Hard Candy

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Hard Candy Page 16

by Volley, Rue

  “Good Pain.”

  I glanced back at him as Molly pulled me forward and the door closed, swallowing us up into a new world.

  Chapter Three

  Sabotage the Vagina

  “So, as I mentioned before, Andy was a great lay. That was it though. Great at sex and big. His size was a turn on and even though it hurt slightly if he got to aggressive, I still found him intoxicating. There are certain people in this world who fit you in that way and he was mine. I often wonder why he and I never really had a full conversation. It was not that he was stupid, he wasn’t. In fact he was brilliant, which kind of made it even worse to certain degree.”

  I looked up and saw that the man who had been listening to me had left me at the booth. I don’t blame him, I mean what the fuck am I doing? Is there anything more annoying than someone talking about their ex and the ‘could of, would of’s’ of the situation? Probably not. Molly retuned with our third round of drinks in hand and then she stopped dead as she saw me sitting alone. This man had been #5, the fifth possible lay of the evening so far and I had successfully fucked each one up as the alcohol in my system relaxed me and my inability to just talk about anything but Andy ruined each conversation.

  “What happened?”

  I leaned back and raised a hand as she sat down and handed me my drink.

  “You have to stop talking about him, this is not a place to do that Erin.”

  I took a long drink and nodded to her. She was right. I mean come on, we walked through a hallway of freaky sex to get here and once in I found myself in ‘sabotage my own vagina’ mode.

  “It is almost Christmas, let’s just have a good time and pick a present.” Molly said as she scanned the room. I looked around and then I spotted someone. It was odd that he looked so familiar and then I realized who it was.

  “Oh shit.” I muttered as I took another long drink from my glass.

  “What?” she asked me as she looked in the direction that I was. She narrowed her eyes and then shook her head.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” she said as she looked at me .

  “I cannot believe that he is here.”

  “I think I may be sick.” Molly took a drink from her glass.

  “I am kind of shocked myself.” I looked him over and it was all the same as it always had been. He turns me on in the worst way.

  “No…no. I did not bring you here to hook up with that asshole again.”

  I looked at her and grinned.

  “I am fine Molly.”

  “No, you are obsessed.”

  “No I am not, I can assure you that even if I had looked up and he had been buck naked and hard as a rock I would still be sitting right here next to you, Andy is the past and I am here to do the future, no pun intended.” We both looked up as we heard a throat clear and there he was, Andy, looking like a meal that I never got tired of eating.

  “Erin?” he said as he leaned forward and I stood up, swaying just a little as the drinks settled into me and added the earlier glasses of wine I had devoured while watching “porn” as Molly called it.

  “Andy?” I said, like I was shocked and Molly rolled her eyes and stood up alongside me. She looked him over with distain, I mean she had lost me to truffles and late night moviethons in my pj’s after he left. She would not forgive him for that.

  “Andy, wow.” Molly said as she placed a hand on her hip and grinned at him.

  “Molly, you look good.”

  She said nothing, no response and I smiled and leaned forward.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Christmas holiday.” He said to me and I smiled as another man joined him and Molly suddenly didn’t mind Andy so much as the man smiled at her.

  “Hi.” She said as the man looked her over and then extended a hand to me.

  “Charlie.” He said and I nodded to him. He then looked at Molly and smiled.

  “Would you mind finally telling me your name?”

  Molly shook her head and glanced at me as I realized that this must be one the dynamic duo that had kept her moaning for the past three weeks.

  “I thought we agreed.”

  “Rules are made to be broken.” He said as he reached out and took her hand. His full lips kissing the top of her hand as she watched him. He was also gorgeous, as pretty as Molly and could grace any cover of a magazine if he wanted to. His hair was jet black, a bit shaggy and he had a five o’clock shadow on his jawline, which accentuated how beautifully constructed his face was. He was not pale, he had a light brown tint to his skin which made him look a bit Brazilian. I remembered the fact that I had embarked on a waxing and I shifted from one foot to the other as my lace panties felt incredible against my skin. I then shifted my gaze to Andy who was staring at me and my heart fluttered slightly.

  “Molly.” She said to him as he stood up and stared into her eyes.

  “Would you like to join me? I have a private table over there.” Molly looked past him and saw his friend, who she also knew too well.

  “Sure.” She said as she suddenly left me alone with Andy. I sighed and rubbed my arms lightly as he waved a hand towards the booth and I sat back down. He slid in across from me and looked me over as he parted his lips and I could see his tongue move inside of his mouth. I knew his tongue all too well, and he was very talented with it. I opened my mouth and he leaned back and watched me closely.

  “Funny thing, running into you here.” I rubbed my neck and he smiled at me.

  “I think it is interesting.” He said to me and I leaned up and stared at him as I could not believe we may be having our first conversation.

  “The entry way was just…” I trailed off as the flashes of that devil tongue buried deep into that woman went through my mind.

  “It made me hard.” He said to me and I grinned as he raised his hand and a woman appeared with nothing but a vinyl bra and boy shorts on. Her mouth was gagged with a black rubber ball, hair braided just like the others who worked here.

  “Vodka on the rocks, right?” he asked me and I nodded. It was nice to know he remembered my cocktail of choice.

  “Two, please.” He said to her and she nodded and walked away.

  I shook my head as I watched her.

  “This was Molly’s idea, not mine.”

  “That is disappointing.” He said as he leaned up and interlaced his fingers on the top of the black table. The dim light between us made him look even more delectable than ever.

  “I mean, you know I like to have sex.”

  “I remember, very well.” He said to me and I shifted on the seat as I started to hum a bit from his tone.

  “Where is your girlfriend?” I asked him and he leaned back and grinned at me.

  “There is no girlfriend.”

  “There was, when you said you were leaving.”

  “I just said that to play with you, but you let me leave and never called me Erin, so I figured you were just done.”

  “What?” I said as I leaned up and Molly returned with a man on each arm. The Brazillian and then another man, this one pale and blonde, he looked like an actor that she had lusted after in some Fight movie. Some club or something, I can’t remember, but he was hot as hell and I got caught up in his eyes as any woman would. He grinned at me and I felt a bit flush.

  “We are going to a room.”

  “A room?” I asked her as she smiled and looked towards an elevator. I raised an eyebrow as she leaned forward.

  “There are different rooms upstairs, to have fun in. You should come.”

  I swallowed as Andy stood up and held his hand out to me. I ignored it and pushed out on my own. I know he says there was no girlfriend all of a sudden but I find it unbelievable to say the least. He is a machine when it comes to fucking and I know this. Andy lying about why he left now would not surprise me in the least. He loves to fuck and as I have said before, we did not have a verbal relationship, unless you count all the moaning and “Oh my God’s”.

  I sto
od up and watched as Molly walked across the floor in her heels and beautifully snug dress, a man on each arm and it was then that I felt Andy’s hand to the small of my back. His touch did the same as it always had before, set parts of me on fire with or without my consent. I started to follow as if it was a sirens song, less knowing I was moving and more for lack of wanting to fight anything I was feeling. The alcohol, the club, Andy, it was all starting to settle in parts of me that only I had been venturing to for a while now. I didn’t really care that he may be lying, I didn’t care that I was definitely on my way to being drunk OR that I was in a sex club, something I never dreamed of seeking out and experiencing. Molly stopped at the elevator and with one long finger she pressed the button as Charlie leaned in and kissed her neck. The other man, Mr. Blonde hottie, turned to her and his lips met hers as Charlie continued to nibble at the side of her neck. I felt a warmth come over me and my fingertips tingled slightly as Andy and I stepped up behind the three of them. Molly glanced back at me, glossy eyed and wanting more. I cannot blame her at all. Both of these men paid more attention to her than most would to a lover they had bedded for a decade or more. It made me glance up at Andy who was watching me. I turned my face forward as the beautiful black elevator doors, elaborately adorned with silver flowers, opened up to a large box of a room. Mirrored from top to bottom and etched in the corners with traces of silver and gold.

  I stepped in as Molly leaned against the back wall. Charlie kissing the inside of her palm and the other man kissed her lips so softly, his hand reaching up and touching her neck as his mouth searched hers. I rubbed my own neck as I felt my blood pressure rising. It was then that Andy leaned in behind me and whispered into my ear.

  “I missed you Erin.”

  I looked back at him with a curious look on my face. Such simple words should mean so little after having a superficial relationship for more than 5 years with him. They struck a chord in me though, something far deeper than I expected it too. Had he missed me? Had I actually missed him? Was what we had more than what I had told myself that it was?

  I felt the elevator stop and the doors opened up, Andy placed his hand at the small of my back once again and I stepped out into long hallway that went to the right and to the left. Beautiful crystal chandeliers adorned the ceiling, one every 5 feet or so, leading away from us in both directions. I looked up as I saw our reflection in the crystals but was pulled from studying it too closely as Molly and her two men stepped out and stopped. Molly stepped up to me and leaned into my ear.

  “I am going to fuck both of them.” She leaned back and I watched her expression, it was so relaxed as if this was truly how she was. I won’t lie and say that I am not shocked. Molly has always a bit wild. Just a little, not a lot. We had a few drunken nights when we first met each other at work, but this was a whole new level to me. Group sex? A sex club? This type of freedom was something I never even considered and yet I was not running away. What exactly does that say about me? I am not certain, but I cannot turn back now.

  I reached out to her as she walked away with the two men. They stopped at a door to their right and Charlie opened it up as Molly glanced back at me and then in she went, disappearing to things unknown. I watched her until the two men followed her in and the door closed. I then found myself in a strange position. I was left to talk to Andy, I mean talk or perhaps find a room? I am not even sure at this point. I then felt his fingers move along my cheek and I turned to face him, unable to slap his hand away from me.

  “Tell me what you want Erin.” He said in a soft tone. I stared into his eyes and a million dirty things came to mind, but the one thing I wanted the most was to sit down as my legs felt weak and my thoughts seemed jumbled from the shock of it all.

  “A room.” I said as he watched my lips. His expression told me that was what he truly wanted to hear. He took my hand and led me along the hallway, he stopped and I looked to the right and saw the door. It had a sign on it that said “yes” and I grinned. He opened the door up as I turned and saw the door across from us that said “no”. Andy reached up and pressed a button and as he closed it the sign changed from ‘yes’ to ‘no’ on our door, and also in my mind.

  Chapter Four

  Is it really just sex?

  I sat in the room and looked around it. Everything was warm and inviting, a bit more so than the club that was angular and mostly in black and white. This room had lush couches and seemed to be built on velvet and the aromas I so loved. I looked at the candles flickering over the fireplace, the fireplace was also lit and ready to lie down in front of if we wanted to. I then noticed the wall to our right and it looked shiny, as if it may be made of vinyl, it would have not even caught my attention if the light from the candles did not play off of it. Andy walked towards it and then turned back to grin at me.

  “What is that?” I asked him and he reached down and touched a button on the wall and the darkness changed to light as my eyes widened and I saw Molly and the two men in the room next to ours. I covered my mouth and Andy glanced back at them as Charlie kissed the back of Molly’s neck and the other man continued to kiss her lips.

  “Molly?” I called out as I stepped towards the glass. I placed my hands on it and stood there as the three of them ignored me as if I did not exist.

  “They cannot hear or see you.”

  “Do they know someone can watch them?”

  “They know we can.”

  I stepped back and watched as Molly turned towards the glass and walked to it. She lifted her hands and placed them against the glass as one hand came up and traced the length of her neck. Charlie’s fingers extended and her mouth opened. She took two fingers in and let her tongue play against the tips of them. Her eyes looked glossy, half lit with her previous drinking and the rest with the seduction she was allowing herself top succumb to.

  Andy moved behind me and I felt his hands on me as I watched Molly tilt her head back. Another hand appeared as the blonde lowered down and in front of her and slid her dress upward. His fingers gently traced her thigh and then pushed her lace panties aside, exposing her wet clit. His tongue made contact with it as she trembled against the glass in front of me. Andy touched my stomach with one hand, as his other hand moved my hair aside and let it fall over my shoulder. He leaned in to allow his lips to make contact with the side of my neck. Once I felt his lips on me my heartbeat sped up and my stomach tightened. I closed my eyes as his full lips rose to my ear and whispered to me.

  “There wasn’t a day that went by that I did not think about you Erin. I would stand in my shower, gripping my silver railing and stroke myself. Coming, as I called out your name.”

  I sighed and let his words run through me and cause my nipples to become hard under my black dress. His hand rose from my stomach and cupped my right breast as I suddenly turned, filled with lust and needing more of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned forward, my mouth making contact with his in a crash of emotions. I moaned as his tongue parted my lips and searched my mouth, hungry and damn near devouring me. His hands searched me as he looked up and saw Molly lifted up onto Charlie, her legs spread and wrapped around him, he walked with her to the bed behind them and Andy picked me up and I straddled him as he moved quickly towards the wall.

  “Andy.” I said half out of breath as he held me there, rocking back and forth. I could feel that he was rock hard against me and it made me ache to taste him once again. He slowed to a steady sway, back and forth, back and forth, as the muscles in my jaw clinched and he watched me very closely.

  “I always loved to watch you come.”

  I sighed and leaned up, he moved his lips back from me to tease and I smiled.

  “You know, this is the most we have ever said to one another.”

  He smiled as he studied my mouth, his swaying quickening just a bit as I hissed, feeling a bit of orgasmic pleasure welling up between my legs.

  “I just wanted to fuck you, is that okay?”

  I nodded as I was n
ot offended by it. I only wanted to fuck him too. I mean trust me, I had a few fantasies where Andy came in with flowers and box of candy…you know the old romantic stuff, but it quickly faded each time his tongue was buried deep inside of me and I could not breathe as he took me to yet another mind blowing climax. This is why he never left my mind, this is why. It wasn’t for hope of a husband; it was because of the way he could make me feel. As if I was the only woman who could take him beyond his limits as he did to me.

  He then grinned as I moaned and leaned up onto him, my hips moved against him, my clit humming and my mind on only one thing and one thing only. I wanted to fuck him well into the night and perhaps the morning too. I had missed this, this disconnected sex we had. This ease of setting aside anything of importance or bullshit drama and just doing this, this very thing that he and I were experts at. I may have been upset when he told me he was leaving only because I knew he would take this away from me, or so I keep telling myself.

  Andy lifted me up and walked us to the bed as he finally allowed me to kiss him. I cupped his face with my hands as his arms wrapped me tightly. He laid me down onto the bed and pressed against me again. The small moan excited him as my fingers fumbled with his shirt, I accidentally popped one button off and he smiled down at my hands as I continued on, not caring at all. I jerked his shirt open and buttons went flying as he moaned and was back at my mouth quickly. His kisses deeper, laced with the passion that I had been devoid of for months. The funny thing was, as he kissed me he then thrust forward pressing his hard cock against me, I found that I could think of nothing else but him. Not one other person came to mind, not Molly and her hot men in the exposed room before us, not the afterhour’s sudo porn I had been trying to wean myself from him with, it was only him. Right here, in this very moment that mattered. Just Andy and me. I did not worry about why or what the circumstances may have been that led up to this, I just said fuck it and let it happen. He then leaned back and undid his pants, pulling his belt off and grinning at me. We had been here before with a bit of rough play in the bedroom and honestly I was totally in the mood for it. I held my hands up, wrists pressed together, as he smiled and wrapped his belt around them, jerking on it and standing up as I rose to my knees. He wrapped the belt around his hand and pulled me forward, catching my chin with his free hand. He then let me reach up and gently unzip his pants, reaching in and pulling out his cock. It was just as beautiful as I had remembered. The length was above average but what really made him exceptional was the width of it. Each time Andy had fucked me before I felt each thrust, each movement and when I came on him I tightened and could feel him twitching inside of me. I do not know if there are many things that turn me on more than that always did.


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