Alien Commander’s Reluctant Bride

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Alien Commander’s Reluctant Bride Page 14

by Wells, Juno

  To be honest, he seems just as eager to explore my girly bits, first by sliding his fingers through my folds, then testing every square inch with his tongue. I wrap a hand around each horn and do a little exploring of my own. His big body jerks beneath me, and he begins tonguing me frantically. Ah, I’ve found his sweet spot. I tenderly run my hands up and down the length of his horns, they pull forward slightly and seem to vibrate against my palms. He moves his head to get a harder rub. I’m beginning to get overwhelmed with all the different sensations and jolts of pleasure.

  When the talented man’s tongue finds my clit, it’s game over. I’m strung so tight that I come the minute he begins sucking on it. He cradles my thighs in his arms and just strings my orgasm out for what seems like forever. When I fall against the bed, limp and sweaty, he glances up at me with an expression of pure male pride on his face. “You are easy to please, female.”

  I gasp, and prop myself up on my elbows to look down at him. The hot alien just called me female instead of queen. He’s accepting that there is some equality between us, and it’s based on me being his woman. The feminist in me objects to being called female, like I’m just some nameless, faceless vagina. Unfortunately, the woman in me just body-slammed her and claimed victory.

  “I’ll give you that one, big guy. Now, get up here, and let’s get to the good part.” As I back up onto the bed, he moves in tandem with me with a sensual grace that I didn’t know he had. The look on his face is fierce hunger. I reach out to stroke his cock and feel interesting ridges and rings under his flesh. I don’t know for sure, but that feeds my kinky side. It’s a side that I never knew I had until now.

  He hisses with pleasure at my touch. When he awkwardly comes down on top me, I realize this must not be a preferred position for his kind. They’re supposed to be submissive, so that makes sense. I spread my legs further apart and pull him gently down, positioning him where I want him to be.

  His cock is already slick with pre-cum and he’s actually dripping a bit. I love everything about this situation. I’m thrilled that he’s a mess for me. It means he’s excited and desperate to fuck from exploring by body and tasting me. His response to giving me oral sex is he’s so excited that he’s can barely hold back.

  “Lay still, my female. I do not wish to injure you when I enter your body.”

  Running my hands over his muscular chest, I murmur, “Just go slow, and once I get used to you being inside me, you can move as fast as you want.”

  That statement earns me a sexy smile. He bullies himself in using a breathtaking series of short, sharp thrusts. Each one is measured and precise. Like most everything in his life, he does sex in a particular way, with utmost care and my safety in mind. The problem is, I don’t want that. I want him wild with need and slightly out of control.

  Allowing my hands to roam over his body, I look for more sensitive spots. I find one under his wing base, at the small of his back. When I touch him there, it causes him to thrust up sharply. His head snaps down to look into my eyes. His expression is hot but curious. When I use both hands to gently massage his wing base, he loses it a bit. Before long, he’s thrusting into me hard and fast, and it feels absolutely amazing. I feel like I’m building to another amazing orgasm, but one of his hands drifts down, and his thumb hooks over my clit. By the time I figure out what he’s doing, he’s in control again.

  Moments later, I’m locked down around him so tight that I don’t think he could pull out if he wanted to. I’m coming so hard it feels like the top of my head is coming off. Suddenly, I’m being lifted from the bed. The moment my vaginal walls relax, Tabor is begins thrusting into me again. At some point, I realize that he’s flapping his wings and this space has just enough room for him to lift me off the ground. The sensation of being fucked senseless by a hot warrior in mid-air after having two mind-blowing orgasms is nothing short of surreal.

  His teeth clamp down on my neck where it meets the shoulder and his entire body convulses as he empties into me. It causes me to tip over into another orgasm as well. I didn’t see that one coming. It kind of snuck up on me out of nowhere.

  As his wings slow down and we float back down to the bed, I feel so profoundly connected to this man. This isn’t just sex or joining, it’s mating. No, the experience feels more like some primitive form of breeding. It’s the combination of his unique musk, being so totally dominated and bitten as we both come again that makes it seem like more than just sex.

  I’m glad he doesn’t pull out when we hit the bed. Instead he rolls us until I am on top. Oh, he’s good. Putting me on top is his smooth nonverbal way of putting me back in charge. I bring my hands up to cup his face, and we look into each other’s eyes. “Hey there, handsome. If I get to decide when you pull out, it’ll probably be never.”

  His hands come up to cover mine and he seems totally contented. “I would live the rest of my entire life nestled snugly in your beautiful cunt.”

  I’m shocked at his language again. “Babe, I know that word probably came up in your translation program, but we don’t use it to refer to girl parts. You’re going to have to pick another word from the selected list.”

  “I beg your pardon.” I can tell that some small part of him enjoyed shocking me with a naughty word. It’s cute, but if that word comes out of his mouth again, we’re gonna rumble.

  “You can always make up your own word for my girlie bits.”

  “We will call them queenly treasures because I do not approve of the term you use either. It implies I am touching a child.”

  Well, tonight is just turning out to be shock, shock, and more shock. This time there is no amusement in his voice, and it alerts me that my term is a hard no for him. “Queenly treasures it is, my love.”

  Her jerks slightly and pulls me face closer. “You have love for me?”

  “I’ve never come right out and said it, but I love you very much.”

  “This is the strongest bond that humans are capable of forming, is it not?”

  I nod slightly. It’s hard because he’s grasping my face pretty tight. It’s not painfully tight but it does make moving problematic.

  “This is also the way I feel about you. We do not have a word for the bond between a warrior and a queen for obvious reasons. Even a queen choosing a warrior as her Takadon did not come close to love as you know it. Takadon means he distinguished himself above her other breeders. The only word that resembles love as humans use the word is tankea. Tankea is the bond between a parent and child or between siblings and is considered sacred among our kind. I will now include you in the small group of people I tankea, my sweet female.”

  “You keep amazing me with the way you think, and how open you are about sharing yourself with me. When you talk to me about things like this, it helps me know you better, and that’s the most important thing in my life right now.”

  “I value being close to you above all things now, as well, my tankea.”

  We snuggle up for hours, talking and making love all over again. Each time is better than the last. No one disturbs us for days. We order food from the dining hall, and it arrives by drone instead of by person. It takes me a minute to realize that it’s because no one wants to smell Tabor’s mating scent, nor do they want other women to be lured in by his scent. I laugh all the way through dinner over that.

  19 Finding A Way Through


  Kearney and I spend so many days that I lose count sequestered together in our quarters. We are making up for all the times when we were forced to forgo mating in favor of seeing to the needs of others. I do not know or much care what is going on outside our room. At some point the food becomes similar to what we ate on Earth. Sometime later we become aware that the ship is moving. My feeling of danger has been replaced with feelings of love and lust for my female. I have a female. To have been chosen and bred is the most fulfilling feeling a male can experience. To be selected by a soft human queen who allows a warrior to have his sexy way with her would hav
e been impossible for me to imagine before experiencing it.

  I now know why my brethren are so emotionally attached to their human mates. Human queens are as fascinated with us as we are with them. They attach to us and rely upon us for emotional support as well as protection.

  Draconian queens use us for their pleasure and to breed, caring nothing for us as males. I’ve seen warriors so damaged after being bred by a Draconian queen that they required medical treatment. They use their claws and teeth on a male during mating and we never expect pleasure at their hands.

  Even though I know it is the mind-controlling symbiont inside them that relishes inflicting pain, I much prefer my delicate soft human to the queens of old. She is all I need to find peace and happiness. I will show my gratitude to Elder Scarn and Darg for taking over my duties during my time of breeding.

  I know that I am now with young. My side is swelling, my mating scent has faded, and my body temperature has shot up. Everything is as it should be. Even now my gentle queen is running her fingers over the slight bulge in my side. Two small bumps have risen. Since I was not bred to be a breeder, my offering of two will have to do. Before we can discuss what those bumps mean, we are interrupted by the ship shifting under our feet. I roll to my feet and grab my uniform. We are under attack. Though it will take much to penetrate our shields, I must make my way to the bridge. Kearney follows me to snatch on a clean uniform. “What do you think is going on?”

  “I believe the Strovian is attacking us. We both know that he covets our queens.”

  “Their ship is huge. How are we going to stay out of their clutches.”

  We bolt down the corridor to the bridge. “Big ships are difficult to maneuver. I scanned his ship for weapons already and found we are equally matched.”

  When we rush onto the bridge, Scarn looks relieved but several other males twitch their noses. If I weren’t focused on dealing with the interloper, I would be pleased to know they are offended by my now-fading mating scent.

  “We are under attack by a Moltan vessel, commander. They have not made demands or asked us to surrender.”

  “I assume our shields are on maximum.”

  “Yes, commander, we’ve had them up since they first came into range and refused to identify themselves.”

  My queen slips into the seat beside me. “They’re after our women. The Moltan were the ones experimenting with the symbionts. I think they may want test subjects. Since the symbionts only attach to females, we present a good target.”

  “Send out a general distress call. I want every ship in the area to know we are under attack by the Moltan.”

  “Already done, commander. That was one of the first things we did after raising the shields.”

  “The only ship to respond to our hail was Artor’s, and he’s on his way. We detected communication between Artor’s vessel and the Moltan ship.”

  My queen sounds off her discontentment about that piece of information. “Why the hell are the Moltan talking to the Strovians but not us? That’s kind of weird, considering they’re attacking us and all.”

  I wrap my wing around her and give her my opinion. “One volley of cannon fire can hardly be called an attack. It was more like an attempt to engage us to give Artor time to join the fight. Together they could take us down and divide the queens.”

  “Then again they might screw up and blow us all up. They could also end up in a fight with each other after we’re out of the game, where winner takes all. We need to get the hell out of this right now.”

  I rub my chin, considering our options. “I believe we should make an attempt to outrun the Moltan ship. If we can lose them, we will still have to face off with the Strovian vessel. However, we know how to best defeat Artor, and if we can claim a quick victory, then we can use his ship to fold space-time and easily get away from the Moltan vessel. We have successfully defeated the Moltan once before, but we have no time to fabricate liquid bombs and it is likely they will have evolved a strategy to counteract such measures.”

  “Agreed. Get us out of here, my takadon.”

  My new mate’s trust in my judgement is humbling. I quickly look for options that might enable us to get away. “Are there any places for us to travel that would be difficult for the Moltan to track us?”

  Drag’s hands fly over his console, expertly adjusting his scanners. It takes a micron for him to look at his readings. In the meantime, the Moltan ship sends another lazy volley of shots towards our ship. “I may have something, commander. About three parsecs from our current location is a spectral event horizon. If we are careful and use filters on our external sensors, we might be able to navigate the anomaly and exit on the other side. I doubt any ship would follow.”

  Elder Scarn warns, “The Strovian vessel will know our strategy and simply fold space time and land on top of us.”

  My queen makes the final decision. “Do it, this is our best of some risky moves.”

  Darg reaches across his console and lays in a course for the event horizon. Pale gray filters drop into place over our sensors and we’re suddenly in a world without color when looking outside the ship. It makes everything look dreary and strange to my eyes.

  “I believe the Moltan vessel will throw everything they have at us once we begin moving away. They will want to keep us in place. Scarn, adjust our shields manually to concentrate our shielding to maximum capacity as we pass them and then put eighty percent of the shielding in the back. I don’t want them getting through to our engines when firing from behind us.”

  “Yes, commander.”

  “What do you think our chances are, my takadon?”

  “Every warrior here will fight to death to protect you and the other queens.”

  “That doesn’t exactly answer my question, does it?”

  “We will be victorious, because any other outcome is unacceptable.”

  “That’s what I want to hear.” She settles back against my side, and my chest aches at the thought of her losing her life because I could not protect her. Turning my attention back to the fight, our ship jolts over and over again as we move forward. We pick up speed and hit the event horizon at full force. Though our ship skids sideways, we remain intact and the Moltan ship remains in place outside the anomaly.

  “I’m reorienting the ship to adjust for the push of the refracted light. Once I find the correct orientation, we should move through the anomaly more smoothly.”

  “You are doing a good job, Drag. Take your time. We gain nothing by rushing.”

  “Understood, commander.” Some tension ebbs from his body as he works.

  “Breaking free of the Moltan is but the first of many victories in this battle.”

  “I like where your head is, takadon.”

  I’m busy planning the next step in my strategy to defeat our enemies. “How long until we navigate through the anomaly?”

  Drag whips his head around to reply. “At least three hours.”

  “I fear the Strovian ship will stop and allow the Moltan vessel to join in their energy field, enabling them both to transport to our location. Elder Scarn, I wish to devise the liquid bombs we used against the Moltan before. Though we may not have the same chemicals on board our vessel, I wish you to improvise.”

  “We have no way to transport the bombs aboard their vessels, commander.”

  “I am working on a plan for that as well. Please select warriors of worth, and work as quickly as possible. We will stay inside the anomaly until you have completed the incendiary devices. Remember to use the two-step process that was successful before. Perhaps if we are clever in our delivery, they might be caught unawares. If not, then we can at least stop the Strovian vessel with it.”

  My female’s voice sounds off softly beside me, and I realize that I can think more clearly when she is near.

  “You’re really thinking of this from all angles, aren’t you?” She’s impressed by my intellect. Warriors are thought of as unintelligent and in need of queens to do their thi
nking. It angers me to find that much of what we have been taught is false.

  “I was Meric’s second for many years and have much experience in battle, my queen. I will not fail you.”

  “You don’t need to waste a bunch of time reassuring me. I know you won’t let me down.”

  “We need a clever ploy to get our incendiary devices aboard their ships without them realizing the danger. We will take out their weapons, then their engines.”

  “We could offer then the one thing they desire most.”

  “Never would I sacrifice a queen’s life, even to save other queens.”

  “You wouldn’t necessarily be sacrificing her, just putting her into an undesirable mating situation with the Strovians. Still, I was thinking something more along the lines of making a clone or creating an artificial bio sign that would trick their scanners into thinking a woman is in the pod.”

  I respond thoughtfully. “That’s a good idea but there’s no guarantee the weapons system will be close to their loading bay.”

  “If we figure that out, we could create a rocket that could penetrate their interior doors. We could aim it in the direction of their weapons and hope for the best.”

  An idea drops into my brain out of nowhere. “What if we used your idea of pods with human bio signatures, but hid tiny bots programmed to seek out and destroy their main power source?”

  “I can think of about a hundred ways that could go wrong, but it’s the best idea I’ve heard so far. I mean we’ve used bots on Earth for ages. We had ones to vacuum the floor before the turn of the century. Now they clean streets, windows, and even perform minor repairs. Phan injected tiny ones into your body to mend your artery back together. This might just be the answer we’re looking for.”


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