Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 68

by Katy Kaylee

  “You’re welcome, Liv.”

  “You know, when I saw you at the bar I was so embarrassed that I wanted you gone. I really didn't expect that it was going to be you.”

  “Neither did I. To be honest, I didn't want to go on this date in the first place, because it wasn't something that I’d normally do, but I have to admit, it was fun,” I admitted and glanced at her.

  A smile formed on her lips and she nodded. “It was fun for me too. More than fun of course, and you were right.”

  “About what?”

  “You lasted so much longer than thirty seconds,” she said with a coy smile.

  I chuckled and lowered my gaze. “It’s all about self-improvement, you know,” I shrugged modestly.

  She giggled and said, “Of course it is.”

  There was a moment of silence in the car and she turned to me. “You were very sweet to me to tonight, you went slow and I appreciate that more than you will ever know. And as strange as this may seem, I’m really happy that my first time was with you, someone I know and trust, and not some stranger in a seedy motel room.”

  I couldn't help but smile at her and nodded. “Your kidneys are safe, for now.”

  She chuckled and looped her fingers through the small gaps of her high heeled shoes.

  “You better go inside. We wouldn't want anyone to see us together,” I said and glanced out the window.

  “Yeah, about that. Can I count on your discretion to keep this just between us? I really don’t want Alice to kill me, or you for that matter,” she said with a cringe. “I’m sorry.”

  “Hey, you have nothing to apologize for. Okay? I completely agree, and I promise that I won’t say a word to Alice or anyone.”

  “I just don't want you to think that I’m ashamed of having sex with you, and-”

  “I get it, Liv,” I interjected her mumbling. “Besides, this has nothing to do with Alice. She doesn't need to know everything.”

  “Thanks, Zac. I really appreciate it,” she said and opened the door.

  Before she climbed out, she leaned closer to me, kissed me briefly on the lips and climbed out of the car. As she slammed the door shut, I rolled down the passenger side window and she smiled at me.

  “Have a good night, Liv.”

  “You too,” she said as she waved at me and made her way to the entrance of her apartment building.

  I waited for her until she was safely inside before driving off. It felt strange while I drove back home, but I didn't question this feeling I had inside me. It was too hard to explain. Maybe I was still a little euphoric from having the best night with an amazing young woman who I’d dreamt of kissing for such a long time. It felt surreal, to be honest, but I kind of expected that.

  What I didn't expect was the lonely feeling I felt as soon as I stepped into my apartment, and Liv wasn't there.


  “Suction, please,” Dr. Marx said quietly and I maneuvered the suction nozzle into the side of the patient’s mouth, sucking up all the excess fluid.

  It had been a tiring day at work with patients book from the morning to the late afternoon. At lunch time I had checked my phone and saw that Alice wanted to go for coffee, as she had something important she wanted to talk to me about.

  I already knew what it was about – the blind date – but I couldn't exactly say no to having coffee with her, could I?

  Glancing at the suction nozzle, I couldn't help but think of the way Zac had sucked on my clit a few nights ago. The thought made me blush, but luckily I was wearing a dental mask over the lower part of my face, not giving me away at all.

  Even though it was painful in the beginning, Zac was sweet and gentle, and not at all like I thought it was going to be.

  I was really lucky to have had him take my virginity, as he treated me like a princess. My biggest worry was that that was as good as it was going to get. Not all guys were going to go easy on me like Zac did. Maybe I could convince him to…

  No, I couldn't do that.

  This was just supposed to be a one-time thing. I wanted to lose my virginity and that was exactly what had happened.

  I wasn't ungrateful – not in the least – but maybe that wasn't enough.

  After the patient left, I cleaned the surgery from bottom to top, placed the instruments in the autoclave sterilizer and went into the staff room to change out of my scrubs and into my normal clothes. I stepped in behind the front desk, where Wilma our dental receptionist, was seated and glanced at the screen.

  “How’s tomorrow looking?” I asked her.

  “Doctor has an appointment in the morning, he won’t be in until eleven, but it’s quiet tomorrow,” Wilma answered.

  “That’s good to hear. Today was insane,” I sighed in relief.

  “You’re telling me. I had to deal with them after you gave them the lidocaine,” Wilma scoffed, which made me laugh.

  Wilma was a beautiful middle aged woman with a big heart and an even bigger mouth. She was a pro at handling clients, having been in the business for nearly thirty years. If there was a difficult client, Wilma could handle them.

  Wilma turned to me and cocked her head. “There’s something different about you.”

  I frowned at her and shook my head. “No, there isn’t.”

  “I’ve known you for a long time, Olivia. My eyes don’t lie.”

  “What do you think is different?” I asked nonchalantly.

  Wilma gave me a thorough overlooking and narrowed her eyes. “You’re wearing a different shade of foundation.”

  “Nothing gets passed your eagle eyes, Wilma. My surgery is all set, the autoclave should be done in the next ten minutes, but I’ve got to go meet Alice.”

  “Don’t worry, Honey. I’ll switch everything off. I still have a bit of filing to do.”

  “Thank you, Wilma. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Have a good night,” she called out seconds before I left the reception and closed the door.

  The fresh California air soothed my tired soul and I quickly made my way to the cafe where I was supposed to meet Alice.

  It was a brisk walk, about a block, but I didn't mind walking. I was in too good of a mood to care.

  I wondered whether it was plastered on my face, obvious to the whole world, that I, Olivia Donovan, was no longer a virgin? Maybe it was the great mood I was in that made everyone around me happy as well. People smiled at me as I passed them by and I flashed them a happy smile.

  Once I reached the cafe, I knew I needed to tone down my good mood, or Alice would know something was going on. I was definitely not going to tell her about my amazing night with her brother. One, because I valued my life, and two, because as Zac had said, it was none of Alice’s business.

  Alice was already seated at our usual table with our usual order and I joined her. “Hey, am I late?” I asked, briefly looking at my watch.

  “Oh, no. I was early.”

  “Really?” I asked with a frown. She was never early.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m never first to arrive, but I wanted to see you. It feels like we haven’t spent any time together this week,” Alice said and stirred her coffee.

  “I know. This week has been kind of rough on me too. Work is so busy and I get home feeling exhausted.”

  Alice sighed and a nostalgic wisp flickered in the green of her eyes, the same green as Zac’s eyes, and pouted. “What I wouldn't give to be eleven years old again. Simpler times, huh?”

  “Absolutely. No jobs, no responsibilities.”

  “My mom would still be alive,” Alice sighed miserably and I glanced at her.

  My heart broke for her and I placed my hand over hers. “She would have been so proud of you, Alice.”

  Alice slid her hand out from under mine and gave me a weak smile. Within an instant she brushed away her feelings, which was another thing she was very good at.

  “Anyway, that’s not what I want to talk to you about.”

  “Right,” I said and took a sip of my
coffee. “Your text said it was something important.”

  “It is,” Alice answered and took a sip of coffee. “I spoke to the guy who I want you to go on a blind date with and-”

  “Alice, no.”

  “Please just hear me out,” she said, holding her hands up defensively.

  “Fine,” I huffed.

  “Thank you,” she said, slowly lowering her hands. “So, I spoke to him yesterday, and he’d love to meet you, but...”

  “But what?” I asked, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

  “The thing is, he’s going to Indonesia for a month for work, so he’ll only be able to go on a date when he gets back,” Alice explained.

  “That’s too bad,” I sighed.

  “Yeah, I can see you’re all torn up about it,” she retorted.

  “I don’t know why you’re still insisting I go on a date with this guy. Is he really that big of a deal?” I asked.

  “He really is. He’s smart, he has a great job, he’s good looking.”

  “So why don't you date him?” I muttered.

  “Because he’s not my type. He’s yours. He really is a nice guy, Liv, and he hasn't had much luck with women,” Alice answered.

  “And why is that?” I asked and narrowed my eyes.

  “Because most women suck. They’re a bunch of bitches who only date a guy for money and all those things that don’t matter. They don’t care about the person, they only care about their own selfish needs,” Alice answered.

  I studied her bitter expression for a moment until she glanced at me and smiled.

  “But you’re not like that. Plus, I think you two would make a really nice couple. He’s tall with dark hair. You two would have the most gorgeous babies,” Alice pointed out.

  “Easy now, Alice. You didn't say anything about having babies with this guy,” I interjected.

  “I know. I was just kidding,” she said and I raised an apprehensive eyebrow at her. “And even if you’re not going to agree today, or tomorrow, you have a month to think about it. How’s that?”

  “It won’t make a difference, but I’ll humor you,” I answered.

  “Great. That’s all I wanted to hear,” Alice said with a smile.

  We went on to talk about a wide array of topics and it was nice to spend a bit of time with Alice. Life had been a little rough and busy and it was good to catch up since last seeing each other.

  It took a lot to not tell her about losing my virginity, but I couldn't without telling her about me and Zac. So I didn't.

  While she was telling me of the date she had last night, I suddenly dawned on me that I was still not prepared for the dating world, at least not sexually. What if a guy expected me to give him a blowjob, or a hand-job, or whatever? I didn't know how to do things like that. I barely did anything when Zac and I had sex, so it was pretty pointless just losing my virginity.

  I needed some more practice, not just sex, but the whole category of sex and seduction. I didn't know how to be sexy, how to tease a guy, how to get him hard.

  I needed help.

  Desperately, and there was only one person in this whole entire world who I could call.

  I dialed his number on my phone as soon as Alice was out of sight and listened to it ring in my ear.


  “Hey, it’s me. Olivia.”

  “Hey, Liv. Is everything okay?” Zac asked, the warmth of his deep voice instantly soothing my insides.

  “Yeah, everything is good. How are you?” I asked, my voice sounding a little unsteady.

  “I’m good. Just chilling out at home.”

  “Oh, that’s nice,” I said and inwardly cringing.

  After a brief silence, Zac asked, “Are you sure everything is okay?”

  “Uhm, I hope this isn't inappropriate, but is there any chance I could see you tonight? I need to talk to you about something,” I said slowly.

  “Of course. Do you need me to pick you up?” he asked.

  “No, I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I know where it is. I’ll be fine.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “Okay, bye.”

  I disconnected the call and found myself a taxi. Within ten minutes, I stood in front of Zac’s apartment building and it looked completely different in the light. Most of the front of the building had large glass windows, and I remembered the balcony in Zac’s apartment with the beautiful view. My skin tingled as I opened the door and smiled at the security guard behind the desk in the corner. He gave me a nod and I reciprocated the gesture. I took the elevator to Zac’s floor, my hands visibly shaking and I scolded myself. There was no need to be nervous. This guy had seen me naked, he sucked on my clit, why the hell was I being nervous?

  The elevator doors opened as my heart pounded in my chest, and I made my way to his door. I knocked on the elegant wood, staring at the silver numbers, and it opened after a few seconds.

  Zac, clothed in a pair of comfortable track pants and a black t-shirt with a USC logo on it.

  I didn't know he went to USC.

  “Hey,” he said with a smile, lighting up his whole face.

  “Hey, Zac.”

  “Come on in.”

  “Thanks,” I said as I entered the apartment and smiled.

  It looked much cozier than it looked the other night. There was a laundry basket standing in the corner of the kitchen and I smelled the fresh aroma of washing detergent.

  Was Zac doing laundry on a Wednesday night?

  “Sorry about the mess. I was doing laundry for the week and...”

  “That’s fine. I didn't really give you much notice that I was coming over. I hope it’s okay that I’m here,” I said with a stutter.

  “Of course. Take a seat. Make yourself at home. I’m just going to put this in the dryer,” Zac said and grabbed the laundry basket, and disappeared down the hall.

  I took a deep breath and sat down on the couch. The curtains were opened all the way, and I gazed out at the view again until Zac returned.

  He sat down on the one-seater couch on the opposite side of the coffee table and looked at me intently. “Is everything okay?”

  “It was, but after I had coffee with Alice after work, I don’t know anymore.”

  Zac sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “What did she say to you?”

  “That’s the thing,” I sighed and chuckled. “She didn't say anything specifically that made me feel this way, but she did tell me that the guy she wants me to go on a date with is going to Indonesia for work for a month and I should really consider going out with him when he gets back.”

  “So you have a month to decide?” he asked.

  “Yeah, but I also have a month to work on self improvement,” I said slowly and glanced at him.

  Zac raised an eyebrow at me and pouted slightly. “Okay.”

  “Because let’s face it, one time doesn't make me an expert, right?”

  “I guess not,” he said and studied me or a few seconds. “So let me get this straight, you want more practice?”

  “A lot more practice, in everything.”

  “Everything?” he asked.

  “You want me to spell it out for you, don’t you?” I scoffed.

  “Maybe,” he answered with a coy smile.

  “I have no idea what men want, how to turn them on, how to give a hand-job, or a blowjob. I don’t want to just lay on my back and do nothing. I want to be sexual, and losing my virginity was only the first step into getting there. I’m nowhere near ready to go into the dating world,” I admitted and glanced at him with pleading eyes. “Will you help me with that, please?”

  Zac stared at her for a few more seconds and took a deep breath. “Sure.”

  I sighed a breath of relief and asked, “Really?”

  “Yeah, of course. I mean, technically we already started, right? Why not finish it?”

  “Thank you. I have no idea how to
repay you for this.”

  Zac smirked and placed his hand over his heart. “Your satisfaction is all the thanks I need.”

  “I see what you did there. Nice job,” I chuckled.

  “We better get started then,” Zac stood from the couch and I glanced at him in slight shock.

  “Wait, right now?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I have a month to turn you into a sexy little minx,” he chuckled and grabbed the remote control.

  I chuckled as he turned on the television, and much to my shock, he switched on a pornographic movie. My jaw dropped slightly and I glanced at him.

  “The television is over there,” he motioned to the screen and sat down beside me.

  Truthfully, I had never watched porn before. Sure I had seen a love scene in movies before, which was sexy and sweet, but it was nothing like this. This was hardcore porn, with two people who were banging one another like there was no tomorrow. I frowned as I watched them do it in all kinds of different positions, and as much as I hated to admit it, I got a little turned on.

  Okay, a lot turned on.

  It was as if having sex for the first time unleashed a whole bunch of sexual feelings I had never felt before. I glanced at Zac, who casually sat on the couch as if he were watching football or something.

  “Don’t look at me. It’s weird.”

  “Weird?” I exclaimed. “You’re making me watch this. Don't you think this is weird-”

  Before I could finish, Zac pointed to the screen and said, “There, pay attention to what she’s doing.”

  I glanced at the screen and cocked my head, realizing the point of this exercise.


  The one thing that I wondered was how do those women get such big dicks in their mouths, and would I be able to do that? I tried to pay attention, like Zac instructed me to do, and sat quietly until it was over.

  Zac reached over to the remote control and switched the television off. I glanced at him and bit my lower lip.

  “Do you think you can do that?”

  “Which part?” I asked hesitantly.

  Zac suppressed a smile and shifted back on the couch. “Get over here. On the floor.”

  I obeyed instantaneously and sat on the floor between his legs. He didn't say another word, and I took the chance to use my own initiative for a change. I placed my hand over his crotch, feeling the outline of his semi-hard cock under the soft fabric of his sweatpants. I was so nervous at that moment, but I quickly composed myself and glanced up at Zac.


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