Forbidden Desires Box Set

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Forbidden Desires Box Set Page 94

by Katy Kaylee

  "Thank you," I mouthed, as he took my breath away at that moment, his eyes fixed on me, melting my insides.

  Once we were in the air, and it was safe to unbuckle our seatbelts, I started to page through a magazine, but was too distracted. I kept thinking about the rest of the plane.

  I glanced at Willow, who had her pink headphones over her ears, watching a movie on a larger than normal screen in front of her, and placed my magazine down on the table in front of me.

  "Just go," Dillon said to me while he was typing away on his laptop, not even looking up from the screen. He had a bit of work to do, and took the opportunity to do so on the twelve-hour flight. He had promised he wouldn't work while in Paris, but I knew he'd try to sneak it in.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Just go. I know you want to," he said with a smirk.

  I smiled broadly and stood up slowly. "I'll be back in a bit."

  "Take your time," he said with a wink.

  I walked along the aisle towards the back of the jet and the further I walked, the more my jaw hit the floor. There was an exquisite bathroom, with a shower, and a modern sleeping cabin. It truly was the most beautiful ting I had ever seen and I was simply in awe. I ran my fingers along the smooth lines of the panels that made up the bed and a shiver of delight ran down my spine.

  "Do you like it?" I heard Dillon ask behind me and I turned around.

  He stood by the cabin door with a light smirk on his face.

  "It's gorgeous," I whispered.

  He walked closer to me and took my hand in his, rubbing his fingers seductively over my knuckles. It sent tingles of desire down my spine and drove me crazy.

  "Have you ever had sex on a jet before?" he whispered to me.

  "No," I answered. I hadn't even had sex on a normal plane before.

  "Do you want to?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

  "But Willow is right there," I whispered, pointing down the length of the jet.

  "Her headphones are noise canceling, and the volume of her movie is turned up so high that she won't hear us anyway," he answered.

  "But what if she decides to come look for us-"

  "I'm not asking for an hour long sex-fest. Just a quickie will do," he interrupted me.

  "Really? A quickie?" I said and could practically feel my eyes sparkling with intrigue.

  "Are you in?"

  "Maybe you should close that door and you'll find out," I said and backed away from him.

  He arched for the door, closed it, and slid the latch shut with one finger.

  I continued to back away from him until I felt a wall behind me and pressed my back against it. I pouted my lips and beckoned him closer with my eyes, to which he immediately responded.

  He approached me with purpose and slid his hands under my shirt, cupping my breasts. My breathing quickened instantly under his touch, and my skin was set alight by the heat he radiated. His hands slipped out under my shirt and slid my pants down. I stepped out of them as he undid his pants. As his pants fell to the floor, his rock hard erection was ready to go. He reached for me, pulled me close and grabbed my one leg, raising it to waist level. With the other hand, he started to rub my clit in a soft and circular motion, sending the best kind of pulses through my body. I was getting wet and turned on very fast, and the build u was released by him slipping two fingers inside me. I groaned in pleasure as he continued to slip it inside me, and then out again, repeatedly, and in a motion that was incredible. As soon as my back arched, he slipped his fingers out and grabbed my hips, my one leg still raised and semi-wrapped around his waist. He lifted me up slowly, still keeping me close to him, and slid his hard cock inside me. I melted into him as he pressed me against the wall, thrusting inside me as we were eleven thousand feet from the ground.

  Give or take.

  His thrust started to quicken as he buried himself deep inside me. My orgasm built and before I knew it, my pleasure spilled out over me, and over Dillon as well. His groans were low and quiet, weak almost, but his strong arms still held onto me. Our breathing was ragged and he kissed me tenderly on the lips, sucking the tip of my tongue, melting me into him.

  He slowly set me down, my feet firmly on the floor and pulled up his pants. Dillon motioned to a bathroom at the very end of the sleeping cabin, where I quickly freshened up before heading back to our seats. I had to admit, it was an exciting few minutes of passion. I could never tire from having Dillon's hands and lips all over me, and I hoped he felt the same way about me. As I ran my fingers through my hair, I noticed something in the mirror.

  I was happy. I was finally in a relationship, although a little on the unconventional side, but I was happy. He treated me the way I had always wanted to be treated, he respected me, he pleased me and pleasured me exactly how I wanted to be pleased and pleasured. Most importantly, he made me feel perfect. The way he looked at me was enough for me to suspect that he might want to have a future with me, a future we both had dreamed of for so long.

  I just hoped that he was as desperately in love with me as I was within.

  Yes, I loved him, but I didn't want to say it to him, since I didn't want him to freak out on me. I knew his history with women and trusting them was a big deal to him, and I respected that. I also didn't want him to think that I was moving too fast emotionally, because love was a big deal to him.

  It was a big deal to me too, but I felt it in my heart. Truthfully, I think I felt it all along. It was just disguised as a crush at the time.

  Well, that crush had blossomed into full-on love, and although it scared me more every second that passed, Dillon would be the one who'd save me from those fears.

  I walked back down the aisle, towards where Dillon sat in front of his laptop again, and Willow was still mightily engrossed in her movie, and sat down in my seat.

  The rest of the flight was amazing, relaxing and the food that we were served was amazing. We had champagne, which made my head spin, and I eventually fell into a slow and happy slumber as we flew over the Atlantic.


  There were no words to adequately describe what a magnificent week we had in Paris. Disneyland was amazing, and Willow spent the entire trip gazing starry-eyed at everything. We stayed in a gorgeous suite in one of the best hotels in the area and our balcony had a panoramic view of the park. We spent our days frolicking around in the park, riding on rollercoasters and eating croissants in sheer abundance. We watched plays and shows, and we had the time of our lives. Our camera and camcorders were filled with the happiest of photographs of us three and it was definitely something that I would remember for the rest of my life.

  The best part of this trip was not just being in Paris, enjoying what the resort and the park had to offer. It wasn't just because I got to sleep in a bed with Dillon and wake up beside him every morning. It wasn't just because I enjoyed watching Dillon and Willow spend time together, laughing and having fun. Sure, all those things were components which made up a perfect week, but the thing that was the best part of it all, was that I could openly hold hands with Dillon while walking in the park. I could kiss him under the waterfall, or anywhere for that matter and not be afraid that someone might see us. I could hold on to his arm while screaming at the top of my lungs as we rode on a too-fast-too-quickly rollercoaster. I could address myself as Malia, Dillon's girlfriend to whomever asked and not be afraid that Jade might find out about it.

  I could be who I was here in Paris, with Dillon and Willow, and I didn't want to go home. I didn't want to face reality and re-enter a complicated world where I couldn't kiss him or hold him wherever I wanted to. I didn't want to go back to being an undercover girlfriend. That wasn't good enough for me, not after the week we had.

  I stood out on the balcony of our room late the last night of our stay and gazed out at the lights, the enchanted kingdom which lay before me. It was after ten and Willow had already passed out from a too busy day and Dillon went to tuck her into her bed after falling asleep on the sofa. There was a
cool breeze that blew onto my face and my skin tingled after having been exposed to the sun for the majority of the day. It was a welcomed relief and I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. I had to tell Dillon how I was feeling, because I didn't like keeping things from him, and because I knew that if I didn't tell him, it would eat me up inside and ruin our whole relationship.

  I heard his footsteps as he entered the master bedroom and he walked towards me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, and slipped his fingers underneath the straps of my summer dress.

  "Willow's asleep," he whispered against my skin.

  His lips kissing my neck sent waves of desire through my veins, but the thoughts that whirled around inside me didn't go away like they used to. These thoughts were just too intense.

  "Dillon, wait," I sighed and he immediately stopped. I turned to him and saw the perplexed look on his face.

  "Is something wrong?"

  "I need to talk to you about something," I said carefully.

  "That doesn't sound good," he said in the same careful tone.

  I leaned against the balustrade and pursed my lips briefly. "This week was the most amazing week of my entire life. I got to spend it with you and Willow, in Paris. I got to see such beautiful things and go to such amazing places. I finally felt like your girlfriend."

  "But you are my girlfriend."

  "I know," I said with a nod. "I am, but as soon as we get off that plane in Florida, I'm Willow's nanny again. I know that I was the one who suggested we keep it quiet, but I don't want that anymore. I want to be able to hold your hand in public and kiss you while we're outside where people can see us. I am sick of hiding my feelings for you, and I'm sick of pretending to other people that we're nothing more than an employee and an employer. I don't want to hide us anymore, Dillon."

  "I know, and neither do I, but I just think that we need to consider Willow in this as well."

  "I completely understand that. I know that she's your daughter and she will be more important to you than I ever will-"

  "Wait a minute. That is not fair," he said in a slightly raised voice and glanced at me angrily. "She is my daughter. It's like comparing apples to pears," he said to me, and took my hands in his, staring intently into my eyes, his brown eyes darkening slightly. "You are important to me, Malia. I have never been this happy in my life, and that is all thanks to you. If you want us to go public, then I will, but I just need a week or so."

  For what?" I asked.

  "To tell people at my company in the right way, so that they'll spread it to others in the right way. I don't want this to blow up in our faces and allow Jade any wiggle room or opportunity to take Willow from me."

  "Why would she take Willow from you if you're dating someone?"

  "Jade is a terrible woman, and she will do anything and say anything that would make me look like I am not looking after Willow the way I am supposed to. She'll make us both look back and I don't want that for you."

  I bit my bottom lip and nodded slowly. "Okay, I'll give you a week," I answered and pushed past him, heading to the bathroom.

  "Are you upset?" he asked and I turned around.

  "No, I'm just feeling a little tired from today. I'll be out in a second," I answered and stepped into the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror, washed my face and sighed to myself.

  The next morning, I sleepily opened my eyes as the sun streamed in through the windows. I glanced at the clock and frowned. It was way too early to be awake, so I rolled over in bed and found Dillon on his back, staring at the ceiling.

  "Morning," I murmured and he glanced at me.

  "Morning," he said and kissed me on the lips. "How did you sleep?"

  "Like a log. I think being in the sun all of yesterday did a number on my body," I muttered.

  "Same. I feel deep-fried."

  I chuckled and snuggled up beside him. "I'm sorry if I upset you last night."

  "You didn't upset me. You told me how you felt, which is a good thing, because I want you to be able to talk to me about things that are on your mind. I appreciate that you did that," he said and kissed my temple. "I don't want you to ever be afraid to tell me things, you know."

  "Like my deepest, darkest secrets, fantasies and fetishes?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

  "Of course. I promise I won't judge, or think you're a weirdo. I think I'd probably be turned on by your fetishes and fantasies."

  "You think, or you know?" I asked.

  "Either or. I'm not picky," he said and flashed a toothy grin at me.

  "I don't really have any specific fantasies. You satisfied them all the first couple of weeks, oh, and on the plane."

  "You liked that?" he asked.

  "Hell yeah," I whispered. "What about you? What are your fantasies?"

  "I don't have any, because my reality is so much better," he answered.

  "Holy shit," I said and he frowned at me. "That was the cheesiest, and sweetest line ever."

  "It wasn't a line."

  "I know," I said and kissed him again.

  "I will tell you my deepest and darkest secret though," he said.

  "Ooh, interesting," I cooed.

  "It's not really interesting, it's just a little," he said and paused for a moment, "bad."

  "Bad how?"

  "When I was in college, at the peak of my irresponsible phase, I was involved in a hit and run."

  "Was anyone hurt?" I gasped and glanced at him.

  "No, the car was empty luckily, and I was big-headed, so I was fine. When I got home, my dad saw the damage to the car and asked me what happened. I lied to him and told him that someone had backed off into me."

  I raised my eyebrows and stared at him for a few seconds. I didn't judge him at all. All of us were young and stupid at one stage, and most of us have lied to our parents before, so it really wasn't a big deal to me. To Dillon, it seemed like a big deal. His eyes were filled with guilt and I touched his cheek.

  "Hey, it's okay. No-one was hurt, so you don't have to feel guilty."

  "I still remember the car, the color, the make, the plates. A few years later I tried to track it down, but I never found it. I wanted to make things right, but I never could," he said softly.

  "Dillon, you're a good man, so you don't have to beat yourself up about this."

  "I guess so," he whispered and looked at me with a half smile. "Thank you."

  Although he didn't specifically why he thanked me, I could easily derive that it was for listening to him, for being there for him, and not judging him for his past actions.

  "So what about you, Miss Brooks. What's your deep and dark secret?"

  I smiled slightly and lowered my gaze.

  "What is it?" he asked. "You didn't kill someone, did you?"

  I bit my bottom lip and stared at him wordlessly as my secret that I had buried down inside me suddenly came to light. I sat upright in bed and looked at him.

  "Is it that bad?"

  I took deep breath and looked at him. "I got pregnant in high school and I was forced to have an abortion."

  I watched how his eyes changed from pure animation to sorrow and grief and he sat up as well. "Oh my god. That's terrible."

  "My mom figured I'd be a horrible mother, and that I was too young. I thought she was right at that stage, but as time passed, I just started feeling so empty inside me. I kept wondering what that little baby would have looked like. Would it have been a girl or a boy? Would it have looked like me?" A tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I hadn't cried in front of Dillon before and although I trusted him with everything inside me, I didn't want to seem like a cry baby.

  "I'm so sorry..."

  "It was only later that I realized that my mom was wrong about me. I would have been a great mom," I said, and Dillon put his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

  "You are a great mom."

  I felt a little raw and vulnerable as I cried in his arms, but somehow, talking about it helped. It wouldn't ta
ke the pain away, nor would I get over it completely, but knowing that he was there to console me made me feel less alone.

  Back then, my mother avoided the subject with all her might, and forbade me to talk about it, so Dillon was literally the only person who I have told this terrible and haunting secret.

  I slipped out of his embrace and sighed. "I guess that was the reason why I wanted to get into child-care," I sniffed. "I guess you could say that I was using it as a means to fill the void I had inside me."

  "There's nothing wrong with that. It was a healthy outlet and it made you happy," he answered.

  I smiled wordlessly and asked, "Do you think I am a terrible person?"

  "Not at all."

  "Thank you."

  "Was that why you left Portland?" he asked, completely blindsiding me.

  "Only partly. I had wanted to leave, and I applied for a nanny job here in Florida. I had an interview via video call and they loved me so much that not having a formal qualification in childcare didn't even matter. I told my mom that I was moving to Florida and she went hysterical. My dad was very supportive of my choice though. He and I still talk on the phone regularly. He emails me the funniest pictures of hamsters."

  Dillon smiled slightly and wiped a tear from my cheek. "Your dad sounds sweet."

  "He is. I'd love for you to meet him someday," I said with a smile.

  "I'd love that," he said to me and kissed me on the lips.

  The door of our bedroom opened and Willow ran up to the bed, crash-landing between the covers.

  "Good morning," she exclaimed.

  "Morning, princess," I said with a smile.

  "Morning, baby," Dillon said.

  Willow glanced at me, noticing my red eyes and the streaks on my cheeks. "Are you okay, Malia?" she asked as she sat upright.

  "I'm fine," I answered.

  "Are you sad because we're leaving today?" she asked.

  "I absolutely am," I said with a pout.

  "Don't worry. I'm sure if you ask Daddy to bring us again, he would say yes. He can't say no to you, or me," Willow giggled.

  "Oh, dear. It looks like I dug myself into a hole," Dillon said and winked at me, giving me a look that could cause me to melt into a puddle on the sheets.


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