Santa Baby

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Santa Baby Page 5

by J.C. Valentine

  Those baby blues dart back and forth between mine, as if searching for any untruths, before he dives down and takes my mouth again, this time in a bruising kiss that reaches all the way to my toes.

  There’s no chance I’m leaving his bed until I’m well and truly satisfied. Kyle will see to that.

  Chapter Nine

  I’m lying beneath Kyle, my thigh-high-clad legs a silken band around his hips as he pumps the last of his release slowly into me. We’re both covered in a sheen of sweat, our skin slick and overheated. We’re breathless from the vigorous lovemaking—and yes, that’s exactly what this was. There is no question in my mind that Kyle feels for me what I do for him.

  It’s in every reverent touch and starved kiss shared between us.

  There isn’t a single part of my body he hasn’t touched, explored, sampled, or devoured. He’s an animal, wild and untamed, determined, driven, and voracious in his need and desire to conquer.

  Exactly how I remember him.

  “I’ve missed you,” I admit in a voice so soft it hardly carries. But he hears me.

  “I’ve missed you so damn bad, my Sunny Sunshine,” he replies, his voice muffled against my neck. But I catch every word because I hang on them all.

  My hands skate down his back in a feather light touch that raises goose bumps on his skin and causes him to shiver. I kiss his shoulder, his neck, the side of his damp head. He does the same to me, returning a love that was broken but never lost.

  “I want you to be mine again,” Kyle says suddenly, and lifts his head to meet my eyes. I’m surprised by the request, but I know instantly it’s exactly what I want, what I’ve been waiting for.

  “I’m already yours.” I never stopped belonging to him. There’s no doubt in my mind anymore that Bianca was right—I put my life on hold, waiting for this man to come back and claim me. Such a foolish thing to do, yet somehow, I know it’s all going to work out in the end, exactly the way it’s meant to.

  Kyle’s smile is easy, and his eyes trace my face, every slope and curve and angle as if he hasn’t seen me in forever, and I do the same with him, taking a hundred walks down memory lane in a matter of seconds, snapshots of our past life together flickering through my mind one after another. It’s similar to the way he always looked at me before, when we were growing up and experiencing life together, but this’s something more. Something deeper and more profound.

  This is a mature kind of love, one that has evolved and deepened in a way that can only truly happen when one experiences the deep lash of pain and loss and knows what it means to have something so precious returned to them.

  In my mind, I think this is the kind of love that can last. Will last. I just need to clear the air first.

  “I know you said you didn’t do anything,” I start, figuring I might as well launch right into it, “and I know I’ll never really know what the truth is because I wasn’t there. But in my heart, I’m choosing to forgive you and put the past aside.”

  “I wish you had been there, so there would be no doubt in your mind. I know that’s impossible though,” he says sadly. “Do you really think it’s possible to move forward, to put it all behind us and see what could be ahead of us?”

  Wriggling a hand between us, I run my fingers through his thick hair, enjoying the feel of it between my fingers. “We’re adults now. We have years of experience, of growth and maturity. I think we can get past it. I want to.”

  Hell, I need to. I’ve been holding onto bitter feelings for too long. It’s time to let them go and grab onto something new.

  “I want that too,” Kyle rasps.

  Leaning down, he kisses my lips lightly, then slowly begins to add more pressure as the kiss grows deeper. When his hips flex, I feel his length growing hard again, thickening inside me as he begins to rock against me.

  Soft moans crawl up my throat, filling the space between us.

  As the pace picks up and the heat rises once more, I feel our connection to one another solidifying, bringing with it a sense of peace and satisfaction I’ve been missing since the day our relationship ended, pushing out the lingering sadness and pit of despair that’s been a constant companion for far too long.

  As Kyle’s fingers and mouth work their magic, tweaking and plying and demanding my subjugation, I feel the steady rise of energy coalescing inside me.

  “I want you to come,” Kyle says against my lips, then he plunges his tongue into my mouth, making love to me in every possible way.

  When I feel his length swell inside me, tightening our bond, I lose any hold I may have had over myself. The climax hits me hard, and a cry of pleasure tears loose, mingling with Kyle’s deep voice as he joins me, filling me once again.

  “You’re mine now,” he swears between labored breaths. “You’re all mine. I’m never letting you go again.”

  I bury my smile in the curve of his shoulder, happy beyond words. I’m never letting him go again either, I vow. “Kyle?”

  Hearing the hesitation in my voice, he stiffens before drawing back to look at me. “What is it, baby?”

  I see the flicker of fear in his eyes, and I know what he must be thinking. I’m quick to alleviate that fear, to put his worries to rest. “I love you.”

  Just like that, the storm clouds recede and Kyle’s answering smile is wide and brilliant, filled with joy and happiness that fills my heart to the brim.

  “I love you, too, my Sunny Sunshine.”


  One year later, Christmas...

  “What was I thinking?” The Santa dress definitely doesn’t fit anymore. I knew it before I even pulled it from the storage box. That’s a given, though, when you’re five months pregnant and have a small watermelon in place of your once-flat stomach.

  “It’s called wishful thinking,” Bianca informs me with a grin on her face. She’s beyond thrilled to be my baby’s godmother, and I am beyond thrilled to have her. She’s one of the warmest and most caring people I know. God forbid anything ever happens to Kyle or me, she’s going to make a wonderful mom.

  “Yeah, you got that right. Good thing I picked up a replacement.” While I have fond memories of the too-small, thoroughly worn costume, I’m glad I won’t ever have to wear it again.

  “Isn’t it funny how much has changed since this time last year?” Bianca muses as she finishes adjusting her green and gold striped pantyhose. She’s going to be my elven sidekick tonight at the hospital, helping to pass out all the presents to the good little boys and girls.

  It’s not all out of pure goodness, though. Bianca has been smitten with the idea of having a chance encounter with the future love of her life ever since Kyle and I reconnected. If ever there was a die-hard romantic, she’s it.

  I step into the updated and several inches longer Mrs. Claus suit and turn my back to her so she can zip me up. “A lot has changed,” I agree. “If you would have told me a year ago that I would be standing here, pregnant, and getting ready to marry my childhood sweetheart, I would have been the first to measure you for a straightjacket.”

  Fastening the eyelet at the top of the zipper, Bianca fluffs my hair back over my shoulders and sighs with satisfaction and longing. “I think I would have done the same. You and Kyle.” She shakes her head in disbelief. “I mean, I always hoped...but yeah...”

  “Yeah...” Neither of us would have ever—not in a million years—expected any of this to happen.

  “The universe works in mysterious ways,” Bianca says. “But it’s also going to leave your ass behind if you don’t shake a tail feather.”

  I glance at the clock on the wall and jump into action. “Quick, grab my shoes!”

  Rushing over to the bathroom counter, Bianca grabs the pair of ruby-red pumps while I throw all of our street clothes, makeup, and various crap we used to get ready back into the bags. In the work of a minute, we’re hurrying out of the restroom and down the brightly lit hospital hallway toward the same expansive room that hosts the holiday gift-givi
ng events each year.

  The same room that brought Kyle and me back together.

  The room that changed the course of my life forever.

  Soft music drifts around the corner and to my ears, and I can sense the packed room before I reach it. There are so many people waiting for us beyond that wall, waiting for this night. It’s been years in the making...

  I stop just outside the door, taking a moment to absorb the vision laid out before me. The Christmas tree is decorated with multi-colored lights and handcrafted notes, pictures, and a paper chain that wraps the length from top to bottom, all made by the kids who currently reside here.

  The overhead lighting is far too bright, but it doesn’t detract from the beauty of the space, the warmth brought to it by the love and enthusiasm of all the people who have come to share this moment with us.

  “Are you okay? You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” Bianca askes with a small tremor of concern in her voice.

  My gaze finds Kyle at the front of the room, side by side with Travis who wears a matching male version of the elf costume Bianca wears. I didn’t expect it, but he appears to be having a blast with the kids and their parents, doing a little dance to go along with the holiday music playing in the background.

  My attention doesn’t linger. Instead, it’s drawn back to Kyle who is dressed in the same Santa suit as last year, that snow-white beard making those blue eyes pop. He’s a shining star among all the lights. He’s giving his attention to a small group of children, his smile alight with laughter and joy. He lives for this night. Seeing these kids smile when they have every reason in the world to cry makes his world go around.

  And he makes mine go ‘round. I adore this man, I think to myself. All those years apart, wasted, over a misunderstanding. I’ll always regret the time we lost, but I’ll never regret the future we’re making.

  Sensing me watching, Kyle’s gaze lifts and find me immediately. A soft, warm smile filled with pride and love spread across his face, and his shoulders straighten. The entirety of the room catches on to the change in his demeanor, and one by one, the guests turn to look at me.

  Glancing at my friend, I tell Bianca, “My only thought is getting down that aisle and marrying the man of my dreams.”

  The music changes to a Bing Crosby classic, and I can’t think of anything better or more appropriate for this event. As I step forward, everyone grows quiet and stands, turning to watch my approach.

  I see my friends and family positioned at the front of the room, flanking either side of Kyle, their smiling faces warming my heart as much as the man who’s waiting for me up ahead.

  It’s Christmas, we’re dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Claus, and our best man and woman are elves. It’s a little unorthodox and nothing at all what I envisioned getting married would look like, but I can’t think of a more fitting and memorable way to join our lives together.

  “You are the most beautiful woman in this room,” Kyle murmurs as I reach him, and he takes my hands in his.

  As the newly ordained hospital chaplain performs the ceremony, I can’t prevent the smile that pulls at my lips. My heart feels as if it might explode from sheer happiness.

  The moment the chaplain announces us husband and wife, the room erupts into cheers, and the music changes to something livelier.

  With my arms around his neck, I tell Kyle, “This is the best Christmas ever.”

  “Nothing will ever top it,” he agrees, then leans down and presses his lips to mine.

  Almost instantly, a chorus of child voices issue their protests, and we smile. With his forehead pressed against mine, Kyle closes his eyes, draws in a deep breath, and says, “Save that thought for later.”

  “Yes,” I say softly, a plan already forming in my mind to climb into Santa’s lap and tell him what I want most for Christmas. “Until then, we have some presents to dish out.”

  “Then let’s get to it, Mrs. Claus.”

  I join Kyle, sitting beside him in the metal folding chairs beside the tree, Bianca handing me presents while Travis wrangles the children and brings them up to sit on Santa’s lap, and I allow the warmth of love and friendship wrap itself around me like a thick, wool blanket.

  There’s isn’t a single thing I can think of that could make this night any better...

  “Hey, this one has my name on it.”

  I turn to look up at Bianca, who is holding a neatly wrapped, silver package nestled in her palm. “That’s strange. Why don’t you open it,” I suggest.

  She looks at me funny, hesitating, but curiosity eventually gets the best of her. As she pulls the sparkly ribbon free, my heart thuds and a smile tugs at my lips. Kyle’s hand touches mine and we share a look.

  When Bianca screams, I can’t contain my laughter. The kids nearest to the explosion of glitter yell with delight and begin dancing in the shower of sparkles that rain down around them.

  “Did you do this?” Bianca shrieks, looking directly at me.

  “She’s a monster,” Travis tells her sympathetically as he moves to her side and begins brushing her hair and clothes. “A monster, I tell you.”

  I shrug, smile, and start laughing again, the joy of the season rolling through me. I’ve never been happier in my life. I’m surrounded by family, both by blood and by choice, and it’s everything I could have dreamed of and more. This is what it’s all about, and I would go through all it all again just to get here.

  I feel Kyle’s warm breath on my neck as he leans in and whispers in my ear, “Merry Christmas, my Sunny Sunshine.”

  The End.

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  J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Trilogy. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn't sorry.

  J.C. lives in the Northwest with her three amazing children and far too many pets, and together they spend much of their free time enjoying movies or the outdoors. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor's in English and when she isn't writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors.

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