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Sinful Page 19

by Lexi Buchanan

  “Morning,” I breathe, breathless when he releases me after taking over my attempted morning seduction.

  “You need to sit over there,” he points to his table and chairs, “before I lift that shirt and fuck you on the kitchen floor.”

  My eyes narrow. “If you think after that I’m going to be able to eat breakfast without teasing you to distraction, then think again.” I smirk, and saunter over to the table with an extra sway to my hips. Feeling his eyes still fixed on me, I lift the shirt and make sure to flash my ass before I let it hit the chair.

  I immediately stare at Jace and laugh when his eyes are still fixed where my ass was before I’d dropped into the chair.

  “Fuck,” he curses, before giving me his back.

  I’m not blind and watch as his hand moves to his crotch to probably rearrange himself.

  Within minutes, we’re both sitting at the table with pancakes, bacon, and maple syrup in front of us. The food is delicious, and with my belly grumbling again, I follow my initial mouthful with another, and another.

  Feeling bad because I haven’t asked how he slept, I take a sip of coffee and ask, “Did you sleep all right? Or did you stay awake worrying?”

  “The fear was there when I was drifting off to sleep, but I woke this morning feeling more refreshed than I have in a long time. It’s also the first night that I haven’t woken a few times during the night.” He smiles, and my heart melts even more for this brave guy sitting in front of me.

  “I’m glad,” is all that comes out of my mouth.

  Forcing my eyes away from Jace, I eat some more of my breakfast. He really knows how to cook, and with half of my food already in my stomach, I tell him, “This is delicious, and I can’t remember the last time I ate so much for breakfast. I usually just have toast and coffee.”

  “I figured you’d like a treat.” He sips his coffee. “I don’t usually eat pancakes, but once isn’t going to hurt, right.”

  “What do you usually have?” I ask between bites.

  “Egg whites, turkey rashers, mushrooms. Sometimes I’ll switch it up a bit and maybe do oatmeal.”

  “So health conscious, huh?” I mumble around a bite of crispy bacon.

  “I try to eat a healthy diet,” he hesitates, “it goes back to my post-op when I was living on take out, alcohol, and prescription meds.”

  I place my knife and fork down, and reach for his hand. He entwines our fingers as I admit, “I’m so proud of you, Jace. I didn’t know you back then, but from what you’ve overcome, which I know hasn’t been easy, you have a lot to be proud of, and I hope you are.”

  He caresses back and forth along my thumb with his.

  “You’re good for me.” He smiles. “Do you have any plans for today?”

  I smirk. “Does getting you naked and inside me count?”

  His eyes bulge and a slow sinful smile spreads across his face.

  “I’m liking your plans.”

  “Me, too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “That sappy look suits you.” Ryder snickers as he passes me, carrying boxes into his new home.


  “Sappy?” I repeat.

  “That smile has hardly left your face since you’ve gotten here. Dahlia nearly fell down the porch steps when she caught sight of you with that grin on your face.” He passes me a bottle of water, which I guzzle down in one.

  “I always smile,” I defend, knowing damn well what he means. “Always, brother.”



  “Hey, don’t you give me that whatever because you know what I’m trying to ask without asking…fucker.”

  Giving in, I start laughing. Ryder joins in, which is how Reece, Dahlia’s brother, finds us.

  “Is this private or can anyone join in?” he asks, taking up residence in the only chair that’s been brought into the living room, so far.

  “My brother is all sappy over a girl.”

  “How old are you? Twelve?” I shake my head, and decide now is a good a time as any to take a break. I drop to the floor, and lean against the outside wall.

  “Teasing aside,” Ryder starts before he drops down beside me, “I’m glad you finally have your head screwed on right with Savannah. She makes you happy, and that’s been a long time in coming.”

  This isn’t a conversation I want to be having in front of others. Reece might be Dahlia’s brother, but I hardly know him. We’ve met once or twice, but never actually hung out.

  Closing my eyes to hopefully give Ryder the message that I don’t want to talk, all I see is Savannah looking beautiful—her red hair cascading in curls around her naked form, and red lipstick on her plump lips.

  I don’t think my dick has ever been used as much in the past as it has been over the past seven days with Savannah. Every night we’ve spent in my bed, and every morning we’ve woken up and started again until things like life intruded.

  “Hell. I gotta go. Donovan and Mara have two flat tires on the highway, and as expected, they only have one spare with them.”

  “You need some help?” Ryder offers.

  “No, we’ll manage. I’m just going to pick them up and get a tow-truck out to them. I’ll be back later to collect Callie.”

  Reece races off to help his friends, which leaves us in silence, until I look around, and point out, “Nothing is going to be inside unless we get off our asses, and then you’ll be in trouble with Dahlia.”

  “She’ll be okay when I tell her we’ve been having a heart to heart.” He grins.

  “So, what are we talking about in this heart to heart?” I ask, even though I know the answer—me.


  “Go on. Let’s get this over with. What do you want to know?” I relax back with my hands resting on my knees.

  “Fuck, Jace. You’re my brother and I want to know how you’re doing. Why do you have to act like it’s an inquisition?”

  Now I feel like shit as the lead settles in my stomach.

  “Sorry, it just gets old, you know? I’m the older brother. The one who is supposed to watch out for you, but it isn’t working out that way and it pisses me off.”

  He looks at me incredulously. “You help me, and look out for me. What are you doing here? Why did you call, giving up some of your time to help me get this house ready so I can move my family in? You’re always helping me, Jace. You’re always checking up on me as well, otherwise, you wouldn’t be calling down at Kix as regularly as you’ve started doing.”

  I grin at the latter part. “You don’t think your beautiful wife and daughter have anything to do with that, huh?”

  He points a finger. “Nope. None.”

  “You’re a smug bastard.”

  “I am and I’m not going to let you change the subject.”

  Sighing, I know he means well, which is why I admit, “I’m in love with Savannah. She’s a clever, beautiful woman who makes me happy… I haven’t had a nightmare while she’s been with me, and I’m hoping that she’s keeping them at bay, or I’m too exhausted to remember. I don’t know which, but I’m still cautious that one could appear any night, so although it’s at the back of my mind, I’m not letting it ruin a good thing with Savannah.”

  “Wow. Well, that kinda covers everything.”

  I chuckle at the shell-shocked look on Ryder’s face. “Figured I’d cover it all to save a million questions.”

  “It did that.” He hesitates. “If you need to talk, I’m here. You know that, right?”

  “I know.” I take Ryder’s outstretched hand, and let him haul me up from the floor. “Ryder,” I hesitate, “thanks. For everything.”

  Our eyes meet as he nods his head in response, before heading back out his front door.

  I drag my hands through my hair and follow him.

  We need to get at least half of their belongings inside before Dahlia gets back, otherwise, she’ll know we’ve sat around gossiping like the women at the
local church.


  I was so excited to be invited out with Dahlia and her sister-in-law, Callie, for a day of shopping for her new home. As much as I love Jace and spending time with him, it’s good to be out with girls for a change. But I hate to say, after all, that I miss him and can’t wait to see him when we get back after lunch.

  We’ve gotten into a routine, Jace and I, which is good. I love nothing more than going off doing my own thing, only to come back to Jace’s house—home.

  It feels like we’ve been together for a long time, and even though he says his nightmares have stayed away, I’m not blinded by the fact he’ll eventually have one. I wish I had every confidence that they were gone for good, but in a way, it’s like living with a ticking time bomb, and it worries me. Jace isn’t aware of my constant worry because the last thing I want is for him to start worrying more than I think he already is.

  One day at a time.

  He loves me and I love him, so we can beat it. I don’t expect his PTSD to just up and disappear, but I know, with support, that the symptoms can fade. Then they can be brought on again by stress, or a situation that reminds him of what started his symptoms to begin with.

  He has my support, now all I have to do is try and persuade him to see someone I’ve found and researched on the Internet. He’s a doctor whose brother killed himself because he had no help and had a severe case of PTSD. Now he helps others so their families don’t have to suffer the way his has.

  I’ve also asked my uncle if he knows anything about him, and he said he’s one of the good guys.

  All I need to do is broach the subject with Jace, but as of yet, there hasn’t been an opportunity. I’m going to have to bring it up, but will wait until he’s gotten over the charity game because his mind is full at the moment and I certainly don’t want to add to it.

  A giggle breaks into my wandering mind, and I tune back into the conversation that Callie and Dahlia are involved in, or more like a discussion about who has the biggest boobs, which I’ll win.

  Smiling, I clear my throat, and shoving my chest out, laugh when Callie chokes on the wine she’d just had a drink of.

  Dahlia points. “Savannah wins that one.” She chuckles.

  Lunch out with these two is turning into a hilarious discussion about everything—their husbands, sex, children, and dare I mention it, childbirth.

  If anyone listened to Dahlia’s tale about childbirth, I think they’d use her as protection because it sounds ten times worse than I ever imagined. And it’s difficult to decide what’s fact or fiction, but whatever it is, her story is hilarious.

  Callie just keeps rolling her eyes, letting it roll over her, probably not believing a word of it.

  “Reece and I are thinking about having a baby,” Callie confides, “which is why we’re both being subjected to Dahlia’s over exaggerated explanation.” She rolls her eyes again, and laughs. “She has Faith, and I want one.”

  I burst into a fit of giggles. “I’m sorry but that sounded so…” I wave my arms around.

  “Childish is the word you’re looking for,” Dahlia adds, grinning. “I think we need to change this conversation to how babies get made.” She smirks.

  We pause while the food is placed in front of us. The café that Dahlia has brought us to serves Italian food, and the fettuccini sitting in front of me with a chicken and mushroom sauce is mouthwatering. The half drained glass of crisp, white wine that is sitting beside it might be responsible for the giggles that are happening around our table, or at least from Callie and me. Dahlia is still breastfeeding Faith, so she’s the designated driver for today, which is why she’s drinking water.

  “Savannah,” Dahlia says abruptly.

  Callie glances at me as I hesitate with a fork of food heading toward my waiting mouth. “Yes?”

  “On a scale of one to ten, how is Jace in bed?”

  “We are so not going there.” I fidget uncomfortable with this part of the conversation. Dahlia might be married to Jace’s brother, but my relationship with Jace is private.

  “Shit. I’m sorry Savannah.” Dahlia reaches out with her hand, and quickly squeezes mine. “Forget I asked that. I’m not usually so…so, nosy.”

  Callie snickers. “Yes, she is. Most of the time she gets away with it.”

  “Oh, you hush up.” Dahlia smiles at Callie before turning her soft smile of apology toward me.

  I smile. “I’m sorry. I just don’t feel comfortable talking about Jace in that way. It’s special, you know? But I will say that he rocks my world.”

  They chuckle as we finish eating, which is when I realize that I don’t know anything about Callie or her husband. I’ve met them very briefly once or twice, but no one has told me much. I’ve just picked things up here and there.

  I turn to Callie. “Does Deception perform often?”

  She shakes her head. “Not as much as they did, although Ryder asked them, on Jace’s behalf if they’d perform at the charity ball game. They said yes. They’re all suckers for kids.”

  “That’s great. Do you know what they’re going to be singing?”

  “I do, but I’m sworn to secrecy.” She offers a secret smile. “But they’ve been practicing and they are so good. They make me cry every damn time they practice.”

  I groan. “I need tissues then?”

  “Plenty.” She pushes her plate away as I take the last bite of mine.

  “That was delicious and now I’m so stuffed all I want is a nap.”

  Dahlia snickers. “Well, we’re heading back to the men now, so maybe you’ll be able to get Jace to take you back to his place for a nap.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  After confirming all the last minute details for the game tomorrow, I’m finally ready to relax with Savannah.

  These past few days I’ve been distracted, and although I’ve tried to be there for her, my mind has been elsewhere.

  It’s been difficult relying on Richard when all I want to do is punch him for how he treated Savannah, and for cheating on her. But at the end of the day, she’s mine and I intend to keep her.

  The large bouquet of flowers in my hand will surprise her because this is the first time I’ve bought her some. It was Dahlia’s parting shot when I left Kix, ‘Savannah might like some flowers,’ that had me detouring to a florist. I now have a mental note to treat my girl to small presents every now and again, be unpredictable with what they are, and when I give them.

  Climbing from my truck, I head up the porch with a smile on my face because I know that Savannah will be waiting for me. No matter how many times I tell her, she’s always here with a cooked meal ready for us to eat at the end of the day. A few times over the past two weeks, we’ve prepared the meal together and that fills my heart with pure pleasure. It’s as though we’ve been together for a long time with the routine we have.

  My sleeping pattern has changed so much since I fall asleep with Savannah in my arms. Instead of tossing and turning half the night, I stay asleep. Every day, I wake refreshed and looking forward to the coming day.

  I’m hoping it will always be like that, but I have this niggling feeling at the back of my mind that it won’t last.

  I do know from past experiences that I can go a few months without incident before it hits again. I guess I just have to pray Savannah keeps her promise to lock herself in the bathroom.

  Sighing, I remove the frown my worry has caused, and unlock the front door. Before I can even open the door fully, the scent of chicken casserole reaches me, causing my stomach to rumble with hunger. This happens all the time. She’s damn good at cooking.

  With the door slammed shut behind me, my eyes search for my woman, and then they find her—all the blood rushes south, and within seconds, my erection is hard as fucking steel.

  She’s naked apart from some seriously high heels on her feet, and silk thigh-highs on her sexy legs. My eyes roam over her and I notice the birthday necklace I gave her res
ting on her chest at the entrance to the valley of her breasts.

  Dropping the flowers to the floor, I move closer to her and catch my tongue when she stretches up, keeping her arms above her head against the wall as her back arches. Her glorious breasts push out, her nipples hard as rock, which does it—I pounce.

  My mouth laps and sucks at her nipples, while one hand grips her hip and the other slides between her pussy lips—so goddamn wet.

  Growling in the back of my throat, I flip her around, and place her hands on the wall. I pull her hips out toward me and feel my dick jerk behind my zipper at the sight of her ass. Unable to resist, I spank her lightly on each cheek and her moans of pleasure cause my dick to tingle as pre-cum releases.

  I need to be quick because I’m holding on by a thread and going to be coming without even unzipping.

  Spreading her legs further apart with my foot, I quickly drop my shorts, and push my briefs down far enough to give my dick freedom. Then I’m taking hold and rubbing the head between her soaked pussy lips.

  “This is going to be so damn quick,” I hiss in her ear, before impaling her with my cock.

  Our mixed groan of pleasure fills the air. Clenching my jaw, I breathe through my excitement to try and control it. The minute I move though, all bets are off because she feels so good around me.

  Yanking my T-shirt off, I let it fall before I grip her hips and slowly start to move back and forth, but slow doesn’t do it anymore and I need fast.

  Sliding my hands up her torso, they cover her breasts as I start to fuck her hard. Her large breasts bounce in my hands, and as I release my hold, her hard nipples rub against my palm, but it isn’t until I pinch them that she starts rippling along the length of my dick as her orgasm rushes through her.

  That’s all it takes.

  My cock swells and then I’m groaning and cursing through my own release, but her vaginal walls keep a suction hold on me. I can’t stop rocking and grinding into her, the pleasure intense.

  My hands massage her boobs as I try to slow the sensations still running through me, and gradually, I manage to slow the motion of my hips. Our breathing erratic, I drop my mouth to her shoulder and bite.


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