Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 45

by Katy Kaylee

  The vehicle behind me sputtered dangerously as it followed me into the left turn, and I squinted to get a better look. Surprise and a sharp spear of annoyance tightened my chest, and I nearly slammed on the brakes before thinking better of it.

  Greg was officially an unredeemable fucking idiot. There he was, clear as day, scowling as he leaned far back in his seat- so far that I wasn’t sure he could see over the wheel. Grumbling softly to myself, I fiddled with my cell phone to listen to the ring blare through my car speakers.

  “Detective Jonathan.”

  “Dude- hey, it’s Eric.” Flexing my hands on the wheel, I rolled my jaw absently as I jammed the gas. The tiny, unkept vehicle behind me lagged behind far enough, and the engine sputtered when Greg tried to catch up. “I need you to look up a license plate for me. It’s a long story, but I’ll fill you in later, okay?”

  “Uh- okay. Go ahead.” Jonathan was such a good guy, not bothering to question me; maybe it was our friendship, or maybe, it was just the no-nonsense tone in my voice. Rattling off the plate as I kept one eye on Greg, I headed towards the center of town using the same route I took every day.

  Even if this asshole was smart enough to know my habit, he wasn’t so smart that he’d realize I was heading right for the station.

  “Yeah- that’s a stolen car from some crapheap on the coast. Why?” The wise, old man that had tried to talk me into joining the force upon my arrival in this city was quiet for a moment. Apprehension bored holes into my gut, and he grunted as his side of the line crackled ominously. “I hope your explanation is good. Are you on your way to the station? I just got in.”

  “Yeah, it is. I’ll be there in, like, 10 minutes. Bring some backup or something, though- this guy’s a fucking lunatic. I’ll buy you a beer and tell you the story tonight.” My mind churned even as Jonathan hung up on me, and I licked my teeth as the muscles in my legs tightened. Glancing in the rearview mirror, my eyes narrowed and strained with the urge to just jump out of my car and beat the living shit out of Greg.

  I couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that I really should just throw caution to the wind and shoot him- that doing anything less would invite some trouble.

  “Fucking Hell, man.” Clenching and releasing my jaw absently, I scowled at my reflection as Greg came dangerously close to tapping my back bumper. Reaching across the center console, I grabbed my gun out of the compartment, and the goosebumps ravaging underneath my suit instantly died down. The comfortable weight and coldness eased some of the tension in my muscles, and I silently begged Greg to hit me.

  But he never did, and his tentativeness was really fucking annoying.

  Jonathan was idling outside the huge, brick building labeled in huge, metal letters, and I flashed my lights at him as I pulled over. Only then did Greg realize what was happening, and he tried to drag his useless excuse for a car past me. Sitting on a busy, congested corner of downtown, the station’s walls easily hid the cruiser waiting for him, and I hopped out of my car just as the lights started flashing.

  “Wow… how dumb is this guy?” Taking a long, exaggerated drag of his cigarette, Jonathan sauntered over to me with a grimace, and I grinned maliciously. Leaning on my car, I watched in sickening joy as Greg was pulled out of the car without any questions at all. “He’s not from around here, huh?”

  “He’s my fiancée’s obsessive step-brother.” Jonathan’s bushy eyebrows disappeared beyond his salt-and-pepper hair, and I chuckled as he dropped his cigarette. “I told you- it’s a bit of a story.”

  “I’m definitely going to need that beer to hear it, man.” Greg shot me the meanest glare possible as he was summarily cuffed, his car left in the middle lane. My grin only widened as he was jostled towards the sidewalk, but that gnawing feeling only ate deeper into my gut. “He looks slippery. I don’t like it.”

  Jonathan’s admission only tightened my abdomen, and prickles shot down my spine. This wasn’t done just because Greg was arrested. Of that, I was absolutely sure.


  Holding Maggie’s hand tightly as we wandered through the packed mall, I couldn’t help but smile at her blabbering. She pointed out every store she’d ever gone to, what she’d gotten there, and commented on whether or not the employees were ‘good’ or ‘bad’. On her opposite side, Tony was clearly having an uncomfortable time as he pushed a carriage, and I pursed my lips as I cast him a concerned glance.

  “If you want to sit down- I’m getting a little hungry. Maybe we can take a break?” Tony scowled at my concern, but he couldn’t hide the twinkle of appreciation in his eye. Turning my gaze to Maggie, I checked the time on my phone before nodding firmly. “Let’s do that. What place is the best, Maggie, huh?”

  This mall was like every other mall I’d ever been to, and the food court wasn’t anything particularly special, either. In the end, Maggie chose to get McDonalds, and I ordered from the taco place that sat right beside it. Tony found us a place to sit, and he would rub his leg and side every time I looked back over my shoulder. As bad as I felt for him and his injuries, I knew he wouldn’t appreciate it.

  He didn’t want pity for being blown up in the defense of his country- it was an honor for him. His scars were his pride.

  “So-“ Once we were seated, and Maggie was digging into her Happy Meal, Tony spoke up, and I passed him his tacos before he continued. “I was wondering… why haven’t your parents come after you, yet?”

  My heart stuttered at the probe, and I propped my elbow on the table to hold my chin in my palm. Greg shadowed my thoughts, and I couldn’t remember the last time I’d thought about my father or step-mother and what I might’ve been putting them through. Of course, I did think about them, but it was always in relation to my step-brother. Rolling my lips between my teeth as I unwrapped my taco gingerly, I shrugged even as regret tightened my chest.

  “My dad knows I’m okay- he knows where I am. Our bank accounts are linked, so he can find out what I’ve been doing with a simple phone call. I never wanted to live under his thumb, and he knows that.” Meeting Tony’s gaze, I clenched my jaw at the silent understanding that passed between us. “I didn’t tell him I was leaving, but I didn’t try to stop him from figuring out where I was. I just… I left my phone because it was just easier. I wouldn’t have to deal with the aftermath of leaving so suddenly and not telling anyone.”

  “Are you gunna tell your dad so he can come and see how happy you are? That way, he won’t worry.” Maggie’s innocent question pulled my attention, and I smiled absently as I reached to stroke her long, thick braid. She munched happily on a chicken nugget, and her eyes glistened with childish innocence. “Is he gunna be my grampa if you and Dad get married?”

  “We don’t know if we’re going to get married, Maggie. I told you before, right? It takes a long time to get married.” Clearly, Maggie didn’t listen to the multiple explanations that Eric and I had reinforced- or attempted to. “I don’t know how it would work, honestly.”

  “… I want a grampa that likes me.” The somber confession twisted my heart, and I held my breath as I held Maggie to my side. She acted like it didn’t bother her, and I hated the simple fact that having no one was a norm for her. “Is he a good Dad? Like my dad?”

  “You know, Maggie- he was a really good Dad. I grew up without a mom, too. My dad got married to my step-mom, and she’s a really wonderful lady.” My admission earned me a shocked gasp, and Maggie grinned brightly as she wrapped her arms around my waist. Her cheek was hot against my breast, and I struggled not to frown before she cast her starry-eyed gaze at me.

  “We’re the same! Right? So, if you marry my dad- I’ll be just like you when I grow up!” I only nodded dumbly as regret forced my appetite down, and Maggie went red in the face from her emotions. Tiny tears welled in her eyes from her massive smile, and I stroked her head for a few, rapid heart beats before changing the subject.

  “So, are you excited to go back to school, Maggie?” The question set Maggie off about her
friends, just as I knew it would, and I nibbled on the edge of my taco. Gulping down the sour taste on my tongue, I took a big bite of my taco before a shrill chime cut her off. Setting down my burden, I fished my dinky, flip phone out of my pocket. “Hello?”

  “Hey, Delainne. Guess what happened on my way to work?” Excitement laced Eric’s tone, and the pressure eased on my chest before he decided he didn’t want to wait for any reply. “Greg was arrested for driving a stolen vehicle. His dumbass followed me all the way to the police station. I’m friends with a few guys there, so I was able to tip them off.”

  “Really?” Jumping up with the force of my shock, my squeal echoed around the huge food court, and I blushed furiously as a hundred eyes landed on me. Eric’s laugh trilled inside my skull, and I could picture him nodded and smiling as I shuffled a few feet away from Maggie. “He’s in jail- really?”

  “He’s in booking, yeah- I don’t know what kind of criminal record he’s got, but it’ll be hard to talk his way out of driving a stolen vehicle.” Giddiness made me light as air, and I rocked back on my heels as energy flooded my system. “I can’t talk long, but I wanted to let you know. My friend at the precinct is going to keep me updated. Listen- also, if you wanted to call your father and let him know where you are, you can.”

  “Okay- yeah, definitely. What’s going to happen now?”

  “I mean, depending on what kind of priors he’s got, it’s hard to say. I’ll let you know, sweetheart. I have to get back, so enjoy yourself, okay? How’s Maggie?” Glancing over my shoulder, my smile broadened as Maggie shoveled French fries into her mouth. “Please tell me she’s not eating some junk fast food…”

  “I am guilty. It’s okay- I’ll make something amazing for dinner to make up for it.” Eric gave me a half-hearted groan, but I was too happy and relieved to care. “Okay- I’ll talk to you later, Eric.”

  “No more crap food, Delainne.” Getting the last word in, Eric hung up, and I slipped my phone back into my pocket to heave a gusty, hot sigh. Whipping around, I grinned silly as a pleasant relief swept through my chest. My elation couldn’t be hidden or understated, and I sat down next to Maggie to snatch my taco.

  “What are you going to make for dinner?” The question slowed my furiously turning mind, and I nudged Maggie’s shoulder as she took a long sip of her juice. Every morning, she and Eric worked out together before breakfast, but it was always the same thing. Eggs, bacon, 12 grain toast with peanut butter, and orange juice- I couldn’t understand how they ate the same thing every day.

  Then again, it was the only thing Eric could make well and consistently.

  “I think I’ll make vegetable lasagna- have you had that before?” Shaking her head furiously, Maggie smiled under deeply furrowed brows, and I nodded firmly. “You can help me. It’ll be even more delicious if we make it together.”

  “Who taught you how to cook?” Tony spoke up from around his taco, and he took a generous bite as Maggie nodded eagerly. Leaning back in my seat, I smiled fondly at the memories that bounced around inside my head.

  “My step-mother did, actually. She always told me that everyone needed to know how to cook for themselves. My dad could basically only make sandwiches, but he had someone come in and cook for us twice a week, and we usually had leftovers and stuff. The cook would let me watch, but my step-mom really got me involved. It was one of the things I loved about her- my dad made me a great worker, and she made me a great person.”

  “She sounds like a wonderful woman…” I could hear the same question in Tony’s tone that Eric had voiced, and I shook my head with a slight shrug. “So, are you going to call them or something?”

  “Yeah, but not right now. Right now- I’m going to finish this taco, and then, we’re going to go get your school clothes, Maggie.” Fishing my purse for the paper Eric had given me with the dress code, I scanned the points as I took a small bite of my taco. Maggie huffed in excitement, rushing to finish her food, and I glanced at Tony over the top of the paper. He powered through the pain, but we both knew that he’d feel it in the morning.

  “I can pick out my own clothes, okay, Delainne? I helped you, but I can do it myself.” Nodding with a smile, I inhaled through flared nostrils to scrub away the last of the stress that clung to my ribs. Today, there was no one to worry about. Today, I didn’t have to look over my shoulder. Today, I could eat without being sick with dread.

  Today was going to be good.


  “That was amazing, Delainne.” Blushing furiously at the praise, I worked through the dinner dishes expertly as Eric sidled up against me. His lips brushed my neck, and a shiver lodged between my shoulders at his groping hands on my waist. “Thank you. I know that shopping for Maggie is difficult.”

  “I loved it. It was a lot easier because the school doesn’t have a strict, uniform dress code, too.” Humming if pleasure when Eric ground against my backside, I set the clean plate in my hands in the drying rack to grip the edge of the sink. “Listen- Eric, about what we talked about…”

  “You’re my fiancée, Delainne-“ My breath caught at that, and fire engulfed my body as Eric’s warm breath fanned across my cheek. “Even if no one at the wedding cared about it… I care about it. No one called or anything to congratulate me, or us, but that doesn’t make it any less real.”

  “That’s what I’m saying… It is real- we are real… and I- I want to be with you- and with Maggie.” Eric slowly urged me to turn, and I gulped down the lump in my throat before his intense eyes met mine. “I- after… everything… I think I… love you, Eric.”

  Holding my breath in fiery lungs, my heart thundered so fast it couldn’t work properly, and a lightness filled my skull. Cupping my cheek, Eric smiled small and tender, but he didn’t kiss me. Staying very still, my body burned as he nuzzled my nose- just as he’d done the first time we met.

  “You say the darnedest things, Delainne.” Huffing softly, I blushed furiously at the raw emotion thickening Eric’s tone, and he stroked my cheek with his thumb gingerly. “When I proposed to you at the wedding, I knew that I loved you.”

  “If you’re going to fuck- don’t do it in the kitchen.” Tensing at Tony’s drawling voice, I turned to find him leaning on the door frame that led to the stairs and the laundry room. His wide, slick grin stretch under merry eyes, and my face flamed even as Eric snorted roughly.

  “This is my damn house- I’ll fuck her anywhere I want.”

  “This sink is going to overflow, idiot-“ Alarm rang in my skull, and I gasped loudly as I twisted. Sure enough, the sink was half-full of soapy water, and I slapped the faucet down sharply before wiggling out of Eric’s hold. “Speaking of your damn house, I was wondering if I could invite Cynthia and Esther over tonight. They didn’t even know I was back yet, and they’re pissed.”

  “You know you don’t have to ask, Tony.” Curiosity must’ve played obviously on my face, and Eric squeezed my butt with a greedy groan and smirk. “They’re his sisters.”

  “I could’ve saved them some dinner-“ My brows shot up, and my tone heightened in surprise as a thin thread of discomfort wiggled into my chest. Frowning between Tony and Eric, I crossed my arms over my chest with a huff. “You should’ve told me. Why do you two always make plans and not tell me?”

  “We’ve never had to tell anyone before- don’t take it personally. Besides, I don’t think either of my sisters has eaten a homecooked vegetable in years. They mostly eat out and stuff because they work so much.” Easing off his injured side, Tony rolled his jaw as he braced himself on the countertop heavily. “As for the last time, I like seeing the ol’ lady. She never shuts the fuck up, and she doesn’t expect me to keep the conversation going. Plus, I was gunna die after spending all day with Mags, and she massaged my leg. The poor broad is so lonely.”

  “Okay!” Halting the conversation, I clapped my damp palms hard before starting towards the stairs. “That’s enough of that.”

  “Delainne- come on… learn to take a
joke.” Sputtering through his booming laughter, Tony’s mirth rolled down my spine, and I couldn’t help my own broad smile as I grabbed the railing. Heading up the stairs, I poked my head into Maggie’s room as Tony and Eric joked and talked downstairs.

  Her pink walls were shadowed, and her princess vanity reflected the unicorns and stars that glowed in the dark on her ceiling. Maggie was completely knocked out after the day we’d had, and I crept my way across her clean, toy-free carpet. The thick braid that held back her hair gave her a halo of little, curling strands, and my smile tenderized as I brushed them away from her cheeks.

  I’d never considered myself kid friendly, but Maggie changed that perception from the first glance of her I’d gotten at the park. It seemed like so long ago, and my life had suffered a catastrophic shift. Meeting Eric, and then Maggie, was a blessing despite the circumstances. Now, Greg was in jail, and he’d probably stay there for a while, at least.

  Leaning down to kiss Maggie’s cheek, I caressed her cheek for a second more before quietly backing out of her bedroom. Her school clothes sat, neatly folded in their bags, in the corner, and we’d go through them together in the morning. Eric would leave for work, and the day would be another, perfectly normal, day.

  “It feels good, doesn’t it?” Nodding as I shut the door, I sighed in content while Eric’s arms slithered around my torso. “With everything you’ve been through, I would’ve thought you’d dislike kids.”

  “I don’t like children… I like Maggie.” Wandering with matching strides into our bedroom, I mumbled an answer as Eric nuzzled my neck and jaw. “I never had the chance to find out.”

  “I think birth control would be a good idea.” Gumming softly, I tilted my head in acceptance as flames grew hotter, licking my abdomen higher. Gentle, savoring fingertips crept up under my shirt, and Eric nibbled my shoulder as he kicked the bedroom door shut. “You haven’t gotten your period since you moved here. Aren’t you worried?”


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