Shimon: Kislev, first, Giora said before that if they’re Arabs, take them to El Arish. They’re not Arabs.
Kislev: Take them to Lod. [Lod was Israel’s international airport, later renamed in honor of Ben-Gurion.]
Robert: Is there any identification yet?
Shimon: None yet.
Menachem: Is it American after all?
Shimon: That’s still not clear, Menachem.
Menachem: Why did they blast a torpedo?
Shimon: They [the navy] probably can’t read English.
Kislev: Shimon, well, what about the helicopters?
Shimon: He’s still three miles away. He’s going to start. He’s above them, and he’ll give a report any minute now.
Kislev: It’s not clear what’s happening here. I don’t understand.
Shimon: Kislev, there are no people. He sees boats [probably the life rafts] but no people.
Kislev: The navy also reports that there are no people. He sees boats but no people.
Shimon: They have three more torpedo boats around. He’s coming in low in order to see better. The Mirage pilot [sic; it was the Super Mystère pilot, Royal Flight leader] reported people jumping.
Kislev: Robert, have the helicopters come home. Both of them, and without picking anyone up.
Robert: Okay.
Shimon: Kislev, there is an American flag on board.
Kislev: Sure or not sure?
Shimon: He’ll check again. He reported it. He’ll check a second time.
Kislev: Have him get a good look at the flag.
Kislev: Nu?
Shimon: Here, he’s reporting in a second.
Shimon: Kislev, it’s an American flag, People keep hiding every time he flies over.
Kislev: I understand. Okay, come home.
Kislev: Shimon, do you have contact with the helicopter in Sinai?
Shimon: None.
Kislev: Shimon, doesn’t the Super Frelon have gas?
Shimon: He reported that he’s short.
Kislev: One of them should go to El Arish.
Shimon: Okay.
Kislev: One to El Arish and the other home. Is there QL there?
Shimon: Nothing.
Kislev: Shimon, try to find the helicopter in the Sinai.
Shimon: Kislev, the ship hasn’t sunk yet. She’s getting farther and farther away. She’s going north. [North would have been out to sea and away from the coast.]
No transmissions relating to the Liberty during this time period.
Robert: Is there contact with the helicopter? I returned the second helicopter too. Answer, you’re the only one left.
Shimon: 36 Super Frelon searching for the damaged ship. What shall he do? Should he save the people?
Unknown: Shimon, the air force commander [Gen. Mordechai “Motti” Hod] wants you. Is someone answering there?
Unknown: Answering, yes.
Shimon: Wait a minute, I’m picking up the phone.
Kislev: I’m not sure. He’s bringing the American ambassador over there. [In fact it was Cdr. Ernest E. Castle, the U.S. naval attaché from the embassy in Tel Aviv, and the assistant naval attaché, Lynn Blasch.]
Shimon: Is he afraid they’ll open fire on him?
Shimon: They’re going home.
Kislev: In the area, I understand.
Shimon: Kislev, the Super Frelon asks what to do with the ship.
Kislev: He landed there. He has to try and land it on the ship.
Kislev: Shimon, tell him not to take any people because of flight safety.
Shimon: Okay.
Shimon: He asks, if there are wounded on board, if he can take them.
Kislev: If his passenger wants it, yes.
Shimon: So I’ll tell him according to the considerations of his passenger.
Kislev: Okay.
Kislev: Shimon, what about this Ofot?
Shimon: Ofot 2 ? He’s got a lot. Forty miles by sea to the ship.
Shimon: Kislev, he’s very close to the ship, he’ll try to let him [Cdr. E. E. Castle] down soon.
Kislev: Is he trying to land?
Shimon: He is close and is starting to organize above her.
Shimon: Kislev, the ship didn’t want to stop. The passenger [Cdr. Ernest Castle, USN] didn’t manage to persuade her. They threw a note. They said in return that there . . . is no . . . (unintelligible) [believed to be “casualties.” This was in error. There were many dead and many more wounded.]
Kislev: Okay, the helicopter is coming back.
[The tape continues to 2130. There are no other transmissions relating to the Liberty.]
National Security Agency Tapes
The U.S. Navy EC-121 aircraft carrying the NSA communications equipment and technicians heard and recorded only radio transmissions beginning at 1430 Sinai time (1230Z GMT) and ending at 1528 Sinai time (1328Z GMT).
The NSA tapes and translations were released on July 3, 2003, as a result of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, Cristol v. National Security Agency, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida, Case No. 03–20123-CIV-HUCK.
The following translations were released to this author by the NSA and may be viewed on the NSA website www.nsa.gov. They are transcribed as released to this author by the NSA. All emphasis is by author.
Key players on the NSA tapes are:
“Tribune”: Call sign of air controllers at Hatzor air base.
810: Israel Air Force Super Frelon helicopter 810
815: Israel Air Force Super Frelon helicopter 815
“Pagoda”: Israel Navy MTB Division 914 commander on board MTB 204
“Thorn”: Israel Navy MTB 203
“Crisis”: Israel Navy MTB 206
“Jewel”: Not identified—possibly Haifa [navy headquarters]
“The Big One”: USS Liberty.
“The Small Ones”: Israel MTBs
NSA intercept tapes begin at 1429 Sinai time. The NSA translations show the transmitting entity to the receiving entity. For example Tribune + Hatzor air controller to 815, IAF Super Frelon helicopter 815.
I understand the course from Ashdod [31-55 N 34-39 E] is 215.
Negative [The course is] 250.
Goger. [sic for Roger]
Tribune to 815: to What altitude are you climbing?
815 to Tribune: I’m now at 500 feet.
Five by.
Tribune to 815: Pay attention: There was a warship there which we attacked [one word garbled—hereafter, 1 WD G] The men jumped from it [the ship] into the water, you will try to rescue them.
815 to Tribune: Roger, I understand it was hit and unable to fire.
Tribune to 815: no fire was seen from her and those onboard did not fire, heavy smoke is rising from her.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
815 to Tribune: Crossing the coast now at a course of 250.
Tribune to 815: Roger, over. What location [are you]
815 to Tribune: Over Ashdod.
Tribune to 815: Roger, what’s your altitude?
815 to Tribune: 500 feet
Tribune to 815: Are you able to climb to an altitude of [1,000 feet]?
815 to Tribune: Roger, I’m climbing.
815 to Tribune: Altitude 1 [1,000], course 250.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: Are you at sea now?
815 to Tribune: About 2 or 4 miles.
une to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: Visual [radar] contact with you.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
815 to Tribune: [Calling] [Repeats].
Tribune to 815: At the moment she [the Liberty] is straight ahead at a distance of about 50 miles.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
810 to Tribune: [Calling].
815: Five by, 810 is calling you.
Tribune to 815: [Calling]
815 to Tribune: Five by.
Tribune to 815: Pay attention: the ship is now identified as Egyptian, you can return home now.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
815 to 810: Establish communications with you also.
Tribune to 815: Did you receive?
815 to Tribune: Affirmative, receive, I’m returning.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
810 to Tribune: [Calling].
815 to Tribune: [Calling].
810 to Tribune: Am I to return also?
Tribune to 810: I’ll let you know shortly.
810 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 810: [Calling].
810 to Tribune: Roger, I’ll let you know shortly.
Tribune to 810: OK.
Tribune to 810: [Calling] [REPEATS]
810 to Tribune: You remain meanwhile in communications with me.
Tribune to 810: Roger, what am I to look for?
Tribune to 815: [Calling].
810 to Tribune: Where are you?
Tribune to 810: I’m close to Ashdod.
810 to 815: Roger, I’m also close to Ashdod, on the seaward side.
Tribune to 810: Did you receive?
810 to Tribune: What did 815 request?
810 to 815: What’s your altitude?
815 to 810: Altitude 500 feet, near Ashdod.
810 to 815: Roger, we’re at altitude 1200 feet over Ashdod.
815 to 810: Roger.
810 to Tribune: [CALLING].
Tribune to 810: five by.
810 to Tribune: pay attention: you will continue meanwhile on a course of 250 from Ashdod. The both of you [1–2 WD G] will head toward the ship.
815 to Tribune: [CALLING.]
Tribune to 815: Five by.
815 to Tribune: Roger, you will continue [at a course] of 250 from Ashdod. The both of you will head for the ship, for the time being the both of you will be at altitude 1 [1,000 feet].
810 to Tribune: Do you see us?
Tribune to 810: Affirmative, affirmative.
810 to Tribune: Where are you?
810 to Tribune: Where are you now?
Tribune to 810: Ashdod, altitude 1 [1,000].
Tribune to 810: Did you receive?
810 to Tribune [CALLING].
Tribune to 810: Five by.
Tribune to 810: Altitude is 1 [1,000], at Ashdod.
810 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 810: Going to course 250 together with 815.
810 to Tribune: Are the two of you together?
Tribune to 810: Affirmative, we’re together.
810 to Tribune: Roger.
810 to Tribune: Pay attention: you —— nonetheless are heading for the ship.
810 to Tribune: You will try to take the men from the water.
Tribune to 810: Roger, okay.
810 to Tribune: For your information: the ship is —— apparently burning.
810 to Tribune: [1 WD G] It is an Egyptian cargo ship.
Tribune to 810: Roger.
810 to Tribune: Visual [radar] contact with both of you.
Tribune to 810: Roger.
810 to Tribune: I understand that you [1–2 WD G] both of you?
Tribune to 810: Affirmative.
810 to Tribune: Roger.
810 to Tribune: [CALLING].
Tribune to 810: Five by.
810 to Tribune: Take the men to El Arish.
Tribune to 810: Roger, okay.
815 to 810: Did you receive?
810 to 815: I received, affirmative.
810 to 815: How much fuel do you have?
815 to 810: Two and a half tanks.
810 to 815: I have 1,700 [liters].
815 to 810: This isn’t good.
810 to 815: [1 WD G] to El Arish.
815 to 810: Roger.
810 to Tribune: The ship is located no straight ahead at a range of 50 miles.
Tribune to 810: Roger.
———— Are you first in line?
———— Affirmative.
———— Roger.
Tribune to 815: [2 WD G] From the coast of El Arish.
Tribune to 810: [CALLING] [REPEATS].
Tribune to 810: About how many men are there?
815 to Tribune: [CALLING].
Tribune to 810: How many men are there?
815 to Tribune: Turn right to [course] 260.
Tribune to 815: Repeat.
815 to Tribune: Turn right to course 260.
Tribune to 815: [COURSE], they want to know how many men are there?
815 to Tribune: at the present time, it still isn’t known, the distance to you is now 33 miles.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: What is the distance from it [the Liberty] to El Arish?
815 to Tribune: The distance is approximately 30 miles.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 810: [CALLING].
810 to Tribune: Five by.
Tribune to 810: It’s noteworthy that it [1 WD G].
810 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 815: [CALLING].
815 to Tribune: Five by.
Tribune to 815: What is the distance?
815 to Tribune: the distance is now 23 miles.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
815 to Tribune: Pay attention: call on 86 or on 186 Pagoda [TR NOTE: 186 and 86 refer to a uhf frequency]
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: I’m going over to 186.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 810: I’m also [going over to 186].
815 to Tribune: Is someone calling [me] Tribune?
Tribune to 815: Affirmative, I don’t have contact with Pagoda.
815 to Tribune: Roger, clear, the ship is now at a distance of 19 miles.
Tribune to 815: Roger, is Pagoda located near [the Liberty]?
815 to Tribune: Apparently it’s located near it [the ship].
Tribune to 815: Roger.
815 to Tribune: If you are able, try to call her [Pagoda] on 86.
Tribune to 815: I tried.
Tribune to 815: I didn’t c val get anything [make contact].
815 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 815: [CALLING].
815 to Tribune: Do you have visual contact? Straight ahead, a distance of 18 miles.
Tribune to 815: I have visual contact with [1 WD G] smoke or it could be [1–2 WD G].
815 to Tribune: Roger, is there much smoke rising from it?
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: I don’t have contact with Pagoda.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
810 to 815: [CALLING].
815 to 810: Five by.
810 to 815: Do you have contact with Pagoda?
815 to 810: Negative.
810 to 815: Roger, I don’t either.
815 to Tribune: [CALLING].
Tribune to 815: Five by.
815 to Tribune: When you begin bringing up the men, clarify by the first man that you bring up, what nationality he is.
815 to Tribune: and report to me immediately, it’s important to know.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
815 to Tribune: What is your altitude now?
Tribune to 815: Altitude is 1 [1,000 feet].
815 to Tribune: Roger
Tribune to 815: I have [visual] contact with a vessel straight ahead [at a distance of] 12 [miles] a little from the right, smoke isn’t rising; qt [sic] the north isn’t smoking.
815 to Tribune: The distance is now 13 miles.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
815 to Tribune: Do you see the ship?
Tribune to 815: I see the ship, a little to the right of the smoke, the smoke the smoke isn’t rising.
815 to Tribune: Roger, it’s possible that [the smoke] is from one of ours.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
Tribune to 815: It’s worth clarifying.
815 to Tribune: Roger.
Tribune to 815: Roger, what I see —— now is ours, this is clear.
815 to Tribune: Roger
815 to Tribune: 10 miles is the distance now.
Tribune to 815: Roger, I understand at 12 o’clock [1 WD G].
815 to Tribune: Affirmative, a little on the right side.
Tribune to 815: Voger [sic, Roger].
815 to Tribune: The distance is now 9 miles.
Tribune to 815: I’m going over to 86.
815 to Tribune: Roger, I request to receive a report, tell me the nationality.
Tribune to 815: [CALLING].
815 to Tribune: Go ahead.
Tribune to 815: Roger, there is a large ship, smoke isn’t rising. At the present time smoke is a little to the right on its left side [XG] [sic]. I see a small vessel.
Tribune to 815: Three small vessels.
815 to Tribune: Are you calling me?
Tribune to 815: Five by.
815 to Tribune: Did you call me?
Tribune to 815: Affirmative.
815 to Tribune: Roger, what’s the matter?
Tribune to 815: There is a large vessel, near it are 3 small vessels, could this be it, at a distance of a mile from me?
815 to Tribune: Roger, clear.
815 to Tribune: Roger, apparently the small vessels are ours.
Tribune to 815: Roger.
815 to 810: [CALLING].
810 to 815: Five by.
815 to 810: What’s the matter?
810 to 815: Don’t you see it yet?
815 To 810: I’m behind you, I still don’t see the ship [1 WD G] on the right side of us.
810 TO 815: Roger, exactly in front of me, there are the small vessels.
815 TO 810: What’s with them, what’s going on?
810 to 815: It appears that they are ours.
815 to 810: On our right side?
810 to 815: Yes.
815 to Tribune: All 3 of them are ours.
Tribune to 815: Roger, the small ones, right.
815 to Tribune: Affirmative.
Tribune To 815: Roger, I’m heading for the big one [the Liberty].
815 to Tribune: Are you going for the big one?
Tribune to 815: Affirmative.
The Liberty Incident Revealed Page 35