Altsheler, Joseph - [Novel 09]

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Altsheler, Joseph - [Novel 09] Page 18

by In Hostile Red (lit)

  We were almost upon him, but on the instant I knew Belfort, and he knew me. 15 225

  In Hostile Red

  " Out of the way ! " I cried. " On your life, out of the way ! "

  " You traitor ! You damned traitor ! " he shouted, and rode directly at me.

  He made a furious sweep at my head with his sabre, but I bent low, and the blade circled over me, whistling as it passed. The next moment, with full weight and at full speed, my horse struck his, and Belfort's went down, the shriek from the man and the terrified neigh from the horse, mingling as they fell.

  With a snort of triumph, my horse leaped clear of the fallen and struggling mass, and then we were out of the forest, Mary Desmond still riding by my side, her head bent over her horse's neck as if she were straining her eyes for a sight of the patriots who were still two miles and more away.

  " You do not ask me who it was," I said.

  " I know," she replied ; " and I heard also what he called you."

  "Tis true, he called me that," I replied. "But he is in the dust now, and I still ride 1 "

  We heard musket-shots behind us, and a bullet whizzed uncomfortably near. So Belfort had not been alone. In the shock of our rapid collision I had not had the time to see; but these shots ad- mitted of no doubt.

  " We will be pursued," I said.

  " Then the greater the need of haste," she replied. '* We cannot spare our horses now. There is a straight road before us."

  No more shots were fired at us just then. Our pursuers must have emptied their muskets; but the

  A Ride for the Cause

  clatter of the horses' hoofs told us that they were hot on the chase. Our own horses were not fresh, but they were of high mettle, and responded nobly to our renewed calls upon them. Once I took an anxious look behind me, and saw that our pursuers numbered a dozen or so. They were riding hard, belaboring their mounts, with hands and feet, and I rejoiced at the sight, for I knew the great rush at the start would tell quickly upon them.

  " Will they overtake us ? " asked Mary Desmond.

  " It i.s a matter of luck and speed," I replied, " and I will answer your question in a quarter of ,an hour. But remember that, come what may, I keep my word to you. I am your servant to- night."

  " Even if your self-sought slavery takes you into the American lines ? " she asked.

  " Even so," I replied. " I told you my mission, though you seemed to believe it not."

  With tills the time for conversation passed, and I put my whole attention upon our flight. My loaded pistol was still in my belt, and if our pursuers came too near, a bullet whistling among them might retard their speed. But I held that for the last resort.

  So far as I could see, the men were making no attempt to reload their muskets, evidently expecting to overtake us without the aid of bullets. I inferred from this circumstance that Belfort, whom I had disabled, had been the only officer among them. Otherwise they would have taken better measures to stop us. Nevertheless they pursued with patience

  In Hostile Red

  and seemingly without fear. By and by they fell to shouting. They called upon us to stop and yield ourselves prisoners. Then I heard one of them say very distinctly that he did not want to shoot a woman. Mary Desmond heard it too, for she said,

  " I ask no favor because I am a woman. If they should shoot me, ride on with my message."

  I did not think it wise to reply to this, but spoke encouragingly to her horse. He was panting again, and his stride was shortening, but his courage was still high. He was a good horse and true, and de- served to bear so noble a burden.

  Presently the girl's head fell lower upon the horse's neck, and I called hastily to her, for I feared that she was fainting.

  " 'T was only a passing weakness," she said, rais* ing her head again. " I have ridden far to-night ; but I can ride farther."

  The road again led through woods, and for a moment T thought of turning aside into the forest ; but reflection showed me that in all likelihood we wo uld become entangled among the trees, and then our capture would be easy. So we galloped straight ahead, and soon passed the strip of wood, which was but narrow. Then I looked back again, and saw that our pursuers had gained. They were within easy musket-range now, and one of the men, who had shown more forethought than the others and reloaded his piece, fired at us. But the bullet touched neither horse nor rider, and I laughed at the wildness of his aim. A little farther on a sec- 228

  A Ride for the Cause

  ond shot was fired at us, but, like the other, it failed of its mission.

  Now I noted that the road was beginning to as- cend slightly and that farther on rose greater heights. This was matter of discouragement ; but Miss Des- mond said briefly that beyond the hill-top the Ameri- can encampment lay. If we could keep our distance but a little while now, her message would be deliv- ered. Even in the hurry of our flight I rejoiced that the sound of no fire-arms save those of our pursuers had yet been heard, which was proof that the attack upon the Americans had not yet been made.

  The road curved a little now and became much steeper. Our pursuers set up a cry of triumph. They were near enough now for us to hear them en- couraging each other, I could measure the distance very well, and I saw that they were gaining faster than before. The crest of the hill was still far ahead. These men must be reminded not to come too near, and I drew my pistol from my belt

  As the men came into better view around the curve, I fired at the leader. It chanced that my bullet missed him, but, what was a better thing for us, struck his horse full in the head and killed him. The stricken animal plunged forward, throwing his rider over his head. Two or three other horsemen stumbled against him, and the entire troop was thrown into confusion. I struck Miss Desmond's horse across the flank with my empty pistol, and then treat -d my own in like fashion. If we were wise, we would profit by the momentary check of our enemies, and I wished to neglect no opportunity. Our good steeds 229

  In Hostile Red

  answered to the call as well as their failing strength would permit. The crest of the hill lay not far before us now, and I felt sure that if we could but reach it, the British would pursue us no farther.

  But when I thought that triumph was almost achieved, Miss Desmond's horse began to reel from side to side. He seemed about to fall from weak- ness, for, of a truth, he had galloped far that night, and had done his duty as well as the best horse that ever lived, be it Alexander's Bucephalus or any other. Even now he strove painfully, and looked up the hill witli distended eyes, as if he knew where the goal lay. His rider seemed smitten with an equal weakness, but she summoned up a little re- maining strength against it, and raised herself up for the final struggle.

  " Remember," she said again to me, " if I fail, as most like I will, you are to ride on with my mes- sage."

  " I have been called a traitor to-night," I said, " but I will not be called the name I would deserve if I were to do that."

  " It is for the cause," she said. " Ride and leave me."

  " I will not leave you/' I cried, thrilling with en- thusiasm. "We will yet deliver the message to- gether."

  She said no more, but sought to encourage her horse. The troopers had recovered from their con- fusion, and, with their fresher mounts, were gaining upon us in the most alarming manner. I turned and threatened them with my empty pistol, and they

  A Ride for the Cause

  drew back a little ; but second thought must have assured them that the weapon was not loaded, for thoy laughed derisively and again pressed their horses to the utmost.

  " Do as I say," cried Miss Desmond, her eyes flushing upon me. " Leave me and ride on. There is n.iu'^ht else to do."

  But my thought vas to turn my horse in the path and l;iy about me with the swcrd. I could hold the troopers while she made her escape witli the message that she had borne so far already. I drew the blade from the scabbard and put a restraining hand upon my horse's rein.

  " What would you do ? " cried Miss Desmond.
br />   "The only thing that is left for me to do," I replied.

  " Not that ! " she cried ; " not that ! " and made as if she would stop me. But, even while her voice was yet ringing in my ears, a dozen rifles flashed from the hill-top, a loud voice was heard encour- aging men to speedy action, and a troop came galloping forward to meet us. In an instant the Englishmen who were not down had turned and were fleeing in a panic of terror down the hill and over the plain.

  " You are just in time, captain," cried Miss Des- m » nd, as the leader of the rescuing band, a large, dark man, came up. Then she reeled, and would have fallen from her horse to the ground had not I sprung down and caught her.


  CHAPTER TWENTY The Night Combat

  BUT Miss Desmond was the victim only of a passing weakness, and I was per- mitted to hold her in my arms but for a moment. Then she demanded to be placed upon the ground, saying that her strength had returned. I complied of necessity; and turn- ing to the American captain, who was looking curi- ously at us, she inquired,

  " Captain, the American force, is it safe ? "

  " Yes, Miss Desmond," he replied ; and I won- dered how he knew her. " It is just over the hill there. The night had been quiet until you came galloping up the hill with the Englishmen after you."

  "Then we are in time!" she cried, in a voice of exultation. " Lose not a moment, captain. A Brit- ish force much exceeding our own in strength is even now stealing upon you."

  The message caused much perturbation, as well it might, and a half-dozen messengers were sent galloping over the hill. Then the captain said,

  " Miss Desmond, you have done much for the cause, but more to-night than ever before."

  But she did not hear him, for she fell over in a faint.


  The Night Combat

  " Water ! " I cried. " Some water ! She may be dving ! "

  " Never mind about water," said the captain, -Iryly. "Here is something that is much better for woman, as well as for man, in such cases."

  He produced a flask, and, raising Miss Desmond's head, poured some fiery liquid in her month. It made her cough, and presently she revived and sat up. She was very pale, but there was much anima- tion in her eye.

  " You have sent the warning, captain, have you not ? " she asked, her mind still dwelling upon the object for which she had come.

  " Do not fear, Miss Desmond," said the leader, gravely. " Our people know now, and they will be ready for the enemy when they come, thanks to your courage and endurance."

  Then he beckoned to me, and we walked a bit up the hill-side, leaving Miss Desmond sitting on the turf and leaning against a tree.

  " A noble woman," said the captain, looking back at her.

  " Yes," said I, fervently.

  " It was a lucky fortune that gave you such com- panionship to-night," he continued.

  " Yes," replied I, still with fervor.

  " Lieutenant Chester," he said, " that is not the only particular in which fortune has been kind to you to-night."

  " No," I replied, with much astonishment at the patncss with which he spoke my true name.

  "I have said," he continued, with the utmost 233

  In Hostile Red

  gravity, " that fortune lias been very kind to-night to Lieutenant Robert Chester, of the American army. I may add that it has been of equal kind- ness to Lieutenant Melville, of the British army."

  " Who are you, and what are you ? " I cried, facing about, " and why do you speak in such strange fashion ? "

  " I do not think it is strange at all," he said, a light smile breaking over his face. '''So far as I am concerned, it is a matter of indifference, Lieu- tenant Chester or Lieutenant Melville : which shall it be?"

  I saw that it was useless for me to pretend more. He knew me, and was not to be persuaded that he did not. So I said,

  "Let it be Lieutenant Robert Chester, of the American army. The name and the title belong to me, and I feel easier with them than with the others. I have not denied myself. Now, who are you, and why do you know so much about me ? "

  " Nor will I deny myself, either," lie said, a quiet smile dwelling upon his face. " I am William Wild- foot, captain of rangers in the American army."

  " What ! are you the man who has been inces- santly buzzing like a wasp around the British ? " I cried.

  " I have done my humble best," he said, mod- estly ; " I even chased you and your friend Lieuten- ant Marcel into Philadelphia. For which I must crave your forgiveness. Your uniforms deceived me; but since then we have become better ac- quainted with each other." 234

  The Night Combat

  " How ? I do not mi Jcrstand," I said, still in a maze.

  " Perhaps you would know me better if I were to put on a red wig," he said. " Do not think. Lieut- enant Chester, that you and Lieutenant Marcel are the only personages endowed with a double identity."

  I looked at him closely, and I began to have some glimmering of the truth.

  " Yes," he said, when he saw the light of recog- nition beginning to appear upon my face, " I am Waters. Strange what a difference a red wig makes in one's appearance. But I have tried to serve you and your friend well, and I hope I have atoned for my rudeness in putting you and Lieut- enant Marcel to such hurry when I first saw you. It is true that I have had a little sport with you. I thought that you deserved it for your rashness, but I have not neglected your interests. I warned Alloway in the jail not to know you, and I helped him to escape. I learned about you from Pritchard, but no one else knows. I bound you, too, in Sir William Howe's room, but I leave it to you yourself that it was necessary."

  His quiet laugh was full of good nature, though there was in it a slight tinge of pardonable vanity. Evidently this was a man much superior to the ordinary partisan chieftain.

  "Then you too have placed your neck in the noose ? " I said.

  "Often," he replied. "And I have never yet failed to withdraw it with ease." 235

  In Hostile Red

  " I have withdrawn mine," I said, " and it shall remain withdrawn."

  " Not so," he replied. " Miss Desmond must return to her father and Philadelphia. It is not fit that she should go alone, and no one but you can accompany her."

  I had believed that nothing could induce me to take up the character of Lieutenant Melville of the British army again, but I had not thought of this. I could not leave Miss Desmond to return alone through such dangers to the city.

  " Very well," I said, " I will go back."

  " I thought so," returned Wildfoot, with a quick glance at me that brought the red blood to my face. " But I would advise you to bring Miss Desmond to the crest of the hill and wait for a while. I must hurry away, for my presence is needed elsewhere."

  The partisan was like a war-horse sniffing the battle ; and, leaving Miss Desmond, myself, and two good, fresh horses on the hill-top, he hastened away. I was not averse to waiting, for I expected that a sharp skirmish would occur. I had little fear for the Americans now, for in a night battle, where the as- saulted are on their guard, an assailing force is seldom successful, even though its superiority in arms and numbers be great.

  From the hill-top we saw a landscape of alternate wood and field, amid which many lights twinkled. A hum and murmur came up to us and told me that the Americans were profiting by their warning and would be ready for the enemy.

  " You can now behold the result of your ride," I 236

  The Night Combat

  said to Miss Desmond, who stood by my side, gazing with intent eyes upon the scene below, which was but half hidden by the night. She was completely recovered, or at least seemed to be so, for she stood up, straight, tall, and self-reliant.

  " We were just in time," she said.

  " But in good time," I added.

  " I suppose we shall see a battle," she said. " 1 confess it has a strange attraction for me. Perhaps it is because I am not near enough to mark its repellent phases."

  She made no comment upon my British unif
orm and my apparent British character. She did not appear to remark anything incongruous in my appear- ance there, and it was not a subject that I cared to raise.

  "See, the fighting must have begun," she said, pointing to a strip of wood barely visible in the night.

  Some streaks of flame had leaped up, and we heard a distant rattle which I knew must be the small arms at work. Then there was a lull for a moment, followed by a louder and a longer crackle, and a line of fire, flaming up and then sinking in part, ran along the edge of the woods and across the fields. Through this crackle came a steady rub-a-dub, rub- a-dub.

  "That is the beat of the drums," I said to Miss Desmond, who turned an inquiring face to me. " The drum is the soldier's conscience, I suppose, for it is always calling upon him to go forward and fight."

  I spoke my thoughts truly, for the drum has 237

  In Hostile Red

  always seemed to me to be a more remorseless war- god than the cannon. With its steady and tireless thump, thump, it calls upon you, with a voice that will not be hushed, to devote yourself to death. " Come on ! Come on ! Up to the cannon ! Up to the cannon ! " it says. It taunts you and reviles you. (Jive this drum to a ragamuffin of a little boy, and lie catches its spirit, and he goes straight forward with it and commands you to follow him. It was so at Long Island when the Maryland brigade sacrificed itself and held back the immense numbers of the enemy until our own army could escape. A scrap of a boy stood on a hillock and beat a drum as tall as himself, calling upon the Maryland men to stand firm and die, until a British cannon-ball smashed his drum, and a British grenadier hoisted him over his shoulder with one hand and carried him away. There is a league between the drum and the cannon. The drum lures the men up to the cannon, and then the monster devours them.


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