Queen's Guard 01 The Queen's Guard: Violet

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Queen's Guard 01 The Queen's Guard: Violet Page 27

by Traci E Hall

  Sarah danced with Jonathon, her blue eyes as bright as sapphires, her orange dress patterned with lilies, like the one he’d left at their door. Where had he come from? Would Sarah forgive him and love him anyway? Would the queen condone such behavior? Probably. If Sarah kept her chin held high.

  Gorgeous Catherine, tall and the closest to the Amazons their guard had been referred to. Her chestnut hair was contained in the low bun she favored, the ivory sticks visible beneath her sheer veil. Her pink gown was embroidered with peonies: hardy yet stunning blooms.

  Raoul dipped his head. “Where did you go just now?”

  She smiled wistfully. “Just watching the dancers.”

  “Would you like to dance?”

  “I did not think you could! A warrior chief?”

  “And what of you, convent raised?”

  “Married to a lord in the court.” Bella smacked her hand against his arm, realizing how handsome he was in his black on black. “Tutored by none other than Eleanor herself.”

  Raoul led her amidst the others, careful to stay in view of the dais at all times. Bella laughed. “We are bound to duty, you and I.”

  “What of passion?” He leaned in as if to whisper and lightly nipped her earlobe. Her body hummed with remembered desire.

  “We shared passion. Now we must say good-bye. It’s cruel of you to tease me like this.”

  “It isn’t to tease. It is to taste. To create want and need.”

  “That cannot be appeased.” Her voice trembled as her gaze flicked about the room.

  “Yet the waiting is bittersweet. We are not through, you and I.” Raoul spun her around.

  She pushed away from him before she made a fool of herself … again. “Where are the cats?”

  “You want me to take you to see them?”

  ”Non. I am changing the subject if you will let me.”


  Bella’s toes curled, and he wasn’t even touching her. She looked over his shoulder to see Eleanor leaning across Irene to talk to Manuel. “We should be closer to the dais. The queen’s plan is to capture Manuel’s interest so that he will make time to see her, as promised.”

  “I’ve made arrangements. Why make the extra effort?”

  Bella cleared her throat. “We have heard that the emperor has a tendency to change his mind. Frequently.”

  Raoul rubbed his chin. “That is, unfortunately, based on truth. An emperor must do as he sees is right at the moment the decision is made. Often there are other factors that come into play later.”

  Bella nodded. “If we do not appease the empress immediately, I fear she will pull out my queen’s hair.”

  He chuckled. “Let us dance close, then, and I will catch the emperor’s eye while you try for your queen.”

  “We have become partners in crime,” Bella said, her fingers twining with his.

  His eyes smoldered with promises she knew she would climb the great wall to see kept.

  “I am going to hell,” she informed him, as serious as a priest giving confession.

  “I know where the sacred relics are. One touch of the bloody thorn absolves you of all sin.”

  “Good to have around.” Bella swirled.

  “It’s the emperor’s favorite.”

  Bella and Raoul danced as close as they could, but it wasn’t until she tripped over an imaginary foot and fell into the dais that Manuel and Eleanor’s conversation was broken up.

  Empress Irene huffed and got to her feet. “I would like to enjoy some pastries and fruit. Come with me, Eleanor. Have you everything ready for your journey in the morning?”

  Manuel glared at Raoul, who jerked his head at Bella. “She’s not as graceful as one would think.”

  Bella dipped her head in humiliated apology as Manuel threw his hands in the air. King Louis, ever oblivious, claimed fatigue and quietly bade the emperor good night as the ladies left.

  “You are certain, Louis, that there is nothing I can offer to have you stay?” He grasped Louis’s hand as if in friendship. “Just until your friends arrive. King Roger is a battering ram against the south wall, but they should have no problem if they come upon the other side.”

  “Non.” The king leaned forward to embrace Manuel, then stepped back. “I appreciate your generosity, but it is time for my Crusaders to move on. The viewing of the precious relics has made me eager to see Jerusalem, and the news of Conrad’s victory against the Turks urges me onward. I have waited here in your beautiful city long enough.”

  “Until tomorrow then,” Manuel said.

  “Will you give Eleanor my good-byes, Lady Isabella?”

  She nodded and Louis left, taking Odo and Thierry with him.

  “He is a good man,” Manuel pronounced.

  “Oui.” Bella turned to look for the queen.

  Empress Irene and the cousins were all clamoring over which was the most beautiful jewel on Eleanor’s hand, the cousins no doubt hoping for a gem of their own. Recalling the slurs from the two older girls, Bella hoped the rings stayed on the queen’s finger.

  Sarah, without Jonathon, neared the dais and Manuel greeted her with enthusiasm. “How are you feeling, my dear? You look in the first blush of health.”

  She curtsied. “I am feeling much better, Emperor. Although a touch fatigued.” Sarah placed her hand over her belly. “I have need of Bella, if I may?”

  “Of course,” the emperor said, his eyes narrowed, belying his generous smile.

  Bella turned and linked arms with Sarah. “What is it?”

  “Jonathon spoke with Eleanor, who offered to help get his marriage annulled.”

  “What?” Bella glanced at Sarah to see how she was feeling. Excited, from the sparkle in her eyes.

  “Jonathon was betrothed to this child through his father. He has never met her, let alone consummated the marriage. The queen promised to see him free to marry me, if I would have him.”

  Bella wasn’t sure what to do but knew she couldn’t share her concerns now. Not with Sarah so happy. “And will you?”

  Sarah grabbed Bella’s hands. The two women whirled in a circle, surprising the dancers who were actually following the music. “I made him apologize over and over but, oui, I will wed the father of my babe.”

  “Have you told the others?”

  ”Not yet. I wanted to share my news with you first, to see if you are truly happy for me or if your heart is broken. I can see by the way you shine next to Raoul that Jonathon meant nothing to you at all. Your friendship is dear to me.”

  Bella pulled Sarah into a hug. “I think of you as a sister and wish you nothing but happiness.”

  “I’m off to tell the others.” She traipsed away, and Bella turned to locate Jonathon, who was sipping wine by the food table, a dazed look in his eyes.

  “Congratulations, Jonathon.”

  He lifted his cup and smiled. “Many thanks, my lady.”

  “I have a question for you, and then I promise I will not bother you again with it.” She gestured for him to come close so they could speak more privately in the crowded room.


  “That night we found Sarah, you said you were waiting in the bushes for hours. I know you said you did not see or hear anything to alarm you, that you thought she was inside with Manuel. You were more than likely jealous, yes?”

  “Burning with it. But what could I do? Sarah agreed to gather information for the queen. Of course Emperor Manuel chose Sarah to have an assignation with. She’s beautiful. No offense to you, Lady Isabella, but I prefer blondes. As does Manuel, obviously, since Empress Irene is blonde as well.”

  Bella’s mind spun, and she had the nagging feeling she was missing something apparent.

  “You assumed the person inside was Manuel because it was supposed to be Manuel.”

  “Oui.” He shrugged.

  ”How did Sarah get there?”

  “A royal slave brought her.”

  Jonathon hadn’t attacked Sarah. So who had? “Dressed in
purple.” Could Manuel have tried to kill Sarah? But why?

  “Where have you been since we last spoke beneath the stairs?”

  His face reddened. “Please accept my apologies for my rude behavior. I was worried for Sarah, and instead of seeing her, I was sent to deliver a message on behalf of the queen. Unwed and pregnant? Attacked?” He took a drink. “I felt worthless. But when I returned, I told the queen everything. And now”—he shrugged and smiled—”I’m getting married to the woman I love.”

  Relief poured through her body, and she smiled back. “I forgive you, of course. And I’m so happy for you.”

  Bella heard the strident tones of Nikola cross the room as she chastised Leah for something or another. She congratulated Jonathon again and went toward Leah, who was flanked by her cousins.

  “How are you, Leah?”

  Nikola and Marie stopped their bickering long enough to send disapproving glances to one another, then back to her.

  “Fine, thank you,” Leah said. “Your gown is lovely.”

  “As is yours.” Bella ignored the other two women. “I would like a word with you. Care to walk with me?”

  Nikola and Marie spluttered but couldn’t demand to come along.

  Leah laughed softly as they left the table. “Is there a reason you wanted to snub them so openly?”

  “I don’t have patience for mean women. What are your wishes for the future?” Not that Bella would be around to offer friendship. She just wanted to let the younger woman know she was not without allies.

  “Since Empress Irene despises the Queen’s Guard, I doubt she will let me form one for her. Perhaps I will join the circus. Or become a dancer.” She swiveled her hips and snapped her fingers.

  Bella laughed. “Impressive.”

  “I escape whenever I can. Often in disguise. You meet the most interesting people when you have nothing to lose.” Leah looked over her shoulder, making sure nobody heard her confession.

  “You would make a terrific guard.” Bella stopped at a bench along the wall. “I have a question for you, and you can answer or no.”

  She nodded.

  “Who is entitled to use the royal messengers? Is it just the emperor?”

  “Oh no,” she said. “I could use them if I needed—if it wasn’t a secret, since all messengers report back to the emperor.” She paused. “Here come Nikola and Marie. If you want to slip away, I will gladly tell them of my plans to join the circus.”

  Bella laughed and kissed Leah’s cheek. “Good luck to you. I would count you as a friend if you ever are in need.”

  “Same here. Hurry.”

  Bella went to find Raoul, who was in deep conversation with Manuel and John. Mamie, Fay, Catherine, and Sarah had formed a protective half circle around the queen. They were laughing, drinking wine, but guarding her from any disparaging comments.

  Eleanor looked up to catch Bella’s eye and beckoned her forward, even as she made her excuses to the empress. “As entertaining as this evening has been, I fear I am tired from the day’s packing. And tomorrow will see more to be done before we leave your lovely city.”

  Empress Irene kissed Eleanor’s cheeks. “If I may be of service?” She set her small plate and eating knife on the table. Only a strawberry tart remained.

  “You have done so much already. We are indebted.”

  “Never,” the empress said, reaching out to squeeze the queen’s hand.

  The guards all took their spots around the queen to leave when Eleanor asked Bella to stay and search for a lost emerald. Bella nodded and wondered what she really searched for.

  As Bella went to the wall, supposedly looking for the jewelry, Raoul joined her, dropping to his knees. “The emperor can meet now. I slipped Eleanor the directions to the chapel. We will protect them from the next room.”

  Bella’s stomach fluttered with worry. “It’s done then.” Would the queen really dishonor Louis in such a way for her uncle’s sake? For Aquitaine?

  “It is what they wanted.” Raoul pretended to find the ring, and Empress Irene nodded, pleased. Manuel yawned, signaling his desire to leave. Empress Irene took his arm, and they left together, a pair, unlike Louis and Eleanor, who stayed separate while Louis remained chaste for God until Jerusalem.

  “It should only take a few minutes,” Bella said, worry heavy on her shoulders.

  “What is it that she wants from Manuel?”

  Bella knew she should not say a word, but he would hear it soon enough from their hiding place. “She seeks Manuel’s support for her uncle Raymond of Antioch’s sole kingship of Outremer.”

  Raoul’s swarthy face drained as he stared at Bella. “Treason.”


  “Shh.” Bella furtively looked about the empty room.

  Raoul’s face turned red, then drained to a pale white as he scowled. “You do not understand.”

  Bella found herself frightened of Raoul for the first time since she’d come to know him. She took a step back, the bench behind her legs forcing her to sit.

  Raoul dropped to his knees and clutched her hands in his. “Your queen makes the biggest mistake of her life if she meets with Manuel about this. Raymond of Antioch …” His rugged visage twisted with hate.

  Bella wished she could break free but would not leave his side.

  His anguish was evident.

  “Tell me,” she whispered.

  “Manuel’s father, John, fought bitterly with Raymond over land—Constantinople. Raymond is a power-hungry whelp who oversteps without thought to consequences. Manuel’s father was murdered with a poisoned arrow. Some wonder if it was shot by Raymond himself. Manuel has sworn a death oath against him. Messengers arrive, and he sends them back to Raymond without their heads.”

  Bella’s cool interior cracked as she imagined Queen Eleanor begging a favor from a man who had such cause to hate her uncle. “She doesn’t know this. Raymond is playing on her innocence.”

  Raoul bowed his head, then lifted it so they were eye to eye. “Raymond is the Christian that razed my village, killing my wife and son.”

  Her composure crumbled into a million pieces. “You have reason to hate him, but my queen would know nothing of this. Please, Raoul, please take me to her. I must protect her. It’s my duty!”

  “And mine to see that vermin destroyed.”

  “Hurting Eleanor would not do that. It would hurt our king more. Clever Raymond is too far removed to be caught. He pleads to his niece on his behalf without warning her of the dangers.” She wiped her eyes. “He is evil.”

  Gritting his teeth, Raoul stood, his face a mask she couldn’t read.

  “Go to her. Stop her from coming. I will make up some excuse.”

  She knew how much it hurt him to offer her queen an escape. Throat aching with regret, she whispered, “Thank you, Raoul.” She kissed his lips lightly, knowing it was good-bye forever, before she ran to save the queen.

  As she left, she bumped into the table and knocked over the empress’s dessert plate. The knife clattered to the marble tile.

  Bella’s mouth dried. The handle of the eating knife was embossed with a lily. Raoul said the knife had gone missing from his room.

  With new resolve, she grasped the blade and ran.

  When she reached the queen’s chamber, Bella barged in to find Eleanor already clothed for an intimate encounter. Larissa, unhappy but helping, finished lacing the ribbons on the sheer sleeves. The queen was breathtaking—and walking into a death sentence.

  “You should have knocked, Bella,” the queen said coolly.

  “You cannot go.” Bella sucked in a breath as she corralled her wayward thoughts. “I won’t let you.”

  “I will.” Eleanor looked down her nose as only a queen could do. “This is what I’ve been working toward since we arrived.”

  “Raymond of Antioch is no friend of the Comnenus line. Please, let me tell you what I’ve learned.”

  “Your fear makes you babble. It’s endearing but unnecessary.”

  “Manuel despises your uncle and believes him guilty of murdering—”

  The queen drew back her shoulders and raised her finger. “If you say one more word, I will have you dismissed not only as a guard but from the French palace. You can return to that convent you were plucked from.”

  Bella’s tears dried. She had sworn an oath to protect the queen, at the cost of her own life. She’d been confined before and would do it again. She swallowed hard. Once she was caught, she would probably be killed anyway. “I honor you.”

  The queen relaxed, no doubt thinking that Bella would leave her to her own devices. Instead, Bella looked about until she found the queen’s crown and veil from the dance, along with the jeweled robe and the piece of paper with directions. Bella shrugged out of her ornate gown, ripping and popping what wouldn’t give, and pushed her arms through the queen’s jeweled robe.

  “Larissa, lock her in if you must. I need half an hour. The deed should be done by then. My queen, your uncle is the man who shot the arrow that killed Manuel’s father. He would not hear you out before he had you thrown into prison for anything from adultery to treason.” Bella tucked her hair beneath the veil as Larissa began to cry silent tears.

  Queen Eleanor’s beautiful face twisted. “Get out of my robe. You are dismissed! No longer a guard!”

  Bella had no idea where the strength to defy her liege came from, but she lifted her chin proudly. “You accepted the risk, so it’s important to you. I will go on your behalf and plead your case and Raymond’s, exactly how you would do.” Bella put her hand over her heart. “I swear.”

  “Damn you.” Eleanor’s shoulders sank.

  Bella refused to cry. “Let me take the risk on your behalf. If Manuel is interested in your uncle’s offer, then you can meet again, but please, please let me do this.”

  Larissa positioned herself by the front door, looking gratefully at Bella as she wiped her eyes. “We owe you our loyalty, my queen. It’s out of love and respect that we voice our concerns.”

  Eleanor sat abruptly on the edge of the bed, her hair loose and streaming over her shoulders. “I promised my uncle I would try, offering Manuel land that Raymond took. He is counting on me.”


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