Awakened By Flames_A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga

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Awakened By Flames_A Hot Paranormal Dragon Shifter Saga Page 15

by Vella Day

  “That’s true.” She frowned. “I am sorry for what he did to your brother’s mate. He was a rogue working for the Royals. It was why the four sisters had to intervene.”

  “They were responsible for his disappearance?”

  “Yes, they basically sucked him off Earth. I believe my dad told you he’s now in jail.”

  Something was amiss. “Yes, but if this rogue dragon shifter got through your gate, what’s to stop others?”

  “The Guardians will be more diligent, but there’s always a chance that someone with strong dark magic can follow someone who’s been given clearance to enter, especially if they can cloak themselves.”

  “That’s scary.”

  “Do you see why I was hesitant to tell your parents that they could travel back and forth whenever they wanted to?”

  He did understand. “Yes. Will you be able to tell if we have a dark lighter hitchhiker?”

  “As a Guardian, I would, but other dragons can’t.”

  “Then I guess their visits will need to be highly supervised.” In other words, Kaleena and he could escort his family to and from Tarradon.

  She sighed. “I know how important this is to you. How about this? We visit when we want, but we can’t go running around Silver Lake announcing we’re there. Everyone in town knows you and will ask questions about your whereabouts.”

  “I like that compromise. Short visits it is.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “It’ll be midnight on earth when we arrive, right?” Finn asked.

  “Yes.” Kaleena still had some trepidation about traveling to Earth, but her father assured her that he would contact Ophelia and have her keep watch. He also agreed to beef up security at the gate so she and Finn would remain safe.

  Her dad also believed that given the situation with Rathan, heading to Earth right now was the smartest move. He understood that being cooped up for days, if not weeks, would drive her—and her dragon—crazy.

  Not only that, Finn had grown up being very social, always around people and chatting with them. If he was only with her and their employees, staying indoors all the time could put a strain on their relationship and their animals.

  Not to mention when Finn had spoken about returning to Earth, she heard the shimmer of joy in his voice. Underneath it though, she had sensed his pain from being separated from his family. If she ever had to leave Tarradon for good, her ache would be as great. Knowing that, she wondered if she would be able to ask that of him.

  Tory met them at the main entrance to the country home and handed Kaleena something. “This is one of my dragon scales. I had a special spell put on it that allows us to communicate since our twin link can’t travel between realms.”

  Once when Kaleena had been in a car accident in Colorado and had injured her shoulder pretty badly, Tory later told her she had no idea that she had been harmed.

  They hugged. “Our own private messaging service. Very cool. You are the best sister in the world.”

  Her twin placed the leather thong with the attached scale around Kaleena’s neck. “This way you’ll always have me with you.”

  Kaleena fingered the gift. “Promise me you will be careful too.”

  “If you’re thinking Rathan will mistake me for you, he won’t,” Tory said. “We not only have different hair, our colored scales aren’t the same.”

  “It’s not that. They might kidnap you in order to lure me out into the open, or try to use your magic for their own purposes.” Doubt about leaving arose, but one glance at Finn convinced her she needed to take the chance.

  Tory rubbed her arm. “I’ll be careful. Now go and have fun but hurry back. Always keep the scale with you so I can reach you.”

  “I will. We won’t stay long as I need this witch hunt to end once and for all.”


  After a final hug, Kaleena led Finn outside. With her bag slung over her shoulder, they walked about fifty feet from the main entry door before stopping. Sticking her hand in her pocket, she withdrew one of her dragon scales.

  “What’s that for?” Finn asked. “I don’t see any doors that need to be opened.”

  “A portal is a door. Watch…”

  Kaleena set down her bag and then drew her arm in a large circle three times to the right and twice to the left. When the air wavered, she swiped the scale across the opening until one spot glowed, and a portal appeared. She then replaced her precious scale back into her pocket and picked up her bag. “Ready?”

  “Yes, but when I came here, Ophelia didn’t do that. Hell, she left right before the portal appeared.”

  “That’s because my father created the portal from this side. Come on. It only stays open until we are on the other side and then it closes so no one can find it and use it.”

  She held out her hand, and Finn clasped it. From his strong grip, he was worried something might go wrong, and she couldn’t blame him. Kaleena had been a bit afraid the first few times she traveled too.

  “I want you to picture your house since we need a precise destination,” she told him.

  He closed his eyes. “My house is now clearly in my mind.”

  Special portals, like this one, needed extra care. Finn had drawn a map for her, but that didn’t guarantee pinpoint accuracy.

  “Here goes,” she said. A second after they stepped into the portal, they landed in the middle of a street. “Damn. Something went wrong.” Maybe Kaleena hadn’t pictured the location clearly enough. She glanced around. “I hope no one saw us.”

  “I doubt it. The lights are off in the nearby homes.” He pointed to a cute white house. “That’s my place, and my car is thankfully still parked in the driveway.”

  His house was small but befitted the understated Finn. He lifted her up and spun her around. While she was thrilled he was so happy, she’d feel better if they didn’t continue to stand in the street. “We need to get out of here. A car might come, and that could be disastrous.”

  “Fine. Come on.”

  As Kaleena followed, she rubbed her arms, forgetting what winter was like on Earth. “Brrr, it’s cold.”

  “You’ll be warm once we’re inside.” Finn said it with so much cheer that nothing seemed to dampen his spirits. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Once he reached the front stoop, he fished out his key and opened the door. Finn then guided her inside and flipped on the lights. “Ugh. It seems musty in here.” He flipped a switch and something clicked on. “The heat will take the chill out of the air in a moment.”

  She set down her bag and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know what? I don’t mind what it smells like because now I’m safe, and I’m with you. What more could a girl ask for?”

  He grinned. “Okay, safe girl, let me show you to my bedroom. It’s time for sleep, and maybe something else.” He winked then shucked his jacket, tossed it onto the back of the sofa, and she followed suit.

  “I can’t wait, and that’s the dragon’s truth.”

  All through dinner, she’d wanted to jump his bones, but when he brought up the idea of coming to Earth, she hadn’t wanted to disappoint him and delay their departure another day. Now that they’d arrived, she couldn’t wait to indulge in the fantasy of loving him. It had been too long since they’d make love.

  He clicked on the bedroom light. The bed wasn’t made and several pairs of clothes were strewn on top. “Sorry. I changed my mind about ten times about what to take with me.”

  “That doesn’t sound like you.”

  “Truth is, a few minutes before midnight, I’d given up that Ophelia would even show. As I started to unpack, she showed up.”

  Kaleena moved closer and ran a finger over his lips. Just touching him set her body on fire. “Remind me to thank Ophelia for sending you to me.”

  Being with Finn brought her so much joy she could almost forget what had caused him to come to Tarradon in the first place. So much love was pouring through her that she reached out and tickled him. />
  His eyes went wide, and he grabbed her wrists. “Oh, no you don’t.”

  “You’re ticklish.” She hadn’t known.

  “Am not.”

  Men. Possibly to prove that he was at full strength, he lifted her over his shoulder, stepped two feet to the bed, and tossed her down. Never had anyone done something like that in her life. Surprise shook her first and then laughter. Finn’s fun side was finally emerging, and she couldn’t wait to learn more about him. Coming to Earth had been the best decision she’d made in a long time.

  He stood at the edge of the queen-sized bed and looked down at her before slowly crawling on top of the bed. He raked his gaze up her body, looking like a man on a mission. Never taking his eyes off her, he straddled her, and then shoved his excess clothes on the floor. Not saying a word, he reached behind him and unlaced his boots before kicking them off. As if he wanted to torment her, he lifted his heavy pullover over his head and tossed it aside too.

  Kaleena pushed up on her elbows. “Let me unbutton your shirt.”

  His eyes were already glowing amber, and sparks were flying everywhere. “How fast can you do it?”

  “Very fast,” she said though she had no intention of moving quickly. Tonight was all about seduction—and mating. “You do believe we are really mates, right?” she asked, wanting to make sure Finn truly was on board. This was a no-going-back event.

  Finn dropped onto his hands and dipped his head, bringing his lips close to her ear. “With my whole heart,” he whispered.

  Her body glowed and pulsed at his romantic words. “Me too.” There was one sticking point left to discuss. “I know on Earth when a bear and wolf mate, they retain their own form, but dragons are full of magic. When I mate with you, you will become a dragon too.”

  He sat back on his heels. “For real?” The excitement in his voice thrilled her.

  “Yes, for real, and I will become a wolf.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Does that mean you won’t be a dragon anymore?”

  She loved his innocence. “No, silly. We each will become both animals—hybrids if you will. We can use that to our advantage.” Especially in battle.

  “Wow, I can’t even wrap my head around becoming a dragon let alone being able to fly.”

  She smiled and kissed him. “We will talk about it later. Now where was I, huh?”

  He grinned then nipped her bottom lip. “I believe you were supposed to be removing my clothes.”

  Kaleena tugged the bottom part of his shirt out of his pants and eased the first button through the hole. After she finished undoing a few more, his abs peeked through, and she licked her lips. “Oh yes, I remember now.” Kaleena winked, scooted out from under him, and then knelt to make the chore easier.

  After she undid another button she snatched a kiss. Another button, another kiss, until she was able to slip the material over his shoulders. Finn reached under her arms and swiftly undid her jeans. With a little juggling, he managed to get her out of her pants and panties, and then placed her back on the bed. The clothes soon joined his on the floor.

  With no warning, he slipped a finger inside her, and the intensity with which the burgeoning lust grew inside her was huge. His touch had ignited a passion so deep, that she glowed from the inside out, and she was forced to suck in a breath.

  His eyes widened. “I love when you change color.”

  “You have no room to talk.” He was pulsing blue himself.

  “Very true.” He cupped her face. “You know what I love about you?”


  “How your eyes change from hazel to purple when you get excited.”

  She’d hoped for something else. “I hate to break it to you, but every female dragon’s eyes turn purple when excited, and the men’s eyes turn teal. Your amber eyes are so much better.”

  “They’re only amber when I’m with you.”

  “Then you must be ready now.”

  Finn dragged his hands down her shoulders, and then slid them inward to cup her waist. “Oh, Kaleena, I want you more than you can imagine.”

  Her need was just as great. “Maybe we should get down to business then, huh?”

  As if a shotgun went off signaling the start of a race, they ripped off the rest of their clothes and shoved them aside. Once naked, Finn dropped down on top of her, and the kisses that followed were strong, eager, and so very desperate. Their tongues darted in and out then swirled around each other, tasting, loving, and tempting. When Kaleena dragged her hands down his back, she was thrilled that Finn was whole again. Once they mated, he would never be vulnerable to the dragons of Tarradon again.

  Needing more of him, she lifted her hips and rubbed against his hard cock. Finn moaned then broke the kiss. “I can’t get enough of you, Kaleena. You are the air I need to breathe. You are my heart and my soul.”

  Thank you Fate for giving me a romantic! “You say the sweetest things. And you, Finn McKinnon, are my life.”

  He grinned then dipped his head and nabbed a nipple. Sparks crawled up her spine, and as her pink scales showed through her skin, heat suffused her. She arched her back and called out, “Harder.”

  Finn encircled her other breast and gently pinched the distended tip. Her nails began to grow, and she dug them into his skin, careful not to press too hard. Everything about this man turned her on. When he drew her tits together, scraping his teeth across one nipple and then the other, she thought she’d explode.

  Kaleena grabbed his ass and squeezed, enjoying the play of his muscles under her fingertips. Needing him to hurry, she wrapped her legs around his waist and once more ground hard against his erection, her pussy rejoicing at the delicious contact.

  Finn lifted his head and smirked at her. “Impatient, baby?”

  “Yes. How about popping your clutch so we can head on into high speed?” Kaleena giggled.

  “Funny girl.” Finn lifted his head. “You’re asking for it.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  One side of his sensual mouth ticked up into a devilish grin, and he slowly licked his lips. Finn crawled lower, forcing her to drop her feet to the bed. Once he moved between her legs, she planted her heels on his back. Palming her tits, he swiped his tongue across her opening, and shards of pure bliss slid up her spine. His blue sparks shot everywhere, proving she and Finn were meant to be together—forever.

  Kaleena pressed her head against the pillow and closed her eyes. After only a few strokes, he was able to take her breath away and transport her to a world of wonder. She dragged her hands over his head, bucked, and lifted her hips as her climax built. It was when he let go of her breast and slipped three fingers inside her, touching on one particularly sensitive spot that the biggest climax of her life rained down on her.

  Her yell sounded primal even to her, and for the next few seconds, she floated on a cloud of pure ecstasy.

  Finn’s breathing, along with the amount of his blue sparks, increased. He then elbowed his way upward until their lips were an inch apart. “You taste exquisite. My wolf is going crazy. I have to have you now. Are you ready?”

  “Oh my goddess, yes! I need you so badly Finn, take me now,” she panted.

  He placed his hard cock against her opening, rubbing her moisture around to lubricate his way. Then without asking again, he drove in hard, and in one thrust, he was thoroughly embedded in her tight sheath. Her pussy enveloped him and clung to his hard cock, forbidding it to leave her body. Stars burst forth in her field of vision, and sound ceased to exist. Kaleena needed him, wanted him, and just plain had to have all of him.

  They both moaned. He pulled back out and then thrust back in again. Finn set up a pounding rhythm, and Kaleena pumped her hips to meet each of his thrusts. They kissed, tongues lashing against each other, and their passion unfolded.

  Finn then lifted her arms until they were extended above her head. With his body against hers, he hammered in hard, clasping her hands tightly. “Ugh, I just can’t get close enough,” Finn said. He
groaned again as he continued his relentless and delicious torture.

  “Please, don’t stop.” Her body heated with each plunge, and flames licked up her torso, edging her closer to the time when she and Finn would finally become one.

  His teeth sharpened, and his facial scruff thickened. His eyes darkened with lust, as he dragged his mouth down to her neck. The anticipation of mating with him made her soar higher than any dragon could fly. This was it—a once in a lifetime commitment.

  Her body was slick against his, and she could feel the sweat from his face drip onto her neck with each powerful thrust of his cock. As their passion built, her whole body became as taut as any tightrope about to snap.

  “Oh, Finn. Need. You. So much. Oh! Do something. I can’t. Please!” Her voice came out breathless and strained.

  “I got you, love. Just hang on, beautiful.” His voice was gravelly and deliciously sexy.

  Finn swiped his tongue along that soft sensitive spot right above her collarbone. She dragged her lips to his neck where her teeth sharpened against his sweat slickened skin, and she couldn’t help but lap up his salty essence. When he grabbed hold of her hips and plowed into her again, his teeth sunk into her neck.

  Bite him, her dragon demanded. Jeez, the divine sensation made her forget to complete their mating cycle.

  And bite him she did. As soon as her teeth drove in, his blue glow encompassed them both, and her pink scales turned pure white.

  As much as Kaleena had dreamed about this moment, her imagination had failed to do it justice. Transferring her magic and power to him and then receiving his gifts in return went beyond all of her comprehension.

  Their fangs withdrew at the same time, and they gently licked each other’s mating mark. Kaleena’s body went as limp as a noodle—make that a very satisfied and happy limp noodle. Finn seemed to possess a bit more strength than she did for he managed to roll onto his back and take her with him.


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