Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 51

by Katy Kaylee

  “And just a voucher?” I asked, drawing closer to his desk. I knew Xavier far too well for that. While he was a kind fellow, he had always been that way, that didn’t stop him from being relentlessly ambitious about his goals. And at the moment, it seemed like his ambitions might be growing to include the mismatched eye woman.

  “Yes, just a voucher.”

  “Uh-huh. And how did you find out who she was to call her up here?”

  Xavier shrugged at that, as charming as he always was. “I got curious and asked Annette to work her magic. Her name’s Tabitha McCreedy, by the by. What a name, right?” I frowned at that and he just raised his eyebrows. “What? I was just a little curious.”

  “You shouldn’t be curious about an employee.” I rebutted.

  “Aw, come on. Don’t be the practical one for once.” Xavier’s smile was quintessentially him as he responded to me. “What’s so from about appreciating a piece of art? It’s a natural, human compulsion, just look at museums!”

  I rolled my eyes at that. “Yeah, and if you recall, museums have some very strict policies regarding not touching anything.”

  “You’re no fun,” Xavier said with a sigh. “But you don’t have to worry. I satisfied my curiosity, righted our wrongs, and now you don’t have to worry about me getting fingerprints on anything.”

  “Xavier, you’d think after knowing each other for over thirty years that you would have learned to lie to me better.”

  “Would you?” he said with a light chuckle. “I’ll take it as a compliment that dishonesty isn’t my strong point.”

  “You would. Just stay away from our employee. It isn’t proper.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I got it. I know I’m a year younger than you, but you don’t have to baby me.”

  “Then don’t act like a baby.”

  He laughed outright at that. Ever since we were young, our dynamic had been pretty clear. I was the serious one. The practical one with a head for numbers, while he was the charming one who understand people and sales and presentations like nobody’s business. We’d met in school in France when we were teens, both of our fathers there working on contract for opposing companies, but that hadn’t stopped us.

  And nothing had really stopped us since.

  “Now, if you’re done lecturing me, did you come here for business purposes, or did your overabundance of muscles just psychically sense that there was an opportunity for them to show off again?”

  “Hilarious,” I remarked drily. “As a matter of fact, yes. I wanted to talk to you about the new contract proposal that we got last week.”

  “Ah, yes, because that’s so much more entertaining.”

  “Isn’t it though?”

  I crossed to his desk and sat in one of his oversized chairs. But as we talked business, I couldn’t help it when my mind drifted back to that employee. Tabitha, huh? It suited her. A bit retro, a bit nouveau. Her looks were somewhere between old fashioned pin up and new-age plus size model, her voice was between a low, smoky rasp and a high chime, and her eyes… well one was sharp and bright like a cat while the other was soft, sweet and promising of all sorts of comfort.

  I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts. That was not what I needed to be thinking about an employee. It wasn’t appropriate or a good business idea. Especially since she was an employee that I’d already broken the no-touch rule with twice.

  It wouldn’t be good to have it happen a third time.


  My chest was heaving, and I hear my heated breaths filling up my small room. Except I wasn’t really in my room.

  No, I was in some warm, luxurious place where I could hear waves lapping not too far away. I was on a truly massive, canopy bed with burgundy drapes and silken sheets.

  But my surroundings didn’t matter as much as the sensations that drenched my body, stirring me from the nothingness that I had been so peacefully resting in.

  I was dressed in only a simple tank top and panties, leaving so much of my skin bare, and big hands were tracing that revealed skin wherever they could. Calloused, blunt fingertips left burning trails of desire all over me, coaxing me more and more to give into what they were offering.

  Up my arms, across my shoulders, down one leg and up the other, the touches were all whisper soft and alluring, promising so much more if I let them. I hesitated for a moment, then let out the tiniest of groans.

  It was as if I had suddenly flipped a switch. The hands grew more insistent, making their presence known as they pressed harder into my skin. It was only then that I realized there were far too many pleasurable little prickles of force across my body. Twenty to be exact. And if my knowledge of human anatomy was still correct, that meant… four hands.

  It was as if the epiphany made the world load that much more into being and suddenly things were shifting. The hands lifted me, moved me, positioned me, until I was sitting up, sandwiched between two deliciously, sinfully heated chests.

  I let out a little gasp and my mouth was claimed. I closed my eyes, just letting myself feel as I was plundered thoroughly. The man’s hands went to my soft waist, where he held on firmly, assuredly, and I found myself melting into his dominance.

  The man behind me didn’t sit idle, however, his mouth pressing against my neck and shoulders, teeth occasionally worrying my skin to bring bright little points of intensity to all the pleasure rushing through me. He was going to leave hickeys, I absolutely knew it, but the idea of being so marked by his passion made goosebumps rise along my skin.

  Until I remembered that everyone in the office would be able to see them.

  “Wait!” I said, pulling away by pressing myself into the warm, broad chest in front of me. I heard a growl of possessiveness, and my eyes flew open. Finally, I looked at who I had been so lustfully kissing.

  I had not expected to see Mr. Loto staring down at me so heatedly I almost combusted right then and there.

  “Oh shit,” I whispered.

  “What’s a matter, mon cher?” Mr. Mannon asked from behind me, his accent much more exaggerated than it had been before.

  My head spun, trying to recall why I had stopped him at all. I had to be mad, because more than anything I wanted both of them touching me, moving against me again. “I… everyone at work will see.”

  “Oh, that is alright, my sweet,” the man purred against my skin, his tongue darting out to sooth at one of his harder bites. “We want all of them to know you’re ours.”

  “Ours?” I repeated like a parrot again.

  That rumble sounded from Mr. Loto’s chest again and I swore my basement flooded obscenely. “Ours. Just for us.”

  My eyes met his and wow, was there a lot going on there. Desire, lust, trust, possessiveness. All of it drenched my mind and I let out another little gasp.

  “Just for you.”

  “Good girl.”

  His lips crashed to mine again, his massive hands circling around my back to press me into him almost hard enough to break. Mr. Mannon followed behind him, pushing his frame against my own like he was trying to merge us into one.

  And I wanted that. I didn’t think that I had ever wanted something so much in my life. I whined and rocked against the two, letting them manhandle me, pleasure building in my stomach until-

  I sat up with a jolt, panting hard and completely covered in sweat. I looked around for a moment, completely confused, before I realized that I had just woken up from a sex dream.

  Dammit! And we hadn’t even gotten to the good part. I guessed that it was more of a foreplay dream, but holy hell, suddenly I was wound as tight as a top with no one on hand for any sort of relief.

  Blinking blearily again, I looked out the window. The sun was almost done setting, which didn’t quite make sense. Shaking my head, I tried to remember what I was up to before I had a stupid sex dream about both of my bosses.

  Because that was a new one for me. Sure, I’d been having a naughty dream or two ever since I hit puberty. That was the normal human conditi
on. But most of them had been pretty vanilla and none had ever starred two people.

  Let alone two hulking, impossibly handsome men that I worked for.

  Oh geez.

  I blinked a couple more times then paired that with shaking my head and finally real life came floating back to me.

  It was Friday, a week since the day I’d been given the dry-cleaning gift card, and it was the night of the company’s anniversary party. I’d laid down after work to take a two-and-a-half-hour power nap before I had to get ready and that seemed to be when my subconscious decided to spring a sex dream on me about both of my bosses.


  I picked up my phone from my small nightstand and looked at it with bleary eyes. Huh, I still had fifteen minutes before I had to get up and start arranging myself. That was definitely enough time to finish off the pool of arousal that my dream had drummed up…


  While I’d made myself plenty familiar with my lady parts in college, I still wasn’t quick about the whole thing. Usually there was a lot of repositioning, and I’d get sweaty, and my hand would cramp. And if I recalled correctly, my vibrator was out of batteries, so I’d have to do things manually.

  No, the best thing to do was just to get a head start on dolling myself up for the function. It was a pretty important shindig, and one I’d gone to since I was hired. Normally I really only cared about looking put together enough for my position, but after my dream, I found myself wanting to amp it up a little.

  Which was ridiculous. Mr. Mannon and Mr. Loto had probably forgotten my very existence. They were two handsome, rich men who could have anyone they wanted. There was no way their thoughts lingered on the plus sized, clutzy young woman that had literally run into them.

  Sighing, I went to my bathroom and started with washing my face. I didn’t wear make up very often -it was far too much work when I liked to hold onto sleep as long as I could in the morning- but I did have a whole routine for whenever I decided to not be lazy and paint my face.

  Once my face was dry, I started putting on my primer -I was oily and a sweater. It wasn’t exactly something that took a lot of concentration, so I let my mind wander as I got into my groove.

  Did I really have to go to this stupid party where inevitably someone would get too drunk and do something they weren’t supposed to?


  I was a team leader, and everyone had seen me at work that day. It wasn’t like I could play hooky.

  Was it really so weird that I had a sex dream about my bosses, who I’d seen maybe a handful of times in three years?


  My cheeks colored at the image my mind had conjured up for them. I wondered if they would look that good in real life, or better. After all, I’d seen them shirtless in a magazine spread or two and the pair certainly wasn’t lacking in the muscles department.

  No, they were absolutely shredded.

  Like, ridiculously so.

  My mind bounced around those thoughts in a loop until finally, I saw standing in the small mirror in my bedroom, looking myself over.

  Not bad, if I did say so myself. My hair was done up in a messy sort of updo with violet curls around my face. I was wearing a deep blue dress that hugged my curves on top but flared out at the bottom. The sleeves and a panel down the front were a steely sort of mesh or chiffon or something like that. I didn’t really know fabrics that well, but I knew what felt good against my fingertips.

  And my dress felt good.

  I thought about for a moment if my bosses would like the feeling of it too, but I tucked that idea away. I needed to get my head on straight if I was going to make it through the night alive.

  Grabbing my phone, I ordered a ride from one of my apps. I had thought about driving myself, but parking was hell in the city, and I would rather pay than have to find a place to leave my car then trek a block or two in my low wedges.

  Would I even see the owners at the party? If I recalled right in the previous two years, once they gave a speech and once they didn’t, which left it decidedly fifty-fifty.

  Did it even matter if I did?

  No, it didn’t, I told myself. I was just another peon, no matter what I wore.

  My phone beeped and I saw my ride was almost there. I headed down and soon enough, I was rushing across the city towards what was probably going to be a moderately enjoyable time.

  I arrived without incident, making sure to give my driver five stars, and headed up the stairs to the entrance. It was some sort of fancy restaurant that almost exclusively catered to corporate parties, but it was nice enough. Not too stuffy but definitely upscale.

  Of course, it was Cecily who greeted me right in the door, holding her husband’s arm with both of her hands.

  “Tabby! You look amazeballs!”

  “Hey girl,” I answered jovially. There was no need to be a wet blanket around the young couple. I knew that they rarely got a night off from their kids and she had been talking about how excited she was for the party all week long. Raining on her parade would be a pretty dick move. “You two look as cute as ever.”

  “Aw, we clean up alright,” she said, her cheeks flushing pink before she lifted her hand and squeezed her husband’s face. “It helps that my man’s so naturally handsome, the charmer.”

  “Please,” he retorted. “You’re the beautiful one. People are going to think I bagged me a super model.”

  “Oh, you,” she answered, blushing hotly. “Keep talking like that and-”

  “Hey, so did you guys already pick out a table?” I interrupted before they could get too kissy-kissy right in front of me.

  “Huh? Oh yeah! This way!”

  She offered one of her hands to me and I took it, letting her lead me to a table in the corner. Clinton, his husband and Micah were already sitting there, different drinks in front of all of them.

  Oh dear, if I remembered correctly, Clinton could be a little bit of a sloppy drunk. Hopefully he would pace himself and not embarrass his husband like the last time.

  “Hey there pretty lady!” he said with a smile, rising up to hug her just like a dad would. “You look ravishing!”

  “Well, you know I try,” she answered with a laugh.

  “And you succeed!” his husband added with a couple of snaps.

  I laughed and settled down at the table with them. It was still early, and over the next fifteen minutes more of our team arrived until we were all present and watching the rest of the company filter in.

  We were still relatively small, with only a little over a hundred employees over six floors, but it was plenty enough to fill up the venue.

  Conversation started flowing, as did the drinks -although I was careful to only nurse my amaretto sour- and I felt myself start to relax. Soon they’d start serving food and then there’d be the silly speeches and pomp, and then I could go home.

  Everything was going fine, and I was finally starting to settle down, when my eyes flicked to the door and I saw the men of my dreams enter.

  Mr. Mannon and Mr. Loto.

  They were both dressed in impeccably tailored suits and I felt my mouth go instantly dry. It was ridiculous how they could look so obscene while still being dressed from head to toe. It certainly wasn’t fair to my poor ovaries.

  Or maybe I was just hyper aware of the cut of their jacked bodies because I could still picture how the naked versions of them had looked in my dream. I idly wondered how long those images would be burned into my head as my finger carelessly circled around the edge of my glass.

  Perhaps it was because my half of a drink had loosened up my inhibitions a little, perhaps it was because I hadn’t sought out a little relief in those fifteen minutes, I’d had to myself, but either way, I found my fantasies slipping into what would happen if I seduced one of them. Or even both, like in my dream.

  That’d be something, right? The fat, multicolored hair girl bagging two mega hot bachelors? No one would see it coming. To be honest, it’d be pretty nice to shove i
t in there faces.

  Before I knew what I was doing, I stood up and walked towards them, determined to at least flirt a little. After all, would that be so wrong? It was a party! We were supposed to have fun. And at the moment, being close to the two handsome men seemed like the best way to have fun.

  I strode towards them, a sway to my hips and I was really feeling both myself and how the dress was hugging me. But then reality crept in, as it had a way of doing, and I lost my nerve before I could reach them.

  I wanted to just turn on my heel and go back to the table, but I realized that Mr. Mannon had already spotted me. There was a polite smile on his face, and I’d look like an idiot if I just whipped around and retreated.

  So instead I veered to the side and headed straight for the punch bowl. If I was going to get through the night, I was definitely going to need a drink.


  I straightened my shoulders as we walked into our party. Truth be told, I would have rather stayed home in my penthouse, but we couldn’t very well miss the anniversary of our own company.

  It was just that… well, the parties we held as a business weren’t nearly as wild as the ones I attended outside of work, mostly because they couldn’t be. Samson and my hard rule about never fraternizing with the employees and never breaking the law while holding a company event kept things pretty on the level.

  Besides, we had to keep professional and give overthought speeches, it was more work for us than a party, really.

  But all that inner grousing quickly vanished when I saw Tabitha striding towards us, a look of desire on her face.

  I had to blink twice to make sure that my mind wasn’t making it up. But no, it was definitely there. Her cheeks were a slight pink while her plump bottom lip was drawn ever so slightly up into her teeth. My heart gave a little jump, and I readied myself to turn on the charm.

  I didn’t care what no-touching rules we had, one didn’t look a gift horse in the mouth. And a beautiful woman in a form fitting dress that made her look like a classic bombshell who was walking towards him like that was definitely a gift.


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