Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1)

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Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1) Page 5

by Wendi Hulsey

  “Are you still raping that man with your eyes?”

  “Yes! He is good at volleyball. I wonder if he’s on a team. God, I hope he is there tomorrow; I want to get a closer look. Kind of hard to make out his face from way up here, but I sure would like to rub my hands all over that body of his,” she says turning to me.

  “I’m all set to go if you are,” I tell her.

  “Just a minute,” and she runs to her room. She comes back a few seconds later with a pair of black platform sandals. “I think you should wear these. You have great legs and these will show them off even better.”

  I take the shoes from her and put them on; they are a great pair of shoes. “I hope I can walk all night in these shoes. I’m not used to wearing heels, let alone walking far distances in a pair,” I confess giving her a questioning look.

  “You will be fine! We will really only be walking one way in shoes and at the restaurant we will be sitting most of the time. When we walk back, we will walk barefoot on the water’s edge. Let’s get out of here and get the night started.”

  We ride the elevator down and exit the building. The sun is still blazing and once again, I’m hit with the intensity of the heat here. I have to admit though, it feels good on my skin but hope I’m not a sweaty mess by the time we reach the restaurant. We go into several shops and I see a ton of clothes I could buy. I show a few things to Courtney and she suggests we come back tomorrow, so I won’t have to carry them all night. We come upon a small amusement park with a Ferris wheel, Tilt-A-Whirl and something called a Sling Shot. We watch it for a while and I think to myself there is no way in hell I would go on that thing. It has two super tall poles with bungee cords attached at the top and they connect to a ball shaped cage that two people sit in. The bungee tightens and the riders are launched into the sky. With my luck, the bungee would break and I would be flying through the air like a missile.

  We continue our walk past the shops; up ahead I can see the pier with the restaurant at the end. I hope I make it, I can already feel the beginnings of a cramp in the arches of my feet. Courtney is strutting her stuff in her heels like it is nothing, I’m so jealous. I will have to keep wearing them for short periods to condition my legs and feet. We take a set of stairs up and finally make the turn onto the pier. I start to feel relief knowing we will soon be sitting at a table.

  I wish I had my camera to take some pictures of the shoreline from out on the pier. My parents would love to see where I’m living and how beautiful the ocean looks. I’ll have to get a camera and take some photos to send to them. We walk up to the door of the restaurant and Courtney gives the girl at the door her cell phone number. I’m confused, “Why did you just give that girl your cell phone number? Do you know her?”

  Laughing she explains, “No that’s how they will call us for our table. They will send a text message to my phone.”

  “Damn, technology,” laughing, I follow her inside.

  We go up to the bar and Courtney orders us two strawberry margaritas. Taking our drinks, we go back outside to enjoy the weather while waiting on our table. The seagulls are flying all around the pier occasionally dipping down into the water to grab their dinner for the night. The beach is packed with people playing in the water and sun bathing. I’m really going to enjoy living here; it seems so peaceful.

  Courtney flashes her phone at me, “Time to go in, grab your drink.”

  The inside is a typical seafood theme with buoys and ship anchors hanging on the wall. We are seated at a quaint table for two. It has a bucket in the middle and a whole roll of paper towels on the table. “Is this going to be a messy meal? Maybe I shouldn’t have worn a white shirt,” I say looking over the menu.

  “Your shirt will be fine; they will give you a bib to wear.”

  “A bib? Oh great I’m going to look like a fool,” I say laughing.

  “Look around, half the people here are wearing them. It beats getting bits of crab legs and melted butter on your clothes.”

  The server comes and takes our order. We order mozzarella sticks for an appetizer, Caesar salads and we both get a bucket of crab legs. We easily fall into conversation and watch the servers do a little dance for their customers. This place is really a happening spot. Having fun is exactly what I need to help me forget my life from before. We are just finishing our appetizer and salads when our buckets of crab legs arrive. “Holy crap, that’s a lot of food, I sure hope I like them,” I gasp a little leery.

  Courtney demonstrates how to snap them in half and use the little tool to open up the shell extracting the meat from inside. It doesn’t smell too fishy. The buckets come with corn on the cob and parsley buttered potatoes. I successfully get some of my crabmeat out, dip it in the butter, and pop it into my mouth without thinking about it too much. First, I taste the butter then I get a taste of the crabmeat and I’m pleasantly surprised. The meat is actually sweet and so delicious. “Courtney, this is really good,” I confess while cracking open another.

  “I knew you would like them. I never use to eat seafood either, as I get older my tastes are ever changing and now I love seafood. If you think this is sweet, wait until you try a good lobster tail. The only seafood I used to eat up north was fish like perch, blue gill and bass, now I will eat almost any seafood, except mussels,” she replies.

  We stay a while, and after three margaritas each, we decide we better get going before neither of us is able to walk back to the condo. With Cameron gone, we wouldn’t have anyone to come and get us. We once again walk the length of the pier and back down the stairs. About a hundred yards down the boardwalk we stop and remove our shoes. We take a small set of stairs that lead onto the beach. The sand is warm and so soft, not like the gravely sand, we have at Lake Michigan beaches. We make our way to the water’s edge and I let the wave’s crash around my feet, the water is surprisingly warm. We walk back to the condo in silence, enjoying the atmosphere and night. I have a great time with Courtney, but I almost wish it was Cameron here tonight that I was walking along the beach with hand in hand, because the scenery is so romantic.

  When we get back to the condo, we decide to call it a night so we can get an early start with our shopping. I go into my room and wash the sand off my feet, change into a long comfortable t-shirt and collapse in bed, falling fast asleep again.

  The whole weekend flies by and before we realize it, it is Sunday night. We shopped like crazy, spent time on the beach, went to the movie theater, and saw Magic Mike. Tonight we are cooking steaks on Courtney’s patio and spending the night in with a bottle of sweet white wine. Dinner is wonderful. We watch a few comedies on TV, sit out on the balcony for a while, and decide to hit the sack for our day of pampering tomorrow.

  I lay in bed for a while, thinking about my reunion with Cameron tomorrow. I’m too nervous to fall asleep, which causes me to toss and turn well into the night. My last thought before falling asleep was that I was just going to give Cameron a big kiss and hug when I see him. I don’t care what Courtney thinks, I have waited twelve years to feel his arms around me and I’m going to take full advantage of it.

  Chapter Six

  I’m awakened out of a deep slumber when Courtney launches herself onto my bed. I quickly place a pillow over my head and try to ignore her. “What time is it?” I ask sleepily.

  “It’s nine o’clock; I have breakfast started but wanted to wake you up to ask how you like your eggs. I will finish cooking while you take a quick shower. No need to do anything with your hair, just run a brush through it. Our appointments are at ten, so we should have plenty of time to eat and get there,” Courtney says with way too much enthusiasm for this time of the morning.

  I reluctantly roll out of bed, grab some of my new clothes I purchased, and make my way to the bathroom. After a nice hot shower, I actually feel awake, I had spent so many of my days at the apartment lying in bed depressed and not wanting to do anything. I make a promise to myself to be up and ready to face the day by nine o’clock each day. Maybe earlier
, if I want to take advantage of the gym this place has. Courtney showed it to me yesterday and told me that Cameron does early morning work outs every day when he is home. I wonder how early he goes. I can’t believe I’m considering working out just to be near a man. That’s pretty pathetic.

  In the kitchen, Courtney is busy scooping our food onto our plates. She made scrambled eggs with melted cheese on top, bacon, toast, and hash browns. It smells wonderful but I have to stop eating so much or I’m going to blow up. “Coffee or juice?” Courtney asks setting down my plate.

  “I think a cup of coffee so I can be buzzing all day, I’m so excited. I have been looking forward to this since you told me Cameron is doing this for us. Can he afford it?”

  “Yeah, he can afford this place. He called me late last night when he got in, asked if you were already in bed. He wanted to come in but I told him it would have to wait until dinner tonight. He said he would probably go to work for a few hours at his part time job. Make some extra cash so he can treat us to dinner. I think he’s trying to make a good impression on you,” she teases.

  “I can’t wait to see him either. It has been too many years since the three of us have all been together. Nevertheless, I don’t want him going over the top trying to impress me if he can’t afford it. Just the three of us together again, will be good enough for me. Remember, our last known hang out was McDonalds when we were kids. I would be fine with that for dinner.” I smile at the thought of how cute Cameron used to be.

  “Speak for yourself! He is taking us to a fancy steak joint tonight and I fully intend to have prime rib. A quarter-pounder will have to wait for another day. Well, we definitely aren’t riding our bikes today. We will be riding in style in Cameron’s sports car. Are we ready to go hit the spa and be pampered for the day?”

  “Umm, let me go brush my teeth quick, then I will be ready to go!” I jump up quickly. This is going to be so exciting; I have never been to a spa. I hope I don’t like the pampering too much, because I won’t be able to afford going all the time.

  When we enter the spa, my senses go into overdrive. It smells wonderful, kind of like lavender but I’m not completely sure. They must pipe that smell through the ventilation system. The spa is huge and sectioned off for each service they offer. In the open area of the spa, I can see people getting their haircut, highlighted and styled. They also have an area for manicures and pedicures, which I’m excited about, my toes, could use some TLC. I’m only to assume that the waxing and massages are behind closed doors. Thank God, the waxing part is going to be mortifying. I still haven’t decided, if I’m going to go through with that part.

  Courtney goes up to the desk and gives the receptionist our names and appointment times. They talk a few minutes longer, as I check out the various high-end beauty products in the display cases available for sale. Someday I hope to be able to afford coming to a place like this and buying their products. I hear Courtney talking to the receptionist. “Yes those two men will be fine for our massages. I have had Mitch before so I will go with him, Kylie can try the other guy.”

  Great, sounds like I get the left over guy, but beggars can’t be choosers. I’m sure he will be fine. I’m somewhat nervous about lying behind closed doors with nothing on but a sheet while some guy is rubbing my body parts. Then again, it sounds somewhat erotic. Wow, this day is going to be an experience I’m sure not to forget any time soon.

  “Ready to go get our hair done? We are starting with the hair, then getting our nails and toes done. After that, we will have the waxing and lastly the massage. Do you have any thoughts on what you are going to do with your hair? I’m thinking about getting mine cut into a sleek shoulder length bob and getting some red highlights in my dark hair to soften it up some.”

  “I haven’t really thought about it, but I guess I better if we’re having that done first. I think I’m just going to get mine trimmed and have a few blonder highlights put in. I want to keep my length for now; I’m not as brave as you are.” I tease her, “If you get the red highlights they will match your bedroom set.”

  “Hell yes, I want to look like a sexy vixen. I’m tired of the same old boring long brown hair. I’m going to do it,” she says with conviction.

  We both take a seat at the washtubs and nothing feels better than having someone else wash your hair. I love that tingling feeling you get as they run their fingers through you hair; it’s so relaxing. Next, we move over to the stylist chair to get our haircut. I think Courtney is having second thoughts seeing all her hair fall to the floor. Even without the highlights, it looks great. Her hair is definitely sleeker and more mature. Maybe I should have followed her lead. The hair stylists start applying our color and I start getting nervous. I have never had highlights before, but I hope it helps brighten up my dull color and makes me feel more alive. The hair stylist and I make small talk while she works, then we are both put under the dryers. With our foil wraps in place, we look like a pair of Martians. We both flip through a couple of magazines until it’s time to get rinsed and styled.

  Courtney is done first and she looks gorgeous. She keeps staring at herself in the mirror waiting for my stylist to be done with my longer hair. Excitedly she says, “Kylie, look at me, I finally look and feel grown up. My daddy is going to freak when he sees me like this, he still thinks of me as his little girl. If he only knew, what his little girl has already done. I’m hoping this new look helps me land Mr. Volleyball.”

  “Well, he was drooling before when you walked by in your almost not there bikini. I’m sure he will notice for sure now.”

  Smiling, “Yeah he was staring, but he never came over to talk to me. I sure hope he isn’t gay. All the hot guys down here seem to be gay.”

  “If he was gay you could have walked by naked and he wouldn’t have cared. He definitely isn’t gay. It would be a damn shame if he was with a body like he’s got.”

  “Hey, don’t be checking out the guy I am lusting over. You need to find your own hot guy. There are plenty of fish in the sea and our back yard is like a playground of hot men.”

  Finally, my stylist is done and she turns me to face the mirror to check out my new hair. It’s fabulous; the highlights are subtle but make a huge difference in the shine factor of my hair. My eyes seem to pop out more and my skin tone does not look as washed out. Courtney gives me the thumbs up so I must look okay, she wouldn’t lie to me.

  Looking at the nail stations the stylist motions us towards them, “Ladies, it looks as though they are full so instead of waiting why don’t you let me do both of your makeup for your dinner dates tonight? I can give you both sexy smokey eyes and pouty lips that men go nuts over.”

  Courtney contemplates the offer for about two seconds before jumping in the chair. This stylist should be working in Hollywood doing hair and makeup, she did a fantastic job! Both of us already look like completely different people than when we came in. One of the nail stations opens up and Courtney motions for me to go ahead. “I have to run outside and make a quick call to take care of something, I will be right back.” She returns just a few moments later and takes a seat at the nail station next to me that just opened.

  “Wow! That was a quick phone call.”

  Smiling devilishly, she informs me, “Just had to confirm something, and it only took a second.”

  We proceed with getting our nails and toes painted. I pick a hot pink that I hope will look great with a summer dress I bought for tonight’s dinner. While Courtney sticks with her sexy vixen theme she has going, and gets dark sexy red nails and toes. She is one of the few people I know, that can pull off wearing red; it has to be her dark hair, and tanned skin. I just can’t do red; it makes my skin look even whiter, as if I’m glowing. With our nails done, we are on to our next conquest, one I’m scared to death about, waxing! Whose idea was this anyways? At this particular moment, I wish for nothing more than to spontaneously turn into a man. Why do women have to go through so much prepping just to look hot? What does a man do? Shower a
nd shave, totally not fair!

  The receptionist leads us into a little lounge area with dressing rooms. She asks us to get undressed and put on the robes that are hanging in the dressing rooms. My nerves kick into overdrive. I feel sick to my stomach and my hands are shaking. Am I really going to go in there and let someone I don’t know put hot wax near my vagina and rip the hair out? Just the thought of someone I’m not intimate with seeing me down there gives me heart palpitations. “Courtney,” I yell through the door.

  “Just get undressed and put the robe on Kylie! I promise it’s not as bad as you are imagining in your mind.” How did she know what I was going to say? I proceed to get undressed, not sure if I should leave my underwear on and then I think how are they going to wax it if it’s covered. Completely naked under my robe I feel bit exposed. I exit the dressing room and Courtney is already out, sitting in a chair sipping on a glass of white wine. “Here, the receptionist said it would be a few minutes and brought us each a complementary glass of wine,” she says and hands me a glass.

  “With what I’m about to do, I could have used the whole bottle. Maybe then I would be relaxed enough to go through with this.”

  Courtney taunts me further, “Bikini or Brazilian?”

  “Courtney please, this is embarrassing enough without sitting here discussing the hair on my vagina. I know we are best friends, but some things are just private.”

  Smiling her devilish smile again, she says, “If you get the Brazilian wax done, it will make you more sensitive down there. A man can make you have an orgasm much quicker because the sensation is so intense with no hair. And if he uses his tongue, it’s almost an instant orgasm.”

  “I don’t think that is going to be an issue. I don’t have anyone that I’ll be having sex with any time soon,” I regrettably admit.

  “You never know when you are going to meet someone and it’s always best to be prepared. I’m getting the Brazilian because I fully intend to try to seduce Mr. Volleyball into my bed.”


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