Shadow & Flame - Part One: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 4

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Shadow & Flame - Part One: The Collective - Season 1, Episode 4 Page 5

by Elias Raven

  I loved the fire in her eyes, but time was ticking. Anticipation a lesson always in my curriculum. One she hated. And one I loved. My chaps zipped, and jacket on, I reached for the two helmets on the adjacent wall. My favorite painted skull, the first in my hand. It would look hot on her. I grabbed my helmet with the skull. The same dude that painted Ayrton Senna's racing helmets offered to do mine. Of course, I accepted. He was a completely mental with skills and had a knack for finger-fucking colors masterfully. Mad fucking skills, I thought.

  Gia gave me a sexy thumbs up, as I fired up my baby, a 1984 Harley FXDG Disc Glide. It had a flat black finish almost matte with custom chrome trim. I loved the sound of the engine. It was throaty, growled when idle, but purred perfectly when you hit the gas. The sound coming out of the pipes was fucking sexy, and the newly detailed exterior had me hard as fuck. With Harley Davidson of Hollywood doing all the maintenance on the bike, it was pristine—gorgeous. I was one proud motherfucking owner, and my wide smile was proof.

  The engine was warmed nicely, it's rumble hitting my ego’s bulls-eye. I threw my leg over to straddle it. The girth a little wider than I remembered. Then again, it had been a while since I rode. Its frame firmly between my legs, my eyes searched for my beauty. Her jaw slacked. I extended my hand with the matching helmet I had made for her. It wasn’t a request. Chance had Mia; she was safe, and Gia would be with me. With no hesitation, she stepped forward allowing me to secure her helmet. I carefully walked the bike toward Chance and my sleeping daughter.

  “Drive carefully. Be safe. We’ll meet you there.” He nodded resolutely, and I hit the gas, heading down the driveway.

  Laurel Canyon was a real nice place to live. I didn’t care for the wine here, as I was more a Napa guy. However, it was secluded, and my neighbors, for the most part, minded their own business. I wasn't too far from the freeway, and if Elias was still living downtown, one-hundred percent I would be the victor arriving at Misty’s studio.

  I hit the gas, leaning forward. My thighs gripped the steel frame, as my body moved in a quick synchronized dance pushing the bike to the limit. I reached my arm around pushing Gia closer to me.

  “Keep both hands on the handlebars—egomaniac. I don’t want to be road-kill.” She panicked.

  I listened, not wanting to frighten her, but riding was like breathing. Effortless.

  All my senses alert, my eyes scanned the road for assholes. The last thing I needed was some asshole lane changing with no regard. Luck was on our side today. The freeways and side streets were asshole free—quiet. A very rare day. I got to Misty’s shop in breakneck speed, and swung around to the alley. Elias’ and Genevieve’s wry smiles awaited me to my dismay. I cut the engine, coasting the rest of the way. I pulled my helmet off and turned to help with Gia’s.

  My attention turned to the cheating prick. No way in hell had he made it here before me.

  "How the fuck did you beat me here E! Especially, since you were coming out of downtown up the 101!” I laughed but was pissed.

  After securing Gia, I dismounted the bike and shook his hand. I met G’s hug with one of my own. Gia kissed them both warmly. She was happy. And that made me happy.

  "We were staying up here for a day or two. I'm going to be traveling between the compound in Mesa and Los Angeles, and my dad had a bunch of places around here for visiting guests," he announced.

  "Yeah, your old man was as bad as mine. Collected property and shit everywhere!" I responded quickly, and changed the subject. "How's your mom?" I asked him.

  "As good as can be expected," he replied. Fodder, I thought. He didn’t want to get into it, and I didn’t blame him.

  The buzzer interrupted us. The security guard motioned for us to park the bikes in the storage unit. I grabbed my Hog. Elias grabbed his BMW. Once they were secure, the guard motioned us through the back door of the shop. It had been a minute since I had seen Misty. Lethal Abel just came off tour not too long ago, and I haven’t been in a friendly sort of way. It was all about my family now. A close-knit circle of trusted people.

  However, being a rock star could be a bitch. It was an all-consuming motherfucking demon. Ate up more and more of your time, spoon-fed your ego until you were buying it. It still resembled 80’s Motley Crew. Money-sex-drugs. Period. Gia righted my world. I no longer spun off my axis until I landed. My life was her—my daughter.

  I looked over at Elias & Genevieve. Lost in each other, but I saw through it. The unmistakable ‘foot out the door.' Content until you’re not. Something was off. However, we had a few days, and inevitably he’d spill. Be it a natural purge or through booze.

  I opened the security door and walked into the shop. I got as far as, "Hello?" The next thing I knew, I had a blue-haired missile flying at me shrieking my name.

  "Abel!!!!" She yelled.

  Misty reminded me of a Bali-Ha'i sleeved-videogame-avatar. A tiny Polynesian sprite with beautifully colored arms, crimson lips, and her telltale blue cotton-candy mane. The love of artistry tattooed her body. Her skin was her business card. Although, business was secondary for her. It was the art. Creativity. Honesty. And the cruel addiction breeding her—hard.

  The casual sway of her hips in her high-waisted pencil skirts marked her other addiction—vintage couture. Gia called it, Rockabilly-Vargas-girl-meets-Etsy.

  I wrapped my strong arms around Misty, gave her a hard squeeze, and smiled down into her eyes. Although delicately framed, she was strong as fuck, and nearly squeezed me to death. My hands gripped her shoulders to remove the happy sprite. Put some distance between us despite my fondness for her. But, it was Gia's throaty chuckle that stopped me. She knew my discomfort with touchy-feely-ness when it came to anyone else but—her. However, I promised to be nice or as Gia put it this morning and Chance concurred, ‘Leave your broody-ass at the door.'

  It was true. I was a moody fuck. Zero tolerance for bullshit. Gia brought the kindness out of me. Took me from the darkness and into the light. No longer a ghost living in the shadows. I now spent my days in the light with the living. Not thrilled entirely about it in these situations, but definitely the better alternative.

  If it weren't for the history between Misty and me, the fact she did a good amount of my ink, our friendship, and my wife's acceptance of all fucking three, I’d be a raging prick right now. But my wife’s smile right now was heart-stopping. Knee-bending. And a beautiful reminder of what awaited me at home. Our life. Misty was pretty, but my wife was truly beautiful in every sense of the word. My beauty. Then I remembered the fun little fact of Misty’s past. The tattooed sprite was bisexual, and my heart skipped in marked jealousy.

  As if sensing my mood shifting to an irrational place, Misty released me from her embrace. Her eyes tracked Gia like a heat seeking missile, and the smile could not be mistaken. I didn't like it. Not one fucking bit. Gia's chuckle turned into a side-splitting laughter. Mine did not follow. There was nothing funny about anyone else putting their fucking hands on my woman or think of putting their hands on my fucking woman. Which had me questioning why I even brought her here. Was I now a masochist? I was in no fucking mood to be toyed with this afternoon. And my beauty was taking it to a level that would compromise story-time this evening for Mia. My palms itched for flesh. Bare flesh. Her tender bare flesh.

  Tension stifled the air, and Misty’s tone turned utterly serious. “Even more treacherous than he is attractive, he has never uttered a single word without some dishonorable intention.” A smug smile slipped into place.

  What the fuck now?

  However, it was Gia's cruel response that put a smile on my face, and tightened my balls in the span of one breath. "Every woman he has successfully pursued has regretted it. Stay away from him.” Gia turned to face her, and the two nut jobs screamed 'Cruel Intentions' high-fiving each other in respect. "Do you know it was on twice this week? Both times Mia was feeding, and legit stopped, turned toward the television and sighed!”

  "That's my beautiful niece-by-tattoo. Swear
to fuck!" Misty's voice sang out proudly.

  Her attention trained back to me, a final stab of her finger met my chest. "I can't tell you how elated I am you're not going all alpha-ape-dad. Cruel Intentions should be required watching for all baby girls. Kinda like Baby Einstein for kickass winner babes in training.”

  I let her go right as the door opened behind me and she looked over my shoulder. I thought for sure Misty was going to stroke out and drop dead in her britches right in front of me! She was horizontal in a minute flying into Elias' arms shrieking his name!


  I couldn't blame the girl; we hadn't seen each other in what? Fuck, it had to have been at least a year. Misty had been nagging at Gia for weeks blowing her phone up.

  Misty greeted us, and then got down to business. Misty’s cell phone started vibrating at her station. She answered then she handed it to me with an anxious smile. I looked down at the screen. Blonde, good-looking, and looking every bit bad-ass-rocker-chick. She had a knack for putting me on the spot, and I was fucking positive this was one of those times. I grabbed the phone reining in my tell-tale temper. I knew who it was.

  "Hey, you! Yeah, of course, Scott told me it was a go. Low key or else that little place you’re playing will be overbooked…" was all I was able to get out past my lips.

  At that point, Rhianna proceeded to scream into the phone.

  “Fuck Yes!” she yelled over the Facetime call!

  She was that jacked up with excitement! I almost dropped Misty’s phone onto the tile floor! I hit the mute button and looked at Gia shaking my head with a pained grimace on my face. I kept tapping my ear waiting for the ringing to stop!

  I couldn’t hear a thing for a good minute! I wanted to throttle the little shit, but I got that she was a little overjoyed that I was coming up to play her gig.

  Gia clapped and grabbed the phone out of my hands before I threw it. She knew me being nice had just taken a hit.

  ‘No worries at all. Thanks, babe. Here is Elias! Maybe he can make you smile!’ She said quickly reading my face.

  Gia handed Elias the phone, and Misty dragged me by the hand to show me her new stuff. The smirk on my wife’s face I wanted to lick off, but that could wait a moment or two. She enjoyed watching me squirm beneath my skin. I did not.

  “I really like the whole Scottish Medieval English theme. Show Gia.”

  If I was going to suffer being social, she would too. She stuck her tongue out. I kissed her forehead allowing her access to the drawings. I didn’t have much room for new art. So, any pieces took deep consideration. Alcohol no longer clouded my judgment. It's caustic fingers no longer crawled beneath my skin. My beauty. Conqueror of my soul.

  We would be up in San Francisco tomorrow. Rhianna offered us her place. I accepted for a night, then I would get a rental for all of us up the street, but chose to leave that bit of info as a surprise. As long as Elias and Genevieve were up for it, it would be a blast.

  "Man, the girls already mentally worked this shit out. We are man meat for the weekend," he replied. I cringed at that last statement.

  Gia mouthed “Man-meat,” licking her lips.

  I laughed shaking my head, as I knew she hated the word meat as much as me. “Good thing I love you man, and my wife. If anyone else uttered that, they’d get a face full of knuckles.” Gross. I shook it off.

  Misty leaned in with the tip of the machine buzzing into the air. “Who’s first?” E and I looked at each other. E was still thinking, so I cock blocked him.

  “I’ll do something small. Mia Bella and her date of birth. Maybe, a tiny blue dragonfly. I shrugged knowing full well Gia would gush, and the other women along with her.

  A collective sigh ensued. “I’d be honored.” She beamed up at me, and I sat at her station rolling up the rest of my sleeve.

  Misty handed me a sheet of drawing paper. Fuck it was perfect! I eyed her.

  “I had a feeling, plus aren’t dragonflies Gia’s favorite?” she asked.

  I just nodded. The sprite was that fucking good at her job.

  “Fuck yes.” She cleaned my arm, shaved it and cleaned it again before placing the transfer sheet onto my arm.

  When the computer ink was where she wanted it on my skin, Misty dipped the needle into the ink. The low buzz of the needle hit my ear, and I retreated into my happy place. I could hear the drone of the women talking in the background. Misty was giving them the fucking low down on Rhi.

  “You know she’s been up and down the Pacific Northwest, and central states building her following. Thankfully, she hasn't left the states to go overseas just yet. I know it is only a matter of time before she does,” Misty said wistfully.

  The girls were driving me bat shit!

  "What? You don't want her to fucking make it? That’s why we do this! Rhi knows! She is all the way fucking in. She can taste it. Once you bite into the soft flesh of fame, there is nothing else,” I told them.

  Misty lifted the gun from my flesh, and dipped the needle in the water before changing the color.

  “Don't read too much into that Abel. Do I want her to go all the way? Fuck yes I do! I want to be right there with her. I love playing just as much as she does. Fuck, even more. She likes the craft, writing the songs and spending time in the studio. Don’t get me wrong, I don't mind that part, but I just want to be up on stage!” she exclaimed excitedly.

  Oh shit, here it comes! Now she was going to dive into the juicy details. I shook my head. Why fucking me!

  “I love coming off the top of the amplifiers. My fingers running up the neck of the guitar. Like I am stroking a guy’s cock! Pulling on the strings, listening to the roar from the amps. Fuck yes!! I love the sound a Marshall stack makes when you push it to the limit. The high gain dialed all the way out. The feedback screaming out of the twelve-inch speakers with the cabinets piled up in front of you, like a mountain of noise! It’s totally like fucking getting off. You can feel the vibration running all over your body. Leaning back on your knees, holding the note. Listening to the crowd screaming their lungs out!” she yelled.

  I could feel the laugh coming, try as I might I was fucked! It was going to happen!

  Misty wiped off the ink from my skin, cleaning the area of the blood and excess ink.

  “Yeah… Abel, it’s better than fucking sex!" Misty exclaimed hammering home the point.

  That was all she wrote! I started laughing. I couldn't help myself. Fuck the girl was mental. Just perfect for Rhi!

  "We need to get you laid or something Misty! Rhi needs to get you under control!" I was roaring with laughter. Everyone was.

  The needle again lifted off my skin. Misty bit into her lip looking down at me exasperated!

  "Fuck Abel! I love to play. That is who I am. It’s in my blood. If I had a set of balls, I would feel it there too. Don’t get me wrong. Ink & Iron was my first love. Ink against flesh, the creation of something brand new that is one of a kind, I fucking really dig that about my craft. So, I get to be a part-time rocker. Rhi gets to do it full time. Besides, where else are you going to get your ass painted?” Misty asked pointedly.

  I stifled a laugh not wanting my daughter's name fucked. When I glanced at Gia she blew a kiss and mouthed ‘Man-meat’ again. I pulled my lip ring deep into my mouth until the taste of copper exploded on my tongue.

  Misty looked around shrugging her shoulders looking at the other women. “Which Abel showed up? The broody asshole or the broody prick?” That got a laugh even out of me.

  Yeah, there wasn’t much distinction. I was usually a prick or an asshole.

  “Can a guy just enjoy pain anymore without sociopathic ear-fucking anymore?” I sighed closing my eyes.

  “Great, the prick showed up.” She giggled.

  I shrugged.

  Gia was quiet.

  The buzz-of the needle-gun’s, the faint hiss of disinfectant spray, and the steady hum of voices quickly faded. The ink-slinger lowered her gun, pierced my skin, and the sharp prick immedi
ately erased almost everything bad. A lover tracing the braille of a new tattoo. Blinded by the pain I love. Pure and simple.

  Chapter 4

  ~The Ghosts~

  If I can blaze in the radiant sky out of adoring stars my name.

  Sober am I non-entitized; drunk am I more than half a god.

  Well, let the flesh be sacrificed; spirit shall speak and shame the clod.

  Who would not gladly, gladly give Life to do one thing that will live?"

  Ruthless, unflinching, you have stripped naked your soul and set it here.

  Have I not loved you well and true? See! Between us the shadows drift;

  This bit of blood and tears means you -- oh, let me have it, a parting gift.

  Sacred I'll hold it, a trust divine; sacred your honor, her dark despairs;

  Never shall it see printed line: here, by the living God I swear.

  Excerpts from: Robert William Service ~The Ghosts~

  ~Elias~ My head was still a train wreck. I had kept it together for Genevieve after we had gotten back from the rescue. We were going to go back to the compound in Mesa, but we knew that there would be eyes there. Better to keep moving and split up for a bit. I knew Genevieve was still emotionally and physically exhausted from her ordeal.

  The whole getting kidnapped thing with my trusted aide and confidant Parker and all of the other fucked up shit that had happened before and after that little incident had really affected my girl emotionally.

  Parker was still at my compound in Mesa recovering from his wounds and was under twenty-four-hour guard. I knew that we were all lucky to be alive. It was no wonder our world had been flipped completely upside down. The monks had given Genevieve a once over and for the most part the physical stuff would heal, it was the emotional scars that were going to take a long time.

  What really burned me up was with all of the power I now controlled as CEO of Cain Enterprises, it still wasn’t enough. We had played smash mouth with the enemy and barely gotten away with our lives. They were going to want retribution. Khyentse, my chief of security and mentor, was working with our team planning on what our next move was going to be. We had to keep the other side guessing. The biggest thing was not to be sitting still until we were ready to act. We had some of the pieces, but not all, and until we knew what was really going on, it was best for us to keep moving.


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