Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 13

by Katy Kaylee

  I tried to dismiss them as I headed down to the conference room, but that was like trying to dismiss fog. Every time I went to concentrate, the ephemeral things would slip out of my hands like little wisps of nothing only to crowd back in the moment I let my guard down.

  Naturally the day seemed to go by at a snail’s pace, and when it was finally over, I practically bounded back up to my office. To my annoyance, Bev wasn’t there, no doubt off running some errand that was actually important.

  But I didn’t want her running errands. I wanted her in front of me in the vain hope that somehow she understood and that I hadn’t ruined everything.

  As if life were reading my mind, I heard my office door open and close behind me, then the distinctive click of a lock. Turning, I saw Bev standing just in front of it before she went to close what few shutters I had left up. After just a few more seconds, we were cut off from the rest of the world.

  Just her and me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, putting all the authority I could in my voice. Although her absence had certainly affected me, and although I ached for her like a drug, I wouldn’t budge on the NDA. My body might have been calling out for her, begging to sink my hands into her lush, opulent softness, but I couldn’t trust her beyond that. I couldn’t trust anyone. The NDA took care of that. It protected me so I could just be myself and she could be herself. Without it, I was too…


  She continued to walk towards me and I braced myself to rebuff her advances. It would hurt like hell and my hind brain was clamoring for me to give in, but I had worked far too hard for far too long to let a little tryst ruin the empire I had built.

  Even if she felt like so much more than just a tryst.

  But before I could even speak, she dropped a fat stack of papers on my desk.

  “What’s this?” I asked, looking between it and her like either one of them might spontaneously combust.

  “The NDA,” she said matter of factly. “It’s signed. All of it.”

  “But you left it behind…” I muttered, my mind trying to wrap itself around her sudden about face.

  “Actually, you have a copy of it on your legal file server that you gave me access to, so I printed it and signed it all while you were in your meeting.” Her tone shifted from entirely professional to something warmer. Softer. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions in your kitchen. I thought you were saying something about me, but you really weren’t. It’s just to protect you.”

  Tension bled away from me and arousal quickly took its place, giving me a sort of internal whiplash. She got it. She really got it.

  “Wanna know what changed my mind?” she asked, tilting her face up at me and looking oh so similar to when she had been spread across my bed.

  “Not really,” I answered gruffly, crossing around the table and yanking her to me so I could crash my mouth to hers just how I wanted to.

  She let out another one of those perfect little gasps and my tongue swept in after it. She tasted so sweet, so her, and I felt my body react to it instantly.

  My hands were all over her, feeling, caressing, pushing and sinking. I loved the give of her body. I loved the way it felt as it pressed into me. But it was a greedy sort of pleasure, one that made me demand more and more and more.

  As much as I wanted to treasure every moment, to let each touch, each caress linger, I couldn’t contain myself. My hands wrapped around her soft, enticing waist and then I was setting her on my desk once more.

  It was a faint echo of what we had done that first time, when I had been on my knees worshipping her like she deserved, but I didn’t have nearly the same amount of patience at my command as I had then. I shoved her skirt up then greedily yanked her panties to the side, thrusting two fingers into her before she could even breathe a word.

  She let out a little yelp, but I quickly swallowed it up with a bruising kiss. For a fleeting moment I worried that I was being too hard, vaulting too far past the line of pleasure-pain, but she just hissed as she wrapped her legs around me and pulled me so tightly to her that there was barely room for my hands.

  “Yes, just like that, sweetheart,” I soothed as I pulled my lips away from hers. But my mouth didn’t leave her long, my fingers undoing her buttons, so I could get at her hidden, creamy flesh. I wanted to taste her again, to mark her as proof that I had been there, that I had moved her as only a competent lover could. I was so caught up in my lust at the idea that I found myself jolted from my thoughts when I always saw reddish-blue little bruises littering her perfect skin.

  Those were my marks. Little love bites and small hickeys dotted both of her shoulders and the sides of her neck that her shirt had been covering. Some of them were almost faded completely, more yellow than anything else, but it made me burn so hot that I was surprised I didn’t combust right then and there.

  “More,” Bev whispered, so quiet that I almost didn’t hear her.

  “You like them?” I answered, my voice little more than a growl, wild and feral and surprising even myself. She nodded mutely, her eyelids fluttering closed, and she was entirely too pretty to be real.

  My free hand, the one that didn’t have two fingers still rocking in and out of her, caressed her face. It was surprisingly tender considering the whirlwind like nature of what we were doing, but I just wanted to touch her beauty, to memorize it in that tactile way that she brought out of me.

  Gentle, oh so gentle, my thumb stroked her bottom lip, the one she chewed on whenever she was thinking too hard. I hadn’t had a particular goal in mind with the gesture, just wanting to feel her, but then she drew the digit into her mouth and flicked her tongue against its calloused pad.

  My full body shuddered at that, my other hand stilling as I breathed raggedly. “Little girl, do you have any idea of what you do to me?”

  She looked up at me with those perfect green eyes. “I dunno, Daddy, why don’t you show me?”

  Those words, that tone, everything about the moment was like a lightning strike and I suddenly couldn’t be inside her fast enough. I pulled my fingers from her, earning another hiss, and both of my hands were working myself free of my pants.

  I didn’t even get them down my thighs in my rush to free myself. I freed myself enough for the job and then I was buried inside of her, her squeezing down around me like a vice.

  She let out a little gasp, somewhere between pain and ardor, her hands coming up to grip the front of my shirt.

  “Fitz,” she breathed. Or maybe whimpered. I couldn’t say. All I knew was the plaintive sound threatened to send me over the edge right then and there.

  “No,” I growled, feeling like I might come apart at the seams. “Call me what you said earlier.”

  “Daddy?” she questioned, voice hazy.

  I signaled my affirmative with a roll of my hips, pushing deeper into her. I could feel her body just starting to give, trying to make room for me pretty valiantly considering it was only Bev’s second time.

  “Okay,” she drew in a shaky breath and I could feel her flutter around me. When she seemed to have more of her wits about her, she pulled herself up so that her full lips were almost brushing my ear. “Ruin me, Daddy. Please?”

  How could I deny a request like that?

  I rutted into her, not holding back as she met me in kind. My hands went to her hips, gripping her hard enough to bruise as I held her in place for each of my wild thrusts.

  Bev, to her credit, kept up a chorus of moans and heady whispers, her hand clamped over her mouth so that the secretaries might not hear us but still letting enough through so that I knew she liked what I was doing. As if I already couldn’t tell that by how her womanhood was flooding me with slickness and her walls were clamping down on me like they wanted to keep me inside of her forever.

  And I would have been content to stay there forever if my biology allowed it, but I quickly felt myself reaching my end. Once more I found one of my hands snaking between us, so I could stimulate that sensitiv
e little bud that was no doubt aching to be touched.

  One circle, two circles, three circles and a direct flick then she was trembling all around me, her keening notes barely muffled by her hand. The way she felt when she climaxed around me was unreal and I found myself pouring into her without a second thought.

  I let myself stay in her, looking down at her flushed face and closed eyes with reverence. Something was happening, something that I didn’t quite understand, but it felt far better than it had any right to. Gazing down at the woman in my embrace, I knew that there had to be a balance. With so much good, so much perfection found within her, the downside had to soon be coming.

  I knew I was in for one hell of a ride, but I didn’t think I minded all that much.


  I stared down at the calendar alert on my phone, almost not believing it. Somehow, someway, I had made it through one month and two weeks of being employed as an assistant with GSME.

  It’d been a week and two days since Fitz and I had coupled on his desk, the NDA scattered underneath my bare ass, and we actually hadn’t had any free time to do anything like that again. I had been far too sore the next day -in the most delicious way possible- and then my period had rolled into town.

  He’d been surprisingly sweet during it, bringing me chocolates and a fancy heating pad to my apartment then grabbing me some greasy diner food. It was almost like dating someone, except I knew better than that. No matter how floaty my heart wanted to get about the man I’d given my virginity to, I knew that we were just fucking and that was it.

  Well… I also kind of hoped that maybe we were also kinda, maybe becoming friends, but I didn’t want to push it.

  Wow. A month and a half at GSME. A lot had certainly happened, hadn’t it?

  A shadow passed over my desk, pulling me from my thoughts, and then two small rectangles of paper were set down. I looked up, blinking curiously, to see Fitz standing over me.

  I didn’t think it was possible, but he was even more handsome than when I had laid eyes on him. All sharp angles and muscles and masculinity. He made me want to bury my nose into his neck and breathe his scent until I was dizzy with lust.

  “What’s this?” I asked, pulling my eyes away from him to look at the papers on my desk. They looked like tickets, but I didn’t recognize the name of the concert on the front. It looked like it might be a foreign language.

  “You mentioned in passing once that you’d never been to the Opera and always wished you could go,” he said as if that explained everything.

  I couldn’t help it when my eyes widened. “I said that to Jessica, once, when she mentioned a charity that helped underprivileged kids.”

  He shrugged and for a moment I was overwhelmed with the gesture. Not just because it was nice, and I knew that the tickets were indeed pricy, but because he clearly paid attention way more than I had ever thought he would. If he had managed to pick up on that tiny faction as he happened to be returning to his office, what else did he know? And that wasn’t even touching on the fact that he cared enough to store away that little crust of knowledge like it was something important.

  Abruptly I felt both very important and very small. Who was I to garner this sort of attention? This sort of care? I was just his young, fat assistant who he was using for release from his undoubtedly stressful job. That was it.

  Then why didn’t it feel like that was it?

  I didn’t have an answer so instead I busied myself with thanking him. “This is… this is amazing. It says its for tomorrow. Should I dress up? People dress up, right?”

  He nodded and the discomfort from my questioning how he knew quickly faded. “I’ll pick you up early,” he said, ordering me about in that way that I liked. “I have a dress waiting for you at my place.”

  I couldn’t help but smile at that. His gifts were unnecessary, but I got the feeling that he liked giving them as much as I liked receiving them. Like they were ways that he could provide for me like no one else in my life had ever bothered.

  Wait. No.

  I forced myself not to think those kinds of thoughts. Those were happy, lovey-dovey couple thoughts and we were anything but that.

  “You could just send it by courier to my place since it’s not until tomorrow night.”

  “I could,” he said, voice low in that way that gave me goosebumps from head to toe. “But then I wouldn’t get to see you put it on, would I?”

  I felt myself color brightly. “I’m afraid if you saw that, we might be late to the opera and I’ll never actually get the dress on.”

  “Oh sweetheart,” he crooned admonishingly. “I’m very good at staying on task.”

  I looked all around me with wide eyes, as if I could download the surroundings like some sort of digital map and never forget a single detail.

  I had no idea an opera house could be so beautiful. Sure, I’d seen some pictures online and I had daydreamed as a young child, but the opulence that surrounded me was purely mind-boggling.

  “You alright?”

  I blinked hazily at Fitz, trying to bring my mind back to center. He looked good too, all crisp and handsome in a suit that probably cost the same as my year’s salary.

  “I’m fine,” I murmured, taking his arm and clinging to it like a lifeline. “Maybe just a little overwhelmed.”

  “Why?” he asked as we walked across the magnificent lobby and it’s lush, cobalt carpet. At least he sounded amused and not judgmental, like seeing me so slack-jawed was the gold star on top of his little gift.

  I gestured around us. “How could I not be with all this?”

  He shrugged, and I felt his eyes on me. “I guess, compared to you, there isn’t much to catch my attention.”

  I flushed from tip to toes at that. “You charmer,” I accused, ducking my head into his arm to cover my vibrant blushing.

  “Just telling the truth. If I knew the dress was going to look that brilliant on you, I might have bought more in other colors.”

  I pursed my lips at that, not sure what to say. He was right, the dress did look amazing on me. It’s was somewhere between heather gray and lilac, caressing the curves of my body like a whisper of spun silk. It had long, dangling cape-sleeves from each shoulder that made me feel like a goddess, and a generous amount of cleavage. I remembered seeing something similar on a red-carpet review once, and I almost wondered if it was the same dress, just bigger.

  No. People who made dresses for celebrities never made plus size wear. It was ‘beneath’ them, or whatever. Maybe it was custom made?

  That thought made me flush further and I pushed it from my mind as Fitz led us to our box seats.

  And oh boy if that wasn’t the fanciest shit.

  Sitting there in the oh-so-comfortable chair, our box curtained on either side, a small table there with champagne in a bucket of ice and two flutes, I couldn’t help but compare it to most of what I’d experienced growing up.

  Second hand shoes bought at the thrift shop. PB and J sandwiches because I was on the school lunch program. Sweaters with holes in them because they were comfy and I’d rather my foster parents take a bit out of our clothing budget to spend a little extra towards a digital tablet for my birthday.

  The third couple I had been with had tried real hard to provide for me as best they could while I waited for a forever family. I was never hungry with them and I was always clothed. I didn’t have to worry about the father or brother trying to cop a feel like my first family, or the mother tearing into me over each and everything she could like with my second family.

  But even with that loving couple, the Pruetts, doing everything they could, they never could have dreamed of getting me a dress like the one I was wearing and taking me to a non-charity opera.

  No, I owed all of these experiences to Fitz, and I had no idea what I could do in turn for him.

  “Hey, you sure you’re alright?”

  I hadn’t realized that I had closed my eyes and I opened them to see Fitz eying me with conc
ern. I managed a little nod then breathed in deeply though my nose to dry out the tears that I felt trying to well up.

  Geeze, when had I gotten so sappy?

  “Just happy,” I murmured.

  He looked like he was going to say something, a great expanse of emotions flashing across his face, but then the lights were dimming, and someone came onstage to speak what I guessed was an introduction.

  But I didn’t want to be alone in the moment. Or at least not physically, so I slid my hands into his, my smaller fingers curling into his larger ones. We hadn’t ever really held hands and it felt surprisingly intimate. I flicked a glance towards his face to see him staring at our touching palms with a look I couldn’t decipher, but then he settled and turned back to the show.

  And what a show it was.

  Sure, I didn’t get most of what was happening, but there was something about listening to about a hundred or so experts performing their craft that was just captivating. My body thrummed with a strange sort of energy, one that felt like it could create worlds and destroy galaxies. I leaned forward more and more, my mouth open with my shallow breaths.

  I felt like I was being wound more tightly than a top, the strange, musical foreplay hitting all the perfect notes within me. Fitz seemed to feel it too, or maybe he just noticed my own reaction, because as we headed towards the climax of the first act, he pulled his hand from mine and placed it on my waist.

  I was both surprised and not surprised as he pulled me from my chair and settled me into his lap, his hands roving all over my clothed body. I let out a whimper and squirmed, almost seeming to do it in time with the swell of the orchestra.

  “That’s it, sweetheart,” he whispered behind me, so low and wild that I could only barely catch it over the driving tune below. The percussion rattled up my spine and into my heart while the woodwinds made me feel like I could just vault right out of the box and soar. “Feel the music.”


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