The Alien King's Pet: An Alien Abduction Romance (Royal Aliens)

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The Alien King's Pet: An Alien Abduction Romance (Royal Aliens) Page 7

by Loki Renard

  “Hello, pet. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yeah. I slept great,” she lied.

  He came to stand over her, his breadth and strength doing things to her. She could not help her physical reaction. It was a thing apart from her, something entirely irrelevant to her intellect.

  She was not stupid. She was curious, and that curiosity had led her to the cosmic equivalent of getting into a windowless van marked ‘FREE PUPPIES’.

  Katie was going to get the fuck out of this van, and she would do whatever she had to in order to achieve that. She would lie, she would cheat, she would do worse if she had to.

  Staring up into Dominax’s handsome, but emotionally stupid face, she knew he didn’t understand her. He thought she was something like a fuckable beast, not entitled to the rights of a free human.

  His expression softened as he reached out and touched her hair, running his fingers lightly through her locks, scratching her scalp very gently. It was a kindness she didn’t want, another attempt to distract and confuse her, make her think that being locked up, caged, fucked, was all completely reasonable.

  “I don’t want you to hate your captivity. I want you to come to see this palace as your territory. “

  What he wanted didn’t fucking matter. What she wanted mattered, and she wanted out of this madness. She wanted to wake up from the nightmare she’d entered when Dominax abducted her and took the whole world away, replacing it with a room above endless lava.

  “Well, uh, that’s nice. I guess.” She tried to force a smile. It didn’t work very well. But it also didn’t matter. She knew very well Dominax didn’t care what she thought or what she felt. He just wanted to claim and consume her, to make her bend to his will and spread for his cock.

  The longer she looked at him, the more she ached between her thighs, as if she were being fucked all over again by the brutal king who had tempted her to this dark place and now wanted nothing more than to claim her.

  “I know you hate me now,” he said, apparently able to read her expression. “But in time, I think you will enjoy being my pet. Already you have been absolved of the need to work. You no longer spend hours on your feet, serving food to strangers for a pittance.”

  “No. I spend hours on my back, serving you, for nothing. This is worse, Dominax, you fucking dickhead.”

  Well, so much for diplomacy.

  He had the nerve to look offended. He didn’t understand. He acted like he did, but he actually had no fucking idea. She guessed she was going to have to explain this to him.

  “My boss on Earth never put me in a cage because he wasn’t happy with how I behaved,” she pointed out. “I never had to have a goddamn baby with him.”

  “You’re angry,” Dominax said. “You’re tired. Did you sleep at all?”

  “It’s not lack of sleep, jerkwad. It’s being locked up in a room by some asshole who thinks his dick makes up for captivity…”

  “ENOUGH!” Dominax thundered the word so loudly the ground beneath her feet shook. “I do not demand much from you, human, but you will speak to me with respect. Curses and insolence will not be tolerated. You are my pet. You are my possession. The only choice you have is to decide if you like it or not.”

  She hated him. She hated him fiercely, and with all the passion which had been instilled in her over the course of a hard life. She dredged up all the hatred she’d pushed down over the years. When customers stole from the tip jar, or returned food for no fucking reason, or when she failed a class because she didn’t have time to study because she’d had to close up the night before, or when nobody came to her high school graduation because her mother was locked up and her father didn’t give a fuck.

  There was a lifetime of rage locked up in Katie’s relatively diminutive form, and it emerged in a single stream of such incredible cursing there was barely a breath between words.

  “Listen, you motherfuckingcocksuckingasswipejerkoffdickheadfuckboy,” she snarled, rising a little further with every curse until she was nose to nose with him. “You can fuck off if you think I am going to respect you.”

  He grabbed her by the arm and tossed her back down on the bed, face down. She knew that pain was coming. She didn’t care. She kept swearing as he started to punish her with harsh lashes of what felt like a belt, leather cracking down across her bare ass in a steady rhythm which brought pain and heat in equal measure.

  “I will not hesitate to repeat this punishment if you cannot learn your place,” he said, grabbing her by the back of the head and using her hair as means of control when she started to writhe away from the source of the pain. “I will thrash you. I will whip you. I will spank you until you understand that a pet must obey her master.”

  She knew the guard was outside, hearing everything which went on. So she screamed and wailed and carried on for his benefit, letting Dominax think he was making a grand impression on her. The leather was painful, and every stroke made the fire in her ass worse. But she endured because she had to. Because doing literally anything else meant giving in to this alien and his plans for her, losing herself forever on a distant planet. Not to mention letting the heat between her thighs which always appeared when he began to inflict his pain upon her burst into uncontrollable arousal.


  Dominax was outright whipping his pet. He had never in his life imagined that he would treat a female this way, so harshly and so intensely — but she deserved this. She seemed to need it. Every time the leather landed, he felt vindicated and guilty at the same time. Vindicated because the hot pink stripes on her ass told the story of a girl getting what she deserved. Guilty, because he knew he was hurting her, and that fundamentally, she just wanted to go home.

  As soon as she stopped fighting him and this place, he could be kind again. He could save her from the cage and spare her the lash. But as long as she insisted on pushing him every time he imposed the smallest limit, she would pay.

  She was such a mystery, his little human. Her anger was genuine, he did not doubt that. And there was no doubting her resistance. She wanted to rebel against his authority at the cost of bright red flesh. But there was more, too. There was a glimmering of moisture between her lower lips, and the scent of arousal which was absolutely unmistakable.

  His pet hated to be punished, but she also loved being punished. Being human, she experienced almost constant contradictory feelings and expressed both sets of them almost simultaneously.

  He reached down and grasped her right cheek in his large palm, spreading her open for his gaze. Her sex was pink and flowering in that adorable way it did, her lower lips engorging to enable passage toward the tight hole he had claimed so many times before.

  With a feral royal growl, Dominax pinned her in place, ignoring her whines as his thick cock found that sacred passage and claimed it, reminding her in a way no leather ever could that she was owned.

  He pinned her hands behind her back in one of his, the other tightly gripping her hair as he surged inside her with powerful, potent thrusts.

  “I am going to breed you, pet. I am going to teach your sore ass what it means to be mine. You will drip my seed and cry my name, and you will never defy me again, not for a single moment.”

  He couldn't see her face from this position. That denied him the true intensity of his possession, so he pulled free of her hot, silken sex and turned her over onto her back before plunging back inside her so deeply he felt the very end of her human capacity for cock.

  “Yes,” he growled down at her, enjoying her wide-eyed expression. Her face was flushed with a rosy pink coloration which signified she was not far off orgasm. He wanted her to come on his cock. He wanted to feel her tight, wet pussy contract in those familiar orgasmic waves which pleasured his cock in a way no other female had ever managed to.

  He was so caught up in the pleasure of fucking her to a disciplinary climax, he didn’t notice her hand swinging up toward him until it was too late, and the flat of her palm met with his cheek in a
hard slap.

  She’d hit him. This smart little brat had dared strike him. Her blow hadn’t hurt, of course. She didn’t have the strength to cause him pain. But he knew she had intended to hurt him, and striking the face was an act of disrespect on any planet.

  He let out a ferocious growl and fucked her harder than before, slamming inside her, stretching her impudent little hole, showing her that she was his. His to fuck. His to own. His to use. And his to punish.

  Just as she was on the verge of climax, pink-faced, teary-eyed, and with her tight cunt already starting those desperate milking contractions, he pulled free of her pussy, tossed her back over onto her stomach, and resumed the lashing.

  “Every time you defy me, I will punish you more harshly than I did the last," he informed her, his hard cock jutting from his pelvis, gleaming with the juices of his human pet. “I will not stop until you are broken and obedient. Now. What do you say.”

  There were only two words she could say. Two words which reclaimed her pride, even in the midst of carnal humiliation. He had fucked her right to the verge of coming, and now he held her there, expecting her to capitulate in order to earn her orgasm.

  But Katie would not be broken. She would not submit. No matter how fucking much her pussy ached and clenched against the cock she so desperately wished was there.

  When she spoke, it was deliberate and hissed with all the venom she could muster.

  “Fuck. You.”

  Dominax sighed, as if disappointed.

  “Wrong answer.”

  He reached once more for his lash. He could make her scream – and he did, with multiple harsh cuts of the leather-like material which punished her most effectively.

  Still she refused to submit. She could sense victory so very close. If he could not whip her into apology or submission, then perhaps he would give up and return her to her home.

  Katie had a secret weapon. Her own filthy body which perverted the mechanisms of desire. Every time the lash landed, all the heat and pain swelled through her body and was converted by some biological alchemy into the most intense pleasure she had ever felt.

  Being fucked was one thing, but being lashed to orgasm was even better because it was gratification with a side of defiance. She hid her pleasure in cries, climaxing against sheets sodden with her own juices. Her clit rubbed the bed with every wicked slap inflicted upon her by the domineering king, until she felt a black wave of completion roll over her, draining every nerve of its power and then flashing back with such incredible intensity she screamed at the top of her lungs.

  She was sobbing by the time he stopped, tears coursing down her cheeks in a display of contrition, or maybe loathing, or just pain. Tears were a very ineffective means of communication as far as Dominax was concerned because they could mean almost anything, especially in the human form.

  Her hands were clenched in fists with the bedding caught inside them. Her eyes were also squeezed shut. She refused to look at him even as he sat down on the bed beside her and rubbed her back.

  “This doesn’t have to be as painful as it is, pet. You don’t have to disobey me. Obedience comes with many rewards besides the absence of pain.”

  Her shoulders shook and she buried her face in the blankets. He could feel her hatred and her fear, and he knew that he was not handling this well. Every species had its own requirements for handling, and he had imagined that the rebellion of the human called for a punishment harsh enough to quell that rebellion. It stood to reason, after all. Now, he wondered if he had perhaps damaged her beyond repair.

  “What can I do to make you happy, Katie?”

  She fell silent and refused to speak again. She was untouchable. She was irrepressible. And she was the female of his dreams. But they couldn’t go on like this. He couldn’t beat her and claim her until she fell insensate. What was happening wasn’t love. It wasn’t lust. It wasn’t domination. It was something so twisted he didn’t recognize himself. Her insolence made him want to beat her again. Her beauty made him want to fuck her hard. But what he had done might have been an act of cruelty he could not forgive himself for.

  He could not trust himself in her presence for a single second longer. If she were to open her mouth and say some impudent nonsense, he did not know what he would do.

  So he did what he could do, the only thing that would not make the entire affair so much worse. He dropped the lash, turned, and walked away.

  8 The Power of Pity

  Left alone, Katie dissolved into tears. Real tears of misery and pain. Her ass fucking hurt. Dominax had really torn into her. Every time she breathed, she felt her rear pulse with fresh sting and ache.

  Maybe she’d deserved it. Maybe she’d even pushed for it, but he’d punished her and just walked the fuck away. For some reason, that hurt more than the thrashing itself.

  She didn’t know how long she lay there, bare-assed, crying out of self-pity and doing sweet fuck all to help herself. Could have been half an hour, could have been half a day. She was caught up in that exquisite state of pure misery which requires abject wallowing, and she would have stayed there unless the door hadn’t opened.

  Katie looked up over her arms, expecting Dominax. But it wasn’t him. It was Alf, the guard.

  “I am getting you out of here,” he declared.

  Her plan was actually working. She couldn’t believe it. But she wasn’t going to question it. The guard had seemed like a good guy, and she guessed he was. Having to stand out there listening to the king whip her must have been hard for him.


  “You were abducted from your world and taken to be the servant of a king you don’t recognize. Freeing you is the right thing to do.”

  “Won’t Dominax kill you?”

  “If one of us tells him what I’ve done, perhaps,” the guard replied. “The official story will be that you escaped and fell into the lava.”

  “That’s a good story. He won’t come looking for me then.”

  “Hopefully not, no. Put this on.”

  The soldier held out a big, bright pink, floppy piece of constructed clothing which came with a built-in hood. It looked like a hazmat suit, but bright and colorful and with a lot more room in the shoulder region, almost like it was designed for someone with wings.

  “What is this for?”

  “The palace is shielded from storms,” he said. “But out beyond the verges of this landmass, we get rain.”

  “I’m used to rain.”

  “Not this kind of rain, I’d bet. You don’t have any leathering of your skin. You’re very soft.”

  She was also pretty much naked, so why the hell was she whining about getting some clothes?

  “Thanks,” she said, clambering into the outfit. It fit surprisingly well besides the shoulders. “Why do you have this?”

  “Our young cannot handle the storms,” the soldier said. “This belonged to my daughter before she outgrew it. You can keep it.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. I never thought I’d taste the food of another world,” he smiled. “And I never thought I’d have the chance to do something that mattered again. Dominax is a good king, but he is not a good lover. He is impatient and he is brutal, and you are far too impudent to be a match for him. It’s best you get as far away from here as possible.”

  Katie felt a little pang in her gut at hearing the guard say that she and Dominax weren’t compatible. But of course, she couldn’t say anything. To say that they were would be like saying she didn’t want to escape, and she did.

  “Close your eyes if you don’t like heights,” Alf said, picking her up under her arms and swinging her around onto his back, where she nestled between his wings and wrapped her arms around his neck for security. “This is a long flight.”

  They lifted off out of the window and took to the skies. Almost immediately, they were enveloped by a cloud which hid them from view. She could see condensation forming on the visor of her suit, and was glad
for it. The smell was extremely acidic and not at all pleasant — but she didn’t mind. Freedom was happening to her.

  She wondered what Dominax would think when he discovered she was gone. She wondered what would happen to Alf if he got caught having helped her escape. And she wondered what was going to happen to her next — would she find freedom? Or was it out of the frying pain and into the lava fire?

  She had plenty of time to think about it. The flight went on for well over an hour. There were no snacks, and no movies to watch. There was just the musculature of the guard who had taken pity on her and a whole lot of lava below waiting to swallow them up if he got tired.

  Finally, however, she saw something. At first it just looked like another rocky plateau. But the closer they got, the more she started to make out familiar kinds of terrain. It wasn’t natural. It wasn’t craggy and jagged. It was square and orderly. It was a whole lot of construction, it was…

  “A CITY!” she screamed into Alf’s ear.

  “Golden City,” he confirmed. “The biggest city on the planet. And the only one with an intergalactic port. You’ll be able to hide here until you can get a ticket off-world. I’d give you one myself, but…”


  She shrieked the words partially to be heard over the rushing wind, and partially because she was so fucking excited to see a city again. It felt like coming home to a place she’d never been.

  Dropped in the city, and left to her own devices by the guard who had done more than enough just by getting her out of the palace, Katie was free. Alf wished her the best, told her she could keep the suit, and then got back on the wing in an attempt to get back to the palace before she was discovered to be missing. Katie really fucking hoped she hadn’t gotten that guy killed.

  Dominax had fucking lied. He’d acted as though Royal Rock was the only place on Homeworld worth being. He’d made out as though all the rest of it was lava and dirt. He hadn’t even mentioned the existence of what Alf had called Golden City.


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