Going Home

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Going Home Page 9

by Jana Leigh

  Reese shuffled a little and moved her over gently and stood as well. Yeah, baby, he was just as built. Damn, someone tapped them with an extra bit of muscles. She wanted to trail her tongue across his chest and down to his…

  “OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, DAMMIT!” Vince yelled and she fell back against the pillows and closed her eyes.

  Her brother had pussy blocked her! Was that even a saying? Well it was now, damn, she was ready, willing, and able to blow out those cobwebs and take a ride on the mate train, but no, her brother totally just blocked her.

  She heard murmuring of voices, the guys must have finally opened the door. Bastard, she grumbled to herself as she rolled out of bed fully clothed, yep fully clothed, they hadn’t even copped a feel apparently, since other than being rumpled she was fully dressed.

  She stomped out of the bedroom, down the short hall, rounded the corner and saw her brother and just lost it.

  “What are you doing here?” she snapped and Vince look at her and shook his head with a straight face.

  “I am coming to take you home.” She growled and glared at Nian and Reese who were just shaking their heads.

  “No,” Nian said and Vince looked at him.

  “Really? You said you would bring her home at a reasonable time, let her have time to get used to you and then you would mate with her,” he snapped.

  “Are you serious right now?” she yelled and stomped over to her brother and poked him in the chest. “Listen here, brother, I love you, I missed you but I will kill you if you ever come to this cabin yelling and screaming like you have a say in my mating. I decide when, I decide how, and you don’t get to decide. I cannot believe you came over here. For your information, I fell asleep on the couch. I am assuming they felt sorry for me and let me sleep, you dipshit. I haven’t even kissed them yet!”

  Vince’s eyebrows raised and he looked at the guys. “Dudes, I was fucking with you. Seriously, I was messing with you, why have you not mated my sister? IS there something wrong with your guys? I figured you would be all over being pricks and mating with her last night.”

  “What?” she whispered. “Are you mental? Do we need to have you checked out?”

  Vince grinned and shook his head. “Nah, it is a guy thing. See when they said that unmated children of the Chosen were at risk, I figured that they needed to move. So I told them to bring you home and go slow. Hell, for any normal shifter being told not to mate your woman would have sent them over the edge, I was surprised when I saw them walking yesterday with you. IF it would have been me, I would have bitten my mate right after that meeting. Jeez, guys, come on, get with the program, you only have a certain amount of time…”

  “You asshole!” she yelled and Vince rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah, yeah, blah, blah. Listen, I will totally cover for you in the library okay, just get to it,” Vince said and walked out the door and then looked over his shoulder and said, “Seriously, claim her, I will not be so nice at dinner.”

  Her brother shut the door and she moaned and pounded her head against the wall by the hallway. Mortified over his actions, she really wouldn’t be surprised if they kicked her out of here.

  “Tara?” Nian said softly and she shook her head.

  “I am sorry; I swear when we were younger he was normalish. I mean, not fully normal because he is a pain in the ass arrogant jerk. But you know as a brother he was okay. I can’t believe he did that.”

  Reese chuckled. “It’s okay,” he said and then came up behind her and pulled her away from the wall and turned her around. “It’s okay!” he said and she looked up.

  “I have been waiting a long time for this, I mean, finally finding your mates and then my brother, dammit, I am so killing him,” Tara said and pulled away and went back to the bedroom to look for her shoes to get the hell out of there.

  “Baby, we all have.” They followed her, and she glanced at them and saw Nian grinning and reaching for her, he pulled her up to him, and covered her mouth with his without warning.

  Tara didn’t even have a moment to react, not that she would have. It was her mate for gods’ sake, she wanted this too much. She knew she should pull away and leave, give them a few hours to regroup, so she could cry in humiliation, in peace, but it wasn’t meant to be, thank goodness, this was so much better. Tara focused back on kissing, oh yeah, kissing her mate and the other one was right behind her.

  Nian’s hands roamed over every inch of her body, starting with her shoulders and moved down until he gripped her ass. He massaged and squeezed her ass while his tongue explored her mouth. She moaned and the atmosphere in the room took a turn.

  Nian lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him with enthusiasm. He was large, defined, and oh so fucking sexy, his wide shoulders and bulging muscles were impressive but it truly made it difficult to hug him. She of course did her best. She was a shifter after all.

  He couldn’t get enough of her; slowly he released her lips and kissed along her shoulder and neck. She felt Reese behind her, he moved the tee she was wearing, and suddenly most of her clothes were removed and she was standing in front of them wearing only her bra and panties, which thankfully was sexy because she really would have been mortified if they were her grannie panties.

  Nian caressed her arms, then Reese was pressed against her back again. He lifted her long hair off her shoulders just before she felt his lips singe her skin. She closed her eyes and absorbed the feeling of them finally touching her. Mates, hers, her bear growled in her head and she moaned.

  “So damn beautiful,” Nian muttered and kissed her lips softly.

  She opened her eyes to find both men staring at her. Reese still pressed against her, she felt his erection in the small of her back and moved, teasing him a little.

  “You have me so hard right now,” Reese whispered into her ear and she shivered.

  Nian stepped back to take in the sight of her; she was all theirs, and they were all hers. Damn she really wanted for this whole thing to be over with so she could just stay in the cabin with her mates for weeks, only coming up for air when they were hungry.

  “Fucking hot,” Nian said and reached toward her. Trailing a finger from her throat down to her belly, between her breasts straight to her mound. With his finger, he drew circles over the silky panties. She moaned and pressed against his finger instinctively, and he chuckled.

  “Reese, we have a sexy woman, she is going to love being between us,” Nian muttered to his friend and grinned when Tara moaned, closing her eyes, wanting to hurry them along, her need was becoming almost painful. The mating call, it was driving her bear to bite, they were right in front of her. Her mates, claim them, her bear growled.

  “Reese, see how wet she is for us already,” Nian whispered and she felt Reese step to the side, and when she opened her eyes she saw the look of pure hunger on Reese’s face. Something she had been waiting for what seemed like forever, having her mate look at her like this. The girls had talked about it, the look before the claiming, the one that made it seem like she was being hunted. Holy crap that was hot.

  Both men quickly pulled off the shorts until they were standing in front of her. They were a work of art, something she could never imagine. It wasn’t like she was a virgin, but these guys were like nothing she had ever been with. It had to be because they were her mates, they were perfect, if she would have put in a request for mates, they would have looked exactly like this.

  Nian pulled her to him and kissed her again. She felt Reese hook his fingers around her panties and tug them off, her bra unhooked and melted away so nothing stood between them.

  “Look at you, so damn perfect, you are made for us,” Reese whispered and ran a hand down her back and she moaned softly into Reese’s mouth. “Perfection.”

  Nian lifted her up, laid her back on the bed, and then stood between her legs staring at her body. He ran his hands across her breast softly and whispered, “You are ours, and before the day is over, we will be wea
ring your mark and everyone will know we are together,” before he let a finger trace her nipple.

  She looked at them with a shocked expression and said, “Wait how? I mean, you aren’t shifters.”

  Nian grinned. “We don’t give two shits if we can’t claim you with a bite, you can claim us and trust me, you will know you are ours as will everyone else. You are gonna feel me inside you for fucking days, baby, just as a reminder you are ours.”

  Tara moaned and grabbed onto his shoulders when he leaned over her. “Bring it,” she whispered and Nian pulled back and looked at her with a heated gaze.

  “Not a problem,” Nian said and kissed her deeply, drinking from her lips and showing her how much he wanted this. When he pulled back, Reese was at the side of them, turning her head and capturing her mouth as well.

  “You are fucking ours, and don’t forget it,” Reese whispered when he pulled back, shit they were hot when they were all growly.

  Nian lowered himself and pushed slowly into her, she gasped at the invasion and then relaxed as she felt herself adjusting to his presence inside her. His cock felt so good yet so big inside her, gods she loved it, and she loved their cocks.

  “You were made for me, baby,” Nian muttered and kissed her softly, allowing her to catch her breath.

  Tara felt him move, and she absorbed every touch as he made love to her. He leaned back and Reese latched onto her breast and sucked in her nipple.

  Tara thought she had died and gone to heaven, both men touching her so lovingly, she knew by the end of the night she would be completely satisfied. The difference of their touch was amazing and intoxicating. Now she could understand what the others were talking about, this was something more.

  Nian was forceful and demanding, while Reese was a little more, soft and dominating all in one. Reese teased her breasts gently at first as Nian moved in and out of her slowly, both of them driving her out of her mind. The sensations that gripped her were foreign; she had never felt so stimulated, so out of control. It was a heady feeling, one she never wanted to lose.

  Nian increased his speed and Reese pinched and teased her breasts until she was writhing beneath them, crying out for something, she just didn’t know what. Reese licked and tugged, eliciting a response and giving her more sensations until she felt like she was going to explode.

  “So good,” Nian muttered and pushed into her again. “So tight. Ours,” he ground out and then opened his eyes and looked at her passion filled body.

  “Nian,” she gasped when he lifted her hips slightly until he was holding her off the bed, and he began to pound into her. She gasped as he hit her clit; the rush of pleasure seemed to sizzle in the air.

  Reese reached between them and gently moved a finger over her clit and she gasped again, feeling her pussy flutter around Nian’s cock. He closed his eyes as if to control himself. When he opened them, she grinned, he was close to the edge, so was she. Tara wanted him mad with need, she wanted him to lose control.

  Slowly he pulled back and then thrust into her and she moaned and turned her head to the side, staring into Reese’s eyes, promising she wanted him next.

  She felt the burn as Nian bit down on her nipple enough to claim her, that slight bit of pain and the draw of her blood sent her over the edge. Tara screamed as her climax flowed over her, she had never felt so content as she held onto the pleasure that rippled over her. It was amazing, and if she could have opened her eyes, she would have seen the look of satisfaction on his face. Bastard, she thought and then leaned up and bit his nipple like he had hers, when she broke skin, she felt the pull inside her as she claimed him and he yelled his release and she grinned a little. Well, none of them would show off their mating marks.

  He slumped over her and kissed her as she came down from her high, she wanted them to know they didn’t control her in the bedroom, dammit. She opened her eyes and smiled at Nian, and she bit his lip as she kissed him, then waited as he pulled out of her before turning and looking at Reese who was clutching his hard, erect cock.

  “That was so sexy,” he muttered and she grinned.

  “I need you,” she said, feeling incomplete somehow.

  “Get up here now, ride me, baby,” he whispered and turned on his back, pulling her onto him.

  Tara felt his erection pressing against her belly as she rolled on top of him and she sighed when he cupped the back of her head and held her until she looked him in the eye.

  “You may think you are in control but you are not, babe, get used to it. From now on, we take you when we want and how we want, and you will love every second of it,” Reese said and stared at her intently. “You are ours, and right now your bear needs this as we do, the exchange of blood will seal the claiming, and then next time, you are going to see what it means to be claimed by us.”

  Tara felt a lump of need in her throat but she nodded and stared down at him and glared. She leaned forward and kissed him deeply, biting his lip like she had Nian’s. His hands running over her, squeezing her ass in warning and she wanted to laugh. He could think what he wanted, but she knew the truth, her bear did too, it didn’t matter who did what, they were finally claimed.

  She widened her legs until they were straddling him, leaving her wide open for him to slip inside her. She grinned when she saw how hard he was, Tara licked her lips, she wanted to taste him, sometime soon. But he was more than ready, she thought and then moved until his cock was at her gate. Kissing him, she reached between them and grasped his erection, holding it still as she maneuvered herself onto him.

  Reese kissed her until she pulled up then he trailed his lips down her neck and chest before latching onto her breast and holding her close.

  She felt Nian again over her shoulder, he bit her shoulder and kissed her gently, letting her know he was there and watching, and also that they were in control.

  Tara moved slowly, trying to find a rhythm that suited them and Reese groaned beneath her. She felt powerful being in this position and then arched a little, shoving her breast into his mouth and brushing her clit against his pelvis as she sank fully onto him. Finally finding what she was searching for, she moved.

  Reese held onto her and she set the pace, faster and faster until both were gasping for air.

  Finally, she opened her eyes and looked down at Reese who was greedily nipping at both her nipples and she said, “Now.”

  Reese winked at her and then bit her other nipple leaving her claiming marks on both her breast. Then he leaned back and smiled as she bit him at the same place she had Nian, right by his nipple, power rushed through her and she closed her eyes and held on, her bear roared in her head as she sent them both over into a climax together. Reese growled her name as she continued to move, wringing the last bit out of him and then she collapsed against him. She didn’t even feel the men move her, she was so caught up in the satisfaction.

  But when Reese and Nian laid down on either side of her, she could have sworn she heard them say something in her head.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “No,” Tara groaned and grabbed onto the pillow that was under her head, tucked it under her head and said “I need more sleep.”

  Reese chuckled and slapped her backside and said, “Come on, we need to eat and check to make sure that nothing has happened in the last twenty hours that would be considered an emergency.”

  “Come on,” Tara whined. “You kept me up all night, I am pretty sure there is something written somewhere that after a claiming I get to sleep while you go and work.”

  Nian grabbed the covers and threw them back so she was laying there all alone and naked. She didn’t care, she was tired, and she was totally going to tell the girls about her awesome mating. They had kinda bragged about it many times, she knew they hadn’t been being mean or anything. But still, and damn, she knew exactly what they meant when they said mating was explosive.

  “I need a shower!” she groaned and then rolled over.

  “Come on,” Nian said, pulling one arm
while Reese pulled the other. “Shower, clothes, coffee, and food in that order.”

  Nian turned on the water and made sure it was the perfect temperature. Then Reese got some supplies like shampoo and conditioner and a towel. Then they pushed her in the shower and she groaned when the hot water hit her shoulders, her back, damn she was tired and she felt amazing, but sore, but a good kind of sore. Shit, she sounded like Rissa, didn’t she?

  “Okay, babe, lesson number one. We are mated now, so we don’t need to think or pry, when you talk in your head we can hear you, like everything. So a little reminder, please don’t think of any weird things like another woman,” Nian said.

  She turned and glared at the guys, “Hey, I am showering, leave me be.”

  “Honey, when you think you are a good kinda sore from us, we are gonna come and check it out.” Reese laughed.

  She rolled her eyes and said, “Go, I will keep my mind blank.”

  Tara grinned and turned back to the shower and finished cleaning up. When she got out, she wrapped herself in a towel, wandered back out into the room, sat down on the bed for a minute, and looked around. She had claimed her mates…she grinned and then closed her eyes and thought…

  “Really?” Reese growled and she opened her eyes and smiled. Nian came into view, jogging like he had been outside or something and came back in at her thoughts. They both walked toward her and stopped right in front of her. She grinned as she looked up and both men knew what she wanted. Both men stripped and then grinned as she thought about what she wanted. Wow, this was going to be cool.

  Her mouth watered and she could think of nothing but wanting a taste of both men. Reaching out, she grabbed both men’s dicks and pumped them back and forth before she leaned over and swirled the head of Nian’s erection with her tongue, allowing the drop of pre-cum to leak out, giving her the first taste of him. He was salty, but it made her crave more. Sucking him into her mouth, she grabbed him around the base and pumped the thick shaft, which she almost couldn’t fit in her mouth. Not wanting to leave Reese out, she released Nian and did the same to Reese’s cock. Both men seemed to groan with each pass she made. Sucking them in and out, tasting each of them.


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