Midnight Smoke (The Firebrand Series Book 3)

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Midnight Smoke (The Firebrand Series Book 3) Page 18

by Helen Harper

  ‘Anything?’ I asked Lukas.

  He shook his head. ‘Not that I can see. It’s all just crap.’ He balled up a flyer for a local pizza delivery outfit and threw it back into the bin. He stood up and gazed at the beige wall before pointing at small scraps of Blu-tack. ‘Something was pinned up here.’ He stretched out his arms to measure the width. ‘Something larger than a poster or a calendar. A map, maybe.’

  I wrinkled my nose. ‘Or perhaps blueprints of a certain bank.’

  We exchanged glances. The computer finally beeped and its screen lit up. I turned my attention to it and tapped a few keys. Hope flared in my chest when I saw that it wasn’t password protected, but it didn’t last long. There were no documents or files, either on the virtual desktop or hidden away in the hard drive. I checked the trash for deleted documents. That was empty, too.

  ‘They’ve wiped it clean,’ I muttered. I brought up the internet and checked the history. It was blank. Forensic IT technicians with specialist knowledge might have more luck but I wouldn’t count on it. ‘They knew that if they pulled off the robbery, this place would eventually be discovered. They cleared it out and aren’t planning to come back. It’s a dead end.’

  ‘It certainly seems that way,’ Lukas agreed.

  I massaged the back of my neck. ‘The robbery didn’t happen today so they must have gone somewhere, either to run and hide or to re-group for another attempt.’ I raised my head and met Lukas’s eyes. ‘This is the third time I’ve lived through this – the third fucking time – and I’m no further forward than I was when you were shot dead on Westminster Bridge. I don’t know what to do, Lukas. I can stop the robbery from happening, I can stop you being killed but I still can’t find these fuckers. I don’t even know their names.’

  Lukas strode over to me. ‘It’s not over yet. There’s still time.’

  I managed a small smile. ‘Oh, I’m not giving up. DI Collier thinks I’m a waste of space because I’m in Supe Squad and I have only a few months’ experience. I won’t allow him to be right. And I certainly won’t allow these bastards to escape.’

  He grinned. ‘If I were them, I’d be very afraid.’

  Maybe if I kept telling myself that, it might actually be true. I lifted the copy of Pet Sematary from the shelf and held it up. ‘Have you ever read this?’

  Lukas shook his head. ‘Can’t say that I have.’

  ‘It’s a horror story about a place where dead bodies are buried. Family pets to begin with – the family in the story bury their cat there. The cat comes back, rises from the dead, but it’s not the same as it once was. It’s changed. It’s evil. Then a young boy dies and he’s buried in the same place and…’

  Lukas held up his hand to stop me. ‘It’s just a story. And you’re not evil.’

  ‘Every time I come back,’ I said, ‘I’m a little bit different. I’m stronger. I feel more powerful.’

  ‘It’s only a book.’

  ‘Yeah.’ I shrugged. ‘I guess so.’ I turned to replace it on the shelf. As I did so, a piece of paper fluttered from its pages onto the floor. I frowned, picked it up and unfolded it. If I wasn’t mistaken, it was a printout from a computer screen – a screenshot from an anonymous Darknet forum.

  ‘They cleared the place out,’ I said. ‘But they forgot this.’ I passed it to Lukas. My pulse rate was accelerating.

  He read it aloud. ‘Required. Small group with experience testing boundaries and taking risks. Must be familiar with biscuits and unafraid of bluebottles. Substantial compensation for the right applicant.’ He looked up.

  ‘In some circles,’ I said, ‘“Biscuit” is slang for gun.’

  ‘And “bluebottles”?’

  I set my mouth into a thin line. ‘Police.’ I stared hard at the piece of paper. ‘This gang didn’t come up with the idea to rob the Talismanic Bank on their own – they were hired.’ I folded my arms, feeling my heart race. ‘And that,’ I said, ‘changes everything.’

  Chapter Twenty-One

  By the time we left AAA Locksmiths, there was only two hours to go before midnight struck and my day was re-set. I was fresh out of ideas and tired of going round in circles. I’d done all I could for now. I had no clue who might have hired the gang. The only thing left was to wait for the day to re-start itself one final time and cross my fingers that I could control what happened.

  I’d learned a great deal through the re-sets but only time would tell if I’d learned enough. As long as I could avoid any loss of life, whether it be Lukas’s or a Talismanic bank employee’s or Margaret Wick’s or Adam Jones’ or anyone else who deserved better, I’d count it as successful. If I could bring down the gang and find their mysterious employer at the same time, I’d host a damned party. With champagne. And those silly string poppers. And posh canapés that I’d cook myself, if I had to.

  ‘How’s your shoulder?’ Lukas asked.

  I’d barely given it a thought for hours. It continued to ache but there had been no more bleeding. Frankly, it was the least of my worries. ‘It’s alright, I guess.’

  ‘We have some decent medical equipment at Heart,’ he told me, referring to his nightclub. ‘If we head there, I can get someone who’s properly trained to look it over and do what they can to help along the healing. With or without the aid of vampire saliva. You don’t want it to hold you back when everything re-starts again.’

  I considered his words. ‘I don’t want to go to Heart,’ I said finally. The thought of the sweaty crowds and thumping music was more than I could handle.

  Lukas’s expression shuttered. ‘Very well. I can follow you to Supe Squad to make sure you get back safely. Or to your own flat, if you prefer.’

  I licked my lips. ‘I don’t want to go to Supe Squad. I don’t want to go home either.’

  His eyes flicked to mine.

  ‘Do you have any medical supplies at your house?’ I asked.

  ‘I do.’

  ‘Perhaps,’ I said, ‘we can go there instead.’

  ‘We could do that,’ Lukas murmured carefully.

  I kept my gaze steady. ‘Then you can check my shoulder.’


  ‘You can use your own saliva to help it heal.’


  The rest of my words came out in a rush. ‘And then there’ll still be enough time for me to rip off your clothes and for us to have wild, passionate sex.’

  I didn’t miss the sudden flare of intense triumph in Lukas’s black eyes although he quashed it quickly. ‘Are you doing this,’ he asked slowly, ‘because I won’t remember it? Because in a few hours, for me, it will have never happened?’

  ‘No,’ I answered simply. ‘I’m doing it because I want to feel your body next to mine. I want to feel your body inside mine.’ I swallowed, suddenly worried I’d misjudged the situation. ‘But I understand if this is too much for you, or if you feel like I’m taking advantage and you need to say no.’

  ‘Believe me,’ he muttered. I could feel the heat emanating from his body, although our skin was not touching. ‘I would never say no. Not to you.’


  We took Tallulah. Every molecule in my body was bitingly conscious of Lukas’s proximity. It was almost painful to breathe. I felt hyper-aware of him; every time he shifted his weight or moved, no matter how slightly, I felt it.

  Anticipation clung to the air and I knew that the goose bumps on my skin had nothing to do with the cold. I’d never quite understood it when I’d heard people talk about electricity between partners. Now I did. It was as if the very oxygen around us snapped and spun of its own accord. My chest was tight and there was an odd tremor in my hands that I couldn’t seem to control. I kept my eyes on the road, unable to look at him. Neither of us said a single word.

  I pulled up outside his grand house, ignoring the double-yellow lines. I clambered out of the car and joined him on the pavement just as he straightened up. We turned to each other, toe to toe. His Adam’s apple dipped as he swallowed before he exte
nded his hand. I reached to take it. Our fingers touched and I felt the familiar flare of heat spark between us—

  A harsh voice called from the other side of the road.

  I turned my head. Collier. He was sitting in an unmarked police car with the window wound down and a derisive expression on his face. ‘I might have known.’ He opened the door and stepped out. ‘I might have known that the two of you were screwing. It explains a lot.’

  Lukas growled. I shook my head. ‘I’ve got this,’ I murmured. I walked into the middle of the road to address DI Collier face to face. ‘What exactly does it explain?’ I demanded.

  ‘You can’t stay in Supe Squad and be unbiased. Not when you’re fucking a supe.’ The sneering edge to his voice matched the nasty glint in his eyes. ‘Especially not that supe.’

  I’d used the same excuse when I’d told myself that I had good reason to avoid Lukas. That’s why I knew it was bullshit. ‘Really? So what you’re saying is that no police officer in the rest of the Met can ever have a relationship. If your department deals with humans and arrests humans, but you also sleep with humans, then you can’t possibly be fair and even-handed. We should all take a vow of celibacy.’

  ‘You’re twisting my words,’ he spat.

  ‘Am I? Are you married, DI Collier? When you sleep with your wife, does that mean you’re sleeping with the enemy?’

  ‘That’s completely different! And you know it.’

  I kept my arms by my sides, forcing myself to look relaxed. I wasn’t going to get defensive. I had nothing to get defensive about, not where Lukas was concerned. Not any more.

  ‘No,’ I said. ‘It’s not. My personal relationships have no bearing on my professional life.’ I was aware that I was echoing words that Lukas had said to me not too long ago. ‘I’m more than capable of separating the two. As I assume you are.’

  ‘Does he suck your blood?’ Collier’s lip curled. ‘Does he bleed you dry? Does he use slick words and wrong power to get you to do what he wants? Because there’s at least one terrorist running about this city, and all you seem to be interested in is getting your leg over.’

  ‘There is no terrorist. There are criminals who I’m going to catch. I’ll ensure they’re put away for a very long time. But there’s no terror plot, and deep down you know it as well as I do. You’re spinning your wheels and swinging your big dick and you’ve gone nowhere. I’ve seen enough to know that you can be good at your job, but you’re letting your prejudices get the better of you, DI Collier. You can’t see the wood for the trees. And you know what I think?’

  His lips drew back across his teeth in a snarl more convincing than any I’d ever seen from a vampire.

  ‘I think,’ I whispered, ‘that you’re much better than this and you know it.’ I raised my eyes to his so he could see the truth of my words. And then, without any warning, I curled my fingers into a fist and punched him on the nose.

  ‘Aaaaaargh!’ He staggered, his hands clutching his face. I watched. I hadn’t thrown my full weight behind the blow. That wouldn’t have been fair, even to Collier.

  ‘Go home, DI Collier,’ I said. ‘And tomorrow, be better than you are today.’ I pivoted and re-joined Lukas, slipping my hand into his and flashing him a smile. ‘Alright,’ I conceded softly, ‘I did that because I know he won’t remember it and it felt damned good.’

  Lukas dipped his head to my ear. ‘Violence usually leaves me cold,’ he said. ‘Despite the fact that I’m a vampire, blood doesn’t turn me on. But I have to say, that now I’m even more aroused than I was before.’

  I squeezed his hand, then I tugged him up the steps and through the door of his house.


  I’d already pulled off my T-shirt by the time we reached his kitchen. Lukas opened a cupboard and drew out a large first-aid kit while I jumped onto the marble-topped kitchen island and carefully unpeeled the makeshift bandages from my shoulder. My flesh felt tender, and the bullet hole was ragged around the edges, but the wound looked clean and there was no sign of infection. Dr Yara had done a good job.

  Lukas dampened a cloth and gently wiped away the crusted blood. He looked up at me with a question in his eyes.

  ‘You don’t have to,’ I said. ‘I know my blood doesn’t taste nice.’

  ‘I want to,’ he replied. ‘I just want to know that you want it too.’

  ‘I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.’

  Something gleamed in his expression then he fixed his attention on my shoulder, his tongue darting out delicately to lick my skin. My fingers curled round the cool marble edge and I closed my eyes. The wound tingled and the dull ache that had persisted throughout the day eased immediately. Vampires were truly impressive creatures.

  Lukas tied a new bandage round my shoulder, his touch so gentle that I barely felt the brush of his fingers. He fastened it carefully and planted a single feather-light kiss on my collarbone. I shivered. He brushed another kiss and then another, his lips making a trail from one side to the other. Each touch of his lips was agonising. I groaned.

  ‘I want to please you,’ Lukas muttered. ‘Tell me what you like.’

  I opened my eyes and gazed down. ‘I like you.’ And then to prove it, I reached for his belt and undid it, my fingers grazing his skin.

  Lukas drew in a shuddering breath. Without warning, something in his body language altered. He carefully removed my hands from his waist, stepped back and shook his head. ‘Wait.’

  Wait? I swallowed. If Lukas wanted space, I’d give it to him. ‘What is it?’ I asked.

  He took a moment or two. It was clear that he was selecting his words with care. ‘It’s not that long since your ex did what he did to you. I know you’re still experiencing trauma from both times that he killed you. I imagine dying at the hands of the person you trust most in the world must be truly terrible. If I could erase what happened, I would. Believe me, Emma,’ he said with soft insistence, ‘I really would. I can understand that opening yourself up to someone else must feel impossible.’

  His expression was sober. ‘It’s why I’ve tried to keep my distance and not pressure you too much. It’s why I didn’t pursue matters when you kept avoiding me. And I know you have concerns about some of my practices as Lord. You know my stance on the police. But this can’t be just about sex for me. I want it but, if that’s all this is, I won’t allow it. I’m not Scarlett and you’re not Fred.’

  He sighed heavily and I saw the troubled glimmer in the dark depths of his eyes. ‘Don’t do this now if it’s because you feel guilty that I died. I know I won’t remember any of this but you will. The last thing I want is more barriers between us in the future, especially when I won’t be able to understand why.’

  It was a few seconds before I could respond. ‘I didn’t know,’ I whispered. ‘I didn’t know that you were thinking all that.’

  There was tenderness in his gaze. ‘How could I not? You do a good job with your tough police detective image, but it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that there’s a whole lot more to you than that. Layers upon layers of Emma. Any time I think I’ve unpeeled one, I find another.’

  My tongue wetted my lips. ‘I’ve struggled with this,’ I admitted. ‘I don’t know if I can trust you – and I don’t know if that’s because of me or because of you. And your death certainly has a lot to do with me being here right now. Not because I feel sorry for you, but because it made me realise how stupid I’d been to deny my feelings. I don’t know what the future will bring – I don’t even know what tomorrow will bring, and I’ve lived it three times already. But I know that I want this now because I want you. Not sex,’ I smiled faintly, ‘although that would be good, but you. Lord Lukas Horvath.’

  He gazed at me before his lips descended on mine.

  All coherent thought fled as the dull ache in my groin increased. Lukas’s hands moved to my waist, tightening their grip as the kiss deepened. I pressed my body against his and, when that wasn’t enough, hooked my legs round his waist.

bsp; He lifted me off the marble top, holding me against him. I leaned back slightly and looked into his eyes. They glittered black, with an intensity I’d never seen before. His chest was rapidly rising and falling, his short breaths matching mine. ‘Upstairs,’ he growled.

  I couldn’t speak; all I could do was nod. I wrapped my arms round his neck and he moved quickly, carrying me upstairs. It still seemed to take an age. When we finally reached his bedroom and he laid me gently on the bed, I remembered to breathe.

  I glanced round the sumptuous room. The bed was a heavy mahogany four poster, complete with dark satin sheets. The wallpaper was a rich red brocade and, when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirrored ceiling, I barked out a laugh and found my voice. ‘I feel like I’ve wandered into a Victorian bordello.’

  Two high points of red coloured Lukas’s cheeks. ‘I haven’t re-decorated for quite a while. But I’ll change it to whatever you want.’

  I smiled at him. ‘I like it. It suits you.’ I placed a hand on the mattress beneath me and tested it. ‘It’s not water.’

  ‘Even I have limits.’

  My smile grew to a saucy smirk. I pointed at the chair opposite. ‘Sit,’ I commanded.

  Lukas did as he was told. I pushed myself up onto my knees. With slow fingers, more because I was trembling than trying to be sexy, I undid the top button of my jeans and started to push them down my hips. I glanced down, belatedly realising that my underwear was of the greying kind rather than lacy lingerie. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed but, from the way that Lukas’s breath caught, he didn’t seem to care.

  I wriggled the rest of the way out my jeans and pushed them aside before turning round so my back was to Lukas. I reached for the hook on my bra and unclipped it, sliding the straps down my shoulders. I flicked a look over my shoulder.


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