The Spell's Price (Mates & Magic)

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The Spell's Price (Mates & Magic) Page 3

by Jade Alters

  It’s just too tempting.

  I don’t have any books with these types of spells and I wouldn’t know where to find one. The internet is only so helpful in terms of spells. For some reason, though people like to do magic on YouTube, actual spells are difficult to find. Maybe they’re on the dark web. I couldn’t say.

  All I can picture right now is what it would be like to be wanted by these four guys. Maybe it’s stupid and horribly insecure of me, but I want to try it. It’s not as if it would be a horrible thing to be just a little prettier.

  This is how I find myself tearing that page out of the spell book. It has to be the rudest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t even believe I’m doing it. It’s true that I can be a bit impulsive. But now I feel almost as if I’m floating above my body as I watch my fingers pull on the page. I’m sort of horrified with myself even as I watch the old, thick paper rip cleanly down the bonding.

  Spell for Beautification

  I could do this spell at home and then maybe just come back with a pie or something as a way of saying thank you for them helping me. Except for this time, I’d dress up a little. I wouldn’t be all gross and sweaty and disheveled from running in the woods, and I wouldn’t be gushing blood. I’d also be...prettier. Or anyway, I’d be prettier assuming the spell works out.

  I read the spell a couple of times, trying to remember if I have all the ingredients on hand and at the sound of footsteps on the stairs, I fold the page up and shove it in my pocket.

  I’m ridiculous. I know that. But seriously...they’re very hot.


  I feel like such an idiot around this girl. When Freddie found me in my room and dragged me downstairs to do some first aid on a stranger, I didn’t think much of it. I work part-time as an EMT because, I suppose, I’ve always liked work, and I get restless when I don’t have enough of it. And I like helping people. I can’t use magic as an EMT or at least, I shouldn’t. But there are a few spells that don’t require a brew. They’re not too powerful, but I’ve used them just to calm people down or put them in a better state of mind which can help with the healing process even if people don’t realize it. The point being, I like helping hurt people, and I’m professional about it. And yet, I couldn’t bear to ask this girl, Hope, to take her shirt off so I could dress her wounds.

  Then I took an inordinate amount of time dressing her wounds.

  I think I covered well, but I was pretty flustered. I don’t know what it is about this girl, but I’m very attracted to her. I get the sense that we all are. Dylan definitely is. He only gets all weird and tries to hit on girls he really likes before realizing he should just be himself. It’s kind of cute. Freddie is the hardest to read, but I think I saw him giving her that dazed, kind of lost look he gets when he likes a girl.

  It’s probably nothing, I tell myself now as I follow Jared up the stairs. It’s probably just some primal kind of attraction. Maybe shifter girls just have a way of making a guy feel that way. Who knows?

  “Why are we going upstairs?” Freddie says quietly as we climb up the landing. “Aren’t all the brew ingredients downstairs?”

  “So we can talk about the girl in private, I assume,” I say, once we’re all clustered in the hall upstairs. “Jared, you’re acting weird.”

  “I’m not acting weird,” he mutters, scratching his head. “But...I did want to brew the healing balm because it’ll take a while. I don’t know, I thought...we could get to know her?”

  “Oh, sure,” Freddie says wryly. “Hey, why don’t we just keep her hostage? We could tie her up to the radiator. That’ll keep her around a while.”

  “Ha, ha,” Jared says, rolling his eyes. “She doesn’t look like she’s complaining, you know.”

  Dylan clears his throat and says, “I assume then that we’re all feeling, you know…”

  “I feel like I’m floating,” Freddie says softly. “And also like I’m on fire.”

  “Yeah,” Jared says, nodding. “That.”

  “What if she’s some powerful witch?” Dylan says, his eyes wide and awe-struck. “What if she put the big whammy on us and we’re just falling into her nefarious plan?”

  “Why would she do that?” Jared says, shaking his head.

  “I don’t know,” Dylan says. “I don’t know the details of her nefarious plan.”

  “There’s no nefarious plan,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I saw her wounds. They’re legit.”

  “I agree,” Jared says. “And I think she needs some special wizard protection, don’t you? Let’s ask her if we can put our blood in the balm.”

  “Why would we put our blood in the balm?” Dylan whispers, looking absolutely horrified.

  “So we’ll be able to sense her,” Jared says. “If she’s in danger or something. It’s a form of protection. Don’t worry, I’ll explain it. I’m not just going to sneak our blood in there.”

  “I hope not,’ Freddie says, with a snort. “That would be creepy as hell.”

  “Yeah, okay, so we’re not going to be creepy,” Jared says. “The plan is to brew the balm, and I don’t know…” He runs a hand through his hair. Jared is usually so calm. He’s never this worked up unless he’s really stressed out. It’s kind of endearing. “We’ll get to know her? Good?”

  We all look at each other and nod. “Good,” we say in unison.

  “Do you like being a barista?” Jared says later.

  We’re all back at the table again, and I’m brewing up the healing balm. It’s going to take forever to simmer properly. So there’s plenty of time to get to know Hope like Jared (and I guess all of us) would like.

  “I do,” Hope says quickly. She’s picking at some chips and salsa. We practically had to force her to eat a snack, but she’s been here a while and she’s going to be here a while longer. “It’s kind of involved actually, at least at Cafe Amour. They’re like the Harvard of making coffee. It’s not unlike brewing spells really. Which…” She licks her lips and looks a little sheepish. “I’d actually like to go to magic school and properly train as a witch. That’s kinda what I’m saving up for.”

  “You should!” Freddie blurts. “I mean...if that’s what you want to do. You seem very capable.”

  “Oh really?” Hope says, raising an eyebrow. “What gave it away? My getting attacked by a panther?”

  “I don’t know anyone who’s been attacked like that and lived to tell the tale,” Jared points out.

  “Yeah, well, I’m a shifter,” Hope reminds him. “I’m stronger than a regular panther. If I can’t take one, I’ve got real problems.” She smiles though and looks around the kitchen. “I really love your house. I don’t think I’ve said—”

  “Would you like a tour?” Freddie says quickly.

  Jared perks up at that. “Yeah, we could give you a tour. Pass the time while the balm is brewing anyway.”

  “Yeah,” Hope says. “That would be nice. I love these old houses.”

  I realize I ought to stay down here with the brew, and I find myself frustrated. I’d like to spend some time with the pretty girl too. Dylan looks like he wants to join them, but I catch his eye and he stays where he is, perhaps out of solidarity. Or maybe so as not to overwhelm Hope with three guys in her face following her around.

  When they make their way up the stairs, Dylan nods in their direction and says, “You think they’re going to fool around up there?”

  I shrug at that. I can’t quite get a read on Hope. “I don’t know. But I would if she was offering.”


  Jared and Freddie both seem so animated as they take me on a tour of the house. But it’s when Freddie takes me by the hand, helping me up the last of the stairs that I feel an electric spark between us. I also felt it when Max was dressing my wounds, but I tried not to let on. It seems a little too porny of me to knock on the door of these four guys and immediately start fooling around, and yet I find myself so aroused now as we stand close to each other in the hallway. Freddie keeps raising his eyes to look
at me as he rambles on about architecture, and I watch him fidget, playing with his hair. I’m guessing he just gets that way around new people. I can’t imagine it’s because he’s particularly interested. Jared seemed eager to show me around, but now he keeps glancing away and licking his lips. The sight distracts me, and I find myself staring at his mouth.

  They lead me down the hall and we look in on each room. It’s fun to see how each bedroom is totally different, and I demand the chance to guess whose room belongs to whom. I’m almost totally accurate in my guesses. Dylan’s room is the messiest. It’s got band posters all over the walls and a series of leather jackets hung up on the closet door. Freddie’s room has the most books and a truly enormous TV which he claims is mainly for watching nature documentaries (but I feel like he’s saying that to sound impressive). Max’s room is pretty well organized, but I see a lot of artwork in there that makes me ooh and aah. Freddie tells me Max likes to paint and draw. Jared’s room is the neatest and most “adult.” I’m sort of impressed with his decor. It’s different from the rest of the house and more modern. I also notice he has a whole bunch of plants, and he looks a little embarrassed when he admits to his botany hobby. I think they’re all so adorable I could die.

  “Oh,” Jared says when we come back to the hall from his room. “There’s also this cool turret room.”

  “There’s a turret?” I say. “I didn’t even see it.”

  “Yeah,” Jared says excitedly. “We kind of just hang out in there whenever we want to be alone. It’s a really cool room to read in.”

  They lead me up a short, narrow flight of stairs that enters right into the round room with a huge window that looks out on all of Foggy’s woods, the river and the towns beyond. It’s got a window seat and some shelves full of books and a couple of comfy chairs. If I could choose any room to live in, it would be this one. Even though, or maybe because, it’s the smallest. It’s so cozy but cool. I rush over to the long window seat and look out on the woods. I have that feeling again, like I was supposed to come here, like these men are important to me and I don’t know why.

  Jared and Freddie sit on either side of me, and I feel the temperature rise a few degrees.

  I have never been this girl. I can barely flirt in a bar, but I swear to God, if it was on the table, I would do both of them right now. Though I admit, I do have a pretty strong libido as a result of being a shifter. I think they’re cranking it up just by being them though.

  “Do you like the house?” Freddie asks as if that might actually matter.

  “It’s beautiful,” I say softly. “I’ve passed it before just running through the woods. But it always looked rundown. I guess it’s been a long time since I saw it though.”

  “Yeah,” Jared says. “We did a lot of renovations when we moved in. Had a little magical help.”

  “It’s a...friendly house,” I say, smiling shyly. My skin feels hot. They’re both sitting so close. I feel like I’m about to explode for want of them. “Guess that’s because you guys are so friendly. I can’t thank you enough for how kind you’ve been.”

  I’d sure like to try though.

  “It’s our pleasure,” Freddie says. I can smell his cologne and his knee nudges mine. I feel dizzy. His voice is low and when he says the word “pleasure” something inside me hums.

  “It really is,” Jared whispers. When I turn my head, I see Jared’s eyes fixed on my mouth and on impulse, I lean over and kiss his cheek, testing the waters.

  That alone, makes something come loose inside of me. The sensation of kissing his cheek, the skin near his jaw, slightly stubbled, makes me warm and embarrassingly turned on. I hear his short intake of breath, and I move back only slightly, letting him know I am here if he wants me. His eyes flick down to my mouth again and I nod. He pecks a kiss to my lips, soft and sweet. Yet, just that sensation makes me want more, even if it’s only one fleeting moment of madness that doesn’t mean anything to these two gorgeous men. I nudge Jared’s chin, nuzzling his nose, asking for more, and he gives it to me. His lips part and he kisses me more fully. His lips are hot and soft, and I melt into his mouth. His tongue, when it touches mine, makes me quiver and I reach up twirl to a lock of his hair around my finger. When I finally pull away, I feel dizzy, but I turn my head see Freddie only calmly watching. But I see the want in his eyes, and I lick my lips before leaning in to kiss him too. Freddie kisses deeply and firmly.

  I feel Jared’s hand rubbing my back, and I hum encouragingly into Freddie’s mouth, reaching around to squeeze Jared’s hand. When I pull away, I’m breathless, absently rubbing my chest and neck. I lean back against the window and nod, hoping they’ll understand me. They do, and Jared kisses me again, his hand gripping my hip as Freddie burrows into my neck to mouth and lick and kiss my throat. I’m wet with desire, and I can feel Jared hard against my thigh as he presses against me. I feel so dirty but delicious as I tug them closer. A hand disappears up my shirt to massage my breast through my bra. I know we’re getting too riled up, and this is crazy, but I feel like I can’t help myself. My panther is making me hungry for these gorgeous men. Freddie tentatively slides his hand down between my legs and I moan into Jared’s mouth, pressing against those strong fingers. Freddie palms me, squeezing gently, and it’s a marvelous kind of agony, the three of us getting seriously heated. The sound of a big metal pan crashing to the floor downstairs is loud enough to make us all jump and we all jerk away from each other, suddenly seemingly horrified at ourselves. Although, I’m more embarrassed than horrified. I don’t know about the guys.

  “We should get back downstairs,” Freddie says, his voice pitching up a little high.

  “Yeah,” Jared says, not quite looking at me.

  Ah, I think to myself. They already regret that. Well, that’s not doing much for my confidence. But it does make me want to try that spell all the more. I know that if someone’s not attracted to me, I should just blow them off. It all seems so superficial. But...I’m human. And they’re hot. It couldn’t hurt. Right?

  Freddie and Jared stand up and quickly file out of the room, but I hear them muttering in the hall. I take a second to compose myself before I join them, though I find them looking sheepish and kind of facing away from me. When I glance down and see that both of them are still hard, I hold back a smile. It’s nice to know that I at least affected them that much. They both excuse themselves to go to the restroom, and I cover my mouth, giggling into my palm as I make my way downstairs. Max and Dylan are still in the kitchen except now there’s a quesadilla on a platter in the middle of the table with a side of guacamole.

  “Please eat,” Max pleads. “You’ve been here a while, you’ve got to be hungry for something other than chips.”

  I sure am, I think to myself but I just nod my thanks and sit down, allowing Max to cut me a large slice of the quesadilla.

  “So…” Max smiles so kindly at me that I feel a little guilty that I practically jumped his two friends upstairs. “I hope we’ve been good hosts.”

  I almost choke on my quesadilla, but I cover my mouth and swallow before saying, “No complaints here.”


  “There’s one thing about this healing balm…” Max is stirring his brew. It’s done simmering, and now it’s cooling off. He casts Jared a significant look, and Jared looks at me. Just making eye contact with him makes me blush now and I suppress a shy smile, but when I look away, I’m looking right at Freddie who looks just as sheepish.

  “Yeah,” Jared says, clearing his throat. “About that…”

  We’re all standing around the kitchen. I’m still nibbling on a quesadilla, but I feel a little restless, doubtless from having come so close to...well, to coming, and then not. I eat and inspect the magnets on their fridge as Max finishes up the brew.

  Jared says, “See, our business is offering protection as wizards. For...for magical type problems. We’d like to offer you protection, if you want it, that is. No charge, of course. We’re all just a little worried
about you being chased by wild animals.” That makes me chuckle and Jared grins. “No pressure. But if you say yes, then we’ll put a couple of drops of our blood into your healing balm. This will allow us to sense if you’re in danger, that kind of thing.”

  “Sure,” I say, genuinely touched at how much they seem to care. I looked into Jared’s eyes and nod. “I trust you. All of you.”

  Max and Dylan finish the brew, and I watch as each man pricks their own finger with a needle and squeezes a drop of blood into the concoction. It all seems like overkill to me, but I’m mainly agreeing to it because I’m happy they want to keep in touch with me at least, even if Jared and Freddie might regret what just happened upstairs.

  Max carefully applies the balm to my side and my shoulder. I’m actually shocked by how effective it is. I kind of stuck around just to stick around and not so much for the healing balm, but now I’m glad I did. My wounds don’t even hurt anymore. Afterward, there’s not much more reason for me to stick around, but all of us make vague noises about wanting to hang out soon. I figure if they wanted to see me again they’d be deliberate about it. It’s not as if four guys like them have anything to be shy about. At the door, I hug them and each one makes me sigh a little, almost painfully. They each feel so good in my arms, and it feels so good to be held even just for a moment.

  “I hope we see you again,” Dylan says.

  “Sure.” I smile tightly. I just can’t help but think he’s only saying that to be nice. They wish me goodbye, and suddenly we’re all chatty. It takes a stupid amount of time for me to leave, especially when Jared starts to insist on driving me. But I know just where my house is from here, and the panther has doubtlessly moved on by now. When we step outside and onto the porch, I can’t smell anything nearby. I figure I’ll just shift and run straight home.


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