Andalon Arises

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Andalon Arises Page 39

by T B Phillips

  At first nothing happened, then he felt his body shudder and convulse. Then he was no longer constrained by his shell, with full consciousness floating out into the night. There, far below he could see the textbook he had tossed. It had caught upon a trellis with pages open, fluttering in the breeze. It was this wind that he latched onto, surfing far and away from Eston.

  Southward he flew, over mountains and thick forests. Eventually the leafy trees gave way to swaying pines that bowed before him. Then he saw the white sand of a coastline and circled, watching for movement on the sea. One dark vessel drew his eye as it sailed into the setting sun. A shrouded body lay on a funeral plank, ready to commit to the deep. All hands stood topside, mourning the loss of a beloved sailor. Marcus recognized the ship and moved closer to watch.

  Perched upon a yardarm, he realized that he did not see with his own eyes, but of a large hawk. Thus the crew paid him no heed as he watched the proceedings. The bitch that captained She Wolf said some words over the body, and then another woman did the same. Both obviously cared deeply for the man and each held their bellies as they talked. Marcus deeply believed that they were both with child.

  He watched the crewmembers. A tiny man with a large head and spectacles stared stoically forward, intent eyes focused on the sea and forcibly not looking at the body. A one-eyed man with a long beard and wooden peg leg paced the deck, muttering to himself. A large wolf, black as the night curled in a corner, whimpering and howling out misery that words could never express. Not even for a human.

  Eusari stepped forward, bent over, and pulled back the shroud. She gently kissed the bearded man on his lips, whispered some private message, and then tilted the plank and committed his body over the side. Marcus flapped his wings and shot into the sky, laughing and cawing out his joy that Braen Braston was dead. He circled the vessel three times, shouting his promises of revenge and shitting on everyone he could. Then he shot off to the west to learn the fate of his brother.

  He found him in Eskera, white uniform marred by crimson and crying over the body of Maximus Reeves. Nearby, lay the remains of Merrimac Lourdes, the traitor and former loyalist to Crestal Esterling’s husband. Marcus took the opportunity to take a shit on him, too, as he lay with eyes open to the heavens. He missed and hit Captain Frederique Titus instead. The man didn’t flinch. He remained steadfast and comforted Robert, feeding him false hope for the war ahead.

  Turning north he sped toward Weston, confused and amazed that the city was gone. In its place stood a glistening lake, red and orange while reflecting the glow of the setting sun. Circling once more he found a line of Pescari wretches. They walked slowly behind a boy and a girl riding atop a steed as black as the night. They headed south, toward Robert in Eskera. Not far behind the procession followed what was left of the people of Weston. They carried both their past and their future in their wagons, but they carried their present on their faces.

  Marcus turned north along the Misting River, following it toward Norton and then home to Eston. Things were about to change in his empire. Of course, he would first have to regain control from Campton Shol and the Falconers. He was tired of playing the boy puppet and decided to finally show the world a king.

  Eusari lifted the shroud and bent down, gently kissing her lover on the lips. “I love you,” she told him. “I love you forever and will always miss you.” She touched his face with her hand, no longer gloved. “I couldn’t bring you back,” she whispered, “you wouldn’t have been you if I had. I would give anything to have your arms around me, to finally feel safe. To feel loved.” She wiped a single tear and continued, “I trust you, Braen. I trust you and I finally understand why you were placed in my life. Thanks to you, I will be the mother that I had lost. Thank you, Braen.”

  She pulled back and lifted the funeral plank, cleverly designed by Sippen to commit the body over the side. Braen splashed into the briny Southern Sea and slid beneath the surface, tiny bubbles marking his final resting place.


  Sippen, who had been watching the water to avoid looking upon his beloved friend, cried out and pointed to the south. Three large creatures passed under the ship and the largest swallowed the shrouded body in a single gulp. As quickly as they had arrived, they had disappeared into the frigid depths. Krill let out a mournful cry and then scooped Eusari up in an embrace, squeezing her tight and sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulder. The man loved by his friends and despised by all others had broken his most important of promises. Braen Braston had abandoned them all.


  Mattie and Alec walked hand in hand, strolling the grounds with Lord Charro Valencia. The trio had business to attend to, especially regarding the terms of indenture. Since it was a beautiful night, they all agreed that this business should occur out of doors. But mostly no one wanted to be reminded of the hell that had occurred in the Great Hall.

  The children rested in the manor, eager to get to know their sister. Marita had been a large topic of this discussion, with Alec explaining about emotants and Robert’s war in the north. He included the taking of The Cove and the recent elections before wrapping things up with a tale of their escape from Eskera. Charro listened intently without interrupting even once.

  After he had finished, Mattie asked the first question, “Are you going back to fight for The Cove?”

  “No. I’m finished with that life and all debts are paid.” He added, “Braston sent me with gold, Mattie. Gold to free you and the girls and to start a new life. He said to consider it our pension.”

  Valencia finally broke his silence. “What would you pay for their freedom, Captain Pogue?”

  Alec bristled at the question and answered defiantly, “Everything.”

  “Well, it won’t come to that, fortunately.” He stopped walking and the husband and wife turned to face him. “I’ve decided that debt is paid. Mattie, I release you and your children from your indenture.”

  Mattie let go of her husband’s hand and wrapped her arms around the lord’s neck, hugging him tightly. When she let go, she kissed him firmly on the cheek and then turned to embrace Alec. Charro laughed while the couple rejoiced. “Where will you go now? You must find a place to settle.”

  Alec answered, “We’ve always talked about Loganshire. I’ve heard Brentway is nice. But Braen also gifted us some grape seeds in case we ever decide to plant a vineyard. I tried to refuse, but he ensured me that these were of the highest pedigree. To grow wine grapes we would need to settle in Soston.”

  “Not necessarily,” Charro suggested, “grapes grow extremely well in Cargia as long as you are on the leeward side of the bluffs.”

  “Lord Valencia,” Mattie proposed. “You enjoy wine. Didn’t you once say that you would sell off half your lands for a case of 754? Well, how much gold to purchase a leeward parcel?”

  He laughed, “I may have said that, but rest assured that no amount of any vintage would convince me to relinquish my own titled lands.” He thought seriously, then added, “However, things have changed in regard to the local nobility after tonight. There are several small baronies that have opened up if you have enough gold. How much did you bring?”

  Alec didn’t hold any numbers back, “I have three hundred thousand talents.”

  Mattie blanched at the number. “Braen Braston sent you with that much gold?”

  “He did. He said that I was to recover you and the girls at any cost.”

  Lord Valencia smiled. “You could purchase the title of Marquis for that sum, but I wouldn’t want to take all of your capital. You would need to retain enough for planting costs and purchase of labor, of course.”

  Alec grinned back. “What kind of title could we purchase if I paid two hundred thousand and threw in an entire cask of 754?”

  Charro laughed at the obvious joke. “Why, for that you could become a full Viscount. But do you know what? If you actually had one, I would g
ive you a discount and grant you the title of Lesser Duke.”

  Duke Pogue responded, “Summon the notary and draw up the paperwork then. Because I have one full cask of Estonian 754 on my wagon.”

  Cast of Characters



  The Cove

  BRAEN BRASTON: Winter emotant. Pirate Captain of Ice Prince and Malfeasance. Eldest son of Krist Braston and exiled heir to Fjorik.

  ADAMAS CREECH: Pirate Captain of Vigilance. Political opposition to both Braen Braston and Stefan Nevra.

  ADOLPHUS DOMINIQUE: Pirate Captain of Aggressor. A slaver known for kidnapping families and selling them on the southern continent.

  MATTHIEU DOMINIQUE: Son of Adolphus Dominique.

  GELERT: A wolf. Emotionally bonded and connected to Eusari Thorinson.

  ARTEMA HORN: Pirate Captain of Wench’s Daughter. Former pirate king of The Cove. Whereabouts unknown.

  AMASH HORSLEI: Son of Abraham Horslei and brother to Sarai. Left Weston University to live a pirating life to spite his father. Classically trained swordsman.

  DEVIL JACQUE: Quartermaster of She Wolf.

  KRILL: One-eyed Gunnery Sergeant of Ice Prince and Malfeasance. Childhood friend fiercely loyal to Braen Braston. Uncanny ability to estimate range.

  PETER LONGSHANKS: First Mate of She Wolf. Personal confidant and friend to Eusari Thorinson.

  LORD STEFAN NEVRA: Former Duke of the Southern Continent and pirate king. Imprisoned for the crime of slavery.

  ALEC POGUE: Pirate Captain of Desperation and Captain of the Guard for The Cove.

  ALEXA POGUE: Fifteen-year-old daughter of Alec Pogue.

  LIZA POGUE: Seventeen-year-old daughter of Alec Pogue

  MATTIE POGUE: Wife of Alec Pogue.

  SA’MOND: Deceased. Former First Mate of She Wolf and best friend of Eusari Thorinson. Eunuched by unknown means in the southern continent.

  EUSARI THORINSON: Autumn emotant. Captain of She Wolf. Originally from Loganshire, was kidnapped and sold to pirates at thirteen years old. Won her freedom through mutiny. Lover of Braen Braston. Bonded with Gelert the wolf.

  TURAT: Deceased agent of Stefan Nevra. Slaver and conspirator of Adolphus Dominique.

  SIPPEN YURIK: Engineer and Weaponsmith of Ice Prince and Malfeasance. Best friend of Braen Braston. Stutters when anxious.


  BETH: Autumn emotant with affinity for air. Bonded with Akili.

  CAROLINE: Autumn emotant with affinity for air. Favorite of Eusari Thorinson

  JASPER: Autumn emotant with affinity for air.

  JOHAN: Winter emotant with affinity for water. Friend of Kali.

  KALI: Spring emotant with affinity for earth. Friend of Johan.

  MARITA: Autumn emotant with affinity for air.

  SEBASTIAN: Autumn emotant with affinity for air. Traumatized by the death of his friend, the Dreamer Suzette.

  Esterling Empire

  ARNE: An eagle. Emotionally bonded to Robert Esterling.

  LORD CAMPTON SHOL: Sensitive to Autumn Oracle beads. Astian agent and overseer of Andalon. Chancellor to the Eston Empire and secret head of the Falconers.

  MATTEAS BROHN: Captain General of the Eston Army. Mentor and secret father to Marcus Esterling.

  CHARLES ESTERLING: Deceased. Former king of Eston. Unified the kingdoms under the Esterling Empire and drove the Pescari across the Misting River.

  CRESTAL ESTERLING: Deceased. Former Queen Regent of Eston.

  ROBERT ESTERLING: Autumn emotant. Eldest son of Crestal Esterling. Fathered by General Maximus Reeves. Assumed the title of King of Eston in opposition to his brother.

  MARCUS ESTERLING: Second son of Crestal Esterling. Fathered by Captain General Matteas Brohn. Recognized by the council as King of Eston.

  KESTREL: Lead Falconer. Childhood friend of Campton Shol.

  MACMILLAN LOURDES: Retired General of the Eston Army and Governor of Eskera. Renowned for defeating and driving the Pescari across the Misting River alongside Charles Esterling. Mentor of Maximus Reeves.

  MAXIMUS REEVES: Eston General. Former protégé and aide-de-camp to General Macmillan Lourdes. Secret father to Robert Esterling.

  FREDERIQUE TITUS: Aide-de-camp to General Maximus Reeves.


  ARTUR: First Mate under Skander Braston.

  KRIST BRASTON: Deceased. Formerly king of Fjorik and father of Braen and Skander.

  SKANDER BRASTON: King of Fjorik. Second son to Krist Braston and husband of Hester.

  HESTER: Queen of Fjorik and wife of Skander Braston. Former lover of Braen Braston.

  Outlaws of the Diaph Forest

  MARQUE: Right hand man to Shon Wembley.

  SHON WEMBLEY: Former Loganshire constable. Leader of the Outlaw band living in the Diaph Forest.


  CORNIN: Deceased. Former Shappan after killing the father of Taros in the right of Shapalote.

  DASKA: Elder of the Pescari. Fears Taros from ancient prophesies.

  FELICIMA: Goddess of the Pescari. Rises in the east and settles each night west of the Caldera of Cinder.

  FLAYA: Granddaughter of Daska.

  LYNETTE: Deceased. Mother of Taros.

  TAROS: Summer emotant. Shappan leader of the unified Pescari clans.

  TEOT: Uncle of Taros.

  Southern Continent

  PENELOPE PRITCHETT: Former Manor Stewart to Lord Charro Valencia.

  CHARRO VALENCIA: Duke of Cargia.


  CASSUS EACHANN: Leader of the Humanitarian Party. Governor of Weston.

  ABRAM HORSLEI: Deceased. Father of Amash and Sarai. Former governor of Weston.

  SARAI HORSLEI: Wife of Robert Esterling. Assumed the unrecognized title of Queen of Eston.

  PERCY ROAN: Accountant. Clerk and notary to Cassus Eachann.


  Astian Council

  CHANCELLOR JAKATA: Elected and ruling chancellor over the Astian Council.

  Humanitarian Freedom Society

  CASSIDY: Society agent in Astia.

  DELILAH: Society agent in Fjorik.

  THE DRAGON: Society agent in Astia.

  GRETCHEN: Society agent in Fjorik.

  PERLANA (PEARL): Society agent in Diaph.

  SAMANI KERNIGAN (Formerly Samani Nakala): Society agent in The Cove. Was a member of Artema Horn’s Inner Sanctum. Advisor to Braen Braston.

  Winter Oracle

  ASHIMA NAKALA: Deceased. A member of the Winter Oracle who perished revealing a prophecy that powers awakened in Andalon. Younger sister of Samani Kernigan.

  FATWANA NAKALA: Lead sister of the Winter Oracle. Elder sister of Samani Kernigan.




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