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Dare to Believe: Teen & Young Adult Epic Fantasy Bundle (Series Bundle Andy Smithson Bk 4, 5 & 6): Dragons, Serpents, Unicorns, Pegasus, Pixies, Trolls, Dwarfs, Knights and More!

Page 53

by L. R. W. Lee

  Father smiled as his eyes swept the enormous bed with its blue silk spread, much like the one at Castle Avalon. “I remember sneaking in here as a small child to jump on this bed when no one was watching. I pretended it was the Sea of Mystery we crossed every time we visited the Library of Oomaldee. The servants would shoo me out as soon as they spotted me.”

  Andy chuckled.

  “I guess it’s mine now.” Father let out a breath as he surveyed the treasures from his childhood: a contraption resembling a vulture made from pieces of scrap metal on the stand beside the bed; a track with gears and something like a model wheelbarrow on the trunk under the window; a sealed glass cylinder with red and blue floats on the desk. A life-size wooden knight guarded the corner near the fireplace.

  Andy stepped to the desk and examined the glass tube.

  “I had the idea to measure temperature,” Father explained.

  Andy smiled and moved to another metal creature, this one a dragon. He picked it up and examined it more closely.

  “I used scraps from the foundry to make that. My father insisted using new materials for my constant tinkering was a waste of resources.” A corner of Father’s mouth turned up. “No matter. I enjoyed the challenge.”

  “You’re what we call a geek in my world.” Andy laughed, ambling over to shelves that stretched floor to ceiling and held more creations. He selected a random gadget that looked like a lamp and fingered it as he turned.

  Father gasped the instant he saw it.

  Seeing the man’s posture suddenly stiffen, Andy pivoted back, dropping it like a hot potato. “Sorry!”

  Father waved a hand. “No, it’s nothing you’ve done. It’s just…I never expected to see—” He shook his head. “Bring it here.”

  When Andy handed it to him, Father closed his eyes. “Of all the things you could have picked up, you found…you found this.” He turned to Andy. “I tricked Imogenia into thinking I was inventing a moveable light device so she could read in bed. She believed my lie. I handed it to her and while she was examining it…I killed her.”

  Andy’s wide eyes darted between the contraption and his father’s downturned head. Father had never before disclosed the details of his heinous act. Doing so now gave Andy more perspective on Imogenia’s feelings.

  The pair sat in silence for several minutes. Andy watched Father run a hand over the miniature glass globe and around the metal base, reliving the reality of what he’d done all those years ago.

  “I won’t say if only. The time for regret is long past. I acknowledge the evil of my actions and have repented. I sense it will not be long until the curse is lifted and the land is restored. Everything will work itself out.” He set his jaw.

  Andy’s stomach tensed. He didn’t want to dwell on what that would mean, not after finally getting Father back. Andy shifted the conversation. “I’ve had a chance to explore the castle in the last few days.”

  Father nodded, happy for the change of subject.

  “Why don’t you have a throne at Castle Avalon?”

  “I was going to. I planned it to be rather large, actually, to show my subjects all the power I wielded. Between the throne and the dais, it would have taken up most of the dining hall.”

  Andy cocked his head.

  “I was stupid, Andy. Thankfully, before the workmen finished the interior I learned a few unpleasant lessons about myself. I discovered I could easily become addicted to power. I became someone I despise. Out of concern that I’d—”

  “Go nuts with power?”

  Father forced a quick smile. “Exactly. I knew my reign would fail, and fail quickly, if I didn’t keep my desires in check. I had them tear out the throne room and repurpose it for the dining hall.”

  Something else to worry about as king. Andy’s eyebrows drew together.

  Father noticed. “Hey, look at me. I can’t promise that you won’t be tempted to misuse power when you become king, but you have me as an example of what can happen if you let your desires get out of control. Being aware of what tempts you is key to managing it. Like fear, you don’t have to be controlled by what has power over you. You have a choice.”

  Andy felt his shoulders relax. “Thanks for that.”

  Father nodded.

  “I was wondering something else. Castle Ferrin is decorated so…”

  “Over the top?” Father finished.

  “Yeah. Why did you build Castle Avalon without all that fluff and stuff?”

  “Call it a self-imposed vow of poverty. It goes back to squelching my desire for power. Castle Avalon is functional but not overdone. It’s my declaration of what’s important to me—people, not garish buildings.”

  Andy nodded. While the king’s comments didn’t come as a surprise, Andy felt as though Father had revealed a new side, one he could more deeply appreciate. Andy pondered the revelation for a minute before adding, “I found the room with all of Oomaldee’s kings and queens.”

  “Did you? They’re quite the bunch, huh?” Father grinned. “I’m going to have to pay them a visit.”

  “They’re kinda cool. If I don’t know what I’m doing, I can go ask for advice.” I can ask you for advice. Andy covered his sigh and they sat in silence until Andy broke it. “By the way, what does the message in that gold envelope say?”

  Father tensed, and Andy instantly regretted asking. Father closed his eyes. “I can’t tell you just yet, son.” His voice quaked and he took a deep breath. “I want to, I just can’t. Not yet.”

  “That’s okay. I know you’ll tell me when you’re ready.”

  Father caught Andy’s eyes. “Thank you for understanding.”

  “I missed you. I was so afraid they’d kill you,” Andy confided. He paused before adding, “I couldn’t let Abaddon hurt you like he did Yara.”

  “What happened to the princess?” Father’s pitch rose.

  Over the next hour, Andy recounted the events seared into his memory. If Andy thought he’d healed from losing his first love, it became clear he only fooled himself. His gut twisted and sobs overwhelmed him as he told the excruciating details. Father didn’t fare any better hearing Andy’s pain.

  Father pulled him close. “I am so sorry, Son.”

  Slumber eventually claimed both of them.

  Despite the fog, sun peeked through the shutters to chide Andy for sleeping late the next morning. He rolled over and found Father asleep in a fetal position next to him.

  Andy’s stretch woke him, and he rubbed his eyes and yawned. “All that emotion sacked both of us.”

  Andy grinned.

  As they crawled off the extra tall bed, Father said, “Thank you for telling me everything. I don’t know which is harder, to experience that pain myself or to be helpless to spare you from it.”

  Andy nodded. “I’m just glad you’re back. I missed you.”

  Father patted Andy’s cheek. “And I missed you. You’ve no idea.” A pained expression flitted across Father’s face, but he tamped it down.

  Andy leaned in and hugged him. “I can’t imagine what you endured.”

  When Father returned the hug, Andy melted into its intensity. It calmed and strengthened him, and released some of the pent up strain he’d harbored for months.

  “We probably better get going,” Father suggested at last. “Before folks start wondering if I was just a figment of their imagination.”

  They washed up, changed, and met in the corridor outside their rooms. Even though blemishes marred Father’s face and arms, seeing him in a clean black T-shirt and jeans made Andy feel lighter than he had in months. The feeling seemed infectious.

  The hall erupted in unbridled celebration despite their late arrival at breakfast. Applause, whistling, jumping, and hopping—it all poured out. Hearing the bedlam, a host of servants hastily joined in.

  “The King’s returned!”

  “Prince Andrew rescued him!”

  Andy drank it all in like a parched traveler arriving at a desert oasis. Amid all the exci
tement, one exclamation made his spirit soar: “Things are getting better!” He located the curly blonde girl who said it. She clapped and bounced next to a friend.

  “They understand,” MiniMe encouraged. “You gave them the hope they desperately needed.”

  “Welcome back, Majesty!” Razen interrupted after several minutes. He beamed as he bowed low.

  What’s up with him? I haven’t seen him this happy in forever. Is he just putting on an act? Andy scratched his head.

  “Thank you all. And thank you, Razen! I am thrilled to be back. As you can see, I didn’t escape my ordeal unscathed.”

  Growls emanated throughout the crowd.

  “But Prince Andrew and several of our bravest soldiers—”

  “Don’t forget Alden and Hannah!” Andy interjected.

  “Of course. And Alden and Hannah.” The King grinned. “—successfully breached Abaddon’s defenses.”

  Hoots and whistles rang out, and the rescue party was pushed forward to stand beside Andy. He exchanged fist bumps with Alden and Hannah, causing puzzled expressions among the soldiers.

  “They also coordinated with our dragon and griffin allies to defeat our enemy and his dark mage.”

  Murmurs erupted, and the King held up his hands. “Don’t be afraid of these beings. Queen Emmalee and others have forged alliances with them and many others who will help us in our quest to defeat Abaddon once and for all.”

  Several servants covered their gaping mouths.

  “Andy told me how he restored Oomaldee’s heart.”

  There were hoots and a chant of “An-drew. An-drew. An-drew.” Father and Andy laughed.

  “We have all been through an incredibly difficult time, but with these victories, we mark the beginning of this kingdom’s restoration.” The intensity of Father’s voice brought the room to order. “I can’t tell you exactly how long it will take, but I believe it truly is just a matter of time. Thank you for working together in my absence to restore order. I appreciate each of you and your efforts, for only together can we succeed.”

  Servants clapped and nodded, sealing the King’s hope and making it theirs. They ventured forward and kneeled, kissing Father’s hand and welcoming him back. Several re-pledged their loyalty and extended well wishes for a swift campaign that would end the chaos. They moved on to Andy and the rescue party, showering them with handshakes and embraces.

  Several servants lingered as if the King might disappear if they took their eyes off him. They even lingered after Razen hurried them back to their duties.

  “Majesty, I’ve taken the liberty of having the kitchen prepare your favorite breakfast,” Razen intoned in his nasally pitch once Father and Andy were seated. The steward performed his requisite tasting duties, pronouncing Father’s breakfast safe to eat. Andy rolled his eyes. Like anyone here would try to kill him.

  Mermin beamed from the King’s left. The smile hadn’t left his face since Andy and Father had appeared.

  Andy had just dug in to a heaping pile of scrambled eggs when there was a commotion across the hall. His stomach tensed. Servants bowed and a hush blanketed the space. A quick glance and Andy spotted Mom racing toward them. “You’re free! How?”

  “My queen!” Father knocked his chair over in his haste to rise.

  Andy and Mermin grinned.

  Mom brushed a hand across Father’s bruised face before hugging him. The embrace they shared still made Andy feel uncomfortable, but he knew that was his issue, no one else’s.

  “Rise, please,” the King instructed at last, remembering his subjects. Everyone chuckled with delight at the scene.

  Mermin hugged Mom, and Andy scooted down a seat so she could sit in her usual spot to Father’s immediate right. Once seated, she gave Andy’s arm a gentle squeeze. She wore her tan khakis and a sleeveless blouse. “I just arrived. I didn’t realize Andy was here already.”

  “It was Andy who orchestrated my release.” Father recounted last night’s events, concluding with, “It’s so good to have everyone here again.” He closed his eyes, tipped his head back, and let a smile play on his lips.

  But seconds later, a gold envelope appeared in the center of the table.

  An avalanche of emotions cascaded down Father’s face, burying his carefree mood. Father stared at the envelope and his eyes grew moist. “Already?” He took several deep breaths before reaching for the missive and pulling out a single page.

  Why’s he so worried? It’s probably just the next clue.

  The King cleared his throat and began to read:

  “A prophet, a star-gazer, noble and true.

  Wise and honorable with foresight, pursue.

  Brave in battle, yet gentle to heal,

  A study in contrasts, to you he’ll reveal.

  In the heart of the mountain he dwells with his tribe,

  Discerner of truth, he cares not if you jibe.

  Go to him. Listen, for he will foretell

  What you must shoulder for all to be well.

  Include in your company your cupbearer most trusted

  And the book that conceals, its contents entrusted.”

  “That’s it?” Andy interjected as Father looked up. “Can I see that?” Father handed him the paper and he flipped it over looking for more. The back was blank. “Aren’t we supposed to get another ingredient?”

  A pained expression struggled across Father’s face.

  “Are you okay?” Mom asked.

  Father closed his eyes and shook his head.

  “What is it?” Mom probed.

  Father shook his head again but didn’t expound, bringing a furrow to Mom’s brow.

  Andy turned back to the note, and reread:

  “A prophet, a star-gazer, noble and true.

  Wise and honorable with foresight, pursue.

  Brave in battle, yet gentle to heal,

  A study in contrasts, to you he’ll reveal.”

  “That’s got to be a centaur.” Andy beamed.

  “Why do you say that?” Mom questioned.

  “Since Jax paid us a visit, I read up on centaurs. They say they can read prophecies in the stars. They’re also warriors, yet healers too.”

  Mom ran a jerky hand through her hair before responding, “Andy, Jax is not the average centaur. Most are wild and unrestrained.”

  “Who’s Jax?” Mermin asked.

  Mom recounted their meeting with the hippie horse-man. Her tale drew barks of laughter from the wizard. Father forced a smile. “Yes, he’s quite the daisy-loving character,” Mom concluded.

  “I’ve met three other centaurs that are just as nice: Houston, Malcolm, and Lorica, a lady centaur. Lorica and Malcolm have the hots for each other,” Andy added. “They helped me retrieve the parts of Oomaldee’s heart.”

  Mom’s brows slammed against her hairline, making Andy laugh. He proceeded to recount the stories of meeting his new friends.

  “That’s why the cereal and milk went down so fast?” Mom deduced.

  Andy chortled. “Yeah, Malcolm loves the stuff.”

  “So there are four centaurs we can twust,” Mermin reasoned. “There are a whole lot more who are wild…and dangerous.”

  Father swiped at his eyes, then rubbed the back of his neck.

  Andy went back to the note:

  “In the heart of the mountain he dwells with his tribe,

  Discerner of truth, he cares not if you jibe.

  Go to him. Listen, for he will foretell

  What you must shoulder for all to be well.”

  “What’s ‘the heart of the mountain’ mean? It sounds like we’re supposed to go there,” Andy offered.

  “Centaurs live on Mount Mur Eyah,” Mom offered. “When Merlin escorted me out of Oomaldee, he took me there. They guard the doorway between our two worlds. At least they used to. I don’t know if that’s the case anymore. When I left, the curse had only just fallen. The centaurs weren’t yet wild. But now…”

  “What if we could contact Jax or the others and
let them know we’re coming? They could meet us.”

  Mermin and Mom brightened. “How would you contact them?” Mom asked.

  “Centaurs are on the whisper stream. I can ask Daisy to get a message to them,” Andy explained.

  Mom smiled. “It’s certainly worth a try.”

  Mermin nodded.

  Father cleared his throat. “Would you read the rest of the note again, please?”

  Andy picked up the letter:

  “Include in your company your cupbearer most trusted

  And the book that conceals, its contents entrusted.”

  “Razen needs to come with us,” the King asserted in a monotone.

  Andy tried to hide his scowl at that news, but Father’s mood made him pause. “You think that’s a bad thing?”

  Father stared at the table, unhearing. Mom placed a hand on his arm, bringing him back to the conversation. Father covered Mom’s hand with his own, but he wouldn’t meet her gaze.

  “It looks like you wetrieved that book in the nick of time, Andy,” Mermin deflected the conversation.

  Andy responded with a nod, but his thoughts were elsewhere. It’s not saying to get another ingredient. No, it’s telling us to bring all those I’ve already retrieved. Does that mean…? Andy’s stomach twisted and he felt bile rise in his throat. He knew it was just a matter of time before he collected everything needed to break the curse, but preparing to do so wasn’t the same as actually doing it. The land will finally be free of the dense fog, but… He couldn’t bear to even think about the other consequences.

  “I’ll coordinate with the regents,” Father announced, standing abruptly.

  Mom and Mermin wrinkled their brows in concern. Mom moved to follow but Father waved her off. “I need to be alone right now.”

  “I’ll let Alden and Hannah know,” Andy offered and headed to find them.


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