Bhakti and Embodiment

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by Barbara A Holdrege

  3. See Peirce 1955: 98–119.

  4. See the Introduction, n. 43.

  5. Radich [2014].

  6. Radich [2014].

  7. For a brief discussion of five types of processual bodies—ritual body, ascetic body, purity body, tantric body, and devotional body—see the Introduction, pp. 16–20.

  8. Bourdieu 1990: 70.

  9. Bhaktirasāmṛtasindhu 1.2.266–268; Caitanya Caritāmṛta 2.22.78, with ślokas 59–61. Both passages cite Bhāgavata Purāṇa 9.4.18–20.

  10. As discussed in Chapter 2, pp. 72–73, the Gauḍīya taxonomy of divine forms is dominated by male bodies in which Kṛṣṇa, whose svarūpa and svayaṃ-rūpa are male, manifests in manifold male forms as prakāśas, vilāsas, and avatāras. At the same time a critical role is allotted in this taxonomy to Rādhā, who as the female counterpart of Kṛṣṇa and embodiment of the hlādinī-śakti manifests in manifold female forms as the consorts of his various manifestations.

  11. For a brief discussion of the historical debates among Gauḍīya authorities in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, see Chapter 2, pp. 101–102. For an extended analysis of the Gauḍīya framing of the sex/gender distinction, see Holdrege [2014d].


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