Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1)

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Tainted Desire (Desire Series, #1) Page 12

by Wendi Hulsey

  Woke up well rested and refreshed, went to the gym for a quick workout. See you soon beautiful, Love Cameron.

  I look through his refrigerator and determine he has enough food to have a decent breakfast waiting for him when he returns. I fry a pound of bacon, scramble some eggs and set aside for omelets, chop some onion and green pepper, put slices of bread in the toaster, and wait for his return. I run across the hall and quietly enter Courtney’s condo, run to my room and grab some clothes, and sprint back, pantiless to Cameron’s luxurious bathroom. I shower using his shampoo and soap, loving the scent of him on my body. I hear a light knock on the locked door.

  “Kylie, let me in. I need to jump in the shower too.”

  I jump out and unlock the door running back to the shower and the warmth of the water. In less than a minute, he’s standing behind me rinsing off the sweat from his workout. He looks quite wonderful naked, wet and hard. I get out of the shower and start to dry off, and he peeks his head out.

  “Hey, why did you get out? I was going to have some morning fun.”

  “You didn’t get satisfied enough last night? I have all the stuff ready to make you a great breakfast. Finish your shower while I go cook for us.”

  “Well, you could have said something before I saw you naked. Now I have this huge thing sticking out and don’t have a way to make it go down,” he whines, with a playful pout.

  “You’ll figure it out and when you do, breakfast will be waiting,” I escape laughing.

  “You are a wicked woman, Kylie Jenkins,” I hear him yell, making me laugh even louder.

  I’m finishing putting our breakfast on plates, when he comes up behind me, lifting my wet hair and kissing the back of my neck. He spins me around lifting me by my hips and setting me on the counter bringing us eye to eye. At first, I think he’s mad, and then he smiles and gives me a kiss that I feel clear to my toes.

  “That was a rotten little stunt you pulled in there, leaving me hanging. It’s a good thing that breakfast smells so damn good, or I would be dragging your sweet ass back to bed.”

  “Umm, if I remember right it wasn’t hanging, it was quite awake,” I smirk.

  “You are definitely a wicked woman, but damn I love you. Let’s eat I am starving.” He helps me down and playfully swats my ass.

  As we are eating, I hear my cell phone faintly ringing and frantically try to figure out where my purse landed, when we were ripping each other’s clothes off last night. I find it lying on the floor next to the couch and dig my phone out. I remember to look at the caller ID and see it’s a Florida number, so I decide to answer.

  “Hello! This is Kylie. Yes, I’m still very interested in the position. No, two o’clock today would be great. Okay, see you then. I look forward to meeting you,” I say, hanging up with a huge dorky grin on my face.

  “The Hilton?” Cameron asks.

  Excitedly, “Yep, he wants me to come in for an interview at two o’clock. I’m so excited, no more waitressing in sleazy bars with drunken men slobbering on me.”

  “Yeah, I’m not too thrilled with that idea either. I would feel much better knowing you’re in a safer work environment. I’m excited for you; I know how much you want this job,” he says, as my phone rings again.

  “Hello! Hi mom, no you didn’t wake me. I just got a call from the Hilton Hotel and they want to interview me today, I hope I get it. Oh my God, seriously? When? I can’t wait to see both of you. This Saturday would be great. Okay, send me an email with your flight information and I’ll be there to pick you guys up. Love you, bye.”

  “Well aren’t you Miss Popular today. I take it your mom and dad are coming in this weekend? I forgot to tell you that my mom and dad are back from their vacation and want us to come to a barbeque at their house Saturday night. I hope that would be okay with your parents the first day they come, otherwise I could see if my parents can change the day. They would love to see your parents again.”

  “I’m sure after traveling most of the day; they would be thrilled to go to a barbeque at your parents. It would be relaxing and they can enjoy the Florida weather. This is turning out to be a perfect day.”

  Cameron and I clean up our breakfast dishes and then I leave to find an outfit for my interview and do something with my hair. He has to go to the track and do a few laps with his car, apparently, the mechanics were making some adjustments, and he has to make sure the car is running right. We agree on meeting back at his place to make dinner together with hopes of celebrating my new job.

  Chapter Twelve

  I arrive at the hotel five minutes early and sit there with sweaty palms, making myself more nervous than necessary. This is my chance for a new beginning and a normal work schedule. No more gross groping guys with the smell of stagnant beer and alcohol on their breath, trying to cop a feel while stuffing a tip in unseen places. I need to hold my head high, believe in myself, and impress the hell out of Mr. Stevenson, the known pervert. With a deep breath and a last glance in the mirror, I confidently open the car door ready to win him over and leave gainfully employed.

  As I approach the counter, a very young bleach blonde, who is snapping her gum, looks up from her phone where she’s openly scrolling her Facebook page. “Can I help you?” She asks, between snaps.

  “I’m here for a two o’clock interview with Mr. Stevenson.”

  “Go ahead and take a seat over there in the lobby and I will let him know you have arrived.” She says, pointing to a lounge area where several men are busy on their laptop computers.

  I sit with my legs crossed at the ankles, fidgeting with the hem of my basic black knee length skirt, when I hear a man’s voice behind me asking if I’m Kylie Jenkins. I jump up grabbing my purse while turning around to face Mr. Stevenson I hold my hand out to him and introduce myself. He takes my hand in his and covers it with his other hand in a bit of an intimate gesture that makes me a tad uncomfortable. He’s not what I expected as far as perverts go, I expected a middle-aged short balding man that is overweight and somewhat nerdy. The man standing before me is gorgeous; he’s tall, in good shape, and darkly tanned with a thick head of jet-black hair and crystal blue eyes. He doesn’t seem like the stereotypical perverted type.

  He takes me down a long corridor and we enter a spacious office with an incredible ocean view. The office also isn’t what I expected when one thinks of a pervert. I thought it would be messy with stacks of paperwork piled on the desk. His office is immaculate with everything in its place and not a speck of dust anywhere. I think Stephanie’s perception of Mr. Stevenson may have been an exaggeration. He seems the polar opposite of what she described.

  “Go ahead and take a seat. Make yourself comfortable, while I scan over your application and then we will begin.” He instructs politely, while motioning to the chair in front of his massive mahogany desk.

  I sit and wait while he reads over my application. I fold my hands in my lap, trying to relax, and take a couple deep breathes, preparing myself for the most often asked questions. What are your qualifications? Do you consider yourself reliable? Why do you want to work for our company? Therefore, I’m completely shocked when he starts asking me personal questions.

  “How old are you Miss Jenkins?”

  “Twenty-five,” I answer, somewhat unnerved.

  “Are you married? Have any children?” He pries while his eyes scan my body.

  “No, neither! I don’t see how that would be relevant to my job duties. Many working and professional woman are both married and have children,” I answer, a bit harsher than planned.

  “True! I was just inquiring whether you would have any responsibilities that may get in the way of performing your job duties. We have had several single mothers lately that cannot seem to get to work because of sick children or family interference. I apologize if the question seemed inappropriate,” he explains.

  Whew! I thought he was interviewing me for a position of his wife instead of an employee. “I can assure you that after the following w
eek, I will have no obligations that will interfere with working my schedule. My parents are coming in Saturday and will be staying for a week, beyond that; I’m open to work as many hours that are available. In fact, I would be willing to work as many hours as I can.”

  The interview takes a more traditional form of questioning and then he asks if I have any questions for him. We go through the basics; pay rate, benefits, required hours, and job duties. I have the worst jitters in my stomach wondering if he’s going to offer me a position or make me wait on a call back. He starts to rise from his chair and I figure I will be waiting on his call. He comes around the desk and extends his hand. I take his hand, intending on a firm handshake, we grasp hands but he almost caresses the backside of my arm up to my elbow with his other hand. Creeper!

  “Let’s go talk to Olivia so she can send you home with all the required paperwork to fill out. You can take them home and bring them back on your first day of work. I will have her put you on the schedule to train with Stephanie a day or two after your parents leave. It will depend on when Stephanie works that week. We look forward to having you join our team,” he adds with a playboy worthy smile.

  “I really appreciate the opportunity to work for your company and hope to become a model employee.” I sigh, relieved to be leaving the confines of his office.

  He introduces me to Olivia and she gives me a packet of information and informs me of which forms she will need back. The rest of the packet is mine to keep and read through in regards to company policies and procedures. We set up my start date for the Monday after my parent’s leave, as that is the first day available that coincides with Stephanie’s schedule. I leave Olivia’s office, retreating down the long hallway and back to the lobby with a newfound bounce in my step. I have a job.

  As I’m waiting for the car to cool down to a bearable temperature, I send a text off to Cameron letting him know the good news of my current employment status. I also tell him I’m going to stop at the grocery store to pick out something for us to cook for dinner. I end the text with a heart and a bright red pair of smooching lips, just to be cute. Next, I send a less intimate text to Courtney letting her know I will no longer be an unemployed leech.

  Cameron texts back almost instantly.

  That’s great babe! I knew you would get the job. We will have to celebrate tonight, any ideas come to mind? If not, I’m sure I can think of something for us to do. See you around five. Love you, Cam.

  I feel like the luckiest girl alive after reading his text. He is sweet, sexy, and has an insatiable appetite for sex. I send him a quick reply.

  Please tell me u r not texting while driving around the track at 180 mph, lol. I can’t wait to see u, luv u 2.

  I don’t wait for his reply knowing he’s busy. I pull out of the hotel and head in the direction of the supermarket. I’m becoming rather fond of Publix grocery stores, their meat and seafood is always fresh, and they have a big variety to choose from. I need to decide on steaks or a seafood dish for dinner. I haven’t seen Cameron eat fish yet so I don’t know if he likes it. I finally decide on some nice porterhouse steaks, baked potatoes, asparagus, and shrimp. I browse the wine aisle for a bit, but I have never been good at matching wine with dinner, so I decide I will send Cameron a text and see if he can pick something up.

  I’m in the line waiting to check out when I see Courtney enter the store. I quickly throw my few items back in the cart and try to catch up with her. I find her browsing in the produce section and sneak up behind her, hitting her in the ass with my cart. She jumps and turns ready to tell someone off when she sees me and a big smile crosses her face.

  “Hey stranger, how have you been?” She giggles pulling me into a hug. “Has that brother of mine been holding you captive in his bedroom? I haven’t seen much of you in the last few days.”

  “I was about to ask you the same thing about Blake. How are things going with him?” I prod, avoiding her question about Cameron and me.

  “Kylie, he’s fantastic, I just love being around him. He’s considerate, caring, funny, and has a gorgeous body that I love to lay next to every night. He might be the one. I don’t think I have ever said that about anyone else before, but I think I might be falling in love with him,” she gushes excitedly.

  “I’m happy for you. You deserve to find someone that makes you feel loved and special. Just take it slow and really get to know each other before making any definite decisions. Remember, I thought Dylan was the one a couple years ago and I couldn’t have been more wrong.” I lecture, refreshing her memory.

  “I know, I should take it slow however, I already asked him to move in with me. I just don’t want to be apart from him anymore than I have to. I know he will have to travel some for his volleyball meets, but other than that, I want him with me,” she explains.

  “What about Cameron? Blake just moved in there a couple days ago to help with expenses and he’s going to move out already?”

  “Well, I’m not sure. I’m still trying to convince Blake to move in. He feels guilty about that too and doesn’t want my brother to think he used him, Blake’s still thinking about it. That’s why I’m here; I want to pick up something to make him a romantic dinner and try to persuade him,” she grins.

  I point to my cart, “Yeah, me too. We are going to cook dinner together and relax, in celebration of my new job. I texted you telling you I got a job, but forgot to tell you that it was at the Hilton. I’m so excited that I won’t be working in bars any longer. I also forgot to tell you that my mom and dad will be here on Saturday. Cameron and I are going to the airport to pick them up and later we will be at your parents for their cookout. I can’t wait to see both my parents and yours.”

  “I’m so sorry, we have been chatting about the guys, and I forgot to congratulate you on your new job. Do you think you will like it there?” she asks.

  “I think so. The boss is a little on the odd side but I don’t think I will have to interact with him that much, so it shouldn’t be a problem.” I glance at my watch and realize it is already four-thirty. “I have to get going, Cameron and I are meeting at his place at five o’clock. I don’t want him to think I forgot about dinner. Plus, I have to text him to pick up some wine, I’m clueless about what to get.”

  “Get a bottle of Sutter Home’s Moscato white wine. It’s my ‘go to’ bottle and it tastes good with just about anything. Besides, Cameron won’t care, he would be just as happy with some beer,” she suggests.

  “You are a genius, beer it is! I would be just as happy with that too. Growing up around all those breweries in Wisconsin, I sort of miss a good beer,” I decide turning towards the alcohol aisle. “See ya later, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “Well at least you’re giving me a lot of options,” she jokes, busting out laughing.

  “Oh shut up! Bye.” I wave as I hurry to get some beer.

  The one thing I hate about new relationships is the not knowing everything the other person likes. I stand there scanning all the beer products and finally decide on a twelve pack of Miller, and hope he’s not fussy about his beer. I roll my cart back to the checkout lane and once again wait for it to be my turn. The line goes quick; it looks as though most people are here just to pick up a few items. The bagger offers to help me to my car but I politely decline, I think I can handle two bags and a twelve pack.

  I go to Cameron’s door and use the key he conveniently left on the key ring when he loaned me his car. I place the steaks, shrimp, and beer in the fridge and leave the rest on the counter. I have enough time to run across the hall and change into something more comfortable before making dinner. When I open the door, Blake is lounging on the couch reading a paper in just his boxers; he apparently has made himself at home.

  “Hi, Blake! I’m just stopping in to change clothes. Courtney should be home in a few minutes. We ran into each other at Publix, she was picking up a few things for dinner,” I ramble as I excuse myself.

  “Cool,” is all he mumbles

  Blake seems nice enough, but I can’t help to think Courtney could do a little better than him. I get a weird vibe around him; however, I don’t want to hurt Courtney’s feelings by saying something to her. Especially after she just told me she’s falling in love with him. It’s probably my paranoia, these days I’m not a trusting person. I would just hate to see Courtney go through what I did, I wouldn’t wish that hell on my worst enemy.

  I change into my favorite pair of faded blue jeans, a soft cotton t-shirt, and slide my feet into my Roxy flip-flops. Now I feel more like myself, casual and comfortable. Since Courtney is planning a romantic dinner and trying to persuade Blake to move in, I’m sure he will be spending the night. I grab a change of clothes, my toothbrush, and my makeup bag and throw it into small duffel bag. I hope Cameron doesn’t think I’m being too forward by bringing my stuff back to his place. I’ll have to get used to listening to Courtney and Blake in the next room if her wish comes true and he moves in. Before leaving, I take a second to look around, everything appears to be how I left it and there’s not any mysterious cologne smell. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

  I leave my room making sure I pull my door closed and walk past Blake on the couch. “Hope you two have a great dinner tonight,” I mumble as I open the door.

  “Yeah, see ya.” He dismisses me without looking up.

  I can see the physical attraction that Courtney might have for Blake, but he’s definitely lacking in social skills. Even when we all went to Club Fusion, he just sat there drinking his drink and watching the people around us, never contributing to the conversation at the table. He’s a good volleyball player, however I’m not sure what he would do if that doesn’t work out for him. I would hate to see him take advantage of Courtney by lying around all day while she works, I guess I should probably mind my own business.

  I just shake off my feelings about Blake and go back to Cameron’s to start dinner. When I open the door, I hear the shower running in his bedroom. He must have come in while I was changing. I wash and poke the potatoes with a fork and put them in the microwave. I take the steaks out and season them, then get to work on peeling shrimp for shrimp scampi. I’m bent over looking in the refrigerator for butter when I feel his hands on my hips and he grinds himself against my ass.


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