Her Cocky Firefighters (A MFM Menage Romance) (The Cocky Series Book 2)

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Her Cocky Firefighters (A MFM Menage Romance) (The Cocky Series Book 2) Page 3

by Crescent, Tara

  Of course, I hadn’t counted on Sean reading the article. I’d changed their names, of course, and disguised the events as best as I could, but still, he has a right to be offended. “You read it ?”

  Sean nods. I don’t think he’s angry, but I can’t be sure. “I looked you up when I got back home. Call it curiosity .”

  He wasn’t the only one who’d been curious. I’d been tempted too… But after Matt’s betrayal, I’d sworn that I’d never again give a guy that much power over me .

  “I should have asked for your permission first,” I mutter, my cheeks hot with shame. “I’m sorry .”

  Nick cuts in. “Sean, stop giving Hailey a hard time,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Hailey, neither of us were offended.” His eyes crinkle at the corners. “I, for one, was pretty flattered. You were very complimentary .”

  Oh God. I cover my face with my hands. I hadn’t written a detailed account of the sex, but I hadn’t censored myself either. I remember how the article had opened .

  On the day I should have been getting married to the man of my dreams, I found myself in a bar with two handsome strangers. Before the night was over, I’d have a threesome with them .

  A wave of humiliation washes over me. I’d bared my soul in that article, and they’d read it. Now would be a great time for the ground to open up and swallow me whole .

  “Hailey.” Sean places a hand on my arm. “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to embarrass you. Please forgive me. It’s really great to see you again .”

  Other people have mentioned the article before, and it’s never bothered me. Why am I so mortified now? I slowly uncover my face and take a steadying sip of my drink. Nick clears his throat. “You want something to eat ?”

  Food. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that all I’ve eaten today is a plate of scrambled eggs for breakfast. “Yes please. That is if you’re still open? When I walked in, I thought you said you were closing .”

  “The kitchen staff is gone for the night, but I can rustle something up. Burger and fries ?”

  I beam widely. “You read my mind .”

  He chuckles. “Give me a second,” he says and disappears into the back, leaving me alone with Sean .

  “Again, I am sorry,” Sean says. “Nick’s far better with women than I am. I seem to manage to put my foot in my mouth on a regular basis .”

  “No way.” I give him an incredulous look. “You’re a firefighter, and you look like that.” I wave my hand in the direction of his washboard abs. Six years ago, I’d licked my way down this chest, past those abs, following a very happy trail to his rock-hard cock. Even now, thinking about that night, my insides heat with lust. “Are the women in this town blind ?”

  Sean laughs easily. “They’re too busy throwing themselves at Nick .”

  I doubt it. I’m willing to bet that both men receive more than their fair share of attention .

  Nick reappears with my food. The burger smells delicious, and the fries are fresh out of the fryer. “My hero,” I moan. “I can’t even tell you how happy I am right now. I’ve been eating eggs all weekend .”

  He winks at me. “For you, babe, anytime. When did you get into town? Are you staying across the street ?”

  “My budget doesn’t extend to the Nanny Goat,” I reply. “Elvira Grantham was kind enough to rent me her cottage .”

  “That old wreck?” Nick looks astonished. “When was the last time someone lived there ?”

  Sean frowns. “I think Blake lived there one summer when he was a teenager,” he replies. “But as far as I know, it’s been empty ever since .”

  Blake’s one of Lana’s boyfriends. He’s also Elvira’s nephew. Super nice guy. “I like it,” I tell them. “It’s much larger than my place in Portland, and it’s really cheap.” I take a bite of the burger and suppress another moan. It’s juicy, flavorful and perfect. “I lucked out .”

  Sean rolls his eyes. “Elvira’s the one that lucked out,” he says. “It’s harder than you think to find a responsible tenant. I’m surprised she’s never sold it, to be honest. The place is more trouble than it’s worth .”

  “I’m going to fix it up.” I pause, then truthfulness compels me to add, “That is, as soon as I learn how to fix anything. I’m a bit useless with tools .”

  “If memory serves me correctly,” Nick says, his voice deepening, “you are very good with tools .”

  His eyes roam over me, and my body reacts to his inspection. My nipples harden, and my insides melt. Sean shifts in his stool and moves closer, and I swallow hard. “That was a long time ago,” I murmur under my breath .

  “I’ve never forgotten it,” Sean replies, his voice whiskey-smooth. “It’s been six years, but the memories haven’t faded.” His fingers trail up my forearm. “What about you, Hailey? Do you remember ?”

  I lean toward Sean, breathing in his smell, clean and smoky, like a wood fire on a clear summer night. I gaze into his grey eyes, and I start to drown under the weight of my desire. My half-eaten burger is forgotten; my beer warms on the counter, but I only have eyes for the two men .

  What are you doing ?

  Panic fills me. It’s too much, this feeling. Too overwhelming. I jump off my stool. “I have to pee,” I stammer out, and run for the sanctuary of the washroom .

  I n the bathroom, I splash some water on my face and study the woman who looks back at me in the mirror. My eyes are sparkling. My cheeks are red. My nipples are visible underneath my dress. I look alive .

  I haven’t felt this simmering sense of possibility in a very long time .

  Would it be wrong to sleep with them again? To see if the magic’s still there? No expectations, no rules. Just a casual friends-with-benefits kind of thing .

  But I believed in fairy tales once. I’d allowed myself to fall in love with Matt, and it had broken my heart .

  What I’m considering isn’t a good idea. Six years ago, we’d been strangers. This time, they live in the same town as I do. Nick is related to my future boss. There’s a lot of potential for complications .

  I stare at myself for a long time, but I can’t hide in the restroom forever. Opening the door, I make my way back to the bar, but the two men aren’t at the counter. They’ve moved to a booth. “Come here, Hailey,” Nick orders .

  Wordlessly, my feet trace a path to their side .

  “Are you seeing anyone?” Sean asks. “Should we back away ?”

  Now. Now’s the time to be sensible, to tell them I’m not interested. But my lips stay closed, and I shake my head mutely .

  Sean pulls me onto his lap. “The night I spent with you was the hottest night of my life,” he breathes into my ear. “You can sense it, can’t you, Hailey? The chemistry, the connection.” He circles my nipple with his thumb, and that light touch sends a jolt of pure lust through me. “I’m not going to lie. I want to explore this .”

  “I’m not looking to get involved.” My words come out in a rush. “I’ve just moved to a new town; I’m starting a new job. I’m not interested in dating anyone .”

  Sean’s fingers go still. “Should we back away?” he asks again .

  For six years, I’ve masturbated to the memory of these two men. It was, hands down, the best sex of my life. I thought I’d never see them again, but now, they’re here, and they both still want me .

  Can I be brave ?

  “I don’t date,” I whisper. “But if you were interested in something more casual…” My face flushes as I wait for them to respond to my brazen offer .

  Nick’s smile turns carnal. “I don’t work Monday evenings .”

  Sean takes a deep breath. His hands rest on my hips, and I’m intensely aware of his touch. “Casual sex, no strings attached, once a week? Is that what you want ?”

  That’s all I’m going to allow myself to have. “Yes,” I reply firmly. A thought strikes me. “Neither of you is married, right? Or seeing someone ?”

  “We’re both single,” Nick assures me .

I can’t believe I’m entering a friends-with-benefits arrangement with these two guys. There’s something very cold-blooded about it .

  “Tomorrow’s Monday,” Sean murmurs into my ear. His teeth nibble at my earlobe, and I inhale sharply. God, that’s hot. It takes a surprising amount of effort to focus on the conversation .

  Tomorrow is my first day of work. I might have to work late. I should tell them I can’t make it .

  But when I open my mouth, what comes out is breathless assent. “See you at the cottage? At nine ?”

  Nine is perfect. There’s no assumption that we’ll eat a meal together. Nothing remotely date-like about it. When they come over at nine, it’ll be for one reason and one reason only .

  Raw, passionate, dirty sex .



  M y dreams are filled with images of Hailey. Hailey in Portland, on her knees, sucking on my cock. Hailey spread out on the pool table at the Randy Goat, her nipples pebbled in the cool air. Hailey, screaming with pleasure as I bury my head between her legs and make her come .

  If I’m being honest, I’m a little nervous about tonight. Not about the ménage—Nick and I go back a long way, this isn’t our first time sharing, and I’m reasonably certain we can work through any issues that come up—but about the casual nature of our arrangement. I know every guy is supposed to want a no-strings-attached, sex-only relationship, but I don’t .

  I don’t know Hailey, but I like what I’ve seen so far. I’ll never admit it to anyone, but I’ve read her columns. She’s a good writer, honest, funny, empathetic. When I’d read her article about our threesome and discovered why she was at the Oarhouse that night, I’d wondered what kind of man could walk away from a woman so lively, so beautiful, so full of life .

  Even her clothes are bright. Yesterday, she’d been wearing a blue and yellow sundress, and when she’d walked into the Randy Goat, it was as if she’d brought a little bit of sunshine into the room .

  She’s not looking for anything serious, I remind myself. Keep things light. Don’t get sucked in .

  My cock is still painfully hard, and it isn’t until I jerk off in the shower that my brain starts working again. Shit. If I don’t hurry up, I won't have enough time to meet with the mayor before I head to work .

  E lvira Grantham has been the mayor of Goat for two terms. I don’t think she wanted to seek another four years in office, but then Eric Hardy had announced his candidacy, forcing her hand. Unlike Hardy, Ms. Grantham is deeply invested in everything that happens in Goat .

  I’ve worked closely with her for many years, and consider her a friend, so I have no compunctions about dropping by her mansion unannounced. She opens the door herself, her smile widening when she sees me. “Sean, you’re just in time for breakfast. Come on in .”

  I follow her into the kitchen. “Both Betty Beaumont and Marla Guthrie have brought me loaves of their banana bread to sample,” she tells me .

  “Are they hoping you’ll endorse one of them ?”

  She cuts me a slice. “If they did press me, I’d have to confess that I can’t take sides. It seems easier not to bring up the subject.” Her eyes twinkle. “I’m a terrible baker .”

  Laughing out loud, I pour myself a cup of coffee and take a seat at the kitchen table. “So, what brings you here this morning?” she asks me .

  “You know why I’m here. I need to hire firefighters, Ms. Grantham. I thought the budget increase was already approved .”

  She heaves a sigh. “This is between you and me,” she warns. “I don’t want to read about this in the Weekly Goat .”

  As if Connor Perkins will print anything that Elvira doesn’t want him to. The man has been madly in love with her for decades. “Of course .”

  “In the council meeting two weeks ago, Hardy introduced a motion to disband the fire department. He argued that it was too expensive for Goat to have its own fire station when we could be serviced just as well by the one in Bend .”

  I sit up, my hands clenching into fists. “Is he insane?” I demand. “What the hell does he mean, too expensive? I operate on a shoestring budget. My crew is all-volunteer. None of them draw a salary .”

  “I pointed that out,” Elvira replies patiently. “And he countered by reminding me that I’d just approved a budget increase for the fire station .”

  I take a deep breath. “What’s going on here? Hardy’s been a town councillor for four years, and he’s never expressed an interest in the fire station. What’s his real motive ?”

  Elvira places another slice of banana bread on my plate. “I was curious as well, so I asked Lana to do a little digging for me. She used to be an investigative journalist, you know. Hardy’s running quite a campaign. He’s erected a billboard in the middle of downtown, he’s got lawn signs everywhere, he’s even bought a TV spot .”

  “With what money?” I stare at the mayor, banana bread forgotten. “Hardy’s pizza franchise got shut down by the health department. The man’s broke, everyone knows that .”

  “That’s where it gets interesting.” Her expression turns steely. “Hardy’s campaign is being funded by McDuff’s Dollar Stores. I can only assume that if Hardy becomes mayor, he plans to shut down the fire station and lease the space to McDuff. They’ve been sniffing around for years, searching for downtown store locations .”

  I stare at her. “He’s not going to win,” I say flatly. “Your track record speaks for itself. Business is up for everyone. People aren’t fools. No one is going to think that Hardy’s attempt to normalize Goat is a good idea .”

  Elvira shakes her head. “That’s where you’re wrong, Sean. People will believe what they hear, and if they hear over and over again that Hardy’s the right man to be mayor, they’ll start to believe it .”

  “This is crazy,” I say, my throat dry. “Hardy can’t shut down my department .”

  “He came into the meeting with a fancy presentation,” she replies tiredly. “You know the council. David Barlow was impressed with the bells-and-whistles of his pitch. So was Kim Nieves, particularly when Eric Hardy hinted that we could expand the animal shelter with some of the savings from closing the fire station .”

  Fucking Hardy. Anyone who’s ever asked the town council for money knows that the way to get Barlow on board is with pretty graphics and flashy animation. And Kim Nieves volunteers at the local animal shelter. If she had her way, she’d funnel every spare dollar its way .

  “It was too risky to call for a vote right then and there,” Ms. Grantham continues. “So I told Hardy we’d put the hires on hold and I asked David Barlow to do a cost-benefit analysis on the fire department. Basically, I bought us time. If I win the election, this goes away .”

  And if she doesn’t ?

  My jaw tightens. It’s one thing to disagree on the way we market Goat to tourists. It’s another thing entirely for Hardy to contemplate shutting down the fire station .

  I won’t let him play fast and loose with people’s lives .

  I have to find a way to stop him .



  M onday morning, I’m supposed to meet Connor Perkins at the local diner, Goat Morning, for breakfast. I arrive on the dot of eight, and a gum-chewing waitress leads me to a booth in the back, where my new boss is sipping a cup of coffee .

  “Sorry I’m late, Mr. Perkins,” I apologize, sliding into my seat and extending my hand toward him. “I’m Hailey Martell .”

  He smiles in greeting and shakes my hand. “You’re not late,” he assures me. “I was early. And please, call me Connor. Have you eaten, Hailey? The pancakes here are excellent .”

  I decide on the strawberry walnut pancakes. As Connor ponders his choices, I study him discreetly. I know from Lana that he’s in his seventies, but he looks younger. His hair is grey, his eyes are a piercing shade of blue, and his jaw is square. He’s got a Harrison Ford thing going on .

  “What do you think of Goat so far?” he asks me once the waitress has taken our or
der .

  My thoughts immediately go to last night, to Sean and Nick. “I just got in on Friday,” I reply, trying to get the two men out of my mind. “I spent most of my weekend cleaning, but from what I’ve seen, I think I’m going to like it here .”

  “You’re staying at Elvira’s cottage, aren’t you? What do you think of it ?”

  “I love it.” I’m not lying. The cottage has great bones, and it would have been beautiful back in its heyday. I can’t wait to restore it to its former glory .

  “That’s good.” His tone seems almost sad, and for a minute, he doesn’t say anything. Then the waitress shows up with orange juice and coffee for me, and he seems to gather himself. “Let me tell you about the job .”

  I lean forward as he fills me in on my responsibilities. “There’s not a lot to it,” he says. “We do some reporting, but mostly, it’s about what’s happening around town. People send you details of their events, and you order it by date, categorize it, and so on. Lana was able to write a book at the same time, and you’re going to keep running your own magazine, right ?”

  “If that’s okay with you .”

  He nods. “Of course. As long as the job gets done. Now, we do have an office, and you’re welcome to come in daily, but it isn’t necessary. We go to print Wednesday, and that’s usually when I need you there, but apart from that one day, feel free to do work remotely .”

  I’m going to like working for Connor Perkins .

  Over breakfast, the conversation turns to Goat. Connor tells me he’s lived in the town since its founding. “It’s changed a lot, of course. For a while there, Goat was shrinking, but not anymore. Ever since we decided to play up the town name, tourism has become our biggest source of revenue. Elvira has done an amazing job as mayor .”

  Elvira Grantham sounds formidable. “There’s an election coming up, isn’t there?” I ask Connor. “I saw lawn signs all through town .”


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