The Liberty Incident Revealed

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The Liberty Incident Revealed Page 50

by A. Jay Cristol

  Tiran, Strait of, 11, 12, 13

  Tobin, Paul E., Jr., 74, 75, 228, 320–21n1, 327n48

  Tully, Joseph M., Jr., 103, 104, 106, 334n52

  United Nations (UN): Kosygin speech at, 5; Security Council meeting, 16; Security Council vote on cease-fire, 16, 17; Sinai-Israel border, UN Emergency Force in, 11, 23, 25; Strait of Tiran access, 12; Syrian-Israeli border, no troop buildup on, 10–11; U.S. ships near combat area, information about, 67–68, 204–5, 211, 248–49, 364n7

  United States (U.S.): Arab-Israeli tension and Middle East interests of, 31; Arab-Israeli tension, intervention in, 64, 67–68; hotline between Moscow and Washington, 4, 63, 64, 123, 194, 324n4; Middle East interests and influences of, 31; relationship between Israel and, x, 23, 31, 68–69, 128–29, 208; Soviet-U.S. warships, confrontations between, 3, 17, 66–67, 306nn6–7, 325nn17–18; support for Egypt, claims of, 124–26; U.S.-Soviet cooperation to stop conflict, 16

  VHF/UHF (very-high-frequency/ultra-high-frequency) communications, 25, 26, 37, 43, 59, 116–18, 212–14, 289–304, 315nn13–14, 336n33

  visual acuity formula, 80, 328n5

  Yifrach, Aharon, 7–8, 36, 37, 38, 53, 58, 59, 65, 311n37

  About the Author

  Captain A Jay Cristol, JD, PhD, entered the U.S. Navy as an aviation cadet in November 1951. As a naval aviator, he flew day and night from the aircraft carrier Princeton during the Korean conflict. Upon return to civilian life, he joined the Naval Air Reserve where, during the 1960s, he flew volunteer missions to Vietnam. He wears the Meritorious Service Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, and the Navy Achievement Medal among his more than a dozen military decorations. After eighteen years as a naval aviator, he became a Navy lawyer for another twenty years. In civilian life, he concurrently practiced civil law for twenty-five years. He is presently completing his twenty-eighth year as a federal judge. He teaches law as an adjunct professor at the University of Miami. In his spare time, he wrote his dissertation, “The Liberty Incident,” which earned him a PhD from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Miami. He has written numerous articles on law, aviation, history, and other subjects. He was named a Legal Legend by the Historical Society of South Florida.

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