Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 35

by Katy Kaylee

  “Why would that have anything to do with it…?” Glancing up dully at Eric, leaning on the desk opposite me, I watched as understanding flickered across his face. He grimaced, crossing his arms over his broad chest, and I offered him a grim, shallow smile. “Oh- yeah… that would definitely make it worse…”

  “So… yeah- that’s the story.” The silence stretched as Eric stared at me from under tightly knitted brows, and I sighed heavily again. Even my bones were tired, and my mind worked slowly to process the past few minutes. Greg had appeared, ruining what I thought would be an amazing day, and I was reduced to hiding in a stranger’s hotel room.

  How pathetic. How stupid am I to think that I wasn’t afraid of Greg.

  “You know- my parents somehow got the idea that I had a girlfriend, so they spread the rumor that I was engaged. I’m not sure why, but I’ve never contradicted them. It’s just easier to go along with it, and I don’t have a lot of contact with them anyway. It’s difficult to date with a kid.” Confusion welled in my chest even as my brows shot up in surprise, and I lifted my head to catch Eric’s frown deepen. “Not to say it’s anything like what you’re going through, but everyone’s got their problems. Sometimes, it’s good to talk about it with someone you don’t know. There’s no judgment or bias. A lot of my family doesn’t understand why I have a hard time dating.”

  “Why do you?” Relief that the spotlight wasn’t on me anymore flooded my veins, and I pursed my lips thinly. Eric shrugged, pushing himself off the edge of the desk to sit next to me. He radiated warmth beyond his white, perfectly starched button-down, and the fine hairs on the right side of my body stood up.

  “She’s six- my daughter, Maggie. I work 7-3:30 every day, and she always wants to do things. Every minute of the day is packed. Being a single parent, there’s this stereotype that single dads get a lot of attention, but Maggie wouldn’t understand the concept of a friend with benefits or something. She’s at that stage where things are black and white. I can’t bring anyone around unless they’re going to stay, and I can’t get to that point because I just don’t have the time. It’s like getting a job- can’t get a job without experience, can’t get experience without a job.” Eric didn’t seem at all sour about the fact that he couldn’t date, and a smile wormed onto my face. “Her mother was a woman I dated when I wasn’t overseas. She died giving birth, and I was transferred to logistical support. We weren’t super close, and I knew she regretted her confidence in the pull-out method.”

  “… My mom died from cancer when I was 8. We all knew it was coming- had been for a long time- but my dad just… he admitted when I was older than he’d contemplated suicide, and he would’ve done it if I wasn’t there to stop him. He married my step-mom when I was 12, but he doesn’t love her like he loved my mom. They’re more like friends. I don’t think they’ve even had sex- I think they’re married because they’re both afraid of being alone. She’s actually a really lovely person. She never tried to take my mom’s place, but she was more like a stand-in, and she knew it.” Eric took my hand to squeeze firmly, and my smile grew a fraction as I looked at my life without my step-brother in it. “So… it wasn’t all bad, I guess. It’s easy to think it is because my step-brother just creeps me out so much.”

  “I know the feeling. When Maggie was born, I had no idea what I was doing. I had to have my parents move in with me, but that was a disaster. They tried to raise her without me. It lasted a couple of months, maybe, before I couldn’t take it anymore and forced them to leave again. At first, it was dreadful- taking care of a baby by myself with almost no support. I started getting the hang of it, though, and things got so good so fast.” Fiddling with the ring on my finger absently, Eric stared at his dress shoes intently- like they were the most interesting thing in the world. The uniqueness of the situation struck a chord in me, and I relished this intimacy with who was virtually a stranger. There was a certain comfort in knowing that I might never see Eric again after today, but it clashed with the desire to keep this bubble intact.

  “I’m going to my cousin’s wedding in a few weeks, and my parents want to meet a fiancée that they made up. I don’t know what I’m going to do. I want to go, you know- because he’s my closest cousin, and we’ve been through some shit together. I just don’t want to be a laughingstock, and I refuse to let Maggie go through that confusion and negativity.” As he spoke, Eric stroked the diamond centerpiece of my mom’s ring, and my heart ached for him. It was an impossible spot to be in, and he clearly agonized over the decision. A low chuckle filled the room, and he leaned his head back against the edge of the mattress to catch my eye. “I mean- this is about as close to a woman I’ve been in seven years.”

  A feathery sensation tickled my brain, and our gaze grew intense with expectation. Eric’s pupils narrowed into fine points, and his jaw ticked with his need to say whatever it was he wanted to say. My heart rate slowed, and I tilted my head in a bare, almost imperceptible nod before he licked his lips. Flickering down, my eyes followed the tip of his tongue, and my abdomen clenched at the exact moment he finally spoke up.

  “I don’t want to sound like a creep, Delainne, but maybe… we can solve each other’s problems? You pretend to be my fiancée for this wedding, and I’ll protect you from your step-brother.” Tearing my gaze from his mouth, my breath hitched at the graveness set deep in Eric’s expression. “We don’t have to have sex or go on dates or anything if it makes you uncomfortable. You can say ‘no’, and I’ll still help you out. I just figured- if you were looking not to be alone anymore, it could be mutually beneficial.”

  At no point in Eric’s explanation did my mind interpret him as saying ‘I’ll save you if I get something out of it’, and my heart ached fiercely in appreciation. Reaching to cup his cheek, I found myself unable to look away from his brilliant gaze even as it drew closer and distorted. The faint pulsing in my abdomen grew more intense, and I sucked up a sharp breath before leaning in to him.

  “I want to…” My mumble earned me a surprised, soft grunt, and I shuffled to sit on my knees. Suddenly, I was glad that I’d washed myself up, and not once did Eric indicate that he thought I smelled bad. “I’ll do it. And I’ll have sex with you- because… no matter what I might feel about giving my virginity to a stranger, at least it’s not my step-brother.”

  “Trust me- it’s not nearly as forbidding as it seems. Do you place high value on something like that?” Shaking my head, I thought back to that conversation my step-mom had with me when I first got my period. Eric dragged his fingertips up my arm and over my shoulder, and he twisted as our lips hovered just a millimeter apart. Goosebumps pocked my skin, and I exhaled a shaky breath before speaking up in a mere whisper.

  “I don’t think I’ll regret it. It’ll make me feel safer… if that makes sense.” Fire spread through my body when Eric cupped the back of my head, and my brain went into shut-down mode. His callused palm sent thick waves of security crashing into my ribs, and my eyelids fluttered closed on their own. “I’m 19 years old- by the way… I can show you my I.D. …”

  “I believe you.” Each word that floated between us brought us closer together, and I stiffened when Eric’s lips gazed mine. “I’ll make sure you don’t regret it, Delainne.”

  Kissing me firmly, Eric pulled a gasp from my throat, and I automatically flung my arms around his shoulders. His lips were warm and slightly chapped, and his fingers crept up into my hair to urge me closer. My core clenched eagerly, and I opened my mouth for his tongue to taste him mixed with some sort of minty toothpaste. A soft moan bubbled up from my throat, and he caressed my waist and lower back to grip my butt and squeeze.

  Braking the seal of our lips, he urged me up as he stood, and a little, nervous giggle escaped me. Flickering to the bed, my eyes widened at how vast the queen-sized mattress seemed, and my abdomen tightened as expectation created a firestorm in my chest.


  Holding myself very still, I gulped harshly as Eric unbuttoned my j
eans deftly. The silence was stifling, and my heart thundered in anticipation that boiled my blood. Disbelief that this was actually happening fogged my mind, and he pulled the zipper down before glancing up at me. Gingerly hooking his fingers under the waistline of my jeans, he waited for me to nod sharply before tugging them down.

  “I didn’t want to say anything before, but… you smell amazing.” Fire licked my cheeks at his mumble, and Eric’s lips twitched in a smirk before he licked them heavily. “You can back out if you’re unsure.”

  “That’s exactly why I won’t.” The words flew from my trembling mouth, and he stared at me, searching for any hint of hesitation. When he didn’t find it, he released my gaze, and I dug my bare toes into the comforter to lift my hips. His fingers grazed my thighs, and goosebumps washed my skin as he pulled both my panties and my pants down. A shiver lodged between my shoulder blades, and I held my breath as the fabric scraped my ankles.

  Dropping my clothes carelessly over the end of the bed, Eric crawled up to kiss my lips, and I cupped his face between trembling, clammy palms. Gasping when he nudged his knee between mine, I closed my eyes to drown in the unfamiliar need that coiled in my abdomen. His fingers crept under my shirt, and I moaned softly to invite his tongue to wrap around mine.

  Grinding harmlessly against my thigh, Eric groaned a guttural sound, and tremors raced down my spine when he cupped my breast. Arching slightly, I panted harshly when he left my mouth to kiss a trail of fire down my neck. My skin tightened when he pulled my shirt all the way up, and I dragged my hands along the defined, strong muscles of his shoulders to lift my head.

  Eric licked my pert nipple, and I gasped as pleasure rippled down my chest. Kneading my breasts with firm hands, he squished them together, and a moan burst from my chest. Licking and kissing, he lavished each dusky bud with attention, and my core burned against the friction of his bulge. Spreading my legs in wanton need, I bit down on my bottom lip hard as he nestled between my quivering thighs.

  “If no one’s ever told you- you have a gorgeous body.” His gravelly words were music, and I bit back a moan as Eric suckled my nipples gently. Searching, greedy fingers left my right breast to travel south, and I buried my fists tightly in his shirt. Rough fingertips grazed my nub, and his eyes bored into my chin for a long, hot second before they circled slowly. Pleasure ravaged down my legs, and I tilted my hips into his palm with a needy, keening sound.

  Kissing down my belly, Eric kissed my mound teasingly, but I nearly choked on air when he didn’t hesitate to dive between my thighs. My hands flew for his hair to pull taut, and moans and whimpers dropped from my lips as he licked the length of my slit. Flames climbed up my body, and I shuddered while his groan of hunger rang in my ears. Straight, white teeth rolled my nub, and twitches and spasms rampaged through my muscles without care.

  Eric hummed as his eyes scanned me, leaving trails of fire in their wake, and I hissed when he prodded my entrance. Tensing up at the unfamiliar sensation, I craned my neck and arched sharply, and his tongue laved my bead relentlessly. His fingertips breached my channel, and pleasure swept up just under my skin in cold, prickling waves. Clamping down on his digits, I sputtered for breath against the desire that flooded my lungs and sent my heart into overdrive.

  “You’ve never done anything at all, Delainne? You’ve never even touched yourself?” My expressions must’ve given me away, and I nodded sharply before his two fingers sunk deeper into me. A squeak of a moan burst from my throat, and he laughed hotly until he shuffled up to kiss my lips hard. Wiggling his fingers, he groped blindly to untangle my own from his hair to guide it beneath him.

  The hard, impressive bulge in Eric’s dress pants caused a deluge of embarrassment to dump in my chest, but I couldn’t help but squeeze it. Unfastening his pants easily, he directed my fingers under the hem, and I squirmed at the hot, throbbing organ that met my fingers. His kiss deepened, and the sensations thrumming through me became overwhelming as I probed inside his pants.

  His bulbous, spongy head scorched my fingertips as I searched his length, and I moaned a needy sound. I could wrap my hand comfortably around his rod, but it didn’t feel small. Pumping him from base to tip, I relished his shiver and groan, and he retreated from my channel to ease back in.

  “Does that mean you’ve never seen a man naked?” There was a peculiar kind of pride in Eric’s harsh tone, and I smiled when he pulled back. His fingers left me aching and empty, and I gasped before he climbed off the bed. Pushing myself on my elbows, my body trembled with anticipation, and saliva pooled in my mouth. Unbuttoning his shirt hurriedly, he stepped out of his pants to held out his arms in that ‘impressive, huh’ stance.

  And boy- oh, oh boy was Eric impressive.

  “You’re like a model-“ The words flew from my mouth before I could stop them, and I blushed furiously when Eric laughed a deep, hearty sound. His sculpted chest tightened, and his 4-pack, defined abs rippled under taut, tanned skin. I couldn’t help myself from scanning farther down, and a lump formed in my throat as I stared none-too-subtly at his manhood. It stood tall, proud, darker at the base with a very clear line that tinted red about halfway up.

  “You’re very beautiful, as well, Delainne.” Swiping his pants from the floor, he fished for his wallet with a pleased grin created shallow dents in his cheeks. “I work out every day. It’s kind of my and Maggie’s thing we like to do together at the gym.”

  “I never work out- I mean, beyond what I normally do. I ride a bike everywhere, and… uh- but I watch what I eat. My mom only lived as long as she did because of what she ate… I don’t know how true that is, but…” Producing a condom from his wallet, Eric cast me a knowing look and nod, and I licked my lips heavily as anxiety curdled in my gut. “That’s not the- ehm- sexiest… topic…”

  “Maybe you can come with us sometime? I bet you’d look great in yoga pants.” My face flamed as Eric winked at me, and I inhaled a shallow, shaky breath while he rolled the condom down his length. “Seriously, though, we should exchange numbers. It’d be good for you to have someone to call.”

  “Yeah… we should.” Crawling over me to capture my lips, Eric groaned as he propped his elbows on either side of my head. The conversation died in that moment, and I couldn’t even think to revive it when his shielded head brushed against my wet folds. My heart stuttered, and I stilled when he reached between us to guide himself to my entrance. Swiping the latex against my slit, he slipped his tongue between my teeth to steal what little breath I managed.

  Gripping the comforter with white-knuckle tightness, I tensed when Eric nudged my seeping hole, and he kissed me harder. The head of his cock breached my virginal barrier, and I jerked automatically only for him to grab my hip with bruising force.

  But the pain was nothing more than a surprisingly dull sting, and I huffed short, shallow breaths when Eric pulled back. Bracing his palm beside my head, he thrust his hips slightly, and my eyes nearly boggled out of their sockets. Discomfort rippled through me as he stretched my walls, and I shuddered as pressure built in my skull.

  Exhaling harshly as Eric inched deeper, my hands flew to his waist, and I pulled my knees up only to be blasted with pure, unfiltered euphoria. Squeezing my eyes shut, I scrunched up my face and ground my teeth as wave after wave of pleasure rippled out from my core. The tingles swept up to my collar bones and down to my toes, and I couldn’t breathe from the potency of it.

  “Fuck-“ Blowing out a hot breath that scorched my cheek, Eric’s rasp coaxed one of my eyes open. His face pinched, expression tense and red around orbs that glittered brilliantly and lips pursed thin. “God- you’re fucking nirvana, Delainne.”

  “Th- tha-ah-h-!” Moaning loudly when Eric pulled back, I flung my head to the side and dug my nails into his hard flesh. The sensation sent buzzing up my spine, and I gulped down a huge breath. He thrust slowly, deeply, and he pressed his forehead against my temple as pleasure seized my nerves. His rhythm echoed the blood pounding against my ear drums, and I
urged him faster as frantic need welled inside me.

  The sting fell out of my scope of comprehension, and Eric pushed himself up onto strong, muscular arms. His hips collided with mine with a soft slap, and moan after moan dropped from my crackling lips. Stars popped at the corners of my vision, and I gripped his shoulders to tilt my hips greedily.

  No- there was no way I would regret this.

  “It’s so good!” My tortured groan earned me a growling sort of noise that sent thrill through me, and Eric picked up his pace gradually. “Oh-h-h God- Eric…”

  “How’s the pain?” Shaking my head furiously, I gasped when he pushed himself up to balance on his knees. Powerful arms hooked against the small of my back, and I squealed when he rammed into my channel. His length throbbed, and my toes curled from the pleasure of him. A choking, harsh gasp rained down on me, and he thrust a steady, pounding beat that knocked my heart out of sync.

  “Good- good- good- Oh-h- God! Yes-s-s!” Rasping pants burst from my throat as Eric thrust again and again, and it seemed to go on forever. My walls tightened around his length as it throbbed hotly, and pleasure threatened to whisk me away.

  Only when Eric dropped me did I realize it was over, and he slumped back on his ankles as disappointment swept through me. The knots in my abdomen twisted and clenched, and I forced my heavy eyelids open. He stared at me, a big, fat smirk stretching his lips, and I couldn’t hide the face I pulled before he leaned down to kiss my lips hard.

  “You’re adorable.” The energy seeped from my entire body, and I groaned softly in protest when Eric pulled back. His smile widened, became slicker, and I licked my lips between heavy pants. “It’s not that great the first time.”


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