, of course. This authority of Aisha-neesan's seems to have been usurped from the fairies of Tír na nÓg from Celtic mythology.'[9]

  As Godou tried to fish for answers, Saint Raffaello proceeded to give ominous replies one after another.

  Hence, Erica had inquired of her great senior who was showing a bitter expression.

  'Speaking of Madame Aisha, she is most famous for her long period of living in seclusion...'

  'That's only an illusion. There never was any living in seclusion to begin with. Aisha-neesan often uses her corridors authority to travel all over the place. Consequently, she spends very little time in the contemporary world, which results in rumors of her living in seclusion.'

  Recalling the conversation, Godou became quite depressed. Then he realized something.

  "However, by the time we came to our senses, we were already at the riverside. I didn't see anything resembling the entrance to a cave in that vicinity."

  "It probably still exists somewhere around there..."

  "But it only reappears a few times a year?"

  Ena and Erica's successive comments caused Godou to sigh again.

  "That means even if we go back there, we can't return home any time..."

  "Besides, Godou, there's an even more troublesome problem. This is the place the man named Uldin has made his base of operations. Furthermore, he also managed to maintain a herd of divine beasts through certain means."

  Erica brought up the greatest problem.

  "He is very likely a Campione from this time period, right? It is possible for a great mage to summon a single divine beast with great difficulty. But to keep a whole herd, only a god or a Campione is capable of that."

  "Yeah, that's right..."

  "Simply going on what people said, that guy doesn't feel like a god."

  "In that case, we must be cautious when approaching that place. Whenever two Campiones meet, something always happens. We have already experienced plenty of that in our contemporary age."

  Godou nodded, Ena murmured while Erica summed up the main point.

  Truly feeling the gravity of the troublesome situation, the trio fell silent in contemplation. Just at that moment, there was a crash.


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