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Montgomery Page 8

by Fisher-Davis, Susan

  “Shit, I did! She’s smart. Now she’s out in the woods and I can’t fucking find her,” Smitty told him.

  “God damn it,” Mont hissed, his jaw clenching.

  “Something wrong, Raines?” Barkley asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

  “No. I just need to go and get some shit done before heading back to the house. My old lady’s bitching about me not being around for a while,” he responded with a forced smile as he hung up the phone.

  Barkley laughed. “Well, hell man, go get some of your woman. I’ll see you at the house tomorrow sometime.”

  Mont nodded and without a word to any of the men, he walked outside. Straddling his bike, he lifted his helmet to put it on. He saw Dylan Long had followed him outside. Mont narrowed his eyes at the man, and waited.

  “I don’t trust you, Raines. You may have Barkley fooled, but something’s just not right. It’ll come out though, and if you’re fucking with any of us, I’ll take great pleasure in killing you.”

  Mont gave him a smug smile. “I don’t give a shit if you trust me, or not. Hell, I don’t trust you…any of you.”

  He put his helmet on and started up the bike. He gave Long one more glance, flipped down his visor, revved the bike and spun gravel as he tore out of the parking lot. He knew Long was staring after him and hoped the guy wasn’t going to be trouble.

  * * * *

  Isabella was so cold. She kept rubbing her arms, but it wasn’t helping and she knew it was going to get even colder before morning. With the sun down and no protection from the cold, damp ground, she was going to be freezing before first light. She kept an eye on the surrounding area. At one time, she’d seen a beam of light. She figured it was Smitty looking for her. He didn’t get close to her though.

  Her teeth began to chatter and her jaw ached trying to stop it. She heard a noise and literally, stopped breathing. Were there bears out here? Mountain lions?

  You couldn’t have thought of this before deciding to head into the woods?

  She leaned forward and picked up a large stick. It wouldn’t be much protection from either animal, but it might scare them enough to leave her alone. Her bottom was getting sore, so she slowly slid up along the tree and leaned there. She heard a twig snap behind her and spun around. All she could see was blackness.

  The moon was full but since she was deep in the woods, it wasn’t helping her at all. She looked up at the tree. Too bad she couldn’t climb it.

  It didn’t matter though, because mountain lions climb too.

  Isabella knew she had to quit thinking like this or she’d drive herself crazy. She whipped her head around in the other direction when she heard another twig snap. She was beginning to shake uncontrollably and it wasn’t from the cold. She covered her mouth with her free hand to keep from making any sounds. Tears began rolling down her cheeks.

  Moving quietly to a different tree, she looked behind her. Since she saw nothing, she slid down the trunk of the tree, and sat on the ground. She was so sleepy. It had to be around midnight but she knew Smitty had not given up on finding her. Her eyelids began to slip closed and with a jerk of her head against the tree, she fought to keep them open. She couldn’t afford to fall asleep. Her head began to nod forward and she whipped it back up again.

  Another twig snapped, drawing her attention, but she was too tired to look around. Her eyes felt as if sand filled them. She rubbed them and leaned her head back against the tree. She was stuck here until sunrise. If she tried moving on, she could end up in the wrong direction and lost or even worse, back at the house. Shaking her head, she realized she should’ve planned better but she had her opportunity and she took it. She could’ve done all of this in the morning while Smitty was still sleeping but no, she had it in her head to escape tonight.

  What an idiot!

  Her eyes drifted closed again. She just needed a little nap.

  A hand covering her mouth woke her, muffling the scream, which immediately erupted from her throat. All she could see was a flashlight beam in her face. She slumped back against the tree. Smitty had caught up to her. He’d found her and now she’d have to return to her prison cell. There was no use in even fighting him. It was over.

  Pulling her up off the ground, he held her elbow in a tight grip. He was leading her back toward the house and she begrudgingly went along. She was so mad at herself for falling asleep.

  “You wouldn’t have found me if I hadn’t fallen asleep,” she muttered stumbling along behind Smitty.

  “Don’t bet on it, princess. I’m one hell of a tracker.”


  Isabella stopped in her tracks and yanked her arm free of his grasp. He turned to look at her with a sly grin.

  “How did you know I took off?” she demanded.

  Colt chuckled reaching out for her, but she pulled away. “You had Smitty in one hell of a panic. He called me. I left Barkley and came straight back to the house.” He looked her up and down. “You know you could’ve frozen out here? It still gets damned cold at night.”

  “I was fine until you found me,” she growled at him, refusing to acknowledge how cold she was, but accepting his jacket when he offered it.

  “I had to find you, Bella. You know that. We can’t let you go.” He clasped her arm, gentler this time and led her into a clearing. She choked back tears.

  Colt glanced at her, slowed to a halt, and pulled her into his arms. He rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her. She appreciated it and wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head against his chest and relishing the warmth of his body. She felt him move, and the sound of a number dialing.

  “I have her,” was all he said before hanging up.

  They stood there holding each other. She lifted her head away from his chest and gazed up at him. Colt lowered his mouth to hers. She sighed when their lips met. He groaned and moved his tongue into her mouth. She moved hers against his.

  Slowly, they slid down onto the ground. Colt lay on his back and pulled her on top of him. Her fingers slipped into his hair. It felt silky soft against her cool hands. While his mouth ravished hers, his hands moved up and down her back, and then into her hair, holding her head still.

  Pushing against the ground, Isabella broke the kiss and leaned back, straddling his hips. She pushed his jacket from her shoulders, and pulled her shirt off over her head. The bright light of the full moon shining down through the trees allowed her to see his face. She gazed into his darkened eyes as she unclasped her bra. He licked his lips when her breasts fell free.

  Colt pushed himself into a sitting position. Capturing one of her erect nipples in his mouth, he made her moan with the sensation. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she held his head tightly to her. When he made a move to put her on her back, she stopped him.

  “Please, no…let me be in control this time,” she pleaded, shaking her head slightly. “I can’t have you on top of me, Colt…not just yet.”

  He nodded and she knew he understood it was because of Blackman. He fell back against the cold ground and took her with him. She controlled the kissing and the lovemaking. Grabbing the hem of his shirt in her hands, she lifted it over his chest and off over his head. She lay down on him, loving the feel of her breasts against the muscles of his chest. His fingers slid through her hair, sending tingling sensations across her scalp, making her close her eyes a moment in pleasure. Unsnapping his jeans, she lowered the zipper and slid her hand inside, wrapping her fingers around his hard shaft, making him groan. His hand reached for her jeans. He quickly undid them and reached inside. His hand stopped. He looked up at her in surprise.

  Isabella laughed.

  “Okay, so I was a little prepared for the cold.”

  She moved off him to remove her jeans and the pajama bottoms. She left her panties on as if they were armor because she was suddenly feeling scared.

  “It’s me, princess. You know I won’t hurt you,” he whispered calming her fears.

  Isabella exhaled, her breath becomin
g visible in the cold night air. Reaching down, she took her panties off. This was Colt, she reminded herself, not Blackman.

  She leaned down and kissed him hard. Then she sat up, leaning back while she held his throbbing aroused shaft in her hand, and moved to lower herself down onto him but suddenly hesitated. Colt pulled himself up, cupped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply. Moaning against his mouth, she lowered herself over him. It felt wonderful. This was Colt. She moved up and down over him, and he put his hands on her hips, guiding her so she moved faster. She grinned down at him then leaned down to press her lips to his and dip her tongue into his mouth.

  Colt was breathing very hard. “Bella…so good…I need you to go faster, darlin’.”

  She laughed softly and moved her hips faster, grinding harder against him. Colt thrust upwards into her groaning, and then started shaking his head. She knew what he wanted.

  “Yes, Colt, yes…it’s okay,” she told him, her own breathing becoming ragged.

  He opened his eyes and looked up at her. “Are you sure?”

  When she nodded without hesitation, he flipped her to her back and drove into her hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist and moved her hips to meet every thrust. She groaned low in her throat as she drew closer.

  “Colt! Now,” she begged digging her fingertips into his back.

  “Yes,,” Colt said, melting into a groan thrusting harder into her.

  Isabella came hard, muffling her scream against his shoulder. He buried his face in her neck, growled out her name, and then collapsed on top of her. He rolled to his back and pulled her with him. She felt him laugh and raised her head, smiling down at him.

  “I have pine needles where they have no business of being.”

  She laughed with him. “Me too, I was hoping you’d have them all, but noooo, you had to take over.”

  Colt chuckled, and then sobered. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded. “I’m fine. I panicked for a brief second there, but when you reminded me it was you…I was fine.”

  “We need to get back,” he said suddenly, pushing her clear so he could sit up. “Smitty will be wondering where we are.” Standing, he adjusted his clothes, and then helped her dress. She put her pajama bottoms back on under her jeans. She’d feel foolish carrying them back into the house over her arm. A sudden thought hit her. She glanced up at Colt.

  “How did you find me?”

  He pushed her hair back from her shoulder and picked a leaf from the tangles.

  “I told you. I’m a hell of a tracker. It’s in my genes,” he answered with a casual shrug.

  “Native American?” she asked.

  “Yes. My mother is full-blooded Cheyenne. My father was white.”

  So she’d been right about him. The first time she saw him, she’d thought he was Native American. She reached for his hand, he accepted it, and held it tight as they walked back to the house. Another thought filled her head when she remembered he’d left to meet Barkley. She came to a halt. He nearly pulled her off balance before he stopped too. He glanced back at her.

  “Is my dad…?” Her voice cracked trying to speak the words.

  “He’s fine. It wasn’t about him this time. He told Barkley he hasn’t been able to get away yet. I told Barkley he was probably telling the truth. The FBI will keep a close eye on him.”

  Isabella released a breath that had clutched tight in her chest. Thank you, Lord. Her family was still safe, but for how long? If Barkley didn’t get what he wanted and soon, he would kill her. She trembled at the thought. As if reading her mind, Colt pulled her into his arms.

  “I told you I’d protect you. He will not kill you. I won’t allow it. I promise you.”

  She nodded against his chest, wanting to trust him. With his arm around her shoulder, keeping her close, together they walked through the woods toward the house. As they got closer to the house, she’d realized she hadn’t gotten far at all. In fact, she’d simply gone in a circle. It had definitely been crazy to try to run at night. Next time, and there would be a next time, she’d go in daylight.

  Colt led her to the house and they went inside. The found Smitty seated at the table, holding a wet cloth to his forehead. He narrowed his eyes at Isabella when they entered. She gave him an apologetic smile and shrugged.

  “Sorry, Smitty.”

  “You clobbered me pretty good. Don’t let it happen again,” he said with a groan.

  She didn’t respond to that demand. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t make any promises. Both men watched her but she looked away from them. She wanted to go home and be with her family. If she were home, her parents would be safer and the FBI could find Barkley, putting him back where he belonged.

  The two men talked low to each other for a few minutes, and then Colt led her to a bedroom, only it wasn’t the same one as before. Her eyes shifted immediately to the window. When she saw it was a jalousie style window, she cursed under her breath. Similar to shutters only made from glass, it was difficult to get through without breaking a lot of glass and possibly cutting herself, unless she could figure out how to remove each of the louvered rows of glass. It would do her no good at all thinking to escape that way otherwise.

  One bit of good luck for her was this bedroom also had a bathroom adjacent to it. There was another door in the bathroom leading to another room. While checking out the facilities, she reached for the doorknob, opened the door, and glanced into the other room. She groaned when she saw Smitty standing in the middle of the room smiling at her.

  “You’re not escaping this way either.”

  Isabella slammed the door and heard him chuckle from the other side.

  Damn it! She also suspected when he wasn’t in there, the door would be locked. She huffed out her frustration. She wandered back into what was to be her new prison cell and took a seat on the bed.

  Glancing around, she decided it was a nice room, considering what it was for her. There was a queen size bed with a headboard flush against the wall. On the opposite wall was the door to the bathroom with a dresser located next to it. On the wall with the entry door sat a large bureau, nothing fancy but homey. The wall with the window was bare other than the large window itself.

  She wanted to beat her fists against something. She was frustrated and tired. The fight was beginning to go out of her and she needed to get it back. She couldn’t give up. She had to get away.

  So why do you keep having sex with Colt?

  Besides the fact that it was amazing, she wished she knew. Stretching out on the bed, she felt tears sting the backs of her eyes—yet again. She was so tired of crying, but her tears helped keep her wits about her. Every time she cried she got madder, and when she got mad, she started remembering she needed to get out of here. But her tears came for another reason now. She feared for Colt. Would he survive this or go back to prison?

  Why did he have to live a life of crime? Dear God, please show me how to handle this.

  She rolled to her side, tucked her arms in for comfort, and closed her eyes. The night’s stress finally caught up with her and she fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Mont sat in the kitchen with Smitty. Without saying it, they both knew when Barkley got to the house the shit would hit the fan. They feared what he’d do.

  “He’s going to be pissed,” Mont said without looking at Smitty.

  Smitty snorted. “That, my friend, is an understatement. Hell, he’ll probably kill me.”

  Mont snapped his head up to look at Smitty, whose gaze met his.

  “I swear I won’t let that happen.”

  Smitty shrugged. “Goes with the territory man.”

  Mont shook his head. He wasn’t going to allow Barkley to hurt another person. This shit had to end, and end soon. He was going crazy waiting. Someone had to get to Lofton and bring him to the house so he could end this. Barkley was never going to give up until he had Lofton. Mont stood quickly, his chair scraping against the floor, making Smitty flinch.r />
  “What the hell are you thinking?” Smitty asked narrowing his eyes at him in warning.

  “This shit just needs to get moving. I finally met the outside men. I’m in as far as that goes. It’s what I wanted to happen, but Barkley’s never going to give up on getting Lofton, and Lofton can’t get away from the mansion.” Mont ran his hand through his hair. “Christ! We need to get Lofton here somehow.”

  Smitty glared at him pushing a beer toward him. “We wait for Barkley to make the decisions. He’s the boss man, and you know that. We make no moves without his say-so.”

  Mont fell into his chair and looked at Smitty. He was right. Mont couldn’t do anything without Barkley’s say so. Damn it! He tensed when he heard a car pull up outside. Barkley.

  Mont and Smitty looked at each other. They both knew it was about to get rough.

  Barkley walked in the back door with Dayton following behind. He glared at both of them. Pulling out a chair, he sat with a loud hiss of air. Behind him, Dayton closed the door and leaned against it. Barkley took his time before speaking. He looked at Mont and then to Smitty.

  Mont knew Smitty had called Barkley informing him of what happened but held back the information about Mont coming back to look for her. Mont had to remember he told Barkley he was going to see his woman. If it came out he’d lied, Barkley would never trust him again. Mont listened while Smitty explained how he’d caught her, brought her back to the house and how Colt had helped when he arrived after it was all over.

  “Where did you put her?” Barkley asked staring at Mont.

  “In the back bedroom. She’s not getting out of there.” Mont assured him.

  Barkley stood. “You’re damn right about that.”

  Without another word, he turned and left the room. Smitty and Mont quickly followed him. They had no choice but to watch as Barkley threw open the bedroom door, slamming it into the wall. Mont saw Isabella sit up and rub her eyes. They widened when she saw Barkley in the doorway with he and Smitty standing behind him.


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