Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1)

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Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1) Page 9

by Wendi Hulsey

  We walk along the street, hand in hand, trying to find a place to pick out a movie. We finally find a little convenience store that has a Red Box machine and pick out a sweet romantic comedy. Returning to his condo, we pop popcorn, snuggle up together on the couch, and watch the movie, laughing in certain parts and kissing during the boring parts. I can’t think of any other way I would like to spend an evening.

  Towards the end of the movie, I notice Cameron yawning. “Tired?” I ask.

  “Yeah, it seems I didn’t get much sleep last night and it’s catching up to me.”

  “Want to go lay in bed? I’m ready to go to sleep myself, even though it’s only ten o’clock.”

  “I think we probably should. I know you have to be up early to go job hunting and I have to meet Blake at nine o’clock,” he explains, pulling me up off the couch.

  We go into his bedroom and he turns down the bed as I go wash up a little and use the bathroom. Digging through my bag, I realize I didn’t bring pajamas to wear. I stick my head out the door and ask if he has a t-shirt I could wear.

  “Just come to bed naked, house rules.”

  “Okay then, I guess I’m not going to get a t-shirt to wear.”

  I come out of the bathroom naked and get in bed. He pulls me into his arms and we kiss for a while. I’m a little disappointed that he hasn’t tried more, he really must be tired. I lay my head on his chest, wrap my arm around his stomach, and fall asleep listening to his heart beating in my ear.

  Chapter Nine

  The warmth of Cameron’s mouth on my breast awakens me. He is tenderly sucking my nipple as his hands wander lower and he inserts one finger into me. Ever so slowly, he slides his finger in and out, my wetness increasing with each stroke. He releases the first nipple and starts to work on the other one in the same fashion. I turn toward him, reaching down to stroke his long hard shaft, feeling his arousal and the wet dew at the tip.

  He gently rolls me to my back, taking a moment to gaze deep into my eyes before entering me. We make slow, unhurried love, enjoying the feel and sensation we get from the rhythm of our lovemaking. He takes his time to make sure I have an orgasm before he allows himself gratification. Afterwards, we lay there joined and kissing, neither of us wanting to disengage from the other.

  I wonder how it’s possible to be so deeply in love with someone after only spending a few days with him. The relationship we have started is so different, more intense, than anything I have ever experienced. I can be myself around Cameron and don’t have to be fearful of doing something wrong. The look in his eyes tells me he would never physically hurt me, however, what I fear most is the unbearable thought of losing him.

  “Hey, what’s the matter? Did I hurt you? You have a couple tears rolling down your cheek.”

  Wiping at my cheeks a bit embarrassed, I explain, “No Cameron, you haven’t hurt me. In fact, it’s just the opposite; you make me feel so loved and safe. Sometimes I feel like I’m living someone else’s life and I will wake up and be back in Wisconsin with that abusive asshole.”

  “There is no way in hell I would ever let him hurt you again,” he promises while kissing my wet cheeks.

  “You just don’t know what he is capable of doing; he warned me repeatedly that if I ever left him, he would find me and kill me.”

  He wraps me up in his arms and holds me until we cannot put off getting up any longer. We shower together, get dressed, and decide on a simple breakfast of toast, fresh fruit, and coffee.

  “Cameron, when I left yesterday morning to change into my swimsuit something in my room gave me an uneasy feeling. At first, I couldn’t figure it out. I think somebody had recently been in there.”

  “Like Courtney or Blake?” he asks.

  “I don’t think so. I remember that my room smelled faintly of men’s cologne, the same kind that Dylan wears.”

  “Are you sure?” he questions with a shocked expression.

  “I will never forget the nauseating smell of his cologne. I think he was in my room.”

  Cameron takes me back into his arms. I hadn’t realized I was shaking until his arms still my quivering body, he must think I’m a coward. Is my mind conjuring up the smell of Dylan’s cologne, or is he here in Florida and has been in my room?

  “Maybe it was Blake’s cologne and it was still lingering in the air after they left for the beach,” he tries to rationalize.

  “I guess that is possible; however I don’t remember ever smelling cologne on Blake. It would be a strange coincidence that he wears the same cologne as Dylan. I will have to ask Courtney today.”

  “Promise me that you and Courtney will stick together today, just in case he is in the area.”

  “Oh, believe me, I’m not going to be alone for even a minute,” I assure him.

  Cameron and I go over to Courtney’s place. They’re both awake, dressed, and eating a breakfast of pancakes and sausage. I grab her newspaper and scan the classified ads, looking for prospective job opportunities. Cameron and Blake chat about moving his belongings to Cameron’s place. I feel a twinge of jealousy, I wish it were my stuff we were moving over there. It’s going to be awkward spending time in Cameron’s bed if I know Blake is in the next room. I hope Courtney hangs on to Blake and doesn’t get bored or move on to her next play thing. I need her to keep him occupied.

  We all leave the building at the same time and give our respective partners a quick kiss goodbye. I already feel lost without Cameron by my side. Courtney and I get in her car and leave the parking garage heading down the main drag in Daytona.

  “Any ideas on where you would like to start applying?”

  “I saw a few ads for a couple of night clubs waitressing; I guess I could start there. I hate the thought of having to work nights and being away from your brother. I know most of his work is done during the day.”

  “Have you thought anymore about applying for school?”

  “Yeah, I have thought about it, and I’m going to hold off for now. I will probably apply for the next semester. I need to concentrate on starting a new job and being acclimated to my surroundings first. I’m also a little freaked out about what happened in my room the other morning and don’t want to be roaming around on an open campus.”

  Courtney gives me a strange look. “What happened the other morning?”

  I forgot that I hadn’t said anything to her about it yet. Man, my thoughts are so jumbled right now. “The other morning I came home to get changed into my swimsuit and my room smelled faintly of cologne, the same cologne that Dylan wears.”

  “Well, that would definitely have me on edge too,” Courtney comments with a concerned look.

  “Does Blake wear cologne by any chance? Could I have smelled his cologne?”

  “No, Blake doesn’t wear cologne, I wish he did though, I think a good smelling man is such a turn on.”

  “If it wasn’t Blake’s, then I have to believe that Dylan has tracked me down. Cameron made me promise that we stick together today. So, I guess you are coming into these night clubs with me while I apply,” I divulge somewhat uneasy.

  “No problem. I could use a stiff drink after what you just told me.”

  I put in a few applications at some local nightclubs, all within walking distance of Courtney’s condominium. I wanted something nearby so I wouldn’t have to be a burden borrowing a car. Now the thought of walking home at the wee hours of the morning isn’t sounding like a bright idea.

  “Courtney, let’s go grab some lunch. I need to rethink this employment situation. The first place Dylan is going to start looking for me is in nightclubs and bars. I need to figure out a different line of work. I can browse through the ads again while we eat.”

  “Sounds good to me, I know just the place,” Courtney declares.

  She pulls into a parking garage that has a connecting skywalk attached to the largest hotel I have ever seen. “We are going to a hotel for lunch?”

  “No! The skywalk takes us to a bunch of shops, restaurants, a
nd a movie theater. They are just on the outskirts of the hotel. The Hilton Hotel is pretty impressive though, isn’t it?”

  “The place is massive. I would love to work there.”

  “After we grab a bite to eat, why don’t you put in an application? You could work the reservation desk or even start by cleaning rooms. I have a friend that works there, I will give her a quick call and see if you can use her as a reference,” she smiles.

  We grab two sub sandwiches, a bag of chips to split and a couple of drinks. I follow Courtney, as she leads us down a stairway and suddenly realize that we are right on the boardwalk. We sit on a bench and enjoy our lunch and the scenery. I scan the paper once more in hopes of finding better employment opportunities; honestly, there aren’t many jobs to choose from. I think I’ll have better luck just pounding the pavement, applying here and there rather than relying on the paper for job leads. Courtney places a call to her friend and she agrees to speak to her boss about giving my application top priority, but only if we agree to meet her for a few drinks later so she can honestly say she knows me.

  We finish lunch and go into the Hilton so I can apply. Courtney sticks to our agreement and goes in with me but makes a beeline for the gift shop filled with high-end products, things I couldn’t afford in this lifetime. She stays near the door of the shop, keeping a close eye on me. What a great friend I have in Courtney, always there to have my back. Again, I think about how my life has changed for the better and pray that Dylan hasn’t found me. I couldn’t stand losing the people I have in my life now.

  We finish at the hotel and Courtney asks if I want to go anywhere else to apply. I just shake my head, discouraged that there doesn’t seem to be many jobs available in such a busy area. I’m really hoping to get the job at the Hilton, somewhere Dylan will not think to look for me.

  “How about we hit the mall for a couple hours to get your mind off everything that’s going on?” Courtney suggests.

  “Yeah, I guess strolling the mall might help and I’m sure the men aren’t done moving yet. I would like to stop and look into getting a new phone; I really miss my old one. It drives me nuts not having all the features I’m so used to, and then maybe I can find something sexy to wear in the bedroom for Cameron.”

  “I think he would probably prefer you wearing nothing at all,” she jokes and we both laugh at her remark.

  We strolled the mall for a bit and in a matter of an hour; Courtney has at least six bags hanging off her arm. I wish I had gone to college right out of high school and gotten a degree in something, and then maybe I would have the funds to shop and be more carefree. I should be more financially set than what I am for my age. Courtney’s working in real estate with her dad. She works three days in the office and gets the rest of her hours by showing properties to prospective buyers. Her daddy pays her an hourly rate but she makes her big money off the commission from the sale of properties. I need to get my shit together, like ASAP.

  “What time are we supposed to meet your friend Stephanie for drinks?”

  “She is going to meet us at Club Fusion at eight o’clock. I guess we should stop by the condo and invite the guys to come along.”

  “Club Fusion? Sounds like an interesting place.”

  “It is a great Oceanside night club with indoor and outdoor dance floors, patios to sit out by the ocean and talk, or a traditional bar that you can belly up to and drown your sorrows. Kind of an all-purpose type of place.”

  “You think Blake and Cameron will come with us?” I inquire, thinking it would be nice to do some bumping and grinding on the dance floor with Cameron.

  “I’m confident that he would follow you just about anywhere you go. I have never seen my brother have it so bad for someone before. Just don’t break his heart, I would hate to see him as heartbroken as he was when we left Wisconsin,” she warns.

  “Courtney, I’d never intentionally hurt Cameron. He means the world to me. I get lonely and depressed just thinking about him leaving the state for his races, and he hasn’t even left yet.”

  “I’ll keep you occupied during that time and you will be working. That will help keep your mind busy while he’s gone. You two will make it work; I have confidence in you both.”

  “How the hell does Blake make money playing volleyball? Doesn’t he work anywhere else?”

  “No, he is sponsored, so he makes money off endorsements. He and his partner spend time practicing, playing in tournaments throughout the states, and they hope to make the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.”

  “Wow that would be so awesome. Blake in the Olympics and Cameron as a NASCAR driver, we picked them pretty good didn’t we?”

  We drive the rest of the way to Courtney’s place in silence, both daydreaming about our men. When we get inside, Courtney unloads her numerous bags on the counter, while I set down my two measly bags, one from Victoria’s Secret and the other from Verizon. The men are nowhere in sight, so Courtney runs across the hall and knocks on Cameron’s door, no answer. She shrugs, “I guess they are still moving his shit, we’ll have to give them a call instead. I was sort of hoping for a lusty kiss from Blake but I guess I’ll have to wait until later.”

  “There’s no doubt in my mind you will make up for it later. I hope your late night theatrics in the bedroom doesn’t jeopardize his training. It would be a shame and hard to explain if he throws something out of whack,” I tease with a smug look.

  “Are you insinuating that I’m rough on men in the bedroom? I should be insulted.” Courtney proclaims with a devilish leer.

  “Yeah okay, I heard poor Blake begging for mercy the other night and had to leave.”

  Shocked she retorts, “You just used that as an excuse to get my brother in the sack, you little hussy!”

  We stand there a second before we both get a case of the giggles. We decide since the men aren’t around we’re going to change and get a quick bite to eat. Courtney calls her brother from the restaurant. He says they will both come to the club for a while however; it will have to be an early night, as they both have to be up at dawn. They’re going to finish moving the last load of stuff, shower, grab a burger, and will meet us there later.

  We enter Club Fusion and I instantly get heart palpitations from the extreme thumping of base coming from the numerous speakers. I scream at Courtney, “How is Stephanie supposed to get to know me when you can’t hear yourself think, let alone talk?”

  “Ah, that was just her excuse to get out and drink for a while. Don’t worry she will love you,” she screams back.

  Courtney points to the rear of the building and grabs the sleeve of my shirt, pulling me along so we aren’t separated. After a few minutes of weaving in and out of gyrating sweaty bodies and being groped a few times, we make it to the back of the club where there is a bar. The line to get drinks is about three people deep. Courtney leans forward with a twenty-dollar bill and an ample amount of cleavage hanging out; she gets the attention of the bartender rather quickly. She orders drinks for the both of us, and then points to the outside patio, the bartender just nods in acknowledgement. We make our way outside where it’s rather calm compared to the scene inside the bar and I slowly regain my hearing. A waitress brings us our drinks and I take in her barely there outfit. This confirms my decision that I no longer want to expose my body and have drunk men groping me, just to bring home decent tips.

  We’re only outside a few minutes when a busty blonde bombshell pulls out a chair and takes a seat next to Courtney. She smiles at me, and holds out her hand, “Hi, I’m Steph.”

  “Nice to meet you Stephanie, I’m Kylie.” I say, while shaking the offered hand.

  “Just call me Steph, everyone does,” she smiles warmly.

  “Okay!” I agree a little uncomfortable.

  “So Steph, are you guys currently hiring or just taking applications?”

  “We’re hiring. We had a few people get fired last week. Which position are you more interested in? I would suggest trying to get the job
at the desk. You really do not want to clean those rooms. That’s how I started and I can tell you that the rooms are disgusting. You can’t even imagine some of the stuff you find when cleaning,” she advises seriously.

  “If you think I’m qualified for the desk job, I would probably prefer that position,” I reply.

  “Umm, let me tell you this much. You are cute, in shape, and as good as hired once the boss lays eyes on you. He likes his staff to look a certain way and you fit the bill, if you know what I mean? No worries though, he’s harmless. He won’t try to make a move on you or anything, he just likes to look.”

  “He sounds a bit creepy. If you two will excuse me, I’m going to try to fight my way to the bathroom. Should I bring back more drinks since I’m going that way?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” they both respond at the same time.

  After a five-minute fight through a tightly packed crowd of people, I find the bathroom down a long dark hallway. When I enter the bathroom, I’m hit with the pungent smell of urine. Wrinkling my nose, I continue on, because I really have to pee, but unfortunately, all the stalls are currently occupied. I take in my surroundings and notice a couple of women adjusting outfits and applying lipstick at the mirror, one woman is smoking a joint, and two women are on the loveseat with their tongues down each other’s throat. Geez, maybe I should suggest they get a room at the Hilton. When it’s my turn, I do my business and get out of there as quickly as possible.

  I retreat down the long dark hallway when suddenly someone grabs me and lifts me up like a sack of potatoes. I don’t even think, I just react by slamming my fist against the attackers back as hard as I can. My heart races and I find it difficult to breath, but I fight with all my fury. “Damn Kylie, it’s me Cameron,” he yells while placing me back on my feet.

  “Shit Cameron, I’m so sorry. With everything that’s happening, I thought you could’ve been Dylan or a drunk,” I say, trembling.

  “Oh babe, I didn’t mean to scare you. Courtney said you went to the bathroom and then you were going to bring drinks back. I thought I would surprise you and help you carry the drinks back to the table. I wasn’t thinking, I’m so sorry,” Cameron apologizes with a worried look.


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