Fenn Masterson's Discovery; or, The Darewell Chums on a Cruise

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Fenn Masterson's Discovery; or, The Darewell Chums on a Cruise Page 12

by Lillian Elizabeth Roy



  "Hark!" exclaimed Bart. "What's that sound?"

  "The pumps!" replied Fenn. "They've started 'em. It must be a bad leak.We'd better get life preservers."

  "Don't get excited," counseled Frank coolly. "Wait until you see how badit is. These steamers are all built with water-tight compartments, andit would take quite a hole to make one of them sink. The starting of afew plates wouldn't do it."

  His words calmed his chums, and, when Captain Wiggs came on deck, a fewminutes later, he announced that the leak was not a serious one, thoughit would be necessary to go ashore to make repairs.

  It was found, on docking the _Modoc_ that the repairs would take about aweek, and this period the boys spent in making excursions on shore, inthe vicinity of the town. They had a good time, and the delay did notseem very long because of the many interesting sights.

  They visited a large saw mill where the logs, that had been brought downthe lake in big rafts, were cut up into lumber, and the foreman of theplant showed them the various processes through which the tree trunkswent before they were turned out in the shape of boards, planks ortimbers.

  "Well, we'll start in the morning, boys," announced Captain Wiggs onenight. "The _Modoc_ is in good shape again, and we'll have to make goodtime from now on, because of our delays."

  Early the next morning the vessel was under way again. Out on Lake Huronit steamed, plowing through the blue waters, under a sunny sky, while agentle breeze stirred up little waves.

  "Why don't you boys do some fishing?" asked Captain Wiggs, as he noticedthe four chums sitting near the after rail, talking among themselves.

  "We didn't know we could catch anything here," replied Ned.

  "I don't either," was the captain's answer, "but you can't tell untilyou try. There is plenty of tackle aboard, and you might land somethingnice. There are fish in the lake--plenty of 'em. The thing to do is tocatch 'em."

  The boys needed no other invitation, and soon they had lines trailingover the stern of the ship, far enough away from the screw to avoidgetting tangled in the blades. Mr. Ackerman, the sick passenger, whohas improved considerably, also took a line, and joined the boys.

  "Let's see who gets the biggest fish," proposed Ned.

  "Let's see who gets the first one," supplemented Bart. "That's the besttest."

  It did not look as if luck was going to be very good, for the lines hadbeen over half an hour, and no one had had so much as a nibble.

  "This is getting tiresome," spoke Ned, as he assumed a more comfortableposition in his chair. Then he tied his line to his wrist, propped hisfeet up on the rail, and lounged back.

  "Well, if that isn't a lazy way of fishing!" exclaimed Frank. "Why don'tyou sit up?"

  "I will when I get a bite," replied Ned.

  They resumed their waiting, with that patience which is, or ought to be,part of every angler's outfit. Suddenly Frank nudged Bart and pointed toNed. The latter had fallen asleep in his chair.

  "Let's play a joke on him," proposed Fenn in a whisper. "I'll tie himfast in his chair."

  "No, let's pull up his line and fasten an old shoe, or something likethat to it," proposed Frank. "He'll think he has a big bite."

  They started to put this plan into operation, when, as they were aboutto pull up Ned's line, they saw it suddenly straighten out.

  "He's got a bite!" exclaimed Fenn.

  "Yes, and a whopper, too," added Frank.

  "Look at it!" cried Bart, as some big fish, at the stern of the boat,leaped out of the water and fell back with a splash.

  Then the line about Ned's wrist tightened. He felt the pull andawakened.

  "I've got him!" he cried. "I've got the biggest one!"

  The next moment he went sprawling from his chair, while his arm wasstraightened out in front of him, for the strong line, to which a bigfish was attached, was fairly pulling him along.

  "Look out! He'll go overboard!" cried Mr. Ackerman.

  Bart made one leap, and grabbed Ned around the waist. This saved theluckless youth from being pulled over the rail, but it did not releasehim from his predicament.

  "Oh! Ouch!" cried Ned. "It's pulling my arm off!"

  Indeed this seemed likely to happen, for the line was very strong, andthe lad had tied it securely about his wrist. It could not slip over hishand, and the fish on the other end was tugging away for dear life.Doubtless it would have been glad enough to escape, but it was fairlycaught, for as they afterward found, it had swallowed Ned's bait, hookand all.

  "Let go!" yelled Ned to Bart, who was clinging to his waist.

  "If I do you'll go overboard!" replied Bart. He felt his chum slippingfrom his grasp. "Give me a hand here!" Bart called to Fenn and Frank.

  They jumped to his aid, while Mr. Ackerman, in an excess of nervousfright, ran up and down the deck shouting:

  "Captain! Captain Wiggs! Stop the ship! A shark has got hold of one ofthe boys!"

  "What's that? What's the trouble?" asked the commander, hurrying up fromthe cabin.

  "A shark has got Ned!" repeated the invalid.

  "Shark? In Lake Huron?" replied the commander. "You're crazy!"

  "Guess it must be a whale, by the way it pulls," said Bart.

  "It's one of the big lake fish!" exclaimed the captain. "They're asstrong as a pony. Wait, I'll cut the line!"

  "No, don't!" begged Ned, who, now that his three chums had hold of him,was in no danger of going overboard, though the thin, but tough cord,was cutting deep into his wrist, where he had foolishly tied it.

  "Here, lend a hand!" called Captain Wiggs to a sailor who was passing.The man grabbed the line with both hands and soon was able, with thehelp which Frank and Fenn gave him, to haul in the fish. It seemed as ifthey really had a shark on the end of the line, but, when the finnyspecimen was gotten on deck, it was seen that it was not as large as theboys had imagined.

  "Who would have thought it was so strong?" asked Ned, rubbing his chafedwrist.

  "The speed of the boat had something to do with it," said the captain."You were pulling on the fish broadside I guess, but it is a very strongspecies even at that. They're not often caught on a hand line."

  "Are they good to eat?" asked Ned, wishing to derive some benefit fromhis experience.

  "Some folks like 'em, but they're a little too strong for me," answeredthe captain. "However, I think the crew will be glad to get it?" and helooked questioningly at the sailor who had helped land the prize.

  "Yes, sir," replied the man, touching his cap. He took the fish to thegalley, where the cook prepared it for the men's dinner. The boys tastedit, but did not care for the flavor.

  "Aren't you going to fish any more?" asked the captain, as he saw Nedcoiling up his line, after the fish had been taken away.

  "That's enough for one day," was the boy's reply. "The other fellowscan, if they like. My wrist is too sore."

  "Lucky you didn't tie the line to your toe," said Frank.


  "Because you'd probably be walking lame now, if you had. As it is youcan't sign any checks for a while, I s'pose."

  "Oh, you and your checks!" exclaimed Ned, in no mood to have fun pokedat him.

  "Moral! Don't go to sleep while you're fishing," said Bart.

  "Well, I did better than you fellows did. You didn't get anything,"retorted the fisherman.


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