Going Home

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by Jana Leigh

  Going Home


  Book Eight

  by Jana Leigh

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

  © Copyright June 2016 Jana Leigh

  Rights & Permissions © Copyright June 2016 JK Publishing, Inc.

  Cover, art, and logo © Copyright June 2016 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  ISBN #978-1-310-84767-7

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  This story is so close to being done it feels like I have run a marathon every single time I end one of these books. I hope you all enjoy this story of the Drekinn. I know I am writing only these two series right now, but they need to be finished before I can move on and continue with the rest of my series.

  I am excited to say that I am fairly close to being right on schedule with these books to be finished mid-year 2017. So sit back and have a glass of wine and enter my world of the Drekinn!

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  Books by Jana Leigh

  Excerpt from Boots, Chaps, and Cowboy Hats

  About the Author


  As Cami bent down to grab the hair of the bitch who dared to hurt their children, she caught a scent and she paused and stood. She had not paid attention when she had grabbed the viper, instead, Cami wanted to get out of there without being noticed. Quin and Jaden would have killed her if she had gotten caught.

  However, once she had arrived back to the compound with Miss Bitchy in tow, they had been pissed. So, she had a few of the Enforcers take her into this room and lock her down until she got them settled down. Then she had gone and grabbed the women and told them who she had.

  This was their rodeo now, and by the smell of the woman, she was so much more than what she had assumed. Dammit, what the hell was going on? There was a memory but fuck, that would mean, “Cloe?” she said and turned to her friend who was already frowning. Yeah, they were all currently catching the scent of the psychopath who was still sitting on the floor.

  “What the fuck?” she whispered and looked at Cami. “That is not possible.”

  Rebekka smirked and then pushed herself off the floor and said, “Come on, no welcome home party? Nothing? Really? I mean, I figured you would at least bust out some fireworks for when I came home.” She laughed and Cami growled in warning.

  “Bitch, do not fucking test me at all. Now, you wanna explain why you smell like the Denver Pack?”

  Rebekka laughed and looked at the group of women who were all moving in a circle around her. They had the look of disbelief as well as the look of disgust all rolled into one. It wasn’t the way she had planned it, but really who cared, now they knew.

  “Of course I would love to explain that, Alpha bitch,” Rebekka said. “It is a shame you don’t recognize me, but then, you didn’t really see me all that much when I was younger, and I had just a little bit of work done just to make sure you wouldn’t find out too quickly. What would the fun be in that? No, I wanted to make sure when we faced each other again it would be way too late for you to do anything. It is, you know, too late. No matter what you and your disgusting children do, they will never win.”

  Cami grinned at her and said, “Whatever you think. That is not what this is about anyway. Whatever you have planned, will be dealt with. Never fear, your plans as you call them won’t work either, any more than the first war did.”

  Rebekka tilted her head and looked at Cami with a smile. “Have you placed me yet?”

  “I have,” someone said from the back and Rebekka turned and looked at Cloe who was finally stepping forward. “I know exactly who you are, and I can honestly say I really wish I had convinced your mother I was right about any child of that bastard being normal.”

  “My mother was a liar,” Rebekka said with a hiss and Cloe swung so fast, none of them had been ready for her reaction. Rebekka fell down holding her cheek as Cloe stood over her.

  “You pathetic piece of shit. We should have hunted you down and killed you when we had the chance,” Cloe said and kicked her in the stomach.

  “Please, you don’t have it in you,” Rebekka said and spit on the floor.

  Kira stepped forward and grabbed her hair and dragged her to the chair that someone had placed in the middle of the room. “Sit,” she snapped and flung her on the seat.

  Rebekka laughed and shook her head and pulled herself upright. “It doesn’t matter, you know,” she said and turned and looked at Kira when she was sitting down. “That girl? She doesn’t matter, she was a means to an end. Obviously we did something wrong though. She was supposed to be working for us. Apparently we were a little off in the formula.”

  Kira growled and then swung with her hand and at the last second, her bear claw appeared and swiped her across the face. “You cunt,”
Kira said.

  Rebekka screamed in pain and grabbed her face. Cami leaned back against the wall and watched as all of the women took their turns making the girl who they had known so long ago pay for her betrayal. When the guys found out about this, it was going to piss them off. They had tried to help her mother back then, that was all and this sick bitch had betrayed them.

  “Sabrina is not a girl, she is a person, no matter what you think you would accomplish by fucking with us, it will be nothing compared to the pain and death you will feel at our hands.”

  “How in the fuck could you have mated that asshole?” Cat yelled. “Seriously, his stench has attached to you, that alone would be reason to kill you.”

  “Oh please, like you are really going to kill me. That has always been your problem, you know. The Chosen, you have never been willing to do what it takes to win the war. You played by the rules,” Rebekka scoffed and Cami smiled and then pulled out a pair of scissors.

  “Yeah, well, that was true once. But after everything you have put us through, we are planning on sending you back to your mate in pieces. Starting with that lovely hair. And because we are pack mates and all, I figure we have a few weeks of catching up, don’t you. I mean, I know that Judy would be really interested to see you again.”

  Rebekka leaned back and glared at Cami as she came closer. “Do your worst, it won’t change a damn thing.”

  “Maybe, maybe not, but either way. We are going to have the satisfaction of hearing you beg before we are done with you,” Kira sneered and then swiped the other side of her face. “Now, do you want to tell how my daughter, the one I didn’t even know existed, was to be a pawn in your plan?”

  Reese and Nian stood in the middle of a large room, neither had a fucking clue what was going on. They had been captured, interrogated, and were being transported to some other facility that was supposed to be a torture chamber according to the guards who thought it was funny to taunt them with that shit. They had wanted a few minutes without their cuffs on, so they could have given them a lesson they would never forget.

  As it was, they had exchanged one group of psychos for another. That was more than evident when the group of people before them were calmly sitting there while they had collars on their neck. Were they aware their heads could be blown off at any time? Did they care? Or was this another test they were supposed to be passing.

  They were best friends, although, they looked a lot alike and many people asked them if they were twins, they weren’t. Reese was hotter than Nian, at least that was what he thought. They had been on the run for months. They had no fucking clue why, other than one day their faces suddenly appeared on the television as one of the most wanted, claiming they had committed a crime against the state. What crime, they had no flipping clue.

  Suddenly a woman ran into the room waving a paper over her head and neither man moved. They couldn’t, they thought they would never find her, their mate. It had been so long. They both tilted their heads and looked at each other. They did that all the time, it was mostly because they could literally speak to each other without anyone knowing.

  “Mine,” Reese growled and Nian looked at his friend in surprise but then smiled and nodded to him and looked back to the gorgeous woman who was talking. Theirs, he thought and then wanted to grab her and run.

  “Holy shit, the trees are speaking!” Trina said and everyone in the room suddenly got quiet and tense. She looked back at Calli who was grinning and shrugged. “Is this a trick?”

  Calli shook her head. “Hell no, but it is gonna be humorous,” her Alpha said and Trina rolled her eyes and then looked down at her hand and remembered why she was here.

  “I am the coolest, woot, I am the bomb, you can all say it now, ‘cause yeah, bow to the master of the freaking dust ridden library I have been stuck in. But did it conquer me, hell no, did I stop looking, hell no,” the woman yelled as she waved a large piece of paper above her head like it was a treasure. She looked around the room finally noticing the two large men who were standing there staring intently at her. Holy shit they were huge, like mountainous huge, like they could totally squish her if they wanted to, Trina thought.

  Then another woman said, “Really? You are just going to ignore this?” and Nian looked at her closely, she was familiar, like someone he should really know. He looked at Reese who was nodding slowly but also looked a little confused. “I mean, my mate is a serial killer, yours look perfectly normal. At least I think so,” the woman said and then stepped closer and looked up at them and narrowed her eyes. “No fucking way,” she whispered and everyone in the room froze. The two men narrowed their eyes as more people entered the room silently, as if someone had called them somehow.

  Trina, who was moving slowly away from the two men, yeah she knew they were her mates, but she didn’t want them yet. She really had more to find before she found her mates. Her best friend, Sabrina, needed her, she needed her a lot. Everything that had happened in the last few weeks, had freaked them all the fuck out. Why wouldn’t it, they had found out one of their own was genetically engineered. Who did that? Fucking crazy ass people that was who, but that was also not the problem. The problem Trina had was that they needed to find out why in the hell they had done it in the first place. It took a special kind of psycho to think of that.

  “You are…” Rissa said slowly and Trina froze and tilted her head. They were what? Vampires? Sex on a stick? Part of the ancestors obviously?

  The two men grinned and Trina sucked in a breath and watched as her mates smiled, yes smiled at Rissa like they knew who she was. Really?

  “Lex?” one of them said and Rissa frowned and shook her head.

  “No, Rissa.”

  The other tree shook his head and said, “Uh no, Lexie.”

  Rissa backed up slowly, shaking her head and looking confused and a little freaked out. Her eyes searched the large group of people who were gathering close to her, as if to protect her from the two men. ‘It doesn’t make any sense,’ Nian said to Reese in his head.

  ‘It doesn’t, I am not sure what the hell is going on, but this is not normal. This is when I wished our vampire side had not won the gene pool. I mean, I know her name but I don’t recall ever seeing her. I know those over there, too—Cassandra, Marcus, Hope, Malia, but don’t recall ever seeing them either. But I feel like I should know them from…’ Reese continued to mind speak with Nian while he looked back and forth between Calli, Kade, Hope, and Sydney.

  Trina frowned and looked down at the paper that she was holding and then back up at the two men and Rissa who looked really pale. “You will never take me alive!” Rissa screamed and then ran.

  “Shit, really?” a large man said.

  “What the fuck?” Nian said at the same time.

  The man shook his head. “Sorry, man, really, she gets like this, just ignore her. She thinks that aliens are actually coming down to kill us all soon too, so her freaking out at you is pretty normal.”

  Reese laughed out loud. “She still thinks that? Does she still have the scar on her side she thinks was given to her when they experimented on her while she was sleeping?”

  You could have heard a pin drop, and Reese looked at Nian who was grinning as well. “What in the fucking hell is going on now?” their mate yelled and held up the paper and then said, “This is so not making any damn sense at all.”

  Chapter One

  Calli stepped forward, “Um, okay, we know shit is gonna hit the fan, ‘cause like every freaking time someone comes here it does. Can we maybe do this in stages, ‘cause you know as well as I do, we need to know who these two are, and what the fuck is up with them being captive by the Prentiss? Then we need to make sure Rissa or Lexie, whatever the fuck her name is, isn’t trying to contact planet Vulcan again, ‘cause you know she is gonna drive herself nuts. After that we can figure out this who family tree thing, sound good?”

  Kade nodded and walked to the two men and said, “Let’s see what we can do about these collars.

  Reese nodded and said, “I would love to get this off but truthfully? These damn things have charges in them, so yeah, if we could do that without blowing our heads off I would love that.”

  Kade nodded and then introduced everyone in the room and waited for the two to introduce themselves. “Fuck, it is like we are a football team still,” Nian muttered and Kade turned and narrowed his eyes.

  “What did you say?”

  Nian laughed and said, “Football team. Remember when we were young, and we went anywhere, the Enforcers, they used football teams as names for our groups. We used to fight over who got to be on which team.”

  Kade’s eyes seemed to have gone vacant as he obviously thought about something. Calli reached out and took his hand when he growled in frustration. “Dammit, why don’t we remember!”

  Nian looked at Reese who was already frowning and looking perplexed. “You don’t remember?”

  Kade nodded shortly and said, “Nope, not even a glimmer of a memory, how in the fuck can that be? You remember everything?”

  The two were silent and finally Reese said, “No, we remember some, but we always figured it was because we were orphaned. Like we don’t remember our parents at all, every time we think about them, we both get excruciating headaches.”

  Neither one of the two men noticed the woman who they knew was their mate moving slowly to the back of the room. Trina was hoping to make an escape, she needed time to think without the mating woo woo clouding her thoughts. It was disconcerting to say the least, and she really wanted to talk to Sabrina, she was her best friend and would give her good advice.

  “What are you doing?” someone whispered into her ear and she screamed and jumped.


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