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Bhakti and Embodiment

Page 77

by Barbara A Holdrege

  Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli 345n8

  Rādhā-kuṇḍa 27–28, 215, 231, 234, 235, 241, 243–244

  Rādhāramaṇa: and Gopāla Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmin 4–5, 27, 234, 320n13; mūrti/image of 4–6, 27, 234, 320nn13–14, 339n143; temple of 5–6, 320n14, 320n17, 339n143, 380n169; temple worship of 5–6, 320n14, 339n143; and Vṛndāvana 4–6, 27, 234, 339n143

  Rādhāvallabha Sampradāya 371n3

  Radich, Michael 308–309, 324n48, 391nn5–6

  rāgānugā-bhakti: characterized by passionate rāga/love 85, 98, 100, 279; and devotional body 85, 94, 97–98, 106, 188, 267, 272, 280–281, 285, 301, 313; and external bodily practices 85, 98–99, 188, 267; and highest form of samādhi 100, 279–280; and meditation 85, 94, 98–99, 100, 106, 188, 193, 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 278–280, 285, 301, 302–303, 313; and parikaras/eternal associates or rāgātmikā bhaktas 98, 99–100, 278, 279, 280, 285, 290–291, 301–302, 304; and rasas 98, 100, 259, 279; and sādhaka-rūpa 98–99, 188, 267, 278, 302, 313; and sādhana-bhakti 85, 94, 106, 188, 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 300–301, 304, 313, 341n39, 368n138; and siddha-rūpa 85, 94, 97–99, 100–101, 106, 188, 267, 272, 277, 278, 285, 301, 302, 313; and smaraṇa or līlā-smaraṇa/contemplative recollection 94, 98, 99–100, 278–280, 285; and transcendent Vraja/Goloka-Vṛndāvana 98, 256, 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 278, 279, 280

  rāgātmikā bhaktas: see parikaras or pārṣadas

  Raghunātha Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmin 26, 28, 140, 234, 235, 357n222, 380n171

  Raghunāthadāsa Gosvāmin 26, 27–28, 234, 235, 248, 329n97, 366n77

  rajas (activity) 58, 59, 125, 168, 265

  Rāma 374n80; as avatāra 74; as līlā-avatāra 53fig2, 60, 61–62, 336n99; name of 182, 186, 187, 368n127; as one of daśa-avatāras 60, 61; as parāvastha līlā-avatāra 53fig2, 61–62

  Rāma bhakti traditions 29, 182, 191, 306

  Rāmānuja 26, 29, 42, 74, 75, 81, 82–83, 142, 143, 144, 191, 306, 338n132, 354n168

  Ramanujan, A. K. 21–22, 325n67, 325n69, 346–347n22

  Rāmāyaṇa (Vālmīki) 111, 152

  Rāmcaritmānas (Tulsīdās) 112, 346n19

  rāsa-līlā (circle dance) 7, 35, 51, 194, 205, 208, 209, 227, 232, 241, 256, 262, 280, 339n8, 340–341n23, 370n165, 373n58

  rasa theory of Indian aesthetics 86–88

  Rāvaṇa (demon-king) 60, 61–62, 374n80

  Ray, Amarnath 328n82

  ṛcs (verses) 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 128, 148, 159, 160–162, 163, 347n27, 358n250, 363n36; see also Ṛg-Veda

  Renou, Louis 345n8, 345n11, 351n118

  renunciants 41, 63, 69, 105, 184, 189, 325n63, 368n122; see also renunciation; saṃnyāsins

  renunciation 44, 132–133, 134, 344n77, 355n179; see also renunciants; saṃnyāsins

  Ṛg-Veda 16, 17–18, 110, 114, 115, 117–118, 121, 122, 144, 145–146, 160–163, 164–165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 357n227, 358n250, 359n289, 362nn7–9, 362n11, 363n16, 363n20, 363n26; see also Puruṣa-Sūkta; ṛcs

  ritual bodies xiii–xiv, xv, 11, 16, 17fig1, 17–18, 20, 324n45, 325n61, 391n7

  Rocher, Ludo 327n81, 328n82, 328n88, 349nn63–64, 350n88, 351n118, 353n167, 358n250, 374n71, 376n98, 386n289

  Rosch, Eleanor 321n22

  Rousselle, Aline 321n25, 323n38

  Ṛṣabha: as avatāra 154; as līlā-avatāra 53fig2, 63, 336n99; as manvantara-avatāra 53fig2, 65; as prābhava līlā-avatāra 53fig2, 63

  ṛṣis (seers) 37, 39, 63, 64, 69, 110–112, 113, 115–116, 117, 118, 119, 128–130, 131–132, 135, 139, 144, 151, 155, 157, 159, 161, 162–163, 167, 169, 206, 212, 223, 228, 246, 270, 271, 273, 275, 276, 277, 282, 283, 297–298, 311, 362n8, 362n11

  Rukmani, T. S. 328n82, 344n78

  Rukmiṇī: images of 390n65; and līlā/play 254; as śakti of Kṛṣṇa 253; as wife or mahiṣī/queen of Kṛṣṇa 54, 253, 254

  Rūpa Gosvāmin 4, 26–28, 31, 34, 36, 37, 40, 46, 48, 50–68, 69, 72, 76–77, 84, 85, 86, 87–88, 90–93, 94, 95–96, 98, 99, 100, 101–102, 104, 140, 141, 153, 154–155, 156, 176–178, 179–180, 182, 183–184, 186, 187, 188, 189, 211, 212–213, 214, 217, 224, 228, 229–230, 233, 234–235, 236–249, 250–251, 256, 262, 263, 267–268, 269–270, 277, 278, 295, 300, 320n12, 320n15, 328n89, 328n91, 329n92, 329n100, 330n5, 330nn11–12, 331n25, 333n47, 333n52, 333n54, 334n65, 334n68, 334–335n70, 335n81, 335n85, 336n99, 336nn105–106, 337nn107–108, 337n122, 338n123, 338n136, 340n10, 340n12, 340n17, 340nn19–20, 340–341n23, 341n27, 341nn33–35, 342n43, 342n45, 342n57, 343nn63–64, 343nn66–67, 354–355n179, 356n219, 357n220, 360n309, 361n318, 361n328, 366nn77–78, 368n135, 369n140, 371n171, 374n77, 375n86, 375n90, 375n92, 380nn175–176, 380nn179–180, 381n193, 381–382n206, 382n208, 382nn216–217, 385n265, 385nn270–271, 386n289, 387n303, 387n314, 391n2; see also specific works

  Rūpa Kavirāja 101–102, 343n69

  Ruth, David N. 323n37

  Śabara 142, 143, 357n226

  Śabdabrahman: Bhāgavata Purāṇa as 130; Brahmā as 114, 352n143; and Kṛṣṇa 114, 347n30; Om as 166; as one of two forms of Brahman 166; and Śiva 114; Veda as 113, 114, 347n30; and Viṣṇu 113; see also Brahman

  sacrifice: see yajña

  sādhaka-rūpa (practitioner’s body): as biological body 94, 95, 188, 312; as body of bondage 85, 95, 99, 106, 188, 300–301, 312, 315; ceases at time of death 107, 313, 314–315; delimited by markers of ascribed identity 95, 311–312; and external bodily practices 85, 94, 95, 98–99, 101–102, 106, 107, 188, 267, 280–281, 300–301, 302, 313; as karmically constructed or bound 94, 95, 188, 300–301, 312, 315; as material 85, 94, 95, 99, 101, 102–103, 104, 106, 107, 188, 267, 280–281, 300–301, 303, 311–312, 313, 314–315, 316; as psychophysical complex 85, 95, 99, 106, 188, 280–281, 301, 312, 313; and rāgānugā-bhakti 98–99, 188, 267, 278, 302, 313; reconstituted as body of devotion 85, 94, 95, 106, 188, 300–301, 312–313; reconstituted as “devotionally informed body” 95, 300–301, 312–313; and sādhana-bhakti 85, 94, 95, 102, 106, 188, 267, 300–301, 312, 313; as sexually marked 94, 95, 101–102, 311–312, 315, 316; term 98, 101, 104, 278, 312; thrills with physical signs of enraptured devotion 102–103, 107, 303; as transformed material body 102–103, 107, 267, 280–281, 303, 312–313; and vaidhī-bhakti 85, 94, 95, 106, 188, 300–301, 312–313

  sādhana-bhakti (system of devotional practices): and Bhāgavata Purāṇa 154; and bhakti-rasa 91; and bhakti-śāstra 26, 27, 29–30, 303; and contending bodily identities 102, 316; and devotional body 20, 29, 85, 94, 95, 106, 188, 267, 280, 289, 300–301, 303, 307–308, 311, 312, 313, 368n138; and discourse of embodiment 26, 28, 29–30, 94, 292, 300, 303, 311, 313; and guru 343n63; and meditation 29, 270, 271–272, 277, 280, 304, 320n15, 342n54; and nāmans/divine names 176, 188, 189, 196; path of 28, 85, 91, 92, 94, 95, 106, 188, 271–272, 304, 305, 311, 343n63; and rāgānugā-bhakti 85, 94, 106, 188, 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 300–301, 304, 313, 341n39, 368n138; regimen of 20, 26, 28, 29, 91, 93, 155, 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 311, 312, 320n15; and ritual worship 286, 289–290, 292, 307–308; and sādhaka-rūpa 85, 94, 95, 102, 106, 188, 267, 300–301, 312, 313; and siddha-rūpa 20, 29, 85, 94, 106, 188, 267, 277, 300–301, 304, 313; as system of embodied practices 85, 91, 95; and tantric sādhana 280, 286, 289, 292–293, 304, 307–308; term 20; and transcendent Vraja/Goloka-Vṛndāvana 267, 270, 271–272, 277, 286; two forms of 85, 94, 106, 188, 300–301, 341n39, 368n138; and vaidhī-bhakti 85, 94, 95, 106, 188, 300–301, 312, 341n39, 368n138; see also rāgānugā-bhakti; vaidhī-bhakti

  Ṣaḍviṃśa Brāhmaṇa 364n39

  Sāhitya-Darpaṇa (Viśvanātha Kavirāja) 86

  Śaiva bhakti traditions 29, 46, 306; see also specific traditions

  sakhya-rasa (devotional mode of friendship) 89, 90, 98, 100, 194, 259, 279, 285, 297, 301–302, 304, 315–316

  Śākta traditions 29

  śaktis (energies) of Kṛṣṇa 47, 66; acintya-bhedābheda relationship with Bhagavān 34; acintya śakti/inconceivable power of transmundane mesocosmic forms 76–77, 96, 140, 270, 300; and āveśa-avatāras 67, 68, 70; and āveśa līlā-avatāras 64; bhakti-�
�akti 67; bhūdhāraṇa-śakti 337–338n123; cit-śakti 290; divine bodies ranked according to degree of śakti 68; eight gopīs as eight śaktis 378n140; fifty-one śaktis 288, 291, 390n65; gopīs as śaktis 72, 378n140; hlādinī-śakti 33, 34, 35, 72, 73, 88, 90, 256, 266, 392n10; as innumerable 32, 33, 43, 62; jīva-śakti 33, 35, 67, 85, 181, 299; jñāna-śakti 67; Kṛṣṇa as śaktimat 33–34, 43, 72, 180; Lakṣmī as śakti 288; lakṣmīs as śaktis 72; līlā-śakti 266; mahiṣīs as śaktis 72; and Mathurā-maṇḍala 239, 240; māyā-śakti 33, 35, 47, 48, 49, 57, 67, 71, 85, 94, 99, 106, 143–144, 181, 254, 298, 299, 301, 304, 309, 314, 315; and nāmans/divine names 176, 177, 178–179, 180, 183; pālana-śakti 67; and parāvastha līlā-avatāras 62; and prābhava līlā-avatāras 62, 63; Rādhā as mahā-śakti 72–73; Rādhā as pūrṇa śakti of the śaktimat 72, 180; Rukmiṇī as śakti 253; sages’ divine vision invested with śakti 38–39; saṃdhinī-śakti 33; saṃvit-śakti 33; self-manifesting śakti 36–37; and svāṃśa avatāras 55, 68; svarūpa-śakti 33, 34, 35, 48, 67, 72, 85, 88, 99, 152, 180, 181, 182, 183, 186, 255–256, 261, 265, 297, 301, 310; svasevana-śakti 337n123; three principal types of śakti 33–35; and vaibhava līlā-avatāras 62, 63; and vilāsas 54, 55, 68; vīrya-śakti 67

  Salomon, Richard 350n80

  samādhi (enstatic experience of absorption in the Self) 14, 39, 89–90, 100, 106, 128, 138, 151–152, 157, 210, 264, 265, 267, 270, 271, 273, 274, 279, 280, 282, 284, 292, 302, 305

  sāmans (chants) 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 128, 148, 159, 160–161, 163, 164, 347n27, 358n250, 363n36; see also Sāma-Veda

  Sāma-Veda 110, 114, 115, 117–118, 121, 122, 143–144, 145–146, 149, 150, 160–161, 164–165, 168; see also sāmans

  Śaṃkara 14–15, 40–43, 105, 142, 143, 144, 146–147, 152, 160, 332n30, 332n37, 332n40, 344n77, 357n227

  Saṃkarṣaṇa: as first puruṣa-avatāra, Kāraṇābdhiśāyin Viṣṇu 53fig2, 56–58, 74–75, 335n85; as Kṛṣṇa’s brother, Balarāma 54, 253; as one of ādi-catur-vyūhas 54, 74, 253, 260, 297; as one of catur-vyūhas/four vyūhas 46, 54, 56, 73–75, 225, 227, 253, 260, 283, 297, 307; as prābhava-vilāsa 52fig2, 54, 74, 297; as vaibhava-vilāsa 52fig2, 54, 56, 74

  Sāṃkhya 12, 13, 14, 15, 40, 43, 44, 63, 324n53

  saṃnyāsins (renunciants) 41–42, 105, 325n63, 332n37, 332n43, 368n122; see also renunciants; renunciation

  saṃsāra (cycle of birth and death) 13, 15, 33, 92, 104, 105, 106, 131, 138, 170, 173, 177, 183, 184, 186, 187, 212, 238, 240, 312, 315, 368n131

  saṃskāras (residual karmic impressions) 14, 94, 95, 105, 154, 183, 184, 312

  Sanātana Gosvāmin 26–27, 28, 140–141, 233, 234–235, 248, 329n92, 329n96, 366n77, 390–391n74

  śānta-rasa (tranquil rasa; meditative form of bhakti) 86, 89–91, 100, 277, 279, 304, 305, 343n66

  Sarasvatī 125, 288

  sarga (primary creation) 50, 56, 57, 60, 69, 70, 71, 75, 116, 119, 298, 299, 336n87

  Sārvabhauma: as manvantara-avatāra 53fig2, 65

  Sarva-Saṃvādinī (Jīva Gosvāmin) 141, 142–143, 145, 337n117, 357n230, 358n247, 366n85

  śāstras (scriptures) 26–27, 29, 33, 36, 39, 40, 44, 63, 72, 76, 77, 96, 109–110, 111, 112, 118, 121–122, 128, 132, 134, 135–136, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144–145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152–153, 154, 155, 156, 178–179, 180, 187, 219, 230, 252, 257, 270, 283, 299, 330nn4–5, 356n219; see also Āraṇyakas; Brāhmaṇas; brahmanical canon; Dharma-Śāstras; Itihāsas; Purāṇas; smṛti; śruti; Upaniṣads; Veda(s); Vedic Saṃhitās

  Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa 358n250, 363n33, 364n39

  sat-cit-ānanda (being, consciousness, and bliss) 36, 38, 39–40, 47, 50, 67, 68, 77, 97, 105, 180, 181, 186–187, 196, 252, 257, 258, 261, 265, 276, 281, 297, 301, 310, 311, 314, 330n10, 331n17; see also ānanda

  sattva (purity) 58, 59, 125, 168, 265

  sāttvika-bhāvas (involuntary bodily manifestations of emotional states) 87, 88, 91, 93, 103, 188, 197, 232, 303, 341n27, 341n34, 344nn73–74, 368n135, 371n171, 379n160

  Sātvata Tantra 56

  Satya or Kṛta Yuga 50, 61, 65, 66, 116, 171, 190

  Satyasena: as manvantara-avatāra 53fig2, 65

  Saura Purāṇa 238–239

  Sawai, Yoshitsugu 344n77

  Sax, William S. 319n2

  Sāyaṇa 357n227

  Scheper-Hughes, Nancy 321nn22–23, 322n27

  Schipper, Kristofer 323n35

  Schrag, Calvin O. 321n20

  Schweig, Graham M. 328n87, 330n9, 339n8, 340–341n23, 373n58

  Scott, Sue 321n23

  Śeṣa or Ananta: as āveśa-avatāra 337–338n123; invested with bhūdhāraṇa-śakti 337–338n123; invested with svasevana-śakti 337–338n123; and second puruṣa-avatāra, Garbhodakaśāyin Viṣṇu 58, 337–338n123; and third puruṣa-avatāra, Kṣīrodakaśāyin Viṣṇu 337–338n123

  Shaner, David Edward 323n35

  Sharma, Krishna 325n67, 354n168, 354n171

  Sheridan, Daniel P. 41, 332n30

  Shildrick, Margrit 322n28

  Shilling, Chris 321n23

  Shuttleworth, Sally 322n32

  siddha-deha: see siddha-rūpa

  siddha-rūpa (perfected body) 343n62; as aṃśa of effulgence of Kṛṣṇa 99, 285, 293, 314; consists of ānanda/bliss 15, 85, 97–98, 99, 106, 188, 301, 303, 314; consists of cit/consciousness and ānanda/bliss 97–98, 99, 301, 314; as eternal 15, 20, 85, 94, 97–98, 99, 101, 106–107, 188, 285, 301, 303, 305–306, 313, 314–315; as eternally gendered 99, 101–102, 314, 315–316; as gopī 100, 101–102, 316; and guru 99, 100; and līlā-smaraṇa/contemplative recollection 94, 98, 99, 100–101, 285; and meditation 29, 85, 94, 98–99, 100–101, 102, 106, 188, 267, 272, 277, 278, 280–281, 285, 301, 302–303, 313; as meditative body 98, 99, 100–101, 102, 278, 285, 302–303; as nonmaterial 15, 20, 29, 85, 94, 97–98, 99, 101, 104, 106–107, 188, 267, 272, 280–281, 285, 290, 293, 301, 303, 305–306, 313, 314–315, 316; as particular or unique 15, 99, 100, 104, 106–107, 301, 305–306, 313, 314; as perfected devotional body 20, 29, 85, 94, 97–98, 106, 188, 267, 272, 280–281, 285, 293, 301, 303, 313, 314; and rāgānugā-bhakti 85, 94, 97–99, 100–101, 106, 188, 267, 272, 277, 278, 285, 301, 302, 313; and sādhana-bhakti 20, 29, 85, 94, 106, 188, 267, 277, 300–301, 304, 313; term 98, 104, 278; two aspects of 285; and vigraha/absolute body 29, 97–98, 99, 267, 272, 280–281, 293, 314, 315

  siddhis (psychophysical powers) 14, 105

  Simpson, J. H. 323n37

  Śiśupāla 61–62

  Śiva 127, 192, 203; body of 19, 114; as Brahman 113, 114, 125, 347n35; as destroyer 58–59, 69, 298; and divinized tantric body 19; as five-headed 59; as guṇa-avatāra 53fig2, 58–59, 69, 298, 306; Kailāsa as abode of 137; and Kṛṣṇa 69, 125, 242, 306; as member of trimūrti 58, 125; as object of bhakti/devotion 20, 21, 113; as Paramaśiva 19; and Pārvatī 216; and Śabdabrahman 114; and Sanskrit varṇas 114; and second puruṣa-avatāra, Garbhodakaśāyin Viṣṇu 58, 59, 298, 306; as supreme Godhead 113, 125; and tamas 58, 59, 125; as ultimate reality 19, 125; and Veda(s) 114, 126, 347n35; and Viṣṇu 125; and Vraja or Vṛndāvana 242

  Śiva Purāṇa 114, 119, 121, 122, 125, 148

  Skanda Purāṇa 119, 121, 122, 125, 145, 146, 147, 151, 210, 237, 240, 244, 350n85, 350n89, 374n69

  smaraṇa (remembering; contemplative recollection) 62, 96, 97, 99–101, 157, 170, 171, 176, 188, 189, 267, 269, 271, 272, 277, 278–280, 285, 302, 303, 313, 343n66, 361–362n335, 365n57, 388n23; see also līlā-smaraṇa

  Smith, Brian K. 319n1, 346n17, 363n29, 364n37

  Smith, Frederick M. 126, 324n47, 328n87, 349n63, 351n117, 352n120

  Smith, H. Daniel 377nn107–108, 389n57

  smṛti (“that which was remembered”; designation for certain authoritative brahmanical texts) 23, 40, 109, 110–112, 113, 117, 118, 120, 124, 127, 128, 132, 135, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 149, 150, 152, 160, 178, 271, 277, 278, 286, 343n64, 345nn8–9, 345–346n14

  social bodies 8, 9, 11, 15–19, 28, 30, 184–185, 188, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 303, 325n61

  Soma 163, 171, 352

  Sommer, Benjamin D. 322n35, 324n44

  space: and divine bodies or forms of Kṛṣṇa 48–49, 54–55, 70–71, 219, 225–226, 240–241, 296–299; element of space 49, 161–162, 286; maṇḍalization of space 212–213, 219–220, 240–241, 296, 374n78; material space-time continuum 48, 49, 55, 70–71, 200, 229, 250, 255, 296, 310, 315; mythic space 200, 201, 210, 216, 228; religiocultural spaces xv, 319n3, 371n2; sacred space xiii, xiv, xv, 21–23, 96, 199, 250, 298, 374n78; symbolic space 200; transcendent space 48, 78, 199, 200, 216, 228–229, 238, 244–245, 246, 250, 296, 319n3; transmundane space 213, 240–241; and vaibhava-vilāsas 54–55, 71; and vyūhas 54–55, 225; see also cardinal directions

  sparśana (touching) 96, 97, 196, 238–239, 269, 301

  śravaṇa (hearing) 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 131, 136, 137–138, 153, 154–156, 157, 170, 171, 173, 176, 188, 195, 269, 272, 300, 301, 341n37, 353n57, 360n309, 361n318, 361n328, 365n57

  Śrīdhara: as vaibhava-vilāsa 52fig2, 335n77, 390n64

  Śrīdhara Svāmin 41–42, 168, 332n30, 332n39

  Śrī Nāthajī: mūrti/image of 4, 320n11

  Śrīraṅgam temple 27, 74, 234

  Śrīvaiṣṇava Sampradāya xvi, 26, 27, 29, 73–76, 79, 81, 191, 216, 217–218, 234, 306, 307, 326n75, 333n51, 338n132, 338n135, 376n98

  Śrīvana: see Bilvavana or Śrīvana

  Śrīvāsa Paṇḍita 192, 194

  Śṛṅgāra-Prakāśa (Bhoja) 87

  śruti (“that which was heard”; designation for Vedas) 39, 109, 110–112, 113, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 127–128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 139, 141, 142, 144, 145–146, 149, 150–152, 153, 162, 169, 178, 179, 204, 253, 271, 283, 286, 345nn8–10, 345–346n14; see also Veda(s)

  St. Ville, Susan M. 323n41

  Staal, Frits 324n51, 362n4

  Stewart, Tony K. 329n103, 333n52, 338n130, 356n217, 370n156

  Stock, Brian 344n5

  Strathern, Andrew J. 321nn22–23

  Strong, John S. 324n48

  Subbu Reddiar, N. 346n18

  subtle body 12–13

  subtle physiology 13, 19, 287, 290; see also cakras; kuṇḍalinī; nāḍīs


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